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Dude what the fuck…


Excuse my ignorance, what does it mean? Explanation


The hot creamy donut glaze dripping all over the firm donut, and some of the cream goes deep and hard into the center of the hole of the donut. Not sure how it relates to Jon and Dana 😘


When you're dick riding or stanning for someone, they call it glazing. Hence, a donut being glazed.




They probably beat their wifes thogeter


Or each other


Rumor has it they were found doing the Yin-Yang in the T-Mobile toilets.


I heard Chael caught them in bed working on their "*Jiu-Jeetsu"*


Swingers and Swingers 🤣


Good ol' wife swatting eh


*wives.. wait.. is it? Is it like fish and fishes? Is it wifes cause they each have one? I can't even






While doing coke


I just can't imagine what dirt he would have on him It is strange though, as someone who liked Jones 1000x more then any other fan just by not despising him even I think its weird how much dana is showing love for Jones lately.


It’s odd for Dana and the UFC brass in general. Typically, at the UFC pressers, Dana and the commentators try to gas up whoever just had an impressive performance, especially the champions. I remember for both Tyron Woodley and Usman after like 2 defenses, Dana hyped them as being in the running for 170lb GOAT status, despite them being objectively way behind GSP in that regard. It seemed like overkill for sure, but it made sense that he’d be saying that to try to build up a champion to be a star. But when a reporter asked Dana about Islam potentially being current p4p #1 after finishing Dustin Poirier (who’s somewhat of a star himself) and getting both fight and performance of the night awards, how does Dana react? Naturally, he calls the reporter an idiot for suggesting that his undefeated champion at 155 who has finished 3 likely Hall-of-Famers in a row in the last 2 years might be higher in the current p4p rankings than Jon Jones, who has fought once in the last 4 years, and is unlikely to fight for another 6 months at least.


My thoughts exactly. I remember back in the day whoever had an upcoming fight would get pfp1 status. I remember renan Barao was the guy once upon a time. Even like volk and Islam was presented as 1 vs 2 for the first fight, after Islam won both he still wouldn't budge. I know we're talking about goat not p4p but dana uses them 2 terms flippantly often. I just don't get what has recently changed for dana to dig his heels on the p4p status all of a sudden


Dana went off because he thinks fighters should only go up in weight to earn goat or p4p status.


Because it’s the only major fight he has left rn because I think we all know jones is gonna retire after that fight. He dosent want to fight Tom


He is talking as if there is to be a fight after stipe. Either Tom or Alex seem to be the 2 he's mentioning


I bet Jones doesn't do that well in PPV but something about Jones in Vegas is cash money


Not compared to the spectacles like conor I wouldn't say. He brings in a fair few layers of the fan base, obviously the hardcores. The casuals aren't seeing him as must see TV because they've barely seen him When he had that altercation with dc at the face off is probably the time a jones fight brought in the most reach but his headlines don't draw interest to his fights as much as loathing to his character


Shaub has dirt on dana so why not Jones?


Does he? He basically played the card that he likely banged ronda but like how bad is that dirt.


Yeah thats it. He and shaub were going back and forth on twitter and shaub told him something and warned him. After that dana didn't say anything more (which is very unlike him). Maybe he actually had proof of him and ronda doing the deed. If dana wants to talk sh*t to you he will. I found it strange that after the warning dana basically stayed quiet and left shaub alone.


Dang did dana really back down?


https://preview.redd.it/ue0hk4l87w9d1.jpeg?width=657&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=002deafd5f5efaccc1ee2f629dfeaba25202837e As far as i know this is the last message from their back and forth on twitter. He posted this image of his notes to twitter.


Jon Jones fingers went somewhere Dana doesn’t want anyone to ever find out about


He power slapped him with his Jon bone.


Into his opponents eyes


He is trying to sell the only “big” PPV he has this year.


I genuinely hope it’s the worst selling ppv of the year


They’d never admit it. He hyped up the slapatron AGAIN and the place looked almost empty. I also noticed he seems to be inviting random influencers to pad it out… problem is when film it and show so many empty seats.


