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"The 2017 ‘World’s Strongest Man’ winner t**ipped the scales at a whopping 366lb**, and faced influencer siblings the Neffati Brothers in an outlandish 2v1 [MMA](http://bloodyelbow.com/tag/MMA) ‘freak fight’. **Both siblings were less than half his weight, and collectively came in at just 291lb**." the two guys together were still 70lbs less than Eddie's weight [https://bloodyelbow.com/2024/06/07/worlds-strongest-man-eddie-hall-lands-vicious-one-punch-ko-as-he-stops-two-opponents-in-2v1-mma-freak-fight/](https://bloodyelbow.com/2024/06/07/worlds-strongest-man-eddie-hall-lands-vicious-one-punch-ko-as-he-stops-two-opponents-in-2v1-mma-freak-fight/)


It’s insane they made this fight, this isn’t remotely fair Jesus Christ


they should have let them have a 3rd 150 pounder in there IMO.


10 of them


Nah there's a video of Eddie Hall vs 5 guys all in knight armor he got fucked up, he even said it's impossible doesn't matter the size you just get swarm.


To be faaaaaair, that's Knight armor. They don't need to be as afraid of the weight behind his punches and with 5 guys two of them just need to grab onto his arms and hang tight. I think he would have been able to deal with 5 guys in a boxing match or a MMA match, if they were the size of his opponents here.


100% he fought dudes in literal armor. he was being humble by saying it was impossible, or he was saying its impossible *because* theyre wearing the armor. i mean hell, id be afraid to grab a dude in armor lest he move his arm wrong and cut off my fingers


Nah, I saw the fight. He was outmatched by the 5 experienced armored dudes. He was throwing them around still, but with two guys hanging on each arm it was too exhausting. And the fifth guy was free to just wail on his helm. That's not going to happen in an unarmored situation, because no one will recover from one of his punches that easily.


[If this is referring to this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5ZNUDnAcZM), it is so stupid I love it.


I’m glad it happened. It’s so easy to not get a real gauge of an athletes ability because they’re completing with relatively equal opponents. This dude just threw a grown man like a toddler lol We should also have randos compete in the Olympics. Usain Bolt is the fastest man alive, but the wins aren’t as obviously impressive because the next fastest guy finishes within a few feet of him. Pick someone from the audience to actually show everyone how insanely fast they are.


I'm not glad it happened the casual MMA dumbasses are now saying this is proof he'd beat Jon Jones


As a casual MMA dumbass, who tf cares about what we're saying?


Seriously, just have a contest and if the guy doesn’t get lapped he gets a million. Ratings would go through the roof.


Reminded me of that Game of Thrones scene where The Mountain was "training/warming up" by killing a bunch of peasants.


Eddie boxed the guy who played the Mountain, and lost


The mountain won on points. The whole fight showed how much of a robot Hafthor is. He's good at following instructions and that's what he did from his trainers and PR team. "Don't focus on a fight, win on points". That's why Eddie stopped the beef too. Gonna sound like I'm coping, but I genuinely think Eddie realized how he was just fighting alone in the beef and felt stupid and quit that. Hafthor was never in on the beef, it was just a PR thing. But the fight was weak. Eddie was out for blood, trying to land the one punch that would end the fight over and over. Hafthor didn't care even slightly, as long as he technically won the fight, he had done what he'd been told. He didn't give a crap about truly beating Eddie.


> Hafthor was never in on the beef, it was just a PR thing. They definitely had real beef back when they competed in WSM but they both were years removed from competing by the time they fought.


What in the absolute fuck? How is this fair? Eddie’s probably physically eats the weight of their legs daily and now he’s allowed to play with his food? He genuinely could’ve killed these guys.


It’s supposed to get views not be fair


Wait that’s Eddie Hall? Wtf is this lol


"Damn that looks exactly like Eddie" \*checks names at bottom\* "When the fuck did Eddie sign up for tiktok MMA fights?"


not like he hasn't tried to get "Titanweight" fights with other strongmen. him, brian shaw, and 2 others were trying to do a "Titanweight" tournament style thing but the promoter apparently was fuckin things up


Didn't Bjorn beat him in a boxing match?


They didn't even get paid. The promoter ran with the money or something I think.


They were donating it all to charity anyways weren’t they? It still sucks


That's even worse then




he should work out more


Obviously not getting his stem cells


His whole camp was bloody awful and full of yes men. Thor had a much better bunch of people around him and actually fought a couple of fights before fighting Eddie. Thor was going to win that fight 9/10 even if Eddie has a fucked bicep.


Don’t think he had yes men around him, I watched all his videos leading up to it - his thoughts were that they both suck at boxing, so he might aswell play to his strengths and turn it into a brawl. Didn’t work out for him


They rescheduled for a later date because he tore his bicep which he later claimed still bothered him even though he had the extra time for surgery and to heal. Truth is Thor took the whole thing more serious, trained the fundamentals better and transformed his body to compete for boxing


Yep best explanation bro. Thor trained like a tradional boxer and easily outboxed him.


