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I am still hoping he retires then takes a big money boxing fight with Beverly from next door


Beverly gonna piece him up bro


Who gives a fuck dude Dana pays these guys so garbage they’re willing to throw away their dignity and get beat up in a different sport just so they can have enough money for the rest of their lives.


If you think Volk is poor I got bad news for you bud lol. Only big prizefights have higher payouts than big PPVs, everyone else gets nothing. It’s crazy how people like you pocket watch multi-millionaires more than they themselves do.


Wrestlers, BJJ, and kick boxing guys making peanuts next to MMA overall yet every one points at boxing despite the fact the up and coming and mid level MMA fighters make more than boxing fighters. If these guys could play baseball, football, soccer, or basketball they would be. The UFC keeps a disproportionate bit of the pie which should go to all fighters/promoter-athlete split should be 50/50 but the perspective is super warped. The majority of professional athletes aren't making life-changing money and the average career is on the level of years and not decades.


I agree with everything except one bit I think alot of people that excel in MMA can absolutely excel in other sports Some just have a love for fighting


That's a fair point and I'll upvote you! From a sporting perspective there isn't much else out there that will give you as intimate a rush. Putting myself in that position, I just think if I had the ability to play at the major leagues in one of the other sports with just as much or less brain trauma and make significantly more money I absolutely would. It would reduce the risk of turning into a vegetable/burden on my family later in life and give me more time in better health with my loved ones so logically speaking I'd probably put aside the love of fighting to focus on providing. But fighting definitely isn't just a logical decision, there's a lot of emotion/pride there too. Reyes would probably make more in IT than as a UFC journeyman but he arguably beat the pico-GOAT and that's not something any amount of money can give you in terms of a sense of achievement. I just wish no professional athlete had to work another full time job to make ends meet while chasing their dreams and payouts were more equitable.


Totally understand that and that’s how pretty much everyone is But a lot of elite fighters are usually maniacs and genuinely enjoy slugging away in the octagon lol And unfortunately yes fighter pay is absolutely a travesty


Maybe the heavyweights and light heavyweights can excel in other professional sports but definitely not the little dudes lol


Don't let the facts get in the way of slagging off Dana please.


Most of the people on the planet will never sniff a million dollar paycheck and yet somehow they are getting by.


Even if he retires he’ll still be under contract with the ufc for X amount of years




But someone was saying he’s too inactive recently lol.


Yeah mentality he isn’t. Camp confirmed it. Bro needs to relax or he’s gonna go out Anderson style


Kinda hard to blame him, we all know that Dana is paying them shit


$275,000 for one night is a lot. Could be more sure. His net worth is $1 million he could never fight again, but the problem is 99% of the UFC are dumb and blow their cash.


1 mil after being a 1 in 10 000 fighter. He's 36 with few transferable skills. It's not catastrophic but it's definitely low for an athlete.


If I was getting championship pay, I would buy me a nice moderate house in a nice location with my first check and then save the rest and be able to live comfortably for the rest of my life. These people are buying $250,000 cars $600,000 homes. The pay 1000% could be better. I’ll always agree to that but it’s pointless to pay them more if they’re just gonna put themselves in the same fucking boat. The statistics of sports people going broke is crazy


Yeah sure, a lot of athletes have shitty spending habits. Completely irrelevant to the question of how they should be paid though.


I mean, what do you want them making for a fight they make $275,000 and 25 minutes I swear y’all motherfuckers think that the fighters are the only expense that UFC has you have to pay the arena for rent you have to get the stage set up. You have to pay the production team the refs the commentators the list goes on. $275,000 isn’t good for 25 minutes then I don’t know what the fuck is lmaoooo


I dont mean this in a mean way, but thats a very naive way to view it. For a guy like Volk those 25 minutes come from 10-15 years of work and come with lifelong damage. You need to look at what UFC can be compared to, which is other sports, and wonder where the money goes.


I get it I was wrong. I learned.


A moderate house in Australia is 600k.


