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I had the same thing the other day. Booted up the Beta for the first time, did my usual thing of maxxing out supplies and Torps, waited the 4 days for loading. Leaving La Rochelle at night, and I'm like, "Oh theres a graphics glitch I've never seen, why is the sky in that direction all lit up?" #15 RAF planes, all with a U96 fetish. Shit was heckers as fuck, but good fun 😅😅


Me nervously staring at the unexploded bombs on my deck


Maybe they are friendlies coming to say high 🥹


yeah, they were not friendly.


Yeah, I had this once (ended up reloading the save). Particularly in '39/40, it either shouldn't happen, or flak should drive them off pretty quick (I assume they don't want to add German fighters for air cover?) Not adverse to it as a quick story as I leave port, or a danger in the later war (particularly if operating from a French port).


You can observe planes flying in game, they don't have the intelligence nor the physics to fight on air, it's not there, and I don't think we'll ever see it. The flak is what I miss the most, I don't care about fighters, but ground AA should be a little bit better if they are going to make raids with 15 fighters


Run and gun baby!!!!!!


U Boot Bunker my friend


Better get the hell out of there quick


Woah i didnt know this could happen. To the point where I never upgraded ports. By the way, i created a new campaign with the beta and I cant seem to be able to chose my research on HQ. Its automatically doing it it seems.  Should I restart a campaign? I wanted to unlock snorkel earlier on the campaign. Currently in late 1939. Should I restart?


There is an option in settings to automate HQ research