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https://i.redd.it/csyfuszpnk6d1.gif In reddit we have pride rules so it's okay to kick while a man it's down


It is pride month right?


Opened the comments section and this is the first one 😂😂😂 gotta love this place!




Prreydde Reewls


I wish him a speedy recovery because he’s a fun fighter with potential, but unfortunately this is looking like another Zabit case


I still miss Zabit man, what an amazing fighter. Didnt even speak english and was still hype.




Loved that guy. Fun to watch, decent human.


What happened?


Iirc he was diagnosed with a heart condition/other medical issues that made fighting untenable. He’s now studying to become a doctor.


Wishing that man the absolute best


Same. I was sad to see him leave the UFC because I truly believe he was destined for the belt, but in all reality he’ll have a better and healthier life this way.


If he's actually capable of becoming a doctor then I hope he does that instead, regardless if he's fit to fight in future. What a waste of something useful to instead spend life fighting.


Great perspective




Someone doing what he wants with his life is a „waste”?


Taking brain damage instead of healing people is objectively worse.


Not at all. But it objectively helps the world more to become a doctor and heal the sick. It contributes more to society.


Yes. I am not sure what Russian doctors make. UT if he could go to the USA. He would likely make more as a doctor than a fighter and not be beaten for a living


Zabit donning a Hawaiian shirt and packing his bags to be a doctor in Florida.


Zabit had the goat striker potential it sucks what happened


Watch some of His Highlights, His reel is so Juicy!


One interesting thing I read last year was a big reason why he quit was because they weren't giving him a title shot >“The reasons ... there were many reasons,” he said. “Firstly because of refusals to fight with me. I had no fights for two years. Then there were injuries, I was sick a lot. I didn’t recover. Such, many reasons" >“The main reason was that I was not able to fight,” he continued. “They didn’t give me a title shot. They promised one thing and did another. That was a little bit ... they promised me and didn’t keep a promise. That was the main reason why I got mad" https://www.mmamania.com/2022/8/28/23325634/zabit-magomedsharipov-opens-up-on-ufc-retirement-they-promised-one-thing-did-another


Got a feeling this is how it may end up going with Ankalaev.


Imagine if he comes back as the MMA doctor to call a stoppage


I definitely remember him having uncontrollable diaphragm spasms. Super scary if his heart is compromised too, hope dude is well.


bro gonna become a doctor to cure himself so he can get back into fighting.


please nooooo


Could Zabit be the Bo Jackson of MMA?


u/dan_a_white you literally posted 6 months ago trashing Leon Edwards in support of Colby, who at the time was "kicking a man while he was down" making comments about his dead father. Talked about him making excuses, will probably fake an injury, etc. Dont be such a hypocrite.


Check his comment history u/dan_a_white is a delusional Colby fan who makes excuses for Colby’s scumbag behaviour


Imagine being a fan of one of the most mid fighters in UFC history. Dudes record is hilariously mediocre.


How dare you. Colby has almost one a bunch of fights...


Fun fact, Colby has either won or placed runner up in every professional fight he has had. A rare feat indeed.






Hey, True Geordie said he's better than GSP and that guy is a genius /s


Bitch tits


Keep my fookin' name out your mouth and any trettenin behaviour


Mr Estrogen


I was a fan of Colby around the usman fights. After that he really did himself no favours picking washed fighters and ducking others. Can't even defend the guy


Maybe he found God


u/dan_a_white respond pussy


You still there?


/u/dan_a_white talk shit get banged bro


Op has a boner for colby


He wants that grade a only from Japan Colby beef, if ya get what I'm saying


Oh no a Colby fan pretending to be wholesome they almost had us. I thought they all switched up over to Stickland already.


hey don’t insult us honest strickland fans, we don’t associate ourselves with them


OP is a bum and he knows it


Tbf he can be right about this and still just be a big hypocrite


I could care less about right and wrong for trash talking. I dont like hypocrites online karma farming. Which is what this guy did/does. And then he tried to say "well the situations were different".... uhhh no they aren't. OP is just a hypocrite spinster


Except he's not right about this. Most people are memeing of shitting on the fact that Khamzat acts like he will fight anyone anywhere at any time when he is inactive and has pulled out of 4+ fights. Him getting sick this time is irrelevant when the memeing and shitting on him is related to those two things.


