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Snapshot of _Reform UK's Lee Anderson caught parking his car in disabled space_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/reform-uks-lee-anderson-caught-33025627#source=breaking-news) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/reform-uks-lee-anderson-caught-33025627#source=breaking-news) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sometime I wonder if Lee Anderson isn't as nice as he first appears


That leaves a really tight range of twatishness for him to potentially occupy.


And he really doesn’t appear all that nice at all


I read that Lee Anderson has a net worth of 3 billion?!




>His wife is disabled. Parking in a disabled parking spot with your disabled wife is really not that bad. So it'd be awkward if she wasn't there at the time, right?


He’s the human embodiment of angry, middle-England boomer comments on Facebook posts


Perfectly representative of a fair chunk of the electorate then, sadly


I’m sure most of his voters would look at this and say “too right let’s all park in the disabled bays that’ll show em”


Not sure they would say such a thing! I know many Reform voters and they certainly don’t think at that level of self-serving


I bet he's pals with Ronnie Pickering.








Shame she wasn't with him then really.


Didn’t realise I could be disabled by proxy. My brothers disabled, I should have been parking where I wanted and getting cheap tickets to the zoo for years. Missed a fucking trick here.


>my disabled wife Excellent! Another of Lee Anderson's hilarious ancillary characters, to go with his brown friend.


I’m excited for more of this Lee Anderson Cinematic Universe. Seems to have a pretty wide array of interesting characters, just wish the main character was more likeable.


I don’t get it. Are you saying that he invented a disability of his wife for political points? Accusing people of such things without evidence is clearly crossing the line. A quick Google search reveals that his wife Sinead Anderson has cystic fibrosis and diabetes and that she had a double lung transplant. Her having a blue badge doesn’t appear to be questionable. So yes, I think she has a blue badge and he does legitimately park in the disabled space when he is with her. Doesn’t make it right for him to park there when he is without her, of course, so I think he should’ve apologised. However, making silly comments regarding his wife’s health condition isn’t any better.


> so I think he should’ve apologised. However He give you 30p for this pathetic shit?




> Disabilites Yeah, they can be part of the expanded LCU too. I'm picturing them as some sort of really non-PC cross between Ironside and the Mysterons.


You would prefer he chose not to be friends with non-white people as that would be not racist ?? And you presumably think he is racist. Completely illogical.


Great attempt at diversion, well done. You're transparent.


Nice dog whistle argument If you genuinely don't know what op means you're too thick to bother with


Another term officially losing all meaning due to Reddit. 


As far as I am aware his wife is disabled as she has cystic fibrosis there is nothing to get, I can see you want there to be though.


His wife having cf does not entitle him to use a disabled parking space if she isn’t with him. Which she wasn’t. I can see you’ve not thought this through.


Tbf the bay isn’t clearly marked


It's pretty clearly marked; even in that crappy picture up the top you can make out the disabled symbol, and in the article itself you can see the yellow hatching where they give extra space for people to get in and out of wheelchairs. Considering that his wife is disabled, it's a bit of a reach for him to have parked there and not clocked those markings, even if they're a bit scuffed.


It is the right wing entitlement that gets me


I really don't think parking in disabled spaces is a characteristic of the right wing


Oh so I didn't have to go through 6 disability tests that they put in place to get a blue badge yet they can rock up and park anywhere they like...do you do that?


> Oh so I didn't have to go through 6 disability tests that they put in place to get a blue badge Brutal. Is that part of a PIP claim or just for the blue badge specifically?


Pip I've done 3 assessments the last one I went to court and the dwp didn't even turn up


Councils vary on the requirements. Six tests sounds like a lot though. I had an hour long phone interview for PIP, once awarded I just had to fill in a form online for the blue badge.


His wife is disabled?




No but I fail to see what this has to do with right wing politics?




They make the rules...we have a right wing government isn't Lee Anderson right wing ? Would you think Diane abbot would do that or Angela raynor


Nah they just punish the disabled en masse via policy.


I do, the right don't believe in the social contacts that society adheres to. They don't believe in the chin on good, only in b satisfying thier own needs. Selfish in other words.


You need to read the room.. of course it isn't, any more than selling passports is for the left, or invading middle eastern countries, or airport taxes is of the left...




Turning to swearing is that your entitlement? Do you go round telling people that there testicles do you just park anywhere you like do you care about disabled people


"I have reported this poorly marked bay to the council to make sure some signs are put up at eye level and the bay is painted correctly." “ … but unfortunately, seeing as I voted to drastically cut all funding to councils, they can’t afford to fix it. 


Of course he drives an X5, so predictable.


40d (chrome trapezoidal exhaust finishers) rather than 30d (chrome circular finishers) or 50d (black trapezoidal exhaust finishers)


“The yellow paint is almost gone so is unrecognisable as a dis…” Fuck offfffffff


This is tame for someone too main character for the Tory party. You’d expect him to be driving his Beamer round the aisles.


He's just not smart enough to have thought of that


If there's no valid badge held by anyone in the car, then the car should be taken off & crushed.... with the remains left on his driveway with a bill for everything tagged on it


You have 30 minutes to move your cube


*phone rings* Is it about my cube?


Genuinely laughed out loud at this comment and laugh again every time I read it!