Yeah Eddie sparred against his lifting mates and just banged on about mindset. Thor trained properly had a couple tune-up exhibition fights, one against an ex commonwealth champion, and just generally took the whole thing more seriously.


Yes that probably was an issue, but Thor was actually technically a better boxer, Eddie didn’t bother with a guard and just swung wildly trying to land a knock out whereas Thor actually tried to technically box and rightfully won


He was also dehydrated. Imagine an Eddie that’s hydrated and without a torn bicep? You can’t but imagine.


Or we could watch this clip right here ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek) *pwwwwoooosshh*


He got outboxed the entire fight


He torn his bicep 18 months before the boxing match.




That doesn't excuse why his movement was worse and his opponent looked more fluid


He's shaped like a bowling ball


Probably because he’s a 6’3 one armed meatball and the other guy built like tyson fury with like 60 more pounds of muscle


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Great bot


Half Thor is who outboxed him. He was just most skilled. They both lost a shit load of weight


There was a recent YouTube post by Shaun Jones showing exclusive hall vs aspinall sparring footage just yesterday. He mentioned hall’s upcoming 2v1 which I assumed he took after the strong man fight was canceled. What a nice right cross


It's gotta be right? Doing some crazy Asian MMA shit like the old Pride era fights with Bob Sapp fighting little dudes that were way better than he was.


Yep He trained with Tom Aspinall as prep He was going to fight the Middle Eastern hulk guy


Is it the guy who appeared not that Hulk in real life? Iranian as i remember.


I remember people sending me these obviously photoshopped pics like "This dude is huge! Why doesn't he compete in powerlifting?" Turns out he's just a chungus.


He had an interview with Bisping recently where he was talking about how he's gonna fight like 2 influencers in MMA and he even was training with Aspinall.


Unreal. What a legend


lmao wild he did this those two little twinks had zero chance , whoever matched this fight should get publicly caned by ladyboys. Even if there were 6 of them i'd have still bet Eddie.


Why didn’t they just see red? Are they stupid?


The video says round 3, I wonder how those two guys were getting past 2 rounds? They get obliterated with ease here, you’d think this would happen in the first lol wonder if they were just running to begin? Need to find the full fight lol I wanna see it


It was probably like a Dark Souls boss fight for them. "Everything will be fine as long as I don't get hit a single time"


i really hope they spam rolled their way through the first two rounds lmao


The first punches thrown were in the third round the ran so much. 


Getting caned by ladyboys sounds like a good time to me 😉!


The IRL version of "How many toddlers could you beat in a fight"


About 50. Assuming, obviously.


According to Masvidal, he can beat an infinite number of women so this is trash


according to Dana too


Jon can too, but only by split decision if without PEDs.


Really depends on how greased up they are. Presumably


I'd bet 50 for me too... but know it's at least 4.


Depends on how they're set upon you. 1 by 1? I could punt the little shits about half the day til I tired out. all at once? have to start throwing hands and I'd wear out faster I would think.


And this has proved the answer to be - at least 2


I could beat up a LOT of toddlers, but every time I try to prove it people seem to get upset. Don't they understand that I'm a warrior?


I reckon I could take 7 easy, the ankle biters would the ones to punt first


I would absolutely sign up for this experiment. Just need parental consent x 50. But fuck yeah, bring it. I could take most of them down.


How the F did they make it to round 3?


Just read up on it, they wouldn’t engage with him and he wouldn’t be baited into letting one of them run around to get behind him. He kept his back to the cage and they would take turns running in to throw leg kicks before running away. They were being booed so I guess they finally caved and realized they had to do something to be entertaining (because that’s all freak fights are good for) and that’s when this happened.


That makes sense. I was just gaming this out in my head and it actually seems doable if you only have one attack from the back and never let him catch you. A person Eddie Hall’s size is actually running into physics problems in terms of his stamina. Like, Square-Cube Law kind of dictates that he can’t chase you around for more than a round or two. A LHW is way more dangerous in the 2-1 scenario where your plan is to try to wear them out. But just backing up against the fence is smart.


>Square-Cube Law kind of dictates that he can’t chase you around for more than a round or two. Brian Shaw set the indoor concept 2 rowing record on a whim. Eddie Hall set the Isabel CrossFit world record because he could. Pretty sure he almost qualified for the royal marines in a video with Ross Edgley as well. Basically, strongmen have an inhuman work capacity, personally I wouldn't apply the usual expectations of stamina to them. They're obscene monsters from the annuls of mythology.


Interesting. Very similar to how wolves in a pack fight. I reckon if they weren’t in a cage they would have had a bit more success.