Nobody watches that shit lol. I literally blocked that slap bullshit on all my socials so i don’t ever see it show up on my feed


It's such a weird idea. In a way I don't doubt that it gets a lot of views in short viral clips. It's perfectly made for something you see in a 20 second short video and that can get passed around and go viral quickly. But it's hard to imagine any large amount of people buying tickets or even watching a full hour of that stuff.


It's really a matter of time when somebody dies from it and it will be banned. Guy died from this shit in Poland due to severe brain damage. I am really surprised that someone like Dana White supossingly smart businessman investing in this shit.


I enjoy fighting, but the slap bullshit is just too much


I do too I went to 303 super fun but he screwed all us over, paid 1500 to see mcgregor and just for Dana and the ufc to just dangle the info over us like I could of gotten a full refund but because they waited I committed to going and honestly a lot of the fights were snooze fests and the thing that got me the most mad is they didn’t announce the Brian Ortega stuff until like 30 mins after they posted it on instagram. People were finding out through instagram. It was a cursed card but Alex again carried it all those boring fights were worth seeing Alex. Like ligit everyone around me was there for mcgregor vs chandler and it was funny the floor was so empty like there was so many open seats, like I debated on trying to sneak down because there was so many open seats. It’s kinda hard to see in this photo since everyone is standing but when people are sitting it’s a lot more noticeable. It wasn’t sold out most people were like me and got stuck with the tickets. https://preview.redd.it/i8n9ltkwsz9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7039b902eb4fe7f8e7b3a1aad71fc9faeb0be63f


What did people in the crowd think of the 5 minute stare down?


It was insane like I’ve never had a feeling like that and everyone around me was just cheering I’m glad they kept the music going it felt like 2 actual warriors fighting. https://preview.redd.it/kmorat79sz9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=332adddddabb9abc669f78f93eadc038a05ee565


I’m more likely to buy just about any other card besides that. I have no interest in seeing him fight Stipe. He should be forced to relinquish or defend against Tom. Jon Jones getting the real Dana White privilege.


Exactly ! What is the point in having an interim champ if the actual champ fights a guy ranked #8. He needs to fight Aspinall or give the belt up, it will be soon pushing nearly a year and a half since his last fight. It's getting ridiculous now.


It's been ridiculous for about a year now 


This. I honestly don’t understand the hype some people have for a older jones fighting a 41 year old fighter who hasn’t fought in years. Now jones vs aspinal that has me excited. But jones is ducking again unfortunately. But fine let him fight stipe, but make him do the winner of aspinal vs pereira after that.


Hopefully stipe ktfo him 😂


But why bother when Alex will probably save it last second again


Everyone should stream it. It’s a MSG card so I doubt it won’t be stacked so most likely a sell out


You speak like I don't stream all my services


I’m sure if he put the the effort into promoting another fight as he does defending Jon they would sell just as much


Imagining promoting a young, exciting, talented British Heavyweight


Dana loves the thrill of dealing with scandals Tom is probably too boring for him 😂


Nate diaz vs connor at the sphere


Sunk cost fallacy. Jones has a giant contract and barely fights.


I doesn’t make sense aswell bc jones has fucked over the UFC so many times


True. And they ALWAYS find an excuse for him. But everyone is is treated like trash universally. 


True, and undeniable PED results right at the top of the list. Testosterone blockers, HGH, salt compounds.. He’d of been booted a long time ago, if he weren’t such a crowd draw.


They really seem to want to keep the “goat” of MMA status they have with him.


Both stipe and jones are about to retire which is why the ufc is 100% committed to doing that fight next. After that fight happens then they both retire and the winner of aspinall/blaydes get upgraded to undisputed then alex will fight the winner if he beats magomed. I’d bet the house that this is what happens within the next 9 months. I think by this time next year alex will be the lhw champ and he loses his bid for triple champ to aspinall (and jones beats stipe by tko).


I think you’re dead on.


“They call me mystic mac because I predict deez tings”.


!remindme 10 months


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when’s the last time jones finished someone with strikes?


