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Not mentioned at times is his granite chin. Take some shots going in and deal bombs on the counter, entire fight plan. Working so far for him.


I’d always thought that was Ngannou’s secret too. They can tank a few blows while going in


Takes one to give one. The Smokin’ Joe special.


I smoke on the mike like smokin’ Joe Frasier


You can improve on your technical flaws, maybe do some plyo work or Olympic lifting to become more explosive, but there’s nothing you can do to overcome a bad chin. Some people just don’t take damage as well, bone density or some shit.


He can wrestle too. ilia is getting some flak for his exaggerated persona but dude is legit as they get. Max is a tough fight but I think Ilia is the new generation of fighters


When Mitchell won with the twister he looked like an absolute menace on the ground and was my dark horse at featherweight. When Ilia reversed him and eventually tapped him after beating the shit out of him I just about lost my mind


He beat the absolute FUCK out of Bryce mitchell lmao


Rag dolled him


Guy has been doing jiu jitsu since he was 4 and wrestling since 8 years of age, he came in to the ufc as a grappler


Mind blown Ilia the new heel GOAT


I don’t think that’s really uncommon for the past 40 or so years


Absolutely ragdolled Mitchell, it wasn't even close. Ilia gives me a different vibes than most recent champs. Leon, Suga, and DPP all seem very beatable. Ilia seems like he's going to stick around for a long, long time. The way he absolutely RAN THROUGH Mitchell, Emmett, and then Volk, displaying elite striking AND grappling (both of which have been rapidly improving with each fight), was surreal to watch, and he's only 27. "New generation" is definitely the way to put it. I think he's going to run through Ortega and, as much as we all love him, Max as well.


I think Max is a terrible match up for Ilia. He’s a rangy boxer with good footwork and evasiveness, whereas Ilia is more plodding and straightforward. He also has the best chin in the UFC and one of the best gas tanks. I think unless Ilia cracks that chin, he’s in for a long night tbh.


Max looked incredible against Gaethje but he didn't look at his best against Allen, KZ, or in the Volk trilogy. "Evasiveness" is not something anyone would've described Max as prior to the Gaethje fight. He has always been very hittable and prone to counters That Gaethje performance was such a weird outlier in his career that it leaves people wondering whether this is just how good Max is now, or if it was just a one-time overperformance.


I know Max caused that nose break but that was the game changer in the fight. The next 4 rounds was Gaethje trying his best to stay in the fight.


he really did not look impressive at all against tkz. he just isnt built for 145 anymore and really has a better shot against islam


Exactly, and this was an arguably washed KZ too. The way people are talking about Max is a really good example of recency bias in MMA, it really has people forgetting that Max looked pretty underwhelming for a good 2 years prior to that. At least at 145. Max at 155 is definitely interesting. Seeing him run it back against Charles would be a fun bout.


If I’m not mistaken Topuria wants to retire at 30 so I hope he doesn’t get holed up for any reason.


That’s why max fight is interesting. Max can take a shot and put on a volume. Will end similar to Gaychee and Max in my opinion


Gaywhat ?!








Ohhh sh\*\*t I'm ded hahahahaha!!!!! WOOOOOO


man i can never spell his name ![gif](giphy|lgo7xYCmM08Ib131vT|downsized)


