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Snapshot of _Tory MP Steve Tuckwell films 'proper weird' video demanding more chip shops_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/tory-mp-steve-tuckwell-films-32455918) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/tory-mp-steve-tuckwell-films-32455918) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


what makes me laugh is they tried to open up a chip chop in uxbridge in 2019 and a certain mr steve tuckwell who was a councillor at the time denied their request.


There was a piece about this on LBC a couple of days ago where whoever it was's researchers had read the small print in the guys petition and it's essentially a ploy to get people's data in the local area and to get them to inadvertently agree to receiving a load of Tory propaganda in the run up to the election. Apparently the Tories have also quietly snuck through measures to relax data protection laws around electioneering and passed a bill to raise the electoral spending cap by IIRC about 3x what it was previously. Also don't forget that if you're a Tory-voting pensioner, you can use your bus pass as ID to vote but, if you're a student traveller who is more likely to vote Labour, your travel cards are not valid ID. They really are just the worse scumbags you can possibly imagine.


This. It's actually a phish and chips campaign.


That's fine work right there. Take care the rest of the day off. Tell your boss I said it was ok.


If I read this as a tabloid newspaper headline, I would nod my head in admiration.


Groan r/angryupvote


Take my angry upvote. Goddamnit


This is why I subscribe to this subreddit.


That's genuinely superb.


They haven't managed to pass the data protection bill, despite it being drafted a while back. They have spent time and energy getting involved in the Information Commissioner's Office, and the latest one basically refuses to regulate.


They had to to make the Online Safety Bill work - anyone who cared at all about the job would note the bill's requirements for age verification cannot be done under our existing data protection laws


I mean the data protection bill itself is a load of nonsense. I work in the compliance space and gave my feedback on the planned changes, as did other professionals, and their feedback was just to ignore all issues raised. So much of it is change for the sake of change. Despite their claims of reducing tape, all it adds is more terms and confusion. I anticipate loads of law firms putting on expensive webinars.


Oh absolutely. DSIT just has absolutely no idea how to do anything but add massive compliance and red tape costs to everything for no real benefit.


>Also don't forget that if you're a Tory-voting pensioner, you can use your bus pass as ID to vote but, if you're a student traveller who is more likely to vote Labour, your travel cards are not valid ID. And an (expected) October election would hit just after students have moved to uni, so many wouldn't have time to register for their uni addresses, and would be away from their home address. I'm sure that's just a coincidence though...


IF you are a student, then DO NOT worry about registering to vote at your uni address, Request a postal vote for your parents constituency. Not only is this legal, but student areas are hard labour anyway, so keep your votes in potential battlegrounds


> Also don't forget that if you're a Tory-voting pensioner, you can use your bus pass as ID to vote but, if you're a student traveller who is more likely to vote Labour, your travel cards are not valid ID. JRM not only admitted that this was a ploy to favour Tory Voters but complained that it did not work well enough in the last council elections


Also a YouTube from A Different Bias / Phil Moorhouse đŸ±


Care to provide a link or even the name of these measures that have been “quietly snuck through”. If not I call shenanigans.


I know we are used to this Tory party being incredibly stupid and incapable of basic politics but I honestly don't think we are ready for the onslaught of insane and evil methods they are going to use this election. And as everything in the UK, even if they fail, its going to set the stage for future elections and other parties too. Laws have been changed, standards dropped across the board in pretty much every part of the state and public life. We can laugh now, but this is so awful for the future.


What worries me is not the Tories being scumbag Tories as usual; it’s that Labour will not offer a meaningful alternative and we’ll end up in the same situation as the US, where both parties are captured by money and offer nothing to ordinary people as living standards decline for most. Once that happens, people look to increasingly desperate options normally from fascists who lie just to get power.