I should have specified that prediction, tko via ground n pound (NOT via strikes while standing). Also I think his last tko was against gustafson in the rematch.


he pulsed hot for that fight and they had to move the whole event to somewhere that they didn’t care… so let’s not count that one lol. gustafsson looked a shell of himself also


He pissed hot multiple times and he had the testosterone levels of a 12 year old girl according to a test leading up to his fight against vitor but this is a seperate conversation.


his brother pissed hot in the nfl too, his other brother in the nfl had like a mental breakdown on drugs


!remindme 10 months


Probably saw Dana at the gay club




Don't say nothin Sal!


It was his blood pressure medication


Probably showed Dana why his nickname is Bones






The biggest non sequitur in that show


This caught me off guard lol


The same one Strickland bartends at?


Yea I think DDP goes there to kiss his coach


Rumors surfaced that Jon Jones might be gay. Jones might have tapes of him and Dana having sex. Old text messages between Dana and Lorenzo Fertitta had been leaked and they call Jon Jones a "douche", "scumbag", "fuck that punk". Dana also said to Lorenzo: " he (Jones) needs to know that we don't need him, or he will fuck us over more than he already does". This was said about Jones behind his back. It's clear that Dana does not like Jones and they are deff not friends. The strange fact that Dana is going out of his way defending and praising Jones must suggest that Dana is not doing this voluntary.


Or Dana white is a promoter who wants to promote his heavyweight champ since his last one left on his own terms and fucked him (in a non gay way)


You know what a good promoter does? Makes the fight that unifies the belt, no one can bitch about that. Boxing did it before scumbag Dana can.


If Jones doesn't agree to fight Aspinall, what happens then? If Dana could choose I think he'd feed Jones to Aspinall in his last match, that way you get a new big star who can draw people in the UK. I think Jones made it clear that he wants Stipe to complete his legacy or whatever and since he's not in desperate need of money he can stand his ground on this.


In an ideal world if jones didn’t agree to fight Tom to unify the belt then he would get stripped. He can fight stipe still and the belt is no longer needed since that’s his “legacy fight”.


True. But if we agree that Stipe Jones is the only thing that can happen (AKA what Jones demands) I can imagine that both Dana and Stipe wants the title for it. For Jones it makes sense because he can claim to be undefeated champ against the best at LHW and HW. And I think a heavyweight title fight will always mean more to a lot of viewers than a no title exhibition. In the end Jones is probably hoping (correctly unfortunately) that the details will be more forgotten in a couple of years but the narrative will remain.


Same thing that happens to boxing champs that refuse to fight the no 1 contender - strip him of his belt. This is why the promotor and the championship org should not be the same entity.


Yeah it should be like that, I'm just talking about what actually probably happens with how the UFC works now.


Recency bias. Boxing has a history of not unifying the belts. This is the first time the UFC has not done it immediately


In boxing you have to work with different promoters and networks to be able to get the deal done, making it much more difficult. Jones/tom are “independent contractors” by the same company, should’ve been easier, which makes Scumbag Dana much more pathetic for not getting that fight done.


Nah bro, Dana White's behaviour is way past just promoting. Something fishy is going on here


Dana is not a fighters promoter. He is the UFCs promoter. History shows this. 


Sounds ridiculous but hilariously good goss and theory. What/where are the rumours of Jones being gay?


The most damning evidence was him at a comedy club saying gay shit like how he likes LA men and that he likes pegging. There's other stuff but that's the smoking gun that tells me he's at least bi.


He knows about Dana’s furry hentai folder


"What the fuck, It's all of foghorn leghorn"


It's weird that they keep making two guys who rarely fight their big promotions. There's so many great fights they could promote instead. If they focused on their current talent, and gave less attention to mcgreggor and jones types, the non fighting types might fight more often.


It’s cast a shadow over two divisions now. It’s not even that big of a fight. Casuals don’t care and the hardcores are over it.