Yeah that’s a lie. My cousin lives there and proof is easy as 10 seconds with your fingers. If the first thing you do when you get money is have to get the most gorgeous home then you’re already a lost goose. [Beautiful homes under 350,000](https://www.homely.com.au/homes/56-91-hoare-street-manunda-qld-4870/11073376)


this guy looking up real estate in Australia like he knows better than a local what reality is when you get there 😭😂🤣


Yeah, my cousin is a local. Possible to find a good moderate home anywhere but the problem is all of you guys want to live in fucking mansions. he just gave me the location where he lives. Why not with a house that is suitable for his family but yet nobody will take it because it doesn’t look like it’s so beautiful and it doesn’t have a backyard pool. The ceilings and floors are we gonna do????????


It's literally not a lie. That house is pretty fucking shit, and also mmm I dunno many thousands of kilometres away from where he lives. It's also a two bedroom place and he has 3 kids. The median house price in warilla, where he lives, which I know quite well because I used to live near there, is $785k.


I’m finding houses all over Australia. Sometimes you gotta move to make a better deal for yourself the market in warilla Is smaller than my small Texas town. You could 1000% stay in that country but moved to a location that will suit you and your family better. You don’t have to have a fucking mansion all the time it’s crazy with these people try to compensate for an overly expensive home I’m not Doc my cousin but I could show you the pictures of her house on DM. She has three children her husband two animals and her house was $425,000 and it is just quite beautiful. I’m actually going to be there in two weeks so I’ll DM you a picture of me there I’m pretty sure Volk owns two supercars just another example of them wasting money rather than putting it something like a house and even if you wanted to stay in that area where the market is not that good it’s because he just spends all of the cash that he makes just like every other fucking sports athlete and why they go broke, he could sell both of those cars, move to a different province by a nice house for him and his family and not have to worry, but they will never do it and fans will just keep on coping for them so I mean it is what it is. I don’t give a fuck. I’m sad and I’m not worried. I’ll continue to earn a ton more money and somehow being the same boat or below


It’s a lot for one night. But then you have a lot of people to pay afterwards. Like coach, manager, nutritionist, taxes etc


In the UFC has to pay to rent the arena, put the octagon together pay the cutman pay the product production team pay the rest pay the commentating. It’s a give-and-take relationship. And a lot of those people were paying their coaches and camps way before championship pay so if your coach is asking for a $80,000 check if you want 275,000 cut that man off he should be walking away with 189-200 every time


It's not one night though.


You’re right it’s more


Volk makes 1.5 mil per fight now


Volk is the fucking man, hope he is well. Rest up champ


We can laugh at the memes, but in truth, this is seriously alarming. He already stated he has mental issues when not in camp. It doesn't seem as if he was able to resolve them at this time.


He's going down a bad road bro


Hard to say. Yeah he could end up like Tony, but he could also realize his time as the goat is over. The UFC pays a premium if the fight is last minute to save a card. This could be his way of getting some good cash before calling it quits.


The way he talks sometimes he sounds more like BJ. BJ said that he doesn't know what do to with himself when he's not either training for a fight or fighting, which is why he kept begging Dana to keep giving him fights even though he kept losing. And then look what happened.. started drinking heavily and getting in street fights and losing there too.


BJs downfall was sad to watch. He had problems with his marriage and was also addicted to cocaine. His ex wife said he used fighting just to stay sober I hope Volk doesn’t go down that road, he’s too good for that


He also hit on his former webmaster’s girl, and the guy publicly called him out on it


And the irony is BJ was always known to not like camps and preferred to take things easy, ie he was coasting on talent. This was mentioned by Rogan when he commentated on one of his early fights.


This remind me of Dominick Cruz on Rogan's podcast saying he had to figure himself out when he was injured because fighting was his whole life and he would just go to the gym/fight to keep the emotions/feelings away and just didnt know how to cope with life when he wasnt training


I think he's already realized his time as a champ is up and just wants to get as many fights under his belt before he's completely washed and can't compete.




I’m glad others are recognizing this. Like, sure, being busy can be good for the soul, but when ‘being busy’ looks like getting knocked out twice in four months and asking for more, you have to ask how much he values his own life/mind/safety.


Afraid so.


