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Gi Fieri


These are McDojo posts


Now this is comedy




To be honest nothing he said was wrong but I'm pretty suspicious of whatever techniques he's selling in their place. Being a pro MMA fighter is gonna put you ahead of 99.9% of people even if somebody might have some forbidden street fight knowledge or whatever


Yeah I’d rather this dude eye poke me than Jon jones for sure.


But Jon Jones is both


Yeah, everything he said was true but if you train MMA and are getting jumped, you're not going to follow rules.


If you seriously train MMA and get jumped you have a significant amount of practice with striking, wrestling, and grappling techniques. You have a good sense of what works and what doesn't, and you've conditioned your body and reflexes for conditions very similar to a fight. If you've been training some ultra special dim mak technique-- or something that isn't bullshido and legitimately mutilates your opponent like an eye gouge-- that you've never actually tried against a resisting opponent, you have zero idea of whether it will work or not and you're unprepared for what it feels like to be in a fight.


That's one of the great things about jiu jitsu. Unlike boxing and many striking martial arts, you can train and spar at full speed several times a week for months and years, giving you muscle memory and a roadmap of attacks and counters that an untrained person can't deal with.


Tbh if you are an MMA fighter and get jumped, you’ll have better cardio to run away because you don’t know if someone has a weapon or if you’ll end up facing multiple opponents.


This is why cardio is the best base for survival


Gave ya an upvote for such an awesome name. Side quiz- Gretzky got in one fight in his NHL career. Do you know who it was against?


Somebody's forbidden Street knowledge is a Glock.


facts. If you want to be as prepared for street fights or random violence in real life. Get a cc and train how and when to use a firearm


Exactly. He’s absolutely right that the UFC isn’t real in the truest sense. You can’t, for example, bite someone’s dick off to get out of a triangle. But I doubt his martial art is any different in that regard


I mean the only thing better, potentially, than training MMA is if you specifically and regularly train effective moves that are illegal in MMA and therefore are not trained. Like, are you training eye gouges? Effective, deep, excavating eye gouges? Or maybe if you’re heavily training how to throw effective groin shots. Otherwise I don’t know how the rules of MMA would be any different than how most self-defense encounters would go down.


Deep excavating eye gouges….martial erotica😂


The absolute all time best for no rules fighting versus potentially multiple people would to train in tracking and field. If you can run a 4min mile you're not getting jumped in the street. Otherwise MMA and Lethwei are probably the best option for preparing for street fights. The utilization of headbutts as a component of a hit combo is brutal. What's crazy is that there is no point system. If no one is knocked out in the allotted amount of rounds then the fight is a draw. BUT even if a fighter gets knocked out they will drag his limp concussed body back to the corner where they given 2 minutes to wake him up to continue.


Good luck getting an eye poke when a high level Judoka grabs your jacket and throws you on the asphalt


You can win a ufc title by staying on your knees and eating a concussion.


Yeah, he didn't say anything wrong, but the stuff that's banned by the rules in the UFC also aren't easily trained at intensity. You can't drill eye gouging easily because you'll run out of training partners pretty quickly, and I'll bet that a guy who's trained Muay Thai, wrestling, and submissions at a high level will be better at gouging out someone's eyes in the heat of the moment than the guy who drilled eye gouging instead. Really, the best thing for self defense hand to hand combat is train for MMA and get really good at it, then supplement that with the other stuff like weapons, situational awareness, etc. Or just do BJJ and accept that you probably won't get into a fight on your way to your desk job


It’s not that hard to kick a dude in the nuts and run, and yeah, as a non-fighter, that’s my first move if I’m ever forced into combat lol


Don't even bother with the kick, just train to run and you'll probably be faster than the majority of people.