Pulling those receipts, huh? 😂


Someone has to!


it's easy to pull receipts when OP is on almost every post, with a pretty memorable name, easy to remember all the bum ass shit he says


It is concerning the amount of health issues Khamzat has. Not sure if overtraining or something worst, but hopes he gets better


Inbreeding most likely


Thats is dark and poor taste, it also made me laugh. GG


Look at his forehead. The inbred accusation isn't that far fetched.




Probably has a chronic illness. I'm wishing him a speedy recovery!


He should just fight with an oxygen mask on


Khamzat "Bane" Chimaev


![gif](giphy|4EEV33e0ZqtIw8Gmw9) “Nobody cared who I was until I put the mask on”


What happens if I take off the mask?


Usada approved


If it could be done, I’m sure we would have seen Greg Hardy do it.


Quit guessing. This is how misinformation begins


I wish he never fights again not because he failed us last 4 times and im mad or whatever, but only for his health because every fight preparation goes progressively worse for him, to the point he barely survived this one I dont wanna know whats gonna happen if he tries to get ready for another fight in the future get well soon Khamzat


It’s my take as well. I wish he either finds out exactly what is wrong and fixes it or never fights again. His life is more important than any of this bullshit! And this is valid for all athletes, wether we like them or not.


Unfortunately I am not sure that’s his decision, remember he already retired once.


Yes it’s true. However the context was different: he said in an interview that he had retired because he was falsely diagnosed with cancer and thought he was going to die, when he « just » had a really bad infection made worse by a severe form of Covid. He has had such a bad run healthwise I don’t know how he managed to keep training all those years.


Tbf, this is his job. I can see him coaching but not much else.


I know some people that died doing their job, it happens this guy has an opportunity to STOP before something REALLY bad happens life is more than money, he can do a podcast, po*n, coach, McDonalds


The fact that you felt the need to mention he “failed you 4 times” sounds like a not so thinly veiled dig at him, but then you try to act like youre supporting him. Cut the fake shit. Either you supprt him or you dont.


You kick them while they're down because of how they behave while they're up. That said, hope he recovers quickly. Don't know the details, but I enjoy watching him fight and don't want anything bad for him.


Yeah I don't get this post. Khamzat acts like he's going to fight literally everyone at any time when he's up then has pulled out of 4+ fights. Even if it is an illness, he's not going to get sympathy from me. He acts like he'll fight through literally anything then we see that not happen time and time again.


I think for most people, its kind of understood that if someone says they're game for a fight, it's also implied that there are a few exceptions, such as not fighting while hospitalized, or not fighting  while having covid during the height of the pandemic. 


For me, it's just annoying to see this is the hypebeast goat coming for three belts and Pereira/Costa/Izzy won't make it past one round type b.s. when he struggled against Burns and Usman; and people still talk about him like he's Izzy + Khabib rolled into one person. Stop it already, lol.


Is he supposed to say, "I will fight him, but I might get sick again, guys "


Nah but not calling out *everyone* on Twitter, acting like all other fighters but him suck and saying he’s gonna “kill” everyone would be a good start.


This is such a weird common excuse in sports. "What's he supposed to say?! That he'll lose?" Like Bruh, not sure if you know, but there's alternatives outside of "I'll kill people and beat everyone" and "I might get sick."


I'm stealing that quote, just so you know.


THIS - his fans aere a bunch of crybabies for this. Khamzat throws his weight around and barely delivers and his fans are now running defence throwing a pity party for him? Not buying it. I don't wish him ill health, but I do wish he would be less of a cunt in the future.


Kinda sad. Hes one of the fighters I'm looking forward the most since his debut in 2020.


He’s not going to bang you.


It’s just the nature of the beast when you talk as much as he does.


I’m not a fan of Chimaev but I hate that he has had so many health problems. Even though I don’t root for him I do find him very entertaining and was looking forward to see how high his ceiling in the sport is. Hopefully he can get well and become more active.


