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We are. They are called billionaires. They are not benevolent. We could maybe eat them?


Naw see... I'm not a billionaire but I'm stuck in that same class as them. And I already have a bad habit of gnawing on my knuckles and occasionally you know when you get dandruff under your nails. Anyways... the aliens once told me... you need to know 5 different languages to get in the car... Or maybe that was just the dehydration, hunger, and meth in my system...


Heed the lesson of Scooby-Doo it's never a scary ghosts. It's always s***** people


Always star people?


>Heed the lesson of Scooby-Doo it's never a scary ghosts. It's always s***** people Hah!


The Scooby-Doo situation is still a pretty big deal. If humans are pretending to be aliens, abducting people, flying around in UFOs, planning a false flag invasion to unite the world... That's not good either.


Earth is a human misery farm


That’s just Mississippi 


No, just Animorphs


You look at yourself as human and you will be ruled by creatures more powerful than human. Humans are vessels for the divine consciousness, divine beings cannot be ruled by anyone but the creator. I recommend everyone consider if they have imprisoned and abused their divine nature. If so, stop and release your spirit into this world. Love (respect, purity, strength, mercy forgiveness, clarity) is the language of the divine. Love needs to be your language and thoughts and then you will feel the reality, that anyone controlling your human life has no power over your real life.


that may be it!


We need to get Roddy Piper on it


And don't let him have any bubble gum!


I sometimes seriously wonder this also. The ruling class behave very alien to me. Either that or they are psychopaths.


If Aliens are secretly ruling us and secretly planning to Terraform our Planet, then I'd say going by today's current Atmospheric Statistics, logic dictates that our Alien Overlords clearly originated from a Planet with a Co2 atmosphere since that is what we are essentially turning our Atmosphere into with each year that passes that Governments ignore the ever abundant Carbon Emissions crisis. Edit: typo


long term what would this mean for the planet?


You ever see a comment and have to fight the urge to argue because the commenter seems so headstrong the emotional labor isn’t worth it?


It's so refreshing to see someone speaking about themselves with such critical and honest self-awareness!


Everyday is a train of internal dialogue including cause and effect. My energy is valuable. Thanks mate


100% agree and probably whats happening




The reptiles are among us bro. Gotta stop our pineal damage though


Disclosure will be when Trumps face opens up and we see a wee alien at the controls like men in black


Yeah bc Biden is running on DOS, so not really much to see there


Naw, it's a sentient clothing sort of issue. Just we can't isolate his signal because the sentient entity controlling him is the diapers.


Drunk alien you mean


According to “the Alien Interview “ book , Homo sapiens were brought up to this planet from different planets systems , Galaxies around the known universe, that could explain the various types of races , religions, languages, cultures, arts , political beliefs, also : behaviors this may explain the diverse actitud shown by humans on political issues, crime , work ethics, human relations, global politics, according to the”Alien “ this planet has been populated with spiritual beings with very different talents, such as, artists, geniuses , philosophers , religious leaders etc, on the other hand: criminals, predators, etc etc , so this planet is “ Prison Planet , with some guards being set up to be our “ watchers “ religion “ has been the tool being used for thousands of years as a way to control the planet’s population and create a sense of justice and conformism’s behavior, self control, with “ promises of better life after death, give our money , out time , our talents, control our thoughts, our thinking, once we are become part of the system, we are not longer aware of our spiritual power and become prisoners, spiritually and physically.


So... What can be done? Anything? Nothing? Seems to me like a personal escape might be possible, but shutting down the matrix is a whole other can of worms. And if you could escape, where would you go? The illusion of identity seems to be part of the system itself, a self-limiting factor if you will. Our true nature is not found in this modern story of economic and ecological exploitation, or even in the realm of birth and death. What's outside the matrix of alien biological and mental engineering? Is there light at the end of this tunnel? I have my own ideas about these things, but I'm interested in what other people think. This post is asking about what can be done. So what can be done?


The spirit never dies.we put spokes together and we call it a wheel,but it is the space where there is nothing that the value of the wheel depends . We turn clay to make a vessel , but is in the space where there is nothing that the value of the vessel depends. We pierce doors and windows to make a house , and it is on these spaces where there is nothing that the value of the house depends ,there for just as we take advantage of what it is , we should recognize the value of what is not . Knowing others is wisdom;knowing the self is enlightenment. Mastering others requires force; mastering the self requires strength, he who knows he has enough is rich;perseverance is a sign of will power, he who stays where he is , endures . To die but not perish is to be eternally present .