What the fuck? He made it to round 3? That's Eddie hall isn't it? He just killed a dude the size of his leg! That dude is massive ..


he let them


Do the Floyd Mayweather, and just run around the ring.


Was just wondering this myself lol I need to find the full fight I gotta see how they made it 2 rounds


They ran around for the first two two minutes rounds, zero punches thrown till this round. 


That one night me and mom took on Dad




Hey honey, wake up new will Smith GIF just dropped lol


He recently went on Hot Ones, and the video is currently at 44K dislikes.


Will Smith just is not it, he should retire from acting or at least take a few years off from the media to let his reputation heal a bit Bro’s been taking non stop L’s


Nah that slap was a permanent stain on his reputation it’s not going away


People have recovered from worse. I mean people were still listening to R Kelly and everyone knows he was pissing on kids.






The alcohol was like his can of spinach.


aka the last night, me and mom took on dad


Sean Strickland???




Mom was saved ✅ I went flying ✅ Dad apologized years later, Still bros with dad ✅


Donkey Kong vs the Ice Climbers




JFC, did he just commit murder on the one guy?


Dude went flying through the air and then immediately sent to the shadow realm


not even the shadow realm, the primordial realm, ain't no light for there to be a shadow where that guy went


Dude went to another dimension. Raised a family there and everything.


Imagine him waking up screaming about the lamp


Nah he is pulling a perfect corpse guard to lure Eddie into giving up the heel hook it's a good thing the ref saved Eddie in the end!




I'm slightly disappointed that he didn't hit one of them with the other.


I mean, the way he was hitting him on the back of the head is definitely not good and is banned in most fighting sports.


Everybody knows you get a few free back of the head taps in the UFC before you get your first slap on the wrist. I'm not surprised that some sketchy promotion doesn't care. They clearly aren't in it for the sport of it.


All joking aside setting up fights like this is *exactly* how you get people killed. I’m not going to lie; it’s interesting as a concept but when you actually see the results it’s extremely dangerous.


Guys, we might have found a sport more entertaining than slap fighting!


Now this is what I call "WWE" in real life.


i'd pay to see francis fight 2-3 flyweights at the same time


Nah make it Derrick Lewis, who will definitely do some shit like this for the bread, and throw in Demetrius Johnson and Henry Cejudo who can make a killer game plan. THATS a fight.


Oh yeah, Derrick Lewis would tear shit up, I'd love to see that.


Brother Mighty Mouse and cejudo would fuck Lewis up


As someone who has seen the vast majority of all three of their fights, and understands how legendary the skill sets of Might Mouse and Triple C are, I want to agree with you so goddamn badly. But I’m just imagining Francis pulling a kamikaze strategy like in the Bigi Boy fight, just running at them flailing, and if he manages to connect on one of them (much less both), it’s about to be bad fucking news for the one left standing.


Talking about Lewis here brotha. But I sure wouldn't mind seeing Ngannou in there with the bigi boy strategy lmao


Bruh. He is a worlds strongest man that started training boxing. Last I knew, he was over 400 pounds.. Heavyweight in the UFC cuts off at 265. Those punches have so much weight behind them.. These guys look amateur too. They don't even look like they make up his weight, together.


Holy shit I just realized this is Eddie hall This dude has has the world record dead lift iirc Overhead press probably like 500 pounds


500 lbs, that's like 70-80 lbs more than me, that's crazy


You weigh 430 pounds?


thats nothing bro im 640




He deadlifted 1102 pounds if that helps understand this ridiculousness.


Well yeah, he snatched that one dude that was obviously less than 200 like no problem.


Are you trying to say you overhead press 430-440 or you weigh 430-440?


They don't, combined they're still 75 lbs lighter.


He was training for an MMA event with Brian Shaw, Mitch Hooper and someone else and the promoter fucked them over. Great podcast with Brian Shaw, him and Thor also received no money for their boxing match.


He's 366, they're 290ish combined.


Lol yeah he outweighs both of them by 70lb


holy shit, I don't usually think anyone agreeing to be the 2 in a 2v1 is brave, but those boys are. heck the 2 of em together prob still weigh less than him by a \~50 pounds.




kinda just stupid TBH he's way too big to be playing around with for less than hundreds of thousands of dollars


That right hand sent him to the shadow realm. Probably felt like getting hit with a brick the size of his head.


Especially since Eddie actually trained striking him putting his weight behind any shots have to be fucking disgusting that's 300lbs behind his punch at a minimum


Apparently he has the worlds strongest punch when he tested for it. I assume he wouldn’t actually punch with all his strength here though


yeah, couldn't do his running load up punch here but still KOed the little dude cold


This is a 180 lb dude who ran into a fully planted shot from a guy who is probably legitimately twice as strong as Ngannou. That’s absolutely disgusting and seriously a great way to end up with someone getting killed.