Sadly that's already a guarantee sadly, New Labour were more interested in workers rights and putting the economy right that Starmers Labour are. They are not even going to undo all the damage to our laws the Tories have done, they will capitalise on it all. This from someone who's gonna vote for them (my constituency is relatively marginal). For me, there is nothing good about any of this. Tory party gets demolished? Barely a smile for me because I can see whats coming.


A bunch of loons forced the Tory Party to the right. We need people to get involved in grassroots movements to force real policy changes. People like Gary Stevenson are trying to do this.


I feel like free bus passes are far more heavily regulated than student travel cards tbh


I am surprised. Very surprised.


What's that got to do with an MP? I didn't know Tories believed in an economy so centrally planned it orders the creation of takeaways town-by-town. Surely if someone wants to open a fish and chips shop they will*, if they don't want to, they won't. I think they've really run out of things to do in their remaining time in office. * Um, except a few years ago when this guy was part of the planning committee who stopped one from opening.


"What's that got to do with an MP?" a fish and chip shop magnate gave him a brown envelope?


I’m fed up of all our politicians being in the pocket of Big Chip


Mr Chips surely runs it all right?


Say what you see


Surely it'd be wrapped in yesterdays newspaper, right?


I replied on twitter to him that if he thought there was un unfulfilled gap in the market maybe he might be interested in investing his own money in the opportunity. Perhaps then he'll have something to fall back on when he's summarily ejected from parliament in a couple of months time.


A true Blairite could have so much fun with this. An Office for Fish and Chip Commerce (budget: £500m). Rolling stakeholder engagement programmes through government-sponsored Community Chippy Hubs in every town examining the risks and opportunities associated with chip shops. Close consultation with distinguished community leaders who were filmed calling for homosexuals to be fed to crocodiles in 2006. Quarterly analysis bundling several metrics including customer satisfaction, hygiene rating, accessibility into a quantified measure of Chippyworthiness. Michael Gove taking up two hours of Commons time deliberating over the definition of a genuine British chip shop, Jacob Rees-Mogg occasionally intervening with a reference to an 18th century potato tariff tied into an anecdote about his nanny, George Galloway interrupting with an explosive outburst about the bombing of a chip shop in GAHZAH


Pining for better days when there was a chippy on every corner is very Tory.


Just a minor thing but Galloway ran on a campaign that he'd get Primark back into his constituency, not that he had any authority or power to do that but Tories aren't the only clueless ones


He actually ran in a campaign to get an E&R set back up in in Oldham. Winning by offering the bare minimum


His campaign/party spokes person wrote a hilarious letter to Private Eye crowing about winning and how he got more votes than Labour and Tory combined, conveniently forgetting Labour didn't even have a candidate as they withdrew the endorsement of their candidate and the Tory one wasn't much better. The only half decent candidate in that lot was the Lib Dem one iirc. He won a low turnout by-election by banging on about Gaza to appeal to the Muslim, a seat which he'll hold for a couple of months more (allowing for summer recess) and then lose when Labour put up a decent candidate


Same vibes as the person who campaigns for the SU solely to get their favourite drink on tap, except said person may actually have slightly more success.


It’s the MPs job to advocate for their area


That's not the objective in this case đŸ±


Wince he voted against more I can tell


The real reason (if you follow the link) is to farm your information. The link takes you to a page where you fill in your info. I assume this is for Election reasons and is actually illegal if they are taking your information for a different reason than that stated. I mean - who the hell is he going ot send the "petition" to ? It's also laughable that a Tory is going against the free market - if there was a demand for a chip shop surely there would be one?


There would be one. Mr Tuckwell blocked it in 2019...


I wonder if they have appropriate protections in place for gathering that data... "10bn people sign chip shop petition"... One thing is going to bet battered at the next election, and it isn't cod or haddock.


Ah, the old Dominic Cummings trick....


This should be the pinned top comment.


It is getting harder and harder to tell whether what you see on twitter is a real mp or a parody account of an mp.


Foreign states won't need to create AI clones of our politicians to say stupid things online, they can simply wait for the real ones to go online instead.


