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Step 1: Fire torpedoes at multiple ships to initiate the attack. Farther shots go out first, then the closer ones. If you time it right, you can hit near simultaneously (calculate for speed and difference at point of impact). Step 2: Use salvos if they are already evading. Especially when firing into a large group, some torpedoes are going to miss once they start evading, but if you approached from a good angle there is a chance of that miss striking another target in a dense convoy.


Side note, I manually calculate.


Farther shits do always go out first.


Damn how far do you shit?


Edit: Ahhh they fixed it.


That's probably why the zig zagging and homing torpedoes were invented. I haven't unlocked them yet.  Game wise, I target manually. I shoot for the furthest target first, then try and get a second or third target in descending range before the first torpedo hits.  In a convoy the speed and course are the same so it makes the solution much easier for target 2&3.  Sometimes the last to be hit will evade at the but if you get it right there won't be time. 


The only problem with those homing torpedos if your in a wolf pack be careful where your pack is, nothing like being called the enemy of the state when your torp decides to take out a friendly


Yesterday I missed two times in a Harbor on stationary ships, I can’t even think about hitting ships with evasive manoeuvres engaged yet lmao Love the new realism mode though, the tdc itself seems very well translated. Those men had to be either super bright when it comes to these types of mathematics or just very well trained, making all the necessary reads in a life or death situations with destroyers on your tail seems nearly impossible and I’m only doing it in a video game


The TDC makes it so you don’t really need to do much math yourself, as long as you understand the geometry to begin with. Before they had TDCs, though, everything was calculated by hand on paper.


There's a good chance you didn't miss but your torpedoes ended up running aground. Some harbours in the game are not deep enough even though ships spawn in them. You'll have to have the torpedoes run shallower.


Thx I didn’t know that! I am pretty sure they were flat missed though since I’ve seen them go off on the map lmao, I wanted to start my first tdc campaign with map icons because if I wouldn’t even see where my bad torps go I couldn’t start to make adjustments because I wouldn’t even know what I did wrong


Get close to about 700m zig-zag wont matter at that range


Depending how far you are from the convoys destination, it's often a good idea to stalk the convoy during the day and make attacks at night. This is most easily done in the Atlantic and can get trickier the closer you are to Britain, especially as ship and aircraft density increases


Up close and personal, tier 1 torpedoes at 44knots. They won’t have time to evade


I used to keep the course value and drop the speed by one or two knots to adjust for zig zagging. Haven’t really testing it much with the new updates and all.


Fire from closer range.