I do not want to alarm ppl. . . but i have valuable sources that say, its something very serious, as Dana said) , & what im hearing is cancer. If you all recalled, during "COVID" time he also got very sick , borderline retired, & this is the same illness again. At the time an American doctor diagnosed him with gastric cancer. Khamzat and his team basically refused diagnosis & headed to russia where medicine still has a much more holistic approach and changed khamzats diet completely and had him on a strict regime. symptoms seemed to dissipate for the time, but now same symptoms are back. when in camp, and training hard, your immune systems weakens, it makes sense Khamzat's struggles would come back during such preparation. Now he is said to have gone back to Russia, to do another holistic cleanse approach to help . :( sad for MMA world.


Wasnt it covid that fucked him up a couple years ago? I didn’t hear anything about cancer
 most people would tell their fans they have cancer. The kind of illness you dont tell people about are the ones your enemies can use against you. Like conors injury for example. But if he had cancer why wouldnt he tell us?


He did. He said in an interview within the last couple of years that doctors diagnosed him with cancer. He refused to believe it, got second opinions, and seemed to get his health back. But his medical issues keep recurring, which points to some sort of chronic illness. It could be cancer. Maybe the initial diagnosis was correct.


Talks shit about everyone, extrmeley disrespectful, friends with Kadyrov, spread lies everyday Good riddance 👋


For real. One of the least likeable fighters in a long time and since he gets along well with Kadyrov, I don't even feel bad for him on a personal level either.


yep. I get the leave politics out of sports and all of that, but buddying up with Kadyrov is a step too far for me. I second your good riddance, I could care less about his chronic illness, it doesn't compare to the pain and suffering Kadyrov's army as done to Ukraine.


Gaethje and Usman have shot guns with kadyrov. They on this list too?


yes. I would say even more so, unlike Chimaev who at least has some lineage being traced back to russia and Chechnya, Usman and Gaethje had no excuse except for the lure of money.


You must not know anything about how Kadyrov operates to be saying shit like this. If you was in Khazmat’s position you would be forced to endorse him too. Stop fronting an act for Reddit my guy 


While you ignored the other valid points he made you were right about being friends with Kadyrov. He isn't in the United states, he and his family will get killed and nothing will be done if he doesn't put that act on


him being friends with Kadyrov the reason this mf can't even get a green card to fight anywhere except Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi. Sounds like a Khamzat problem and not an MMA fan problem.


Chimaev has a big mouth so don't pretend like's he's some poor angel who's getting bullied by the internet. Your man is out there yapping about "smashing everyone" and "seeing you soon" when he barely fights and causes every other fight to be canceled.


In the guys defence, he's never lost and, for the most part, does indeed smesh everyone.


Can’t lose if ya don’t fight


I mean Holland, Burns, Usman is a very impressive resume on its own. Plus going through solid veterans like they were Bo Nikal cans before that - it’s not like he’s a paper giant. He’s got the resume to talk shit, just no one wants to hear it when they’ve been disappointed so much.


I think Khamzat is entertaining and want to see his fights, but at the same time his resume has a huge asterisk. Holland was preparing for a striker which was switched last minute, Usman was called from his couch after a back to back losses with his knees being shot. Khamzat's cardio is still sus.


Should be noted he fought Holland and Usman on very short notice, with it being Usman’s MW debut. Also has pulled out of 6 fights


>Does indeed smesh everyone He does not, indeed smesh everyone. He struggled against the only 2 good fighters he’s faced in his almost 5 year UFC career lol. Struggling and getting dropped by Burns (who was a LW most of his career) and then fighting a boring fight and gassing out against a 36 year old Usman (who was fighting on 2 weeks notice) was not smashing them. Lol.


Bro has fought 7 times since he joined the UFC and 3 of those fights were in 2020


He lost Burns fight and drew with Usman imo


>"smashing everyone >"seeing you soon Deserves hate for being ill?


Misses weight by 10 lbs. Almost ruins a ppv. Laughs about it and completely dismisses any wrong doing. Literally says he doesn't care. Then talks shit like he doesn't just miss 10 lbs and fought a guy who easily makes weight an entire weight class down. He's an arrogant douchebag who can't back it up. "Kill everyone." Dude can't even keep himself healthy.


