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Now I really want to see Arman's anti bullying PSA https://preview.redd.it/ak3ukd0r4r8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a203326ae623ccd3e9b79872cf3ddb8efeb88a4


“Hi this is Arman, don’t punch bitch ass fans”


“ hi I am arman sometimes when people bother you you want to hit them. I know this. I live this. I do this. But friends we need to make peace ok “


They’re sometimes people too


https://preview.redd.it/eggxvmpq9r8d1.png?width=595&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce0ab6a2fb4419ace9abeef8cf9c30e5bae864a2 Update:


Goddamn right he chose to do that. Or at the very least, his manager strongly suggested and he listened.


Arman will probably take the anti-bullying to mean: “Bro you shouldn’t joke with me, or you can get hurt, if it was in Russia bro, you cannot say like this.”


Spot on. We get it. No joking or fun in Russia.


That's what he honestly should do, if he's gonna make some gay vid for them.


So you punched a fan huh, lets talk.


Lets see Paul Allen’s anti bullying PSA






You guys are fuckjng hilarious


Live Arman reaction


Wow I hate his face.




He looks like a completly different person, compared to his fight with Islam.


NGL I thought it was going to be for steroids when I saw the title… This… is better.


He looks juiced af in this picture lmao


They'll get him eventually 


Gamrot's polish voodoo strikes again.




He may just get the title shot now as well if Islam doesn’t want to wait.


https://preview.redd.it/jlxlug7szq8d1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=3db66f72a610b06f6aa8370e7fe3d6236b5d0475 Igor Severino, who bit opponent Andre Lima at March's UFC on ESPN 53, was today issued a 9-month suspension that terminates on December 22, as well as a $2K fine and prosecution fees of $471.12, which will be taken from the purse the commission already withheld. Severino had previously agreed to a 6-month suspension, as well as a $3K fine and fees of $314.08, but the NSAC felt a longer suspension may be needed, and pushed the settlement until today. - John Morgan


He’s already out of the UFC anyway so doesn’t matter much, his career is over 


I bet he’ll be back someday He’s really good Just needs to not bite anyone for a few years


Nah the ufc doesn't want bitey. He'll wind up in some regional or eastern FC though for sure.


the guy he bit cheated so much in his next fight that dana was joking about how now the biting made sense IIRC he'll be back -- easily has top 15 potential


Plus fouls are only illegal if you’re not a more famous or favored fighter. He should just wait till he reaches a top 5-10 ranking and then start biting people again.


I mean biting sucks, DQ the dude, but it isn't even the worst foul I've seen in UFC, like at all. Kind of an over exaggeration imo


$471.12 lol


Could’ve at least made it $420.69


I didn't watch the card, this is the first time I'm hearing about this incident... But does Igor Severino have the smallest mouth in history? It looks like he got bit by a chipmunk going off that picture


Pretty sure i saw Perez bite Taira last weekend too, I think it happens alot in fights also DC talked about biting 3 guys


DC was saying if you stick your fingers in his mouth he bites them, he does not bite arms like this. IMO biting fingers is a legit defense of fish hooks and other crap.


Yea I can only imagine if a finger is in my mouth for enough time for someone to bite down then that’s on the other person


Bro you stick your sweaty glove tasting ass finger in my mouth I'm removing a digit lol


I think back to that horrible dirty fishhook by chandler on Dustin dude should have 100% bit down.


The fact that you can mess with someone's mouth but not get bitten for doing so is honestly stupid.


Agreed! The reffing is so subjective sometimes. Tricoli got called out for his fence grab which didn’t change the trajectory of the fight but Bullets stopped a take down and he didn’t get called on it or lose position. Refs seem super timid to begin with when it comes to taking points away or addressing fouls.


Well idk if this is correct since they're both illegal A good example is being able to ground and pound someone but not get (up)kicked back


Just what the lightweight division needed.. /s


Islam def fighting Leon now


The Lightweight division is dying right in front of us smh. Everyone’s old asf & injured, or just don’t care to fight and no newcomers that I can think of are really pushing shit either. 💀


It has been happening slowly over the past few years. It was great to see Justing and Dustin beat up and comers but it also meant no one new was going to make it to the top for a while. Welterweight is probably the most exiting division, i think. Middle was looking nice for a while but with Khamzat being so innactive and Pereira moving up it lost some luster.