ehhhhh idk I see topuria presenting the same issues porier did but worse in alot of ways. topuria is an enormous puncher second only to emmet at FW and more skilled with his hands in alot of ways (to be clear Dustin is very very skilled). I could see topuria being able to worry max enough to pull back on the volume therefore letting topuria build more and max build less. Topuria also has an incredible chin (second only to max in the division in my opinion) and though Max showed much improved power against gaethje he also bulked alot for LW and wasn't cutting as much weight. As much as he is an ATG at FW, especially as he gets older I don't know how well that power will come back down to FW with how hard the cut is. He's just never had remarkable power at FW and he likes measuring himself on his punches anyway. Topurias chin is amazing and IDK how any prolonged exchange would work out for max cause idk if he'll be able to get topurias respect with his punches and that's bad when your opponent hits as hard as topuria. Topuria can also keep up a great volume of powerful punches over 5 rounds like Dustin. He showed a tremendous gas tank against emmet over 5 rounds with a great volume of power punches thrown. He fatigued a bit in the middle of the fifth round but not that much and who can blame him he had tried to kill Emmett like 4-5 times in the fight including like 2 near finishes in the 4th round. the point is especially with his power to scare max off from building and snowballing he has a gas tank that would let him keep up a high pace over 5 rounds like porier did. Finally there's ilias pressure. Max has taken a more conservative backfoot focused approach in recent years. And fair play to him he's really developed it into an excellent skill of his as of late. but I don't think he's a better backfoot fighter than Alex volkanovski. and it doesn't seem like kiting ilia around and picking at him like volk did is a great strategy over 5 rounds just cause of how excellent his ring cutting is how potent he is and how durable he is. I would be afraid for max if he tried that sort of thing because of how durable he is id be scared that he would soak up A LOT of damage. And ilias tremendous pressure fighting plays into another strength of his: hes a superb offensive counterpuncher like porier. people like porier and topuria who are very good at taking things on their guard in the pocket and immediately returning ferociously it makes his pressure even scarier cause he's happy to stand in front of your return and try to chin you and he's very good at it. it makes extended exchanges harder and it makes breaking pressure harder. If I was Max I would not be looking to fight on the backfoot I would try to bring it to topuria and wear on him I wouldn't favor max if he fought a lot on the back foot. All of this isn't to say max couldn't succeed in a backfoot fight he's a brilliant all time great with an excellent team he has an incredibly deep and varied toolkit that he can use and he's a very cerebral fighter so he uses whatever he picks well. He's still fast as hell has the second best cardio in the UFC he's still unkillable. And he's dominated almost everyone not named Alex volkanovski. Anyone he hasn't dominated in his prime he's dragged through hell and they've either edged him in a war or lost. He has a decent chance but I have to pick ilia and there are just a lot of things about ilia I think will trouble max alot.


I’m not reading all that. Happy for you tho, or sorry that happened




Took a double dose of ADHD meds and they just kicked in. Only explanation for a wall of text that makes sense and has paragraphs.


Bro wrote the bible in one post, lmao


Not gonna read all that but we might have found Ilias account?


Good breakdown and it’s the main reason why I think ilia chins max. Max fan boys will meme this essay but maybe some paragraph next time. It was a good read


He doesn't take many shots going in...one of his great strengths is he is a power striker who actually has tight defense.


He’s the definition of “I can hit harder than you so it’s fine”


Got cracked hard by Herbert and he didn't even feel it


He got his shit rocked with a head kick and got dropped, managed to grapple until he rocvered??


Yeah he got cracked pretty hard on this clip too, and didn't skip a beat. More impressive he went in aggressive after getting his shit rocked


That matador lifestyle, he just saw red bro


His entire body shifts with the hook. He knows how to leverage power


Proper technique will do that


Why it annoys me when people say poatan is just powerful, plenty of big dudes cant hit like him cuz he has buttloads of technique


He got loads of butt


I understood this reference.


Nobody even says that.




Basically uses the left hook to load the right hook. If he hits that left hook to the body, better get ready for the right to the head.


If he hits me with that left hook to the body I don't think I will be ready for that right to the head


It’s definitely brutal.


Might be the same for some of these fighters too.. they are not knocked out but have basically checked out after the brutal liver shot.. then BAM


He spams that combo so effectively. “Don’t fear that man that knows a million kicks but fear the man that kicks a billion times or something”


100%. What has to be hard is knowing he likes it but also being overloaded with it.




I need this lad to get a left body hook and dip into a follow up left hook to the head in his bag. As if he's not already terrifying enough


If Ilia KOs Holloway SOMEHOW, this sub will have a meltdown harder than when Islam subbed Charles


Hoping that happens🤞


Lol that would be insane.


He's gotta be the hardest hitter in FW along with Emmet


Emmet has unreal power when he lands flush. Ilia boxing him up and butchering him for 5 rounds was impressive.