It reminds me of the story from Bas Rutten. Some ninja guys came to his training. They were talking shit, like put me in a headlock, and I will use my ninja bs. Bas agreed. Once in a headlock, the ninja said, " I can poke your eyes." Bas answered, "I can break your kneck"


It's pretty bizarre to have a teacher with a huge gut like that. He may have some technique, but I can't imagine he can fight for more than a minute in that shape. Guys like this will set up a weird dichotomy- sport fighting vs. "real" martial arts. Like you said, a pro fighter knows how to fight in the streets, even if they compete with a ruleset. And someone teaching supposedly realistic stuff does need to be in decent shape, able to not gas out, and would probably benefit from learning some of the MMA stuff.


Spot on dude and the 0.01% that they’re losing to understand the power of pocket sand.


I think day 1 at this McDojo is eye pokes, dick kicks, and knife quick draws


Sorry bro your forbidden poking eye technique still works in mma


lmao exactly. I trained MMA as a teen/young adult and some dumb friends would say what if they used their teeth or punched me in the balls? Well buddy, what if I am a trained fighter but also uses my teeth and attack your nuts? Who is going to win


You don't tell someone your going to bite their balls you just do. The surprise is what makes you win


"If you mess with my nut, Brennan, Randy here is gonna eat your dick."


Imagine you put someone in a triangle choke. He decides to bite your leg. You decides your gonna gouge his 2 eyes out. That's a realistic scenario. You can't just bite someones balls that easily lol


Let's just say I put the naked in rear naked choke


Little people can.


“I don’t believe in an eye for an eye.. I believe in TWO eyes for an eye” -Bas Rutten


I want to learn this secret how not to get suckered punched technique. When I'm suckered punched it's usually my jiu jitsu that saves me because I will start grappling until I wake up out of the daze / concussion I just received.


Usually? How often are you getting sucker punched?


It decreases dramatically when you stop going to pubs but it used to happen for too frequently. It is pretty cool though when you just tank it and set your beer down and look at them. Unfortunately usually I woke up on the ground with full guard on some guy who I had tied up, trying to punch me.


What the fuck are you doing in a pub that ends in a fistfight on the regular? You might as well reconsider your life choices.


Could be British


Funny thing is the more I trained the less I went out and they less I fought


Easy, have a mate run in and sucker punch your opponent first!


Obviously that leads to certain death.


By his Secret Ninja Exploded Mind technique. He sees everything around him in his Mind's Eye. Many Eastern Religions called this the "third eye", and it's a psychic eye of awareness. When you pay him $5000 for his retreat he'll teach you the 17 steps to Exploded Mind. It's a lot of work though, make no mistake, and absolute head job.


Ask Masvidal.




Is this guy gonna teach me how to disarm a gun but get shot in real life


This guy is gonna teach you the old dick twist!




Poweslap is where real fighting is!


Book it Dana https://preview.redd.it/ob385haghs7d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f23a9f788878ec205e40c133817ab74bf9aa0122


I love how it’s always some old, out of shape guy that nobody who has ever heard of who spouts this whole “My techniques are for the street” bullshit. His techniques are bullshit and he knows it. You can’t practice his techniques because they are “too dangerous”. You won’t see his techniques in the UFC because they are “too dangerous”. Edit: For those of you saying because there are rules in the cage, that means this guy is right by saying it’s not a real fight, please read this article and tell me “It’s not real because there are rules” https://sportsnaut.com/ufc-deaths-dark-side-of-mma/amp/


The people who spout this seem to forget that the mma guy is also on the same streets as you and doesn't need to magically keep following rules. Shit, they already poke each other's eyes when it's illegal


If anything it's an advantage for them, if they're experienced fighters who know the rules, they've also thought many times of the illegal moves they couldn't use, in a street fight they're free to be as dirty and vicious as they want.


Isn't that the origins of Brazilian jiu-jitsu? Didn't a Japanese judoka use a bunch of banned moves in no rules prize fights?


For all we know his "technique" is purchasing a Glock and a concealed carry permit 😂


Yep I have a black belt and a black holster that attaches to it


Bas Rutten's self defense videos are the only ones I trust. Kicking in the balls, heading, and hitting with the bottles.


