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Acceptance won't get me a gf anon, but plastic surgery might...


Plastic surgery makes you look the same or sometimes even worse, so I don't think either acceptance or surgery will help


I have a consultation for a 36k surgery to fix my face next week. I'm doing it because I can't take the physical and emotional pain anymore. I'm a genuine 1 with physical deformities. If this deformity is fixed, it will be an improvement to my appearance regardless. It won't take me to average, but it will take away the shock factor. It's ended me financially, and I'll never recover from it, but I'm at the end if my rope now. I could have dealt with the physical or emotional pain on their own, but both together, after 30 years, it becomes unbearable. Honestly, if it's right for you, then that's all that matters.


36k is a lot what all are you getting done?


Double jaw surgery, multiple orthodontic treatments & chain implant. I didn't want to risk a turkey job as it's mostly to get me out of pain and help the breathing difficulties, so I opted for a good clinic. It's going to be a long journey. I have severe micrognathia, it's so bad I looked like a duck on my x-ray lol.


Never get a chin implant. Opt for a genioplasty instead


I'll mention this on my consultation, thanks!


Do you have support for the recovery? I looked into this when I was in my 20's but ultimately never pulled the trigger. I'm in my late 30's now and wishing I had.


Just myself so far, I haven't broken the news to family/friends just yet. I needed to be sure I was doing it for me and the right reasons before I did it, and it's going to be a long road. I honestly don't think it's ever too late for you to start thinking about it again, I'm in my 30's too, all I think about now is the end result and the progress ive already made and it's actually been keeping me going for the past 6 months.


>I haven't broken the news to family/friends just yet. I wish you the best of luck. Hopefully they respond better than mine, but be prepared for them to be against it. Do you have a plan for recovery? My mother told me there are places for people that don't have a family to recover from surgery then kicked me out of the house lol. Mine tried to gaslite me into thinking I had BDD or some shit. Like I have x-rays that prove what went wrong with my jaw, how my recessed maxilla narrows my pharangial airway, how one condyle is longer than the other, etc. But they would rather tell me it's all in my head rather than adimit that it was a mistake (which I never blamed them for in the first place).


I want surgery but I only have 2 dollars


I want plastic surgery, it might make me feel at least a little bit better


I think it’s great, I’ve been watching a plastic surgery show and the amount of confidence that they restore in their customers is amazing. Plus they look good. I’m a personal advocate for surgery, i know it comes with its complications and people are frightened by it but if you can do it, for social acceptance or whatever, you have to remember it won’t give you the world. But it might make the world a little more tolerable.


Man get the surgery. Lots of people don't want help. Loads of people could change a lot in their life.


I got a nose surgery. I have no other choice but to accept my unattractiveness now, bc there's no other surgery that can help, like you can't change the size of your forehead or fix a flat head with surgery.


You actually can tho


Is there a surgery for a small forehead and a flat head?


You should consult a frontoplasty surgeon for this case. And what do you mean with flat head? On the back?


I see. On the back and also top.


I don't really know, tbh. If it's what I'm thinking it's something that could be treated in the first months of life. Try r/plasticsurgery for tips. They're not judgemental.


They have hair transplants and hairline lowering for forehead size 


Works for a long forehead though. Mine is the opposite.


Plastic Surgery has played a big part in me finding peace with myself. Don’t do plastic surgery for other people, they don’t care and won’t care. Do it because you want to improve yourself. Like going to the gym, or getting a tattoo.


Im planning on getting plastic surgery. I mean I did accept that I was ugly but I watched a video of Karmalita fox and she said that , if you are actually really ugly then you should get plastic surgery since it will give a lot of advantages. And its true lol like you have a higher chance of passing your job interview, getting a bf/gf , people respecting you. So I decided that I will get plastic surgery for the better!!


When I was in my 20's I had a plan to get double jaw surgery, I even had insurance prior authorization which tells you it's more than just cosmetic. In my case it's fixing poorly done orthodontics that messed up my face/jaw. I never ended up doing it because I had zero support and it wasn't something I could recover from alone. Family was not supportive because they thought it was entirly cosmetic and they didn't see a problem with it. That was over 10 years ago and I wish I had done it. Now I'm looking again, but I'm in my late 30's and it's even harder. I doubt I'll get insurance coverage this time around.


Surgery makes you look the same as you did when you went in if you're lucky but if you're unlucky u will look like a fucked up alien