So the aliens want us to read the Tao Te Ching? It's famously obtuse, and not very action oriented to be perfectly honest. Should we live like the Amish? Forego technology and live simply, close to the earth? Was Lao Tzu an alien? Where are you coming from with an answer like that? What's the goal state? What's the problem to be solved? Leaving things be is easy enough, but what about making changes? Maybe we should ask the I Ching?


What it means is that we should start changing our world from within not from without , it start from our self consciousness once we reach a complete understanding of what we are and we can do , only then we would understand our purpose on this planet and why we exist, everything we do must have purpose, everything the think most have a reason , everything we say most have a meaning and everything we live most be remembered, knowing ourselves is power , knowing others is control, for every acción is a reaction , speak not with loud voice , but with loud words, remember is the thunder that feeds the flowers , is the Rain .


Correction : is not the thunder that feeds the flowers , is the Rain .


None of that seems like much of a plan to me. Just be a good person? Is that what they're waiting for? For us to be really good? I think that no purpose, no reason, no meaning, no power, no control, no speaking, no action, no memory... That's fine, too. The way that can be told isn't the true way, only still water reflects clearly. Desire is the mother of 10,000 errors. But if you think there is some reason or purpose that these beings have in mind for our future, what do you think it is? What are they waiting for?


To grow up , but it seems that after all what we have done to this planet, the resources, it’s own people, the fauna , forest, and animals that have been around for generations and generations, what is left for humans to save ? If we as Stewards of this planet have failed to recognize the real purpose of our existence and everything that was created for our own survival we would have lost the opportunity of being able to save ourselves and others from extinction, if we are a part of an experiment by the so called Aliens, then they left us here to see how we would react if they were to show themselves just as we behave when see others that we consider different because of their nationality, race , religion, social class, etc , just look at the media in these days, how to really know who is telling the truth ? That’s what some people working in the shadows want us to do , create distraction, discourse, division, ridicule , a false sense of fear , what those people have been doing for decades? Just read what happened in 1938 ! When Orson Wells interrupted a radio program to inform that there was an Alien invasion from Mars , people believed that news was real , people were scare , hysterical, ever since the people who use the so called “ Industrial military complex “ to create its own government, with its own military force, and have not checks and balances have been using those same tactics to scare and misinform the public, who can we trust? I guess the answer is , nobody, except yourself, you own spiritual knowledge, “ knowing yourself is empowerment, nobody can take away that from you.


If NHI is involved you better believe they are in charge. No one, and I mean no one has great moments of innovation or inspiration without their involvement. They guide what happens here.


This hive-mind production must be the handiwork of our public education, otherwise our elite alien leaders would lose control because they must firmly control education to actually teach the young to become mere drones and puppets and to make them believe in dogmas that are mostly inhuman nonsense. [Another Brick in the Wall Pt. 2 (The Wall) - 1080p Remastered (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6PwUG283DU)


Start with the most wealthy and work pur way down until we get to the lizard king.


What does Jim Morrison have to do with this? Should we break on through to the other side?


We should probably be proactive now and shoot some down and make reproduction vehicles and a space force. We would probably have a secret deep state, working on a rebellion in secret, lol, something that probably looks like the Military industrial Complex. Classified recovery and reverse engineering programs full of secret agents and double agents. Lol Imagine a scenario in which Grusch reveals our planetary defence rebel forces, that why everything is hidden and now the aliens know our plans.


Yeah man that would make sense i guess.. but.... perhaps if we know them, and know what's happening, it was transparent, we might have the minds to be able to defend ourselves better.


Yeah and who do we have negotiating for man kind, these crazy government bureaucrats. Transparency is the way, there really is no excuse to not let us in on the secret, even if it’s somber!


Funny,you just described our current sitrep..


It's absolutely dumb how folks are unwilling to admit "what if the government are the good guys" as an idea. Like. Physiologically psychologically incapable... Almost as if... We


Because they never where and always (!) used catastrophes to their benefit and not societies. So no, it is possible but highly unlikely


...you notice how we're not dead yet... and the world hasn't ended even though every bleeding country has a thousand nukes stockpiled... And how we developped computers... and cellphones... Sure is good not being a serf in medieval England. Or being dying of dysentery on the Oregon trail. Or being a crackhead. But noooo the government is evil.