Exactly, stuff anyone can do. The truth is, there is not a good “technique” for street fighting. That’s why this guy is hilarious, he’s acting like his techniques are geared better towards street fighting than average martial arts with rules. Something tells me this guy has never been in a street fight before in his life.


This guy can't even see the street right under his feet.


It’s not even something anyone can do. I’d imagine a headbutt from a fighter that gets punched in the face every day would be way more devastating than a headbutt from someone who hasn’t. Any dirty move you can think of—the UFC fighter will do it better than you can. And I can’t think of any reason to specifically train illegal strikes when, by and far, the effective strikes already allowed in the UFC will be better.


Didn't Bas say that was his FAKE advice?


Probably, that would be like Bas. Still some of the most practical advice you'll find on a video. In the 90s I did muay thai at a school run by a former fighter and body guard, and his ex special forces business partner. The school also did law enforcement, military, and private security training. Their advice was to get away before a fight started, otherwise go for the soft spots: eyes, throat, groin, then run away as soon as possible.


Yeah definitely you should always try to “run” or exit a street fight as soon as possible. The only problem with the moves you just cited is you obvious can't practice those in sparring so there isn't a way to master the “throat punch” as the distance and muscle memory you learned in Muay Tai is doing to be fist to chin……or shin


I love arguing with people that think that I’m gonna pull a cartwheel to ankle pick in a street fight


The best ones are the guys that think BJJ practicioners will really pull guard in a street fight.


No way I’m letting you stomp me in guard, you’re getting hip tossed or I’m getting the duck under to your back


They always live in places where the floor is made of broken glass as well they are obsessed with saying that


Lol its just like those guys that never been in fight saying "I wait till he/they hit first ", its pretty obvious guy in the video is just like a random fat guy, and some ignorant People that have zero confidence in them will trust this moron.


It's the short sleeve gi for me...


that’s not really what he said at all.


He literally said you don’t see his techniques in the UFC because the UFC has rules. Verbatim, that is what he said. Not sure why I’m being downvoted, according to this guy you won’t see his content in the UFC because the UFC isn’t real and has rules. Literally his exact words. Oh well, guarantee you all downvoting me haven’t even looked into this guy. He’s a bullshit artist who claims he has the best techniques that only a handful can master. You’re all defending a Mcdojo owner. Whenever someone says you don’t see there techniques because of “rules” that means they are bullshitting you. Just like your friend who says he can’t compete because he “sees red and can’t control myself when I get mad”


he is not spouting special techniques at all. he’s literally talking about the difference between being able to use a broken bottle versus having a ref and judges. if you think they’re the same, you’re as foolish as you claim the guy in this video to be


Person trained in combat sports fights person training with this guy... guess who's fucked without ref?


Nah bro you don’t get it, the trained fighter is going to fight fair and honor the rules they learned in their sport. Fighters never break the rules.


Lmao are you this guys student or something? He literally says his techniques are for survival and that’s why you don’t see them in the UFC. I’ve quoted him several times now and it seems you are trying to make up your own interpretation of what he MEANT instead of interpreting what he actually SAID. He also was just saying broken bottles exist in the street. He directly implied his techniques can help in street fights MORE than being a trained UFC fighter can.


There’s always some guy spouting this type of stuff. And it’s like… yeah there’s stuff that is effective in a self defense situation that is illegal in the UFC. But somehow that makes what a ufc fighter does ineffective somehow? I’d take a ufc fighter that trains their martial art every day even though it “doesn’t work in a street fight” over fuckin 65 year old Kevin who goes to self defense classes once a month.