That was such a brutal beat down , Emmett was just so outmatched. Big Respect to him for staying in the fight and wanting to get back out there, dudes a fucking DOG. That fight cemented ilia as a top dog, there’s him, Volk and Max, then there’s everyone else a couple levels below them


Might also put Jeremy Stephens up there, man had bombs for hands


Who the fook is that guy?


Forgot the Ryan Hall one, which put him on the map


i love that one, ryan was again trying his 1 trick pony shit and got flatlined . So satisfying to watch.


Damn, that diva can crack.


Man I wish he would have just stayed quiet after winning the belt, I’d be a big fan right now. I love watching him fight. He hits so damn hard and goes after every opponent… but god damn, what a douche bag.


He’s a dick but being a heel brings numbers, I’m honestly a fan just for what skills hes bringing, I’d love to see how he pairs up against max, movsar, Ortega, Lopes, and Lerone. I know everybody’s excited for the max fight but before that I want to see Ilia wage war in this division, all of the above would be fire matchups. Besides Movsar but that’s still a fight I’d pay to see


For sure. I’m not going to miss a single Topuria fight. I haven’t since he joined the ufc actually… such an elite striker with crazy power


Honestly I kinda like his shenanigans. Some many champions never talk smack so his polar opposite approach kills me every time. His choppy English makes it even better.


How is he a douche bag?


I can’t comment on the tattoos, that’s not something I’ve ever noticed. Basically just always running his mouth on Twitter. Shit talking max for no reason. I guess he’s just being a heel, which I understand.. but he’s also so arrogant and just doesn’t seem like a down to earth kind of guy imo


Basically he tries to mimic Conor, look at his back tatoo for example. Tho his interviews in english are cringe. But I'm a fan of his fighting skills, dude's a machine.


Conor was nowhere near the first with a spine tattoo lmao


Riley Reid


Who? Just kidding.


I mean he clearly copied mcgregors tattoos for starters


Hardest hitting 45er right here ✋🏻


Prime 145 Conor or Topuria who wins


Idk who wins but that would have the potential for a clash at the Santiago Bernabeu


Bernabeu seats are way too far to work for a UFC event. Would be the worst possible fan experience


Who cares about fan experience? Ufc? They literally moved an event to an entire different state to allow their juiced up fighter to fight


I mean I recently got to watch Moreno vs Royval who are already very small from very far away in a not that big venue, and yeah it wasn't worth it at all, next time I'll just watch in my living room. That being said, Topuria seems eager about fighting there since he's a Madridista and Dana probably would be willing to if the money was there, regardless of how good the experience is.


Jeremy Stevens that’s who


I remember being a new fan, getting dragged into MMA because of Conor's hype in 2015 and seeing that press conference. I thought Conor had a nice zinger there, so I decided to look up Jeremy Stephens highlights to see if he was kidding. That man was not, he really KO'd people stiff


Oh yeah he really did. He had power… Eddie Alvarez is the same story for casual/new fans. Eddie was fucking everyone up, and was always in wars, but Conor picked him apart and made him look like an amateur


Conor hasn’t been the best against grapplers and ilia is a monster on the ground. He’d eat Conor e


Come on it’s not even close. Topuria is better standing up and on the ground


“When I knock people down, they don’t fuckin move”


Wow we need that max Holloway fight right now. Prayers to max


Topuria can take the fight to the ground as well, I could see him going for takedowns on Max if he feels after the first two that he’s outmatched on the feet. Many more paths to victory for Ilia than Max in their matchup


The guy who was closest to beating him was Herbert, a tall kick-boxer, so Max may have some chance


I see your logic but Jai Herbert has 8 inches of reach on max holloway


I honestly believe the only way to beat him is to snipe him


I honestly believe the only way to beat him is by slipping laxatives into his water before the fight


and max and topuria have same reach


Max has no power though unlike Herbert. Put a tall, hittable, no power, no ground game featherweight and Ilia kills him. Ilia is a horrible matchup for Max.


I had my prayers out for max against gaethje and look how that went lol


I think max can win that idk why


Chin and height. Topuria has power and true boxing skills though. He stays in the pocket and every punch is tight and snaps.