A person that’s trained all there life gets depressed when don’t have a goal or is in training I’m shocked


Armchair reddit psychologists starting their shifts


Everyone here is a psychiatrist that knows the fighters personally, thousands of em.


fr “this is seriously alarming” lmao 🤣


I mean it is. Back to back brutal ko losses and he refuses to take atleast a year off and he has spoken already about being lost in life without fighting. Obvious problems are at play


If his championship days are done then the point is making money. Short notice fights to save a card are a good way to make money.


Also a good way to keep getting that sweet sweet cte. I'm sure he's well off enough to retire now and never look back. He can retire and live a relatively good life but sure, let him end up like tony or any other fighter that didn't know when to hang up the gloves just because fans want to see him fight again.


Oh hear me out. Dude likes fighting, training and getting big asss paycheck and is not afraid


he's leaned into the cooking thing more he's keeping himself occupied pretty well as far as i've seen


This is not alarming. He was one of the most active fighters on the roster, he’s been out for the last 8 months. Of course he wants to get back in there. Will he ever be the prime Volk that was champ again? No. Can he still be in competitive fights and earn a paycheck? Absolutely. If he still wants to fight, 8 months is enough of a wait imo. At this point, waiting any longer doesn’t do him any favors, he’s only getting older. He should take a few more fights, win or lose, then retire. Edit: 8 months since Islam, 4 since Topuria. Whoops


8 months? He's been out for exactly 4 and went 4 months between back to back ko losses. I can understand being competitive and wanting to get back in there but it is alarming that he can't seem to realize that maybe he needs a break


It's weird because after the loss, he admitted that he came back way too soon and that he needs to take close to a year off to heal up. But then he runs a cooking YouTube channel for a few months and decides he'd rather be fighting.


It's a shame because his cooking content and various acting/skit stuff he does is good, I wish he'd lean into that more or at least do something with the presenter/commentary side of the UFC


i would die for commentary volk, i love his voice


Shit, you right. It’s been 8 months since he fought Islam. Ty for the correction


And I highly doubt Volk is doing no contact training. Dude is too mentally dependent on fighting for his own good. I'm worried he's gone the way of Wilder and a switch flipped with that Islam KO that now cannot be unswitched. I hope Volk comes back when his brain is rested/he is wholly healthy and ready. He's an amazing athlete and seems like a good guy, I want to see him compete again but not have a steep decline or become a vegetable. I will say if he gets KOed in his next fight I'd like to see him retire and focus more on commentary, cooking, etc.


Volk vs Pereira, lets make it happen.


you thought it was Volk going up? No! Somehow Pereira is making 145 because he is an alien


Ilia Topuria has already started thanking himself for helping him beat Alex Pereira in the future.


Alex "The Machinist" Pereiiiiira


Volk vs Pereira with one arm tied behind his back and an eyepatch over one eye


"Just another day at the office, mate!"


Getting KO'd is just another Monday for me


Someone fucking tie him to a stove with a chef hat and leave him there, for his own well-being


Dude is never going to retire is he


Why should he? He lost 3 fights to 2 of the best pound for pound fighters in the UFC. He didn't lose to Cowboy Cerrone or end of career BJ Penn.


Because he’s clearly no longer the same fighter he once was. He’s obviously struggling with something and willing to take pointless fights left and right on short notice, this is a big sign that he’s not thinking with a straight head. If he still wants to fight at least do it with a full camp, he’s not going to fight at his peak and he’s going to keep using this excuse to take dumb fights on short notice thinking “I only lost because I had a short camp, I can definitely win the next one with a full camp”


Dude has only lost 3 fights after dominating for years, and was taking fights on short notice during that time too. People in this sub were mentioning him as a potential GOAT in the division not even 2 years ago. There's no way to know where Volk is at right now as a fighter Personally, I'd need to see him lose against someone not at the level of Islam or Topuria before thinking he's on the downswing. He might be, but idk how so many people are so convinced about it.


“Clearly” after losing 1 fight in his weight division? Lmao, you people are nuts 😂


Smoking that CRAZY pack


Volk is a consummate pro who knows his body enough to know how quickly it can be ready to fight. He isn't some green rookie who needs full camps for each fight. Stop this retirement talk. The man has only 4 losses in his career and 3 of them came to 2 absolutely dominant fighters. Don't forget one of those losses to Islam was a questionable decision. He can hang with the best.