How are people still talking this same stupid garbage in 2024? Like, yeah, obviously you should avoid fighting, pretty much anywhere. But especially somewhere where there's glass or rocks or the guy could have 9 friends and a knife and a bo staff. The only technique you should be using is "running away". Of course. There's no way to win a fight safely. You want to learn survival? Learn what places to avoid, how to de-escalate or avoid conflict, and how to run away. Great. But all that is also completely irrelevant to the question - "Why don't you see X random TMA technique in the UFC?" Because the reality is that if you don't ever see a technique in MMA, there's likely a reason. The most common reason is "that technique is not effective against someone who is trying to hurt you" (or is only effective with huge skill advantage, or with luck) and it is mostly pointless to learn that technique. That's the reality for most of this stuff. Before the rise of MMA, people believed all sorts of nonsense about what would work in a fight. "Oh, if a wrestler does this, you just do this". Well.. no you don't, because that doesn't work. Maybe it seemed fine in theory or imagination, or when sparring at 50% strength... but we tried that in MMA, and it didn't work. There's no reason to keep believing in lots of that nonsense now. Another possibility is that the technique is against UFC rules. You want to eye gouge or something? Sure. If this is an ad for "Bob's Eye Gouge and Dick Twist Emporium"... sure. But this hardly represents a complete system of fighting. Like, how do you "really" train an eye gouge, against someone who wants to punch, kick, and push you? I mean, you got two guys who are willing to gouge each others eyes out, I'm still just picking the guy who's the better general grappler to make that happen. This is also a pretty terrible strategy for most realistic fights. Random dude at the bar might want to punch you until you fall down and don't get up. You go in swinging punches, maybe you win, maybe you lose. Most nights, both of you go home. You bring eye gouging in, you may be escalating this into a fight to the death. Beginning every interaction by treating it as a "fight to the death" increases your odds of being in a fight to the death. Or the sort of fight where someone loses an eye or gets stabbed. Or you pull someone's eye out and go to prison. Sure, there's situations you gotta fight to the death like that... but most fights don't end that badly. And you're much more likely to survive that death fight if you have experience punching and grappling, like you'd get by training MMA.


Ok, let's take it to the streets then *pulls out gun*


I mean, he's not wrong. Try the BJJ Butt slide to get a leg lock on a guy who's stabbing you in the chest repeatedly or shooting you. But in real world scenarios, the only good answer is don't do it and GTFO as soon as possible.


He's not wrong about the UFC. He might be wrong about the techniques he teaches, but unfortunately we have NO CONTEXT here as well.


And even without bringing weapons to the argument, you shoot a double on a guy and mount, proceed to talk some sense to the guy or hit him while his friend has your face begging for a soccer kick.


Yeah, generally avoiding going to ground, or leaving yourself completely defenceless by using both your arms in some elaborate submission move is probably good advice, beyond that, all ufc striking and even throws are pretty solid "street" tactics. I doubt his special techniques are up to much, it's more thi hs to avoid from cage fighting than things to add


if he doesn’t teach you how to block sucker punches, kick someones head on the ground like a football, poke eyes, hit the groin, use weapons, turn anything around you in to weapons, fight against knives, swords and guns, push opponents on to oncoming traffic etc anything on the streets and anything the ufc bans. then his fighting techniques isn’t real fighting.


I agree with you.  I practice BJJ because it offers a fantastic workout that’s both fun and intellectually stimulating. The community is generally friendly, and I’ve made some great friends at my gym.  As for whether it would help in a physical altercation, it’s hard to say. I’m 40 years old and have never been in a fight, nor do I intend to start now. My ability to sense and avoid dodgy situations/people has been far more effective than any martial art.  With all that said, I often wonder if BJJ might even hinder my self-defense abilities since I often find myself nursing injuries from training BJJ lol


And the bjj guy is still better equipped to hand fight and grapple for control of a weapon than someone that goes to his classes doesn't get real sparring and just practices silly moves. You're just still in a horrible spot which is why avoiding the situation entirely is what it's all about


Theres a BJJ competitor who was also a bouncer for years and he has some great input on what works and what doesn't His biggest gripe with BJJ is the instinct to draw guard. He talks about how in the real world, you want to get top control more than anything else. Grinding on concrete or glass or getting picked up and slammed is real world shit, but you can use jiu jitsu to get the right real world advantage. Just gotta know how to apply it.