I guess we should laugh at him potentially dying because he missed weight two years ago and did the mildest trash talk ever.


That's called playing a character which is almost required to differentiate yourself from others in the ufc


Playing a character doesn't absolve you from the shit you say while in character...


All he's said is he wants to smash people? He hasn't said anything personal


That is the tamest shit talking for the UFC, it only stings because often he’s right


IDK why this ppl in this fanbase thinks this sport is full of flakers, pussies, and pull-out artists. anyone who does this for a living is certifiably insane and the main reason they pull out of fights are acts of god. sending well-wishes to Khamzat, and all the warriors who break their bodies trying to put on a show for us.


To be fair he talks alot of shit.


I'm an equal opportunist kicker.


They’re kicking Conor while he’s down too.


Why tf would you put your faith in people on Reddit. Like they are actually caring human beings.


They're pieces of shit almost across the board, and would strangle their own children if they thought they'd get upvotes for it 


I agree OP. Khamzat just needs Kadyrov to blow a few more loads in his butt and he will feel as good as new


I wish him the best but this post is melodramatic.


I don't give a flying fuck about that dude. He poses and hangs with dictators. 0 sympathy from me. You wanna act all high and mighty like if he would give 3 fucks if you were struggling. Motherfucker doesn't know you.


I don't care if he recovers from this. He's a good fighter and a terrible person. The former does not forgive the latter. You're only as good as the company you keep, and his company is straight-up war criminals. He's morally bankrupt and I hope to never hear from or see him again.


Ya to be honest this is a fair take We don’t know his whole situation, but he certainly enjoys taking shit tons of money, new cars, and so on from the homicidal maniac Kadyrov. TBF, he’s not the only one who has, and I’m genuinely disappointed in gaetje and usman for being in Kadyrov’s presence Frankly, Kadyrov should be hung from a fuckin lamppost, and anyone who rides with him can eat a fuckin grenade These people are shit humans. Not to mention that chimaev has acted like a dickhead ever since he arrived in the ufc. Talks shit to everyone. Missed weight by 10 fuckin poinds. All that said, I don’t wanna see the guy die or suffer from illness, but he’s far far from innocent or worthy of great sympathy


Yeah, Gaethje and the rest. What a bunch of boneheads for chumming around with that trash. I want to think they just didn't think but come on, have a little awareness. They all diminished themselves.


OP, why are you deep throating Khamzat in public like this?


People lack empathy and want blood sport only.


Am I crazy for thinking he's had some kind of respiratory condition his entire life, and then getting covid made it all worse? Do we know his medical history pre-covid? I swear he said something about having some respiratory problem as a kid in an interview.


telling the internet to be nicer — you’re really making a difference


I just really wanna see the Russians lose dude. Rocky didn’t die for this


Khamzat needs to stop fucking around with Chechen warlords and only fighting in Saudi Arabia, plus he needs to fight more than once a year. Shit’s ridiculous and he shouldn’t even be ranked at this point.


This post brought to you by Khamzat Chimaev’s PR team đŸ€­đŸ€«


7 fights in the ufc, 6 pull outs. Almost a 50/50 of whether he turns up or not. Dude must have something chronically wrong with his immune system


I want to see some one say it to his face


LOL exactly. These guys are cell phone soldiers through and through and have a whole lot of shit to say about how another man's health impacts his own career, and how another man chooses to promote himself in what is essentially the entertainment industry. 


As every casual here knows, Chimaev is such a pussy that he’d rather die than fight.


He's an incoherent criminal in bed with warlords and the worst people on earth. If you have ethics and morals you would want to see him fade from existence. He can't make weight and he doesn't respect his opponents, all while talking massive shit. Glad he's getting humbled, he needs it badly.


That's the game bro. You can go his insta and leave positive messages, but don't expect the same behaviour from others.


He’s clearly dealing with serious health issues, possibly an auto immune disease would explain the bad gas tank and all the other issues he’s had dude got dealt a bad hand, sure he can be annoying with all the callouts and doing nothing for years but you can’t deny when he does show up dudes an absolute stud hopefully he comes back strong to give some epic performances as Izzy says that would be great for his story


ethnic chechens have an insanely high rate of rheumatic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, etc.) and other autoimmune conditions. there is not enough research on these conditions worldwide, let alone on a very small population of people.