Data scraping excercise. Check the ToS, asking to be allowed to be a data processor for using the data for election purposes. The people likely to sign up for this are also, let's say, pliable.


As Phil Moorhouse pointed out, this isn't actually about demanding a fish and chip shop which in and of itself is weird, because that's private business. This is about data gathering for the Tories. The form he's using for the 'campaign' is mandated to show what the data is used for and it's NOT exclusively for the fish and chip shop. It's more general data gathering for the election.


Hi his name's Phil, he likes talking about politics


But those are his thoughts


It's to help with their mailing list


Does it matter where the chip shop is? If I'm after a takeaway (and in my area delivery is not common; I go and get it), I'll drive to the one I like best. Not just the closest one. The whole premise is bizarre.


Not everyone can or does drive and campaigns like this are likely aimed predominantly at angry pensioners who are more likely not to


Yep, fair point; I hadn’t considered that. Though I suppose those who can’t drive might be much more likely to do delivery, again removing the need for a chippy to be centrally-located.


More meaningless Culture Wars bollocks. It's all they have left now. They're dependent on the idea that most voters are too lazy or stupid to look into these nonsense claims.


The true grift here is the campaign sign up element. My understanding is that within the t&c's this will allow sign ups to be bombarded with targeted messaging during the GE. add into this the Tories changing legislation so people can be spammed with correspondence specifically during election periods and it makes the reason why someone "campaigning for a chip shop" while also having "the free market will provide for all" as a core belief make more sense.


Imagine how utterly (more) ridiculous this man would look if, say, he’d previously voted against the exact same idea
 I’ll just leave this here https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/tory-mp-steve-tuckwell-uxbridge-fish-and-chip-shop-viral-video-hypocrisy-b1148140.html


They do it in our town too, begging the council to open a Nandos or something Like... That's not how it works. If you want one you can open one.


Biggest blocker to reviving some town centres is residents or councillors blocking developments to try and get something more upmarket. No, you can't reject an Aldi in the hopes Waitrose turns up.


We currently have a hotel, 70’s monstrosity, about to become a Lidl and not, as You Herefordshire subscribers wish, a Toby Carvery or to stay as a hotel, despite the previous owners failing even with the profits from housing, shock, horror, “illegals” or, as intelligent people call them, asylum seekers.


This is pribably a prelude to, or tester of, some sort of cultural war they're brewing up. Wokes are anti chip shop, or something. I dont know if this needs a /s. Anything is possible with these thundercunts.


Counter-argument from the 'woke' side: Chips are vegan, yummy yummy. 🍟 Come on I wanna see some heads explode...


Is he going to be on the fryers? This makes no sense


He might need a new job soon so đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


Seeing all this talk of chip shops made me get a chippie for lunch so I guess he's doing something right.


A laughable attempt to try and be at one with the "common man."


I haven’t watched this video yet and I hate Tories but I think the quality of chip shops isn’t the same as when I was a kid, and they’ve mostly been overtaken by chicken shops and kebab shops in terms of popularity? It’s not the weirdest talking point ever, but certainly shouldn’t be a political issue let alone priority lol


> I think the quality of chip shops isn’t the same as when I was a kid Speaking as someone who grew up on the coast in a town with a fishing harbour, the quality of most Fish and Chip shops in London is absolutely appalling.


It’s the chips I’m worried about more than the fish, but I don’t doubt it.


The price is so ludicrous in most places that everyone I know doesn't bother with it anymore. Can't be helping them.


A campaign his predecessor can really get behind. Does dom perignon go with a fry-up?


There's going to be a lot more of these in the run-up to the election. It's not possible to bring a chip shop into existence via a petition (and free-marketeers know this) It's a data harvesting exercise to target specific voters with specific propaganda - as was done to sell brexit to the public eight years ago. This is why the tories have been paying Isaac Levido since January. Welcome to to political campaigning, 2024 style...