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Weirdly I haven’t seen an air raid since the last big update like 6mo-a year ago (and I have hundreds of hours, not like I just started playing)


Weird, this was first one I’ve ever seen, with 80ish hours on the “unstable” beta I had gone to port after a 40 ship convoy attack and I had no more torpedoes


air raids against ports are in the game, being more common later in the war and in french ports.


Yeah port of Brest, makes sense becuase I’ve never played in French ports


Thats the downside of french ports, RAF proximity and increasingly overextended luftwaffe results in fairly frequent air raids




To me it happens often from the moment i set foot in France😀


I have no idea why the screen shots are all fuzy like that sorry about that.


How did you shoot em down? I can only hit few with the 8.8 when they are directly approaching me.


I have AP rounds for the 20mm anti aircraft gun and when the are coming right at me I open up in bursts until they are smoking, or have passed overhead one mag of ammo will usually get it done


What ammo have you got for the guns


They call him Steady-Hand Sam


Oh no they don't need to be more accurate. Taking that direct bomb hit while crossing the Channel gets old pretty quick.


I’ve never even taken damage from a depth charge from a plane in almost 100 hours of playing and I have the hardest settings possible, the ships are deadly but the planes can barley get near the sub also, they take way to little damage in my opinion


Bro I was just swamped be relentless aerial attack for a straight 7 days it was crazy I could barely surface for air before another attack


Observation periscope before you fully surface and also the deck awash depth level + an engineer at improve depth keeping can reduce air detection time


I did that yet they still were all up in my ass, it was crazy


Dang alright we’ll I take it you lived? Becuase a few hours after this I crashed into a freighter becuase it was raining and dark and I actually couldn’t see anything


Fucking barely, I was under orders to sink this particular convoy ship so my nights were raiding the fucking thing dodging destroyers and my days were hiding from fucking aero planes. Finally spotted the fucking ship and guess what, mag trigger prematurely detonated and the impact on the second torpedo was a fucking dud. Now here I am busting Mr ass out here and the fucking Kriegsmarine can’t be assed to give me functional fucking torpedos I tell you what


True true


You say they need to be more accurate meanwhile when I spotted some I immediately crash dove and the planes FIRST bombing runs were complete DIRECT hits and sent me down to crush depth 😭


See that’s becuase under water you are slower they will not hit you on the surface max speed and zig zagging all over