That is why Judo and Sambo dominate both MMA and real fights. Their moves are to take you from upright and sprung to flat and deflated.




It's a very stupid argument. He'd get his ass kicked by anyone in the ufc in any environment. He's speaking as if fighting dirty in a street fight is something they wouldn't know to do or deal with because they fight with rules. Like this fat fuck would be able to do anything to anyone in the ufc. How is pavement going to help him? Or broken glass? Or fighting dirty? Is he going to try and gouge their eyes out or claw them or kick their balls? Say he's capable of doing any of the three, it would only escalate an ass beating to a hospitalization.


Never seen the butt slide in ufc


It has definitely happened. They just end up getting stood up pretty quick because of all the booing.


lmfao look up Claudio Puelles vs Dan Hooker Pretty sure Nate Diaz did it against McGregor in their second fight


he's not wrong. If i'm out with my friend and someone tries to armbar my friend they are gettting bottled


I can see it now. Khamzat has just taken your friend down and is about to snap his arm. You pick up a bottle and smash it over his face. He snaps your friends arm, who starts screaming, as Khamzat stands up, blood pouring down his face, and looks at you. Then you go one step further into the street fight mentality, shit yourself, and hope the smell stops him from murdering you.


brother khamzat can't handle a fight camp what the fuck makes you think he can handle a bottle to the face


Depends on the bottle. Shampoo? Ya he can probably eat that.


*Khamzat gets ktfo. He’s not getting up from getting bottled lil bro


Yeah thats what I was thinking. People think it looks like the movies and forget those are fake bottles lol. An actual bottle, especially if its full, will crack anyone's skull and put them to sleep if not outright kill them.


Something tells me theres a better than 50/50 chance one wouldnt be immediately knocked out and for a bloodlusted ufc fighter with a wrestlers neck id put it way lower. Most of them would still fight with a concussion and fractured skull. I wouldnt take my chances tbh.




So what's he saying his stuff he is teaching is "real fighting" ?


His arteries are fighting a losing battle with his fast food addiction.


The best real world self defense training is done on the treadmill Running quickly > Getting sucker punched/stabbed/shot


40 year old Tony Ferguson mercs every student at this dumbfuck's school at the same time, without breaking a sweat. 


I fucking hate delusional people like this. Their opinion comes from a place ignorance and lack of experience in the areas they’re giving an opinion on. It’s the “Dunning Kruger Effect”. They don’t know what they don’t know and because of that, they overestimate the limited knowledge they do have.


He’s right tho, but mma is the best approach you can get to have an upperhand street fight


As always that is being said by a old fat man unable to be in any combat situation.


His video on how stop a double leg is hilarious


Who is this joker? I need to see more


Sauce? Do you have his name?


Go try and steal Marcelo Garcia’s wallet…. This mcdojo guy fieri looking meal team six mf. Fake always comes with the sales pitch.


He is baiting hard, but he is not wrong, but i guess we didn't see the part where he is gonna offer 'real streets fighting'


What's this idiot doing where he's constantly seeing people square off in public?


For him homicide is self defence.


He keeps quoting the UFC which is a league. It’s like telling football they’re playing NFL instead of football. The UFC fighters are using MMA which for the slow stands for Mixed Martial Arts because in the beginning when we pitted them all against each other we found out knowing lots of them is actually best lol




This is aimed at the sort of saps on the martial arts sub who think MMA wouldn't work "in the streets" but fucking Wing Chun would. Even with thousands of documented fights in MMA some weirdos can't accept that a lot of their bullshido nonsense flat out doesn't work and would see them get rolled by anyone half trained in MMA, boxing, wrestling etc. Had one guy on that sub spend days arguing with me that Kung Fu was the most superior style and a true master of it would never lose to someone with MMA because the masters know "secret forbidden techniques" and he got quite riled up when the only response to that was vicious mockery.