Yeah when his fights are over it’s because there is literally no one left fighting him. Not because the clock ran out


Why the other guys doesn’t just avoid the punches? Are they stupid?


My exact thoughts every time someone gets knocked out. Smh simply just avoid the punches… tf?


This planet is huge and you choose to be in the exact place your opponent's hand is going ? Like come on dude, you're not even trying


They have a brain tumor, they need mouse bites 


Felt them body shots myself


Those bombs look brutal..


Hardest hitting 145er


I have Emmett over him. Emmetts striking is not as good but his power is insane, thought he killed Bryce.


Bryce is the last person you need to give CTE. Then again, it might help him rewire his brain.


This guy TKOs people


Was rewatching volk vs illia today and one thing that rlly stands out to me is illias patience and discipline to a game plan. In the whole fight and the emmet fight he never rushed and found himself out of position, he always Waited and only engaged in his terms. Since him vs max is pretty much confirmed I’m super interested to see how it will go, I feel like a lot of people are counting illia out after 300


Honestly, If both Max and maybe Volk in a rematch can’t get it done, I really don’t believe someone else will. Imho, his only real threats are Max and Volk, he gets those past two, we’re seeing the making of a dominant undefeated run. I didn’t buy in the Topuria hype untill the Josh Emmet fight but boy this dude has skill, that boxing is so crisp, those body shots and the thing is that it’s just the tip of the iceberg. The real story lies behind his wrestling and grappling, man this dude looks nothing but phenomenal. I would be the happiest guy if Volk or Max wins his belt back, but I’m intrigued to see what Topuria’s championship career will be like.


Not to mention, hes 27!


Topuria is such an animal. He throws with super bad intentions and loves the left hook liver then right over the top. Nasty stuff


This is before Damon Jackson got his hair back. I want to see a rematch, now that he’s back at full power.


He's a killer. I don't understand why he triggers people. He's confident. Deservedly so. So what? He's exciting and entertaining.


He's just talking shit for clout and PPV. I've seen his interviews in georgian dude is super chill and seems like a good dude haha


He absolutely ragdolled and man handled Bryce in that clip my god


I respect his style so much. Far too many fighters will land 3 and then step back and wait for their opponent to go.


Topuria's combination hits different


That's why the confidence




Jon Lineker 2.0


Hope he bulks up and fucks Islam up




Beautiful body shots damn.


Once he backs you up against the fence it's over


Bro throwing bombs


the body shots are underrated, they set up the headshots


His power is unreal. He spun Jai Herberts head around 180 degrees.


My fave fighter to watch.


That’s that man. Unbeatable featherweight


someone actually spent time adding the ghey tiktok music in the background


Hate to be that cunt, but it seems like he has a killer overhand right. If his next opponent can read into that, I’m curious to see how he fairs. His body work is the truly impressive part to me, he lands viciously and then his opponents keel over, putting their head in the perfect spot for his right hand. Wonder if this strategy will work against Holloway.


So few fighters consistently target the body, will always appreciate people like Topuria who aim for it consistently.


He doesnt just throws the overhead right he setups the shot perfectly, thats why it works so well, opponents now that its his go to move but they are just outplay, its the same thing with poatan left hook, Poatan sets his left hook up with his cross and illa sets up the overhand with his bodyshots.


Why did he have to knock out Ari Shaffir


The second hardest hitting 145er


Brutiful ![gif](giphy|xFBnkMvpTM6m4)


Dude can swat.


Max has one of the best chin in the game rn. Exciting match up fosho!


I don’t even like ilia but damn he’s a tough night for anybody.


His boxing is crazy and powerful but I need to se him against another good man on the standup


Hands of stone


Beautiful technique too. He loves that upper cut, body shot combo.


That hook to the body after the uppercut on Damon Jackson was just down right mean


Dude is a problem for sure


Dudes form stays impeccable. Stays throwing his body into shots and rotating. Amazing shit


I loved this dude since his debut, the boxing, the power, and the grappling game to back it up. I think he’ll be round for a long time. If he ever loses the belt, I believe he will get it back.