Yeah it’s cool seeing the older guys still being dominant, but it’s also not good for the division bc that means theirs a true lack of talent. I love Welterweight, Bantamweight & Featherweight. Welterweight & Middleweight seem to be the most competitive divisions in UFC. Light Heavyweight also looks promising, but a once promising division (Lightweight) really looks like a shell of itself.


Really hoping Arman can get it reduced! Even though they already fought, this is the only contender that makes sense for Islam at this time! He was already talking about moving to 170 after the DP win. So aside from Arman, there’s not much left for Islam


They can just fight in Abu Dhabi or Riyadh i guess, state sanctions dont have power there. Hopefully thats possible


If he does this anti-bullting campaign he will be able to fight Islam in Abu Dhabi come the end of october or in MSG in november (Islam said that he wants to fight in MSG). Being a martial art practioner myself i don't understand why he would react to a random fan flipping the bird. "With great power comes great responsibility" Spiderman, probably......


These guys aren’t exactly known for their wits and calm demeanour


Islam is a pretty chill just don't call him mf'er


Some are, but your are probably right. Most of these fighters are the bottom of the barrel kinda dudes. Uneducated bunch with a lot of demons


I know Arman and have spent time with him. He's a pretty chill dude to regular people. I've never seen him flip out or be a problem or anything. However, when he leaves to go to fight camp, I guess something changes. There's been a few instances of him getting aggressive to people before his fight. Idk if it's the irritation of the weight cut, general mentality shift, or what.


Imagine if NBA players punched fans that flipped them off lol. There wouldn’t be any fans in the building.


Nah you just need to throw a cup of water at them


Or a lot of stubborn fans with black eyes


Being an MMA fighter doesn't make you a martial artist. I know bjj guys who are fucking douchebags.


That is true! I've practiced Muay Thai for over 10 years and i've met a lot of douchebags during these years. In my gym they get humbled if they act reckless. though. No space for fuckwits


God dammit


What an idiot.


Agreed! Why would someone antagonize a professional fighter during their walkout entrance? That was idiotic


Your a moron. Just like in real life you can’t assault someone for words or giving you the finger


Really especially when you’re a pro fighter especially walking out to a fight, if you’re that easy to trigger as a man who can kill someone I mean come on


that’s why it’s so pathetic to me. ur a fucking pro fighter throwing temper tantrums


That's true, but it's hilarious to pretend to give an anti-bullying PSA when someone bullied _you_ and you attacked them for it lol. I do think any pro fighter fighting randos is the stupidest shit because your only source of income is fighting, and you're willing to not only do it for free but risk your income going to $0 if you end up dead, in jail, or banned from the sport. Then again these aren't doctors and scientists fighting for our entertainment...


You're. Moron. 


According to the left you can lmfao.




Why wouldn't you heckle someone like him? I would heckle the shit out of him.


100%. He’s clearly easily triggered - would be the easiest winning lottery ticket of my life.


Come on, the fan paid for the right to cheer or jeer however much they want, when they purchased their ticket. Arman is being paid to fight while also following a set of a rules and guidelines that obviously include refraining from assaulting members of the audience. Arman is lucky he isn't getting his fighter's license pulled by the commission, as most regional level fighters who do this in America would not be licensed to fight again.


Idk why some of you act like professional fighters are a separate class of citizen. Nobody can assault someone for giving them the finger period.


You prolly got bullied alot huh


State athletic commissions typically honor the suspensions of other state athletic commissions, so Arman is likely done in the US for the year. Not sure how this would impact international fights.


Yeah. I don't think Dana is too worried about a fighter doing something like this to a degree. Obviously, he won't want to go too easy, because this can very easily start a riot in the crowd. But, I feel like Arman might get a "I don't agree with the suspension today, but let that be a warning to not do it again. I don't want riots in the crowd".


Doubt Middle East gives af. Islam isn’t new to fighting there anyways


unlike NBA players, i think these fines legit hurt these MMA fighters. ole Arman can't be punching dudes in the crowd lol, but man some of the dumbest jerkoffs on earth go to these cage fighting cards sometimes frankly, these fans need to be kept at more of a distance.


Now we will have to hear about how Islam is ducking Arman when he moves up


You don't punch a fan in attendance for saying things u don't like


Islan again cannot stay active lol




Doesn’t that just mean he can’t fight in Nevada? Pretty sure he can fight elsewhere


The UFC will honor the suspension outside of NV.