Everything he said was correct. I don’t know anything about this dude, who he is or what he does but nothing he said in this video was blatantly WRONG. Add on the fact the fighters know they’re going to enter a fight months in advance, whereas you never know what to expect when you’re in the streets


Definitely opening with a teep kick to the balls


So is this guy teaching lessons on fighting with broken bottles??


Meanwhile he's standing on a ... padded floor, with bags and other generic training & safety equipment?




So is this guys advice going to be “run away, and don’t get in a street fight”? Because if not he is full of shit. Avoid street fights at all costs, if your in any way squaring up it’s probably avoidable. You don’t know what crazy person has a gun.


Honestly, what he is saying is true. It’s combat sports. Well, I do personally train at an MMA studio, but I understand what he’s saying


Someone link his page 


What he means is that he teaches combat moves you can use against people with no combat training. You know, real life.


I don’t disagree with what he’s saying but who would you rather trust : an MMA fighter whose skills have been tried and tested against the best martial artists / fighters in the world or some McDojo guy ?


Just wasted 2 mins I'll never get back


Always some fat dude over 40 who's never been in a fight. Also, always claiming "this technique has saved me in at least 15 fights"...


F vs


I enjoy traditional martial arts but guys like this are delusional. If it works in mma it works on the street. Sure, I’m going to get scraped up grappling on asphalt but you know what would suck more? Not knowing how to grapple and being in a fight on asphalt I love how he offers no examples of why his style is better than something we’ve seen pressure tested in athletes


I remember meeting an army vet years ago in school. I was cocky and said I could handle myself in a street fight. He asked if I had ever had a knife to my neck. I said no, and I remember his look: shaking his head, not in shame, but in fearful recollection with a face that was glad in a way. He said, “it’s very scary. You don’t ever want to be there.” I stopped my dreams and cocky attitudes toward a street fight right there.


Lol sure fatty, where’s you get that tribal sleeve, “Warrior Ink”??


Of course, someone with any form of MMA training would fair better in a street fight than Joe Bloggs with no training, but what this guy saying isn't wrong. If a wrestler or bjj want to go to ground grappling in a street fight, you're just inviting someone else to head kick you to an early grave.


You’re not Polynesian so take that tribal tattoo off.


I noticed that too. He probably has a story for it.


Probably about his time in the special forces - these guys always claim to have been a covert operative or a trainer for Seal Team 6


Take anyone in the UFC, put them “in da streetz” with this guy. Wonder who is going to win?


I hate to admit but he’s got a point, knees/kicks to the groin, eye pokes, fishhooks, soccer kicks, foot stepping for stopping movement and so much more that’s not allowed in combat sports are fair game elsewhere but MMA is still the most complete “sport” for self defence.


So somebody with no practical combat training performing a groin strike or an eye poke is more dangerous than a trained fighter performing a groin strike or eye poke? It's always funny that in these scenarios people assume that the train fighter isn't going to fight dirty or use illegal techniques for some reason.


What he says is factually not wrong but does he really teach how to fight in a real fight is the question? If not he's just one of those fakers who take a real problem and give a fake solution.


Somebody listened to tank abbot on Rogan recently


Who is this guy and where can I watch his content? Can he actually fight?


Damn all the bullshido masters got the same sale pitch. Show me the forbidden cheeseburger eating technique master🙏


I’m definitely listening to the chubby guy…


I went to a BJJ seminar with Jean Vandesteen (BJJ black belt and head instructor under Relson Gracie), and his whole thing was geared more towards self-defense than competition, too. It was more a critique about sport Jiu-Jitsu than MMA, but the argument was that he's seen high level JJ guys get KO'd by novices in real fights/disputes because they fell into some bad habits from gearing everything towards competition, like not reacting correctly to cover their head and getting fucked up; things that they should know if they'd trained BJJ from a self-defense angle. I think MMA would have less of an issue translating from the octagon to the street than submission grappling, though. Obviously, it's incredibly dangerous to fight, so don't fucking do it, but MMA training is still very effective at self-defense, just like BJJ training is when it's covering that. But nothing's perfect.