There a dozen of major problems unsolved. Instead of solving those (real solutions not a chain of meaningless conventions) they ally up with big business and play their whistle. Tell me, how is house pricing, health pricing, energy, ways to express yourself (without getting harassed), education in comparison to … let’s say … 20 years back? 30? 40? Are people more happy today or are they stressed out. Are mental diseases growing or falling? Can you live your life happily without taking regular timeouts from society and or social media? Did we talked about climate change? How’s about american exceptionalism, especially with Trump? So sure, government has only the best in mind for you and all this are just mistakes. Sleep well.


But are you currently terrified a forced draft will lead you to have to die for all of that. Ohhhhh Mic drop


it has always been so, as long as we've been here there has been the NH aspect in the background, sometimes guiding us, mostly keeping the bad ET's or organisms away not to infect this planets eco-sphere, we wouldnt survive for long without them as we have no idea whats out there and no real defence, its like a kid telling its parents im running away, the dad says good luck.




I have this feeling i cant shake that not all souls who inhabit bodies are from the same source. What we attribute as human empathy, the other cats lack or dont inhabit at all. Hope that this incarnation in being human could teach them that. Really hope they are not above the karmic law


The difference is probably our mortrality and religion. If aliens did exist it would create mass hysteria as most people associate anything NH with demonic forces. This would probably be why they are hiding, also if you look at history humans have a weird obsession with power, and resource guarding. If aliens did exist, and they did have revolutionary technology it would more than likely be antithetical to anything those in power would want. Also our morality lies a problem as we are very short-sighted, we preach about leaving things for our children but many are afraid to let go. There are also 3 reasons IMO humans wouldn't disclose the existence of alien life in my opinon. 1. The aliens want to conquer us. 2. They want to free us; destroy the illusion of control 1% of the population has over us. . 3. They want earth . I think is the more likely option, if you wanted to destroy a species you would have them destroy themselves.


My guess is, that aliens who have the ability to travel this far wouldn't be stupid enough to interfere with us crazy, self annihilating species. They're waiting to see if we can get our shit together or we kill everything and everybody. We're on the cusp of something great or something devastating. We're being studied like we study other animals.


Nearly all of our human contrivances are a double edged sword. Hierarchies are useful, but they're also prone to corruption. We are unable to reliably detect human sleeper agents. We don't know their thoughts or intentions. To reliably detect NHI in disguise we'd need to be able to know what's going on in their head. Assuming there is more than one species of visitors, I think the best we can do is hope that one of them has interests aligned with ours. The question is whose interests?


What are „our“ interests? Or do u mean the interests of the Altmans, Musks and Bezos?


That's why I posed the question. "Our" could mean some of humanity or all of humanity. Would they want to see AGI succeed? Would they want one particular country to dominate the world? Would they want to see humankind mature into a peaceful spacefaring species capable of interstellar or intergalactic travel? I think most of us want the Star Trek future but that doesn't mean NHI would. Perhaps they would want something more akin to Ender's Game.


Pretty sure they don’t want the earth destroyed, which is what the current human crew is diligently working on


Literal Parasites.


I'd say kill them if we can identify them Indigenous people would always be wise to do so in this situation


They did try, and do try, but they get overpowered by better weapons, better technology. And the sheer force of greed unbridled by any sense of brotherhood with our fellow human beings or stewardship towards our natural home, our spaceship called earth, where we live and breath. Invaders are usually better at killing than the natives are. Not always, but usually. Brutal, militant, heartless, and well armed.


Are you asking about circumstances where it remains secret, or if it becomes broadly known? In any case we need to discover and popularize: their limitations, and ways of countering their methods. If the question is about the case of it remaining secret: we need to stop being so divided and so easily divided, stop being _SO_ gullible so as to believe in every single myth that's marketed, focus on understanding what's true not - what makes for a fantastical story, go back to a society where dumb people understand they're dumb and that whatever ideas they made up out of their minds from a position of ignorance is _not_ what makes them an extremely valuable and important part of society - other contributions to society do. Society has seriously been misled very badly for at least these past 50 years. Important aspects of society are significantly worse off than they were 50 years ago. The above would repair most of the most critical damage. If the question is about it becoming broadly known: We need to sue for Independence, non-interference, freedom, and probably other terms. If that fails, then we need to fight for it.