Respect for his will to fight and prove once again what a great fighter he is but damn bro take some time off and come back stronger


Volk vs michael chandler would have been a banger!


I'd actually be excited about this! too bad they canceled the entire fight instead of looking for a replacement.


You think well see volk by the end of the year?


I don't think Chandler wants to fight anyone else at this point


Facebook Doctors doing their thing.


No but he himself stated that he has mental health issues due to inactivity, he needs to solve that problem otherwise those issues will always come back


Dear god if he steps into the cage this soon, his team will have seriously failed him.


I mean I’m short staffed today at work, if he truly is a bmf he should pick up a shift for us today. Ducking fast food smoke smh…


Believe it or not he was actually volunteering for Poatan.


I like the guy and I admire his willingness to fight. I think though he needs to take a year off and get physically healthy.


Is volk just getting his bag now???


I really feel bad for poor Alex, the guy lives and breathes fighting and I don’t think he can truly live without it, I wish the best for him and I really don’t want him to ruin his legacy the way BJ or Tony did


Damn Volk gotta let that brain bruise heal


Missed opportunity to be Carlos Ulberg’s new opponent. First ever midget to fight in 5 divisions 🔥


Volk vs Chandler at 185. Let’s go!!!! Don’t pretend like he doesn’t spar with Adesanya.


Volk with the fat nuts as usual but bro needs to keep out of there longer after those knockouts


Volk doesn’t see fights he sees 65k paydays from Dana’s slave labour


Rumor has it his agent called him and told him that Alexander Volkanovski did not have an opponent so Volk volunteered to fight him.


Maybe he likes mma over boxing?


I fuckin knew it💀💀💀


Dude has done everything possible to screw himself over, and continuing to do so


Volk is being a front row student at UFC Academy.


Chandler vs volk would have been fucking insane


He’s just never going to grow up. 


Izzy gets his second immediate title shot and this dude gets zero... I hate the UFC


After losing, too. That's the dumbest thing about it.


Volk vs Aspinall. Book it, Hunter.


I would give vole 70/30 Odds to win


I kinda wanna see him focus hard on training for 4 - 6 months, win his title back and then retire.


![gif](giphy|XfT1Xb2O2ShHy) Jokes aside, Volk really needs to take a break from the sport for a while. I respect him a lot of being a warrior but man, he genuinely needs to rest and come back better than before.


He wants to be back in November so 9 months off. I would have liked a year but he is getting on so volk is gonna volk. I suspect he knew Dana wouldn’t say yes to this one ☝️


https://preview.redd.it/fk1ejjl6yc7d1.jpeg?width=775&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26d051efdf2f6175463abde2de0771e4ff17f325 I made this a few days ago. Fucking knew it, as did you all


I feel like could do well in boxing, could even cut below feather weight since you don’t need such solid legs for that sport, he has an insane reach and he’s very fast and accurate, would be interesting. Just Father Time stops for no one.


Homie loves money


Anything but take care of his new born. Bros getting annoying


So doing his job that earns money to look after said family… isn’t taking care of them? 🤔 does he need a longer break? Yes he does. Will I judge him harshly for wanting a million dollar pay day from his job before that? Nope. That kind of money is rare. And Dana was always unlikely to ever go that way. He deserves a rematch before he decided what to do with his career and we all know the champ wants the big Spain PPV and will get it.


Anything but take care of his newborn, volk a million dollar payday? He already got that for that short notice fight againts islam and than fighting topuria . The rematch will come eventually but will it be before max tries for a title shot or after ? That’s the big question and him stepping in before the rematch even happens just puts him in more jeopardy. Should take the chandler route and wait till the Spaniard grows a pair and chooses who


I don’t disagree with you at all bro just not judging the man. Mental health is a hard thing to manage! I personally hope he waits and gets his rematch as his first fight.. or if max wins… fight 4


Does anyone want to see him fight? He's a boring fighter who's allergic to finishing his opponent and even watching him get knocked out won't be shocking more after his last two fights.


Volk a boring fighter? Lol This guy knows UFC 🥴


Humongous L