In the streets striking /wrestling is definitely more useful than bjj where you might get slammed on your head.


Wow what a hot take


“So, come to my gym and risk being killed.”?


He better hope Bas Rutten doesn’t see this.


Yeah not real


Never saw this guy before and he looks like a McDojo type, but he is actually right. If you can tap out, or there is an official there to stop it, it’s not a fight. It’s an athletic competition. It’s a brutal one, but that’s what it is.


What a clown, if you can’t train it against a resisting opponent you 100% won’t be effective with it on “The Streets”. Besides that’s what firearms are for.


MMA may not be the same as a street fight, but all the skills one learn as an MMA fighter sure as fuck do contribute to being an effective fighter in the streets (if and when these dumb mfers find themselves in street fights). It's not at all hard for an MMAist to add eye pokes, groin shots, 12-6 elbows, and fish hooks to their repertoire if the situation calls for them. As for the classic arguments of "but the concrete bro" and "but their buddies will jump you too" are pretty easily ameliorated by sticking and moving.


He’s not wrong. To be trained in mma gives you an advantage but dont forget how many times BJ got stoned outside bars.


Literally he talks about mma using equipment, and he’s over here wearing a fucking gi… People aren’t walking around the streets in their gi. Based on his own logic, his self defence system is fake because it’s built around wearing a gi.


Oh shit asphalt, gravel and *broken fucking glass*? I doubted him before but that was before I realized *broken glass* was part of the equation. It's a great point. Never seen broken glass in the octagon


You try moves like this in the octagon you're going to jail. [Women's Self Defense Strikes : Self Defense Neck Breaks (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymN07p_-CGA)


He’s not wrong, but I bet fighting like a UFC fighter is going to keep you more safe than whatever bs he’s teaching


I think its super silly when dojo owners are like "my art is so deadly and real that it can't be done full speed or people will die". Then how do you train? How do you pass it on? How is it verified to be legitimate? BJJ and Judo have competitions, but you osoto gari somebody on the street you can kill them if they hit their head. You armbar somebody and there is no tap their arm gets broken. These are real techniques that you can practice in randori or live rolls every day of the week. And then apply "on da street" and they are hyper effective. Same applies to muay thai or boxing. You practice in a gym or compete and then applying "on da street" its the same techniques you have trained and are effective.


I was looking for a karate place for my nephews one time and I went to a "Korean Karate" not a Taekwondo place and they said they offered Judo lessons which is why I really went to inspect and the head guy took me aside and gave me the rundown and was like "People as me why I don't fight in the UFC. Because my favorite techniques are all banned. I'd for the the throat and balls." He then said the classes are kata only as it was a no contact dojo.


Ok Baki


Hey Guy, stick to Diners and Drive ins not bull shit.


I'll take the Bas self defense video tyvm




Is Guy Fieri’s cousin really saying anything profound here? Is he selling some street fight defense BS? If so, here - I’ll do him one better and from someone we actually know: https://youtu.be/bxTLE7O_Ac8?si=-x3qHQZ_zbTuXXuR


"Well you see, my techniques aren't allowed in the UFC because they have rules to protect the fighters health" \*proceeds to teach punches and kicks with the worst form humanly possible


I’m not sure what he is pushing but what he did say was accurate. That doesn’t mean I co-sign any of his other stuff because I have no clue who he is


This dude’s main MA is using a stick or knife (FMA). Hand to hand is not his forte.


I wonder why he has mats and bags in his gym instead of gravel and trees to punch? What an absolute dumbass take.


The streets lol. As soon as he said that I was rolling on the floor.


This was a stupid video a big nothing burger of shit i already know


King of the streets is a more raw fight club. More closely resembling real fighting. But the talent is at ufc.


Other than the mountains of street fights where the ju jitsu guy destroys his opponent on the ground, he might have a point.


Guy Fieri really isn't aging well....


Good chance this guy got a DQ loss for headbutt or eye pokes


Trust the butterball in the pajamas.


What is reality anyway?