What about outside of the US then?


hold up this is lining up nicely for leon vs islam LMAO. islam could not have gotten luckier, max beats justin so justin isnt an option, arman vs olivera fought each other when both of them could've waited for a title shot. arman defeats charles so charles is out. now arman is suspended so he cant fight soon unless he does an anti bullying poster and i doubt his ego would let him, and even if he does there is no guarantee that it actually does allow him to fight sooner. gamrot doesnt deserve it, and even if he did islam vs leon or islam vs gamrot is a very easy decision for the ufc to make. and i was upset that leon vs islam is so far away before ufc 300 LOL


Leon fights to infrequently to fight Islam before Arman is back.


honestly i think it would still work. Leon fights about every 6-8 months, minus his 2 year break, and his fight is only a month from now. Also, the only reason it took so long to make the belal fight happen was because of ramadan—it was confirmed that leon accepted several fights in the spring to which the opponent did not. Honestly i could very well see islam vs leon at Abu Dhabi depending on whether Arman does the anti-bullying thing


im sure the paycheck will be great enough for him to fight like a normal champ.


Watch Islam get blamed for being inactive lmao..


Islam vs Leon if Leon beats that other dude


Remember the name LOL


Wait, what even happened? This is the first I'm hearing of it.


A fan flipped him off at 300 and Arman punched him in the face. Clearly a problem.


He got in a little scrap with a fan after his last fight if I remember correctly.


Wasn’t it as he was walking up to the cage for his fight some fan said something and arman just punched him?


Arman is such a wild card lmao. That guy gives anger issues vibe.


Why are all these guys so mentally weak? Someone gives him the finger on his walkout so he has to fight them? Wtf? Same with all these fighters who lose their mind when someone online calls them names. Big muscles tiny brains I guess.


Wouldn't say mentally weak lol. You don't get to where they are being mentally weak. To go in the cage and win takes shit ton mental strength.


See you soon


I don't know why he did it? I assumed the guy did something awful like racism etc but he just flipped him off


Lol it wouldn't be a punishment if there weren't any consequences.. I love how people are willing to give a fighter a pass just cause they like that fighter or want to see them fight. Maybe Armin shouldn't have been attacked a fan!


Oh boy, we can already tell that the anti bullying PSA will be a meme gold mine


Mf wouldn’t even fight for 9 months anyway. What’s the point lol


Good, Iv been waiting for this. You can’t just assault someone for the finger. Especially if your a walking lethal weapon and have cameras on your. “


Question, does suspension apply to Abu Dhabi?


Yes the UFC would honor the suspension


Just parroting bs. You don’t know


It does if you ever want to work with the NSAC again.


Islam vs. Gaethje or Gamrot 😎




I believe that since Arman is suspended, he does. Picture it. Charles lost to Arman Gaethje was promised to get a title shot after he KO'd Dustin, then Max called him out for a BMF money fight Gamrot keeps calling out Charles


Porier didn’t deserve it, but he took advantage of the opportunity. He got slept by Gaethje and beat BSD who wasn’t even top 10. I think if Gamrot beats Oliveira, then Gamrot would obviously be next for the shot. But if Islam wants to fight before then or Gamrot loses, I could see Gaethje getting the shot. Who else is there?


Give Islam a shot at 170 (Leon or Belal), If Max wins the 145 belt, next matchup is Max Vs Islam. Max - 145 + BMF, Islam - 155 and Maybe 170. Could be a huge match. If Max doesn’t win the 145, fans won’t complain about Islam Vs Charles, while Justin Vs Gamrot for number 1 contender.


If max wins 145 they probably give him another shot at volk


I think Volk would DESERVE that title shot, but if Max has BMF + 145 and Islam has 155 and maybe 170 too…they won’t take the risk of Volk running that huge cash fight. The image of both fighters having “two belts” would be a cool image that UFC would chase. Would be potentially one of the biggest PPV outside of McGregor.


Islam has already said he doesn’t give a fuck about the BMF belt and would never accept it even if they offered it to him. Plus max already said he wanted to fight Volk if he beats ilia


So gamrot vs Islam in Abu Dhabi?


I don’t like arman but this is bullshit the fan literally started it not to add arman didn’t even land the punch it was just a hard fist bump 😂😂😂 pay the man his money and stop acting like the fighter isn’t supposed to be a fucking fighter


Guy is an absolute dumbass. From the way he handled the Kayla question to how quick-tempered he is, he’s shown that he’s not the best decision maker.


Clown shit. Don’t fuck with someone on the way to the octagon Jesus Christ


Chad Arman. Bunch of sissies in this sub


Ok look I get all that "he's a pro, he should act like one" but maybe you also shouldn't stick your middle finger into the face of a killer walking into a cage fight... Play stupid games, win stupid prizes count's for both these guys I guess.