There’s no way a NHI would run things this badly. Mercury and micro plastic in the bio? Not a chance.




They love it.




I believe it is possible that a non-human intelligence could co-habitate with us in the hegemonic structures they implanted here; by creating and seeding religions, and by implanting technological and scientific discoveries, and by inspiring the creation of political manifestos: A process achieved by impersonating Gods and Muses, and by creating master narratives and symbolic structures, and sociocultural discourses that led humanity in certain directions. In this sense, cohabitating with us in the blurry lines around free will and Providence, consciousness and reality, and creativity and discovery...


What can we do about this? We need to face life's problems with the best means at our disposal, and stop looking back to ideologies and religious texts for answers. We need to stop looking for a side to join, or an easy answer to life's questions, and work together


But what if aliens and humans *are* working together... to control the population of planet earth? Should we help them out?


I think i would start by assuming that there is multiple forms of intelligent life in the universe, and so 'aliens' means more than one thing, they would be as different as different countries and different societies, with their own beliefs and values and intentions. If we look at the ancient texts like the Enuma Elish, and Bilgames/Gilgamesh and the Vedas and Hesiod, the Bible, etc...The entities represented there were extremely unethical, and acted like Conquistadors and gangsters towards us. They impersonated deities...and they enslaved us and used us for their own ends and glorification. They likely represented some criminal or malevolent Imperial enterprise, and we should NOT be working with them...but we live in the shadows of the religions and the society they created to this day... On the other hand, if we look at say, the Corpus Hermeticum or the Avestas, or the Bhagavadgita, and we look at the ideas in there...how a non-human intelligence could inspire the human race towards better things, the question becomes more complicated.. There are many more dimensions that could be discussed here, but what im saying is there are always a number of other things that need to be taken into consideration....and it is never a simple yes, or no...


Why disguise yourself and do all the work when you can simply disguise your influence with a person's inner thoughts?


I think the hybrid model is much more likely. Those at the top of the US Government have made alliances with some of them. World governments are aware but don't say anything to either not start a panic (China/Russia) or because they're otherwise US allies. I think our only chance for survival under either scenario is to play for time. Civilizations throughout history have been conquered without the need to extinguish the population. In time their progeny or descendants have come back to power and tossed their oppressors. If this is the case in our reality then in time humanity will come to terms with its future.


I wish, because it would mean humans aren't as easily corruptible as they are. But I've witnessed it first hand - lower-middle class people get their hands on some gold, then the status fixation, then the entitlement, finally they simply bulldoze over everyone and everything in their way. Humans are shit. Sorry.


Here is another account of this theory: [Is THIS How They Really Control Humanity? (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRBA_mcRMAY)


Well we we are either coerced or just giving away consent.everyone is just saying yes to whoever is above them. We are allowing it to happen in a way. Or just being murdered. "How long shall they kill our prophets, while we stand aside and look?" -Bob Marley. There's a Dr. Who episode that portrays what u describe. Where an alien is controlling everything by coercion. Tricky stuff.


Ahhhhh, check out the history of all human time, it is not in our nature to be ruled.


Huh? What do you think monarchy is? How about democracy, autocracy, oligarchy, theocracy or corporate governance is? These are all the examples of being ruled in various forms of governance and leadership structures. To OPs point, your a part of one of those systems and because of your comment it doesn’t appear that you even realized it.


Tell me how those Monarchy’s are working out in the present. Eventually they all fall.


I can’t speak for the millions of people of those countries. There are over 40 of them. To make the comment “eventually they all fall” is a simplistic statement because it states the obvious truth that nothing lasts forever. Like no shot 🙄


...did you have mother issues growing up? Would you rather we speak olde English instead of proper English. Maybe Welsh? Videl Castro never died... he just got a sex change and became your mother. Look into facts, go buy a pet.


If we found out we were ruled by evil panda bears, would it even make a difference? Meaning, what could/would you want to change?


I would initiate a global bamboo eradication program. They are capable of eating other things, but a world without bamboo would really cramp their style.


Didn’t I read somewhere that panda’s technically should be extinct if it weren’t for human intervention? I read they’re not really supposed to eat bamboo, they’re just so stupid they keep doing it and humans think they’re cute


I thought I read that they're just like, really bad at sex.


