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Kinda worked tonight too, he broke Alex's toe


Thatā€™s his style tho man.. I donā€™t think he knows how to shell up


He never puts his hands off dawg. And it hurts to see because he was destroyed after he got KOā€™d. if heā€™d just put his hands up and check kicks manā€¦. šŸ˜”


same reasons why he found success in the first place


That switch kick was so fast and non-telegraphed that most guys would have had trouble blocking it. Having hands up obviously increases the chances, but that was beyond elite execution.


My friend, he would've lost by TKO in the first round by that left hook if the bell didn't save him.




he was playing it smart at the start of the fight but he just gave up with the high guard and left himself open, idk what he was doing. poor jiri tho i love him and idk whats next


He took a more calculated and patient appraoch. Look at the stats, he barely landed anything because he barely threw anything. I actually think his usual chaotic style would have found more success. Pereira won their first fight, but he didn't make any reads on Jiri. He got hurt and pressured into a corner and his best counter shot landed first. Pereira imposes his will simply due to his stance. He leans forward. His power threat from his front limb also keeps his opponent back. He knows this and expects his opponent to know it. But if anyone had the balls to pressure him, they might win. Jiri had the balls the first time he fought. Pereira really doesn't like straight punches down the middle. However, it's hard to throw them on him because his left hook is right there. Adesanya also showed how to beat Pereira, but that took him 4 tries and nobody can replicate what Adesanya did. He used more magic than Pereira lol


That's his style.Ā  It damn he really paid for it was a lot of brain cells tonightĀ 


I would almost bet he could still type a more coherent sentence than what you just laid out here for us though.


This guy cant even put a fuckin sentence together.


Not that he had many to begin with


Iā€™m part Czech but even I was saying the same. Canā€™t play that game with Poatan


Pereira: most famous left hook in UFC Jiri: ā€œimma jab him with my left and keep my right hand downā€


This is like when people trashed Strickland for trying to walk down Poatan. They got there using their styles, but there are levels in this


Heā€™s always fought with his hands down. He tanks shot from everyone else


He had already lost when he let the magic thing get inside his head, even crazier is that he put it in his own head


People oughta stop calling this vulnerability a part of his style and start chalking it up to his lack of respect for basic defensive fundamentals so we can all be on the same page and avoid any Jiri larpers in the gym. No style should leave you open to getting hit like Jiri does. If he's gonna keep his head like that he has to manage the distance better.


This is the only way he fights. Thats what made Jiri successful. It maximizes his win percentage. If he fought covered up or deployed a traditional defensive stance, he would not be effective. This is like saying MVP should keep his guard up. Sure, he may last a bit longer, but heā€™ll have very little chances of actually winning.


Sure it made him successful vs the other opponents but you can't go into this particular fight open like that knowing exactly how the opponent you're facing is. Maximixes his win percentage? Yeah we just saw how it maximized his win percentage a few minutes ago bro. It was literally worse this time than in the first fight when they fought.


Yeah but fighters should be able to adapt when fighting an opponent that requires that sort of preparation. If Dustin can learn defensive wrestling for Islam then jiri can learn to keep his hands up for Alex.


Alex is better. This was a pointless fight from the get. Never cared to watch it and with Alex winning it proves my point.


Alex is better than everyone. Why watch him fight ever again?


Send him ankalaev


Ankalaev should fight Hill or Rakic first. He doesn't deserve a title fight right now. Everyone is knocking out Johnny Walker. Also are you seriously more excited for Ankalaev vs Pereira than Jiri vs Pereira? Bruh. I'd rather watch Pereira vs Jiri 3 and Adesanya vs Pereira 5 than that shit. Ankalaev is not a star. Nobody wants to watch him fight. And I know what you're playing at. You think he'd easily outwrestle Pereira (even though he said he'd only strike with him). I know a hater when I see one. If Pereira knocks Ankalaev out, you'd still be a hater. Pereira needs to maul and submit Ankalaev for you ground game nerds to stfu