Problem is none of the heavyweights are promoting themselves worth a shit. It takes literally 1 post fight interview to seal a fighter as a star for life(I'm not surprised mother fuckers, we're not here to take part we're here to take over, Anderson Silva you absolutely suck, George isn't hurt he's scared, etc). It's fine if that's not a fighters style, but that's exactly how you get big fights


Dana got a little more than an “eye” poke from Jones fingers.


Brown eye poke 👀


How great would it be if Stipe absolutely demolished Jones?


Keep dreaming




See I don’t mind him thinking that Jon Jones is pound for pound GOAT… he can think that because the man’s resume speaks for itself. However, he claiming that the man should be at the top of the list today is what is weird to me.


That's exactly my issue. Jon has fought once in however many years and was able to use basic wrestling and BJJ to beat Gane. I'm not comfortable with that person being THE current #1 MMA fighter. He's a GOAT and that's enough


I think it's Fedor and Jones tied #1 MMA goat right now. If Jon beats stipe it will be no question after that...


Since Jones has had multiple PED run-ins I def have Fedor higher


This is more about Ngannou in my opinion.


He’s prolly scared of Jones tbh with you. Don’t blame him, guy is a psychopath. Or they have a closer friendship than we think, and Dana has always shown to be loyal asf to people that stay in bounds with him & his ego. Likely a mix of both tho


Doubt it, Dana has a level of money and "connections" that Jon does not


Doubt it, Dana has a level of money and "connections" that Jon does not


“Jon Jones has more victories, finishes, and championship title wins than any combat sport athlete of all time.” “More than Belal Muhammad?” “I don’t know the exact numbers, but yeah, I would say yeah.”


He said what he said, not decision wins.


Thats what im thinking


Dana understands the struggles of being late to church, they bonded over that


It's as simple as this. They want Jones to be the face/best of MMA and they've invested a lot of time and money into that idea. They're forcing something that isn't true.


Nah dude Jon is totally gay and fingered Dana or something and Dana doesn’t want us to find out!! Good thing us sleuths can read between the lines. That’s so crazy I feel bad for Dana   Edit /s… amazing I needed this lol


Yall claim to read between the lines but most of yall act like you've been in too many fights rather than actually being in any.


I thought I was clearly joking…


Soz wasn't directed at you


Oh got u my b


I think it’s just a matter of over promoting, honestly.


I wish I knew how to quit you -Dana


Jones pegged Dana


DANA 60 grams BABYY


I think Dana might just wanna kiss jones, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Happy pride. I just wish he was honest with himself


Dana loves BBC confirmed


Lmao I love how much y’all hate the biggest names in an organization that you have no due obligation on supporting yet they live rent free in y’all’s minds. Nd to some extent y’all pay theirs


No but Colby definitely does. “COLBY DOESNT TURN DOWN FIGHTS” was an odd one.


Same coke dealer...


They wife swap


Jones caused a card to get cancelled if I remember right . And now he’s getting defended hardcore by Dana. So probably ?


You must be a casual. Dana has always considered Jon Jones as the greatest of all time


I mean….Jones is arguably top 2 if not 1…


I fucking hate the guy. If I’m being objective, and ignore the steroids, the eye pokes…..only focusing on in ring results…Jon is the GOAT. But I disqualify him for being a dirty fighter and the steroids.


But you like Anderson Silva right? This sub reddit is actual aids.


I mean… it’s possible


lol what was the most recent rant?


They're eskimo brothers.


They prob used to do jone's weekend of cocaine together


Dana is trying to prevent the release of 'Jon bones Jones'. A film where Dana plays the role of Jones.


Jon must be hooking him up with the good stuff


It's the long game play. He's building up the fight with J.Jones greatest of all time against (insert competitor)z


Jones is prob his favorite company man he loves loyal guys n jones ain’t going anywhere


It’s just crazy because nobody wants to see Stipe fight. People want to see Jon fight, but anyone other than Stipe!


dudes just a fight fan. it isnt a hard argument to make that jones is the best ever.


Can someone enlighten me please


Not really, Dana just understands that whenever and whoever Jon fights, it will get massive PPV buys. By the same token, Conor must have some serious dirt on Dana.