Maybe Kadyrov can pay his hospital bills since they are such good friends.


Right leg - hospital Left leg - hospital




Isn't Chimaev the king of being negative and kicking people while they are down? lol If he dishes it out, he can take it. Why are you simping for him? He's doing fine bro.


I have heard of kicking a man when he’s down, and those are PRIDE rules


You’re gay


Hey, you can totally kick a downed opponent! Just not to the head (RIP, Pride). Jokes aside, I hope he gets well soon. He can be irritating, but nobody deserves to be sick.


The fans are upset because they can't watch him fight. Imagine how he must feel... recovering from illness right now, he can't fight after all of his hard training (which means no $/earnings from the fight), and he has to hear mma fans insult him... brutal sport Speedy recovery to him, he has so much potential and we can't wait to see him back


I have, but that is one of the ufc rules I don’t like.


Immune system is undefeated against this guy. Immune system is coming for all of you and will smash everybody.


Dogs wont understand. They keep barking even when they are smaller dogs in every sence.


No I post according to Pride rules


It's kind of alarming the number of fighters who fall violantly ill the week of the fight


You cannot blame the people for his numerous pullouts. I suggest he better retire for good than making pointless hypes. I would still wish him well.


There was an old Russian proverb - “The man can scream “I kill everybody”, but sometime everybody kill man.”


I'm not fucking kicking him while he's up!


At the same time having McGregor 🍆 in their mouth


dw he kill everyone right after his antibiotics


Chimaev talks more trash than any fighter in history, says he's gonna smash everyone, barely fights once a year, 6 pullouts in less than 4 years is insane.


He's a special talent. Arrogant crazy ass yes. But fighting wise pretty special. Hope it's not covid striking again.


No one told him to take basement grown Russian PEDs.


Lol Lmao even The thing about sayings based on acting virtuous and moral is that they hinge upon the subject largely being a good and moral person themselves. Khamzat is a fucked up dude, surrounded by fucked up people, funded by fucked up people, and is undoubtedly sick because of a situation of his own devising. "Oh no, years of cycling have ruined my immune system!" There are many men who deserve kicks while down, salt in wounds, and twists of knives, and this man is one of them.


Immune system is a finky thing my friend, kids are born or develop chronic immune diseases at a young age, sometimes it doesn't matter what you do unfortunately .


I’m sure being friends with a dictator like Kydyrov will come with health insurance. That said wasn’t he hospitalised for a long period of time with Covid so he could have issues still.


This subreddit is exclusively for kicking fighters when they’re down


I come for everybody, brother.


He's butt buddies with Kadyrov. That's enough for me to dislike the guy.


Kicking a man when he’s down seemed OK during pride days. /s Hopefully he recovers quick!


Exactly. It's not like he talked a big game and didn't back it up. Let him recover and try to continue to prove hes great


Just get off the internet lol. Not real life.


Shut up nerd. It’s the internet. Don’t get famous if your don’t want the smoke.


Implying people can’t differentiate between valid criticisms and just flinging shit. Famous or not it’s fine to actually assess whether a take is valid or not.


In Pride they did


and those were the days brother


See you soon boy đŸșđŸ©ž


[ Removed by Reddit ]


He's a puppet of dictator.


Would you have stood against a guy that can end your life in a moment? Genuinely curious


Another pussy here acting like he would’ve stood up against an actual deranged psychopath who controls the entire country and can destroy your life in a heartbeat.


Exactly man


Reddit is full of gullible morons, that’s the problem. The guy has had 7 fights, 6 cancelled fights. If you have a functional brain, he should not get the benefit of doubt.


From the safety of there computer chairs.


Especially a man that none of these people would ever say anything like this to his face.


Shut up pussy


You still stanning colby?


Man’s hurt his body being on steroids and cutting massive amounts of weight


Kill everybody bratha, just not when sick bratha


I ride with Khamzat. Still so young


30 aint so young


Grow up


Khamzat talks too much shit to warrant any sympathy from fight fans. You say you're gonna smesh my boy, then call in sick? Fuckoff, Sick Man of Chechnya