People are waiting for : Masvidal vs Diaz, Connor’s return, Tyson vs Paul etc and Eddie hall just out of the blue just did this, which I’m sure is a 1000 times more exciting than all those put together. Eddie is the best.


When was this?




Are you sure this wasn't during the roman empire because it feels at home there


I think this may be the funniest thing ever.


I can't stop watching it and it gets funnier every time, how did those 2 ever think they'd have a chance


I mean there would literally be deaths without them. Ngannou KO's 300 lb men cold. Imagine him landing clean on a dude that walks around at 140.


Hey ... but sometimes it might be fun to watch 2 150s take him on lol


Eddie Hall is way stronger than Francis and its not like he's known for technique. Feel like this is a pretty accurate representation of what would happen. Backing up off balance murder shot.


Yeah this KO was very damaging, terrible matchup even for weird Russian shit


the "fight" was held in England


Chito would probably eat it still


That guy is dead, right?


I don’t see any shoes so he must be


What it feels like to be the oldest sibling


The dude who got knocked out probably legitimately got brain damage. Damn.


He's an "influencer" so I think he was already handicapped before the fight.


That's a fucked up statement. There are a lot of handicapped that have made contributions to the world around them. Don't lump them in with influencers.


There’s a good 3 v. 1 mma fight where the heavy weight wins via 3 chokes. It seemed liked the 3 were enough in the beginning too


We got Eddie Hall fighting in MMA before we got McGregor lmao


I'm pretty sure Eddie Hall can curl with reps the same amount those guys weigh.


When was this and why didn't I hear about it. That's hilarious.


Wtf happened in the first two rounds?


They ran in circles and kept distance


Any bros got a link to this one? Gd


They did waaaay too little promo for this... Even when Eddie threw a dwarf at the brothers in the pre-fight press conference it barely moved the needle. I think Eddie just felt like he'd invested so much time into MMA training for the promotion that came to nothing in February, that he wanted some way to shoot his shot and put the work to use. I'm interested in seeing the first two rounds too, though it's worth noting these were only 2 minutes rounds, I believe. This promotion is literally called Freak Fights. The rest of the card was things like celeb impersonators and dwarves.


Atleast now this has happened he might get some recognition for it, I know it’s a silly fight and event but he has put a lot of work in only to get fucked over earlier this year


They’re 5’3 and like 140 pounds each but they’re also… influencers. They’re not MMA fighters. Nor is Eddie Hall but he’s been training combat sports for much longer, so I don’t really understand this fight lol


I mean, that's one of the strongest men to ever live. Good luck taking him down.


That was a clean ass Jackknife Powerbomb


For a split second, I thought maybe he was taking on the island boys. Ah well, them's the breaks.


The fact that Eddie Hall didn't finish them in the first round is astounding, wtf were the rules?


Weight classes exist in the UFC so that Conor wouldn't become a 9-weight champ simultaneously.


Motivated McGregor beats Jones and Ngannou in the same night!


Unless you put a wig on McGregor. Then Jones would see red


this is the funniest thing i’ve seen


Eddie Hall 🤣


Ok I need more of this.


I think Eddie killed that guy


That right hook was so clean wtf lol


So does that make his MMA record 1-0 or 2-0? 🤔


Are we going to see Ngannou vs Mighty Mouse and Cejudo? I'd pay for that.


Watch him on Bisping’s podcast earlier in the week. He talks about the prep with Aspinal, the event, diet, working out etc. Good podcast. I hope they just keep upping the amount of opponents until he loses 😂


The craziest thing is they made the one he didn’t KO go back in and get KOed 1v1 https://youtube.com/shorts/rzE6cmbUSlg


Omg the way Eddie looked at the ref when the guy laid down like 'it's over right?' Then the ref is like 'nah, punch him'


My god... Bro was running for his life.


UFC should have an open class championship


Damn they got Eddie hall fighting teenagers lol


I hoped, I dreamed it was the “Island Bois.” It was not.


Power bombed and then walked chin up into that fully charged hook from the former world’s strongest man. Dudes lucky it didn’t end up being a dirt nap.


That’s also Eddie Hall. Former Worlds Strongest Man. The man can deadlift cars for reps.


Yeah... If I got picked up and slammed by a guy who would've used the same amount of effort to hold up a bunch of grapes, I'd have noped the fuck out right then and there.


Won't lie... I'd watch this.


We need UFC Tag team division


Can we get Eddie vs the Paul brothers next?


Is that Eddie hall?!?!?


This is exactly the kinda circus shit I wana see more of …fkn hilarious match ups….I could watch these freak show fights all day long


I don't wonder anymore how the ancient Roman's could be entertained by men and animals killing each other in the arena.


Umm. I think this clip is a great argument for why weight classes should not exist


A strongman wiping social media influencers from the face of the earth isn’t the hero we asked for but the hero we need.


We need more of these lol