He used to have nothing to say shit Jon when he was in contract negotiations. Now it’s all about selling us the Stipe fight and claiming Jon is better than Francis


If Jon had something on Dana, you’d think Dana would’ve paid Jon what he was asking for to fight Francis


Jones is under the table at that moment




Dana used to be based now he's a complete dipshit


They’re fingers were exploring each others bodies. For John and Dana, it was a hard yes to the exploration.


he hates francis and jon gets to be king of the jungle its mutually beneficial


* Aah...they power-slap each other while reciting the number of views of their respective websites


Jones actually knows that Powerslap sales are lower than Chuck E Cheese sales in 2024


Jon is the last guy, other than Conor, who still sells fights.


Jones is the GOAT but number one, Dana’s doing this to promote his fighter and the eventually Stipe fight that for some reason he feels has to happen and number two, he’s obviously doing it to big league Ngannou, listen to the podcast with Shannon Sharpe and how talks about Jones vs Ngannou that’s where this real hype of Jones comes from.


Probs got pics and/or vids of them doing coke together


Yeah I honestly dont understand how this relationship works. It's not like JJ pulls McGregor PPV numbers. 


He sucked his PP


I mean I think it’s pretty obvious that he clearly just markets people to build up ppvs. Imagine now if Bones gets beat. It blows up even more with Dana saying how unbeatable Bones is if Stipe, Aspinall or Poatan beats him. Obvs Bones is one of a kind but he did the exact same with Ronda. She was unbeatable, she could fight against the male division, she’s unstoppable. She then gets absolutely starched by Holly Holm and everyone loses their minds saying the women’s division is clearly better than everyone thought. Excellent marketing.


I wouldn’t call it dirt. Just jizz


He just wants to make Jones look like the better heavyweight than ngannou


![gif](giphy|E1fVK2LwNLTQQ) Yup…. World wide TOO


I don't think it's about dirt, I think it's about invested money. That 'JJ HW GOAT' legacy is important for the UFC on the long run, not just a compliment for JJ. The label is needed for marketing and future events. Everyone talks about the old HW champs in boxing, right. Dana wants that to




No way Dana is giving his P4P to a non American.


The secret is dans is gay for Jones 🤣 they have a hate love relationship


I legit think that beforet the usada and while the early days of usada, dana encouraged jones to tak peds and vouched for his safety so he can be his golden chicken but on juice.


Yes money.


Maybe Dana was at a diddy party’s Epstein island but was unamed


I believe the strategy here is to appeal to the new/casual fan. If new fans hear “yeah this guy was cool and all—but have you heard of this JON JONES guy??” They’re bound to become curious. In my opinion this is the most short sighted approach imaginable. These big stars are winning huge fights, having amazing performances, and finishing people left and right, only for their promoter to get on the mic and undermine them in front of their entire audience for a guy that’s gonna retire after one fight. That’s some bullshit. I also wouldn’t be surprised if part of the reasoning behind it is to not allow any new stars to become bigger than the UFC, like Conor did.


Maybe they conspired to hide test result information, and now they have dirt on each other.


I think it has to do with the conparisons to Francis. He doesn’t want to entertain those questions of who is really the pound for pound king


My boy!!!!!!




The tomato got so mad that the reporter pushed back on him. Fuck the tomato


Maybe, and he thinks both Tom and Alex beat him. Dana is usually pretty solid, has made a heckuva org in UFC but 2 brain farts would be a.) Slap Fighting 🙄 b.) thinking Jones v Stipe is what people want. Dana, it's what \*you\* want, I think Stipe v Jones has sailed.. Stipe, like Chandler are victims of these narcissist egomaniacs..


Or maybe you’re just wrong? 😁


He needs to promote Jones so wants to keep him relevant but who really gives a shit about Jones anymore? He's a confirmed drug cheat, woman beater and in actuality his resume is not that impressive especially compared to Poatan's. But Dana is out here glazing Jones to try and keep the hype up for Jones v Stipe.


I think Dana is just a bit more rational and objective than most users here




Please elaborate. I’d love to hear your reasoning on why Jones is PFP #1