I like where you’re going with this, what would be Step 2…


Step two is send in the panda fursonas to sow chaos and division.


People are just dicks dude, hate to say it’s just that simple but it’s true. People who hold the power are even bigger dicks but being a dick or having no ethics or morals doesn’t make you an alien species it just makes you a big dick.


Sadly humans can be incredibly greedy and cruel to each other. I’d love to blame aliens but I’m 99% sure the problem is just us.


We kill them


That would be convenient, but no humans are just like this.


"I'm the government. I'm here to help." Also said by any conquering Alien species.


If aliens ruled the earth they are doing a shitty job of keeping it clean and sustainable


For homosapiens that is true but Edgar the Bug loves the newly polluted world. Reminds him of home


Egga suit


maybe it's the endangered mosquito population they are keeping alive?


What's 'inhuman' about it? Seems very human. Either that or we have been ruled by alien leadership since history first began to be recorded, probably earlier....Which I guess is possible but not likely. Don't know if it's worth ascribing to aliens what we are fully capable of ourselves, at least not without further information to suggest it.


What if humans are the aliens?


Can't be 'alien' to your own species? If you mean alien as in foreign to the planet then I dunno, I wasn't around a million years ago, I assume apes were native however, so the only alien bit would be whoever tweaked us genetically, hypothetically speaking.


I'm just saying, if it goes that far back then human nature is actually alien nature... which explains how we treat the planet, when you think about it.


That's not what I think, I think we evolved over a million years to be materialist, clannish, violent and opportunistic because existence is hard and we fought to survive. What we have now is a thin veneer of civilisation and law laid over a heart of war and destruction. Which is certainly progress, given our history. No point in blaming some alien when it could easily have just been human nature.


Just because the ancient alien hypothesis isn't necessary doesn't mean it's false.


I didn't say it was. Could be. Its just if humans COULD do it, Im gonna assume it's that first, because it's a known factor, before assuming an unknown factor is responsible. If someone proves tomorrow that the Nazca lines, for example, are alien influenced, I will be extremely unsurprised. Until then I have to assume that for some dumb reason a bunch of humans wandered around creating pictures they couldn't even see because they didn't have technology to see it from the air. It might seem dumb but IF we can do it there might have been some dumb human reason why we did. Edit: typos


Right, well you and I might think of aliens as an "unknown factor" but if there is any veracity to the idea of a UFO cover-up (and I think there most certainly is) and if UFOs have anything to do with aliens... then somebody knows a lot more about it than you and I do, and it's a very closely guarded secret. The Epstein blackmail ring is nothing compared to this. And so, if aliens are not an unknown, but instead a closely guarded secret, that certainly changes things.


Well sure that's why we need Disclosure, immediately.


The fact that we need it... That's exactly why we don't have it. There is a reason to hide the truth. Somebody wants to control us. It's too important, too big, too significant to reveal. The truth is such a big deal that we kill people to keep it hidden.




You are likely suffering from schizophrenia


You are likely suffering from a low IQ


>What do we do if we are being ruled by an Alien Species disguised as human? In all seriousness, we're not. There's an easy proof for this If there was actually an alien conspiracy to disguise themselves as human beings so they could infiltrate human leadership, it would be in their interest for us to not know about their existence. So they wouldn't hover their ships over people's houses and let them take pictures, or fly their ships around in weird ways at night with their lights on, or buzz commercial airplanes or military jets, or any of the other claimed alien sightings people on this sub get excited about. This is one of the underlying contradictions of alien conspiracy. Why are supposed aliens both extremely shy and yet selectively obvious? Why are their ships both hypersonic, ultra-advanced, high-tech wonders and apparently prone to crash or be shot down with unusual regularity? You have to pick one lane and build a case for that. >This might account for a lot of the inhuman decisions being made by people in Power, we ask, why would anyone do/support that, what is their Agenda? Like what? Name a single decision that is unequivocally "inhuman", a decision that is impossible for plain old power-hungry or greedy or sadistic or sociopathic human beings to have made? Because here's what I know: some human are violent, uncaring, unethical, narcissistic, douche bags. Is Putin's invasion of Ukraine a sign that he is possessed by demons, or is a Red Lectroid from Planet 10 in disguise? No, this is the way human kings and dictators have operated throughout all of human history, when they could.