Same combo it looks like and it’s deadly every time🔥


That guttercut is fucking heavy jesus


It's like he clicks a switch


Starting to feel sorry for Bryce


Been saying this since the Ryan Hall knockout, this guy is a problem in the division and now he is the problem in the division. Incredibly refined and powerful striker with very good grappling. God I wish he wasn’t as cringy as he is but a damn good fighter nonetheless.


I smell another prince that will never become king.


He absolutely *slumped* Volk. If Volk wasn't so beloved, he would have been a meme on the sub for months after he showed up to the press conference in an old man costume and got put to sleep like an old man


Damn, even *my* ears are ringing


The bryce mitchell one was satisfying, not a fan of him




That body work.




They were just trying to tire him out


He puts Max to sleep


Those 'effin liver shots, dear lord. You can see those guys seize up when he lands them.


You know what's crazy? Guy is rarely over extended. He is always on his base and ready to fire on perfect form. He has good knowledge of space the reason why he KO's people. I believe to beat him you need to destroy his base and make him unable to generate power. Forget making him over extended he is so fast he can just go back to his base in split second Volk did this and was unsuccessfull because Topuria pick the moments where he can exchage. To beat him you need a heavy wrestling approach and good BJJ so he wont get comfortable planting his feet. Max ain't the guy beating him and will be surprised if he can,


Hes a dawg


When he knock people out, they don't move.


I love how he just ragdolls Mitchell.


He has better boxing than most mma practitioners. Mainly, he is fresh and hungry. Otherwise, just a strong fundamentals whose greatest competition was a battle-worn vet. Even Max has been through too many wars. Ilia’s movements are conventional though. Easier to read, easier to study and dissect. Unpopular opinion but i think Suga Sean can beat him.


Don't forget the wrestling. Maybe Ilia struggles to take Suga down but if he does... oh boy.


Man i’d love to see him fight islam


I want him to KO Max so bad, just to watch this sub meltdown


That Boy Bad


He swings with bad intentions. Probably would only see this version of him in 3 round fights. If he could that would be a crazy pace.


Idk about you guys but he gives me old mc gregor vibes.


He’s what garbrant wishes he could be


I haaaaate that man and his arrogant face, but I cannot talk trash about his boxing. Holy hell


I’m someone who can like a fighter based of pure skill and domination so Topuria quickly became one of my favorites, dude just looks unstoppable at times


The guy in an incredible fighter, I just wish he was more likeable on english. The guy is a lot more likeable in spanish


I think that's what they refer to as "hitting with intention". Lol 🤠


Somebody is gonna have to take him to the ground. Doesn't really seem like a guy you want to stand and bang with. Not to say that he can't grapple, cause he can. Just that he's got those hands of stone that don't come along every day.


Best boxer in the UFC. Yes, better than Max.


I mean they're knock outs lol. Not nudge outs


Dude has super crisp technique and absolutely FREAKY power for someone his size. Criminally underrated grappler too. I know he’s small but I’d love to see him go up a weight class because I think his power and skill set make him a really tough fight for all but the very top of the division.


My favorite fighter in the ufc. He’s the best 


P4P #1


The guy before the flat earther was SLEPT. And his KOs always seem like dismantling his opponent before the final KO.


I love the spider monkey weight classes.


Still scared of Max Holloway


Don’t think you’ll stand and swing w this dude. Knows how to use his hands in that scenario. He’s a counter fighter to a T.


Cleanest boxer-puncher in the game. Max has fought the hardest hitters (Justin), speed demons (aldo), and finesse (Volk) but he hasn't fought a total package like Topuria.


Yeah when he ran through Jackson, I knew he had talent. Jackson is a good gatekeeper for FW and often exposes lesser fighters and Illia just went and got it done. Love Alex and hope he finds a way back but Illia is a monster too.


**sigh** That last one hurts


Well I knew after he walked through Mitchell he would sleep Volk.


Sean O’Malley could never


He could've use this technique, but he missed. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMcDojoLife/s/SUpy2w2U1L


I ain't the biggest ufc fan , only watch fights here and there , and ain't that familiar with all the fighters , but from these clips alone you can just see why this guy is champ


No Ryan hall?


Worried for Holloway