What did the fan say to get punch tho is what I wana know. He doesn’t seem like an unreasonable guy


Seems excessive when he was the one who was grabbed and security didn't do their dang job


The NSAC really needs to stop stealing from fighters.


9 months is not january? And 6 is not oct? Wasn't this like last week?


I think its from when the punch happened which was april?


[Armans psa](https://youtu.be/kFRz0oIQ-pc?si=KPd0DluPNUaJxX3U)


He knew what he was doing. He was hoping for that 12 month.


Damn what the fuck did he do? There goes that Islam fight


What was the pre fight incident?


Islam vs Gaethje, let's go


Holloway should stick around at LW


Shouldn't be so thin skinned but that's a pretty harsh fine and ban. That's closer to popping bans than anything else.


It's.. it's been 2 and a half months why is this just now happening


Gaethje vs islam Dariush vs islam Gamrot vs islam Make either of the 3


I for one would like to see Dariush get that title fight he was robbed of


probably a bullshit way to put a bigger ppv draw against islam




doesnt matter who did what did , but if someone flipped you off then it doesnt give you a pass to hit them, this is life and sometime idiots do things but doesnt mean you'll act more idiotically. He is on a platform which many people around the world watch he should act more maturely, doesnt matter what that stupid shit did. if it was off camera he is free to do anything but on cam, nah. just my take


so chances are gamrot is the one to face islam in the abu dhabi / msg card


Poirier back in the drivers seat 😂


That sucks I thought he already paid a big fine too. As long as he doesn’t start beating his partners or stuff like that I don’t af I just wanna see some fights


Which one of you sweaties did he hit? I know you are around here somewhere.


Disappointed but he's honestly a huge moron for doing that.


It's an oddly specific situation though isn't it. Who's he doing the PSA for? Other UFC fighters? I don't think I'll ever be in a position where I'm a professional sportsman punching lairy fans so it's no use to me.


Yeah fuck that. I'm not trying to see Islam defend his belt in 9 months. Let's get Islam vs Holloway or winner of Belal/Leon. Hell, re-book the Oliveira fight if they aren't available.


islam should just go for champ champ status


How much was Connors fine for injuring other fighters in the bus incident?


I just want to say from the bottom of me heart, I apologize to one! The Bully does whatever the F**** he wants! *villainous laugh*


He's never gonna get his shot at Islam unless he bounces back from this suspension in a major way. I understand tempers flare but damn dude,keep that shit in the octagon and the gym. It's called being a professional fighter.


What about the fan talking shit??? This feels a bit harsh.


Somehow, Islam is going to get blamed for ducking him, now that the LW division once again will grind to a standstill


Let’s fucking go another undeserved title shot at lightweight


Money grab


This is just the Nevada State Athletic Commission though right? If he fights in the UAE he’s still able to fight right?


I guess it’ll be hit and chandler for the belt


Wondering if Conor pulling out had anything to do with this. I remember the fan saying he wouldn't press charges as long as he got tickets to McGregor / Chandler 🤨




9 months for that is crazy wtf


Retroactively, he can fight in October


That means Oliveira is back on the table lol




Welp, In the meantime… ig we’ll just be waiting for islams contenders to be ready… again. Max Holloway maybe could but rn we don’t know if they are giving volk a title shot vs topuria or not. If they are giving it to volk I could see max taking the title shot. If not max, then maybe Charles? Put gamrot vs Charles against each other for the next title shot while we are waiting for arman to come back. Just like how they did for poirier vs Islam since there was no other contenders.


i like that this behavior is not acceptable, but at the same time, i would love to see him fight for title soon


A major sports orginisation actually giving out penalties to their fighters that (might) actually mean something? Well I never


He put himself in that position


This is insane, Arman got punched first 😂


Could he still fight outside of Nevada?


Isn't he only suspended from Nevada? Just fight somewhere else and don't pay those dork commission autistic people unless they withhold from his purse. But why do these athletic commissions try to act like they're in charge of international law like they did with khabib, and he just ignored their pissing contest lol. The people in nsac were those special education kids that took being hall monitor way too serious and just got on everyones nerve then cried to the teacher that no one wants to be their friends lol.


Consequences for your stupid actions. Who could have known


I stopped to add that he's also a rotten c\*nt


Is this the excuse they’re gonna use to give Conor a title shot?