Looks like an X5 to me, not a Cube.


Plus 30p


‘Oos cubing?


We should just use The Grand Tour car Trebuchet.




Then there's a valid badge and there's no issue here.


Got to get in early for those 30p Meal Deals.


I have vague memories of Farage doing this a few years ago too? Edit: a few months ago, time flies. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/05/06/nigel-farage-used-disabled-parking-space-45minutes-london/


In a German car too! Why not get a British car Farage, like a Land Rov… No, or a Jagu… No. like a Toyota? Or a Nissan?


Is being a card carrying Reform member not enough evidence of a disability?


I wonder if he ever sees that Reform card in his wallet, in front of the creased Tory card, in front of the even more creased Labour card and thinks... "Maybe I'm the problem"


*BMW UK's PR team goes into overdrive (8th gear)*


Disabled spaces are probably woke or something


Looked it up because I was curious how much we punish for this sort of thing and apparently the fines are around £70-£100. Kinda low for something that could prevent a disabled person from accessing a location in a reasonable manner.


It might be just me but I don’t think he’s disabled


Right wing politicians being selfish attracts voters. The voters think 'if they're selfish for themselves then they'll be selfish on my behalf too'.




Neither were his wife or her blue badge apparently.


Not all disabilities are visible, but all disability blue badges are. They're really big. And blue.


While true, that obviously isn't relevant here: > Approached for comment, Mr Anderson said he did not remember where he was that day as he was “all over Ashfield on Friday at several different locations.” He added: “The only time I would deliberately park in a disabled bay in when I’m with my disabled wife.” He was not with his disabled wife.




Yep, so either he is a liar, or he wasn't paying attention where he was driving.




Yes, that's right. A Blue Badge also requires that the person named on the badge is present. Y'know, to prevent [https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-blue-badge-scheme-rights-and-responsibilities-in-england/the-blue-badge-scheme-rights-and-responsibilities-in-england](abuse of disabled parking spaces) by able-bodied people.


Dammit! I was going to write that and you beat me by a minute! Fnarrr!


Tangential to this but I really don’t like the phrasing that TfL use for this of “not all disability is visible”. It’s weird as a singular noun.


No that’s true. You could be a totally deranged boomer baiting self indulged arsehole.. and you’d just look like every other Kevin in town.


Yep you're right! I have neurological disability and I'm being tested for coeliac disease too. Looking at me however you would think I'm perfectly fine and not suffering with horrendous nerve pain and horrendous stomach issues.


Neither are all disabled symbols that’s a terribly marked space


https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote Register to vote by 11:59pm on 18 June 2024.


>Approached for comment, Mr Anderson said he did not remember where he was that day as he was “all over Ashfield on Friday at several different locations.” He added: “The only time I would deliberately park in a disabled bay in when I’m with my disabled wife.” I wonder if we will see reasonable explanations or the hyper political discussion where this situation is either totally fine or the devils work.


To be fair while not the devil's work you can kind of only fall into the category of that's on ok excuse or it isn't.


It’s a dick move and he should be rightfully penalised for it.


In this subreddit, there are already people calling the car to be crushed for falsely parking in a disabled place. So, I think it's already determined that it's devil's work.


there's one gentleman who really will not give a flying f**k about that.


Lee Anderson’s wife is disabled and entitled to a disabled parking bag. Additionally, not all disabilities are visible. Nobody should have to prove their disability to the newspaper. https://t.co/aLpOF6eo7i




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When you’re taking advantage of disabled people and those who can’t fight back, you’re pretty much the lowest of the low.


Not every disability is visible but luckily you can clearly see Lee Anderson is a prick.


Man with openly controversial views and questionable morals has a lack of consideration for others. What a revelation!


I think this whole "look at what this Reform UK candidate did/said" and the subsequent outrage a bit over the top. I'm not defending the party, but if you closely watched every single Tory and Labour candidate, you could find plenty of things the public would be outraged about. It's better to attack what the candidate/ party espouses, rather than their character.


Disagree. They should all be held to account for the things they say and do and the way they behave.


Their actions are not their character.


I'm pretty sure he has some sort of mental disability so what's the problem? Lack of empathy, decency and common sense is a disability, right?


is reddit just a cesspit of leftist bad faith takes? Surely not!


What do you imagine any of those words mean?


While I think this is wrong (assuming intent) I will note that basically everyone is entitled to a disable badge at this point which I'd argue has completely eroded any advantage disable people should have. I know this because I live in an area with limited on-road parking and one of the ways people on my street have been able to secure parking spots is to apply for a disabled badge and a disabled bay out the front of their house. Most of these people are not physically disabled and I know this because I see them walking their dogs and walking around unassisted every day – I even brought a push bike off one of my "disabled" neighbours last year. Obviously, if they were actually physically disabled I'd get it, but they're not. I have anxiety so have considered applying for a blue badge to reserve a space outside my house too, but it just seems too wrong... My girlfriend found out that the disable bays the council print on the roads are just advisory so she's just been parking in them, but it just feels so wrong to me, plus I cba to argue with them about it like she does.


No mate. That is an issue with your own local council. Perhaps you should complain to them? Your local council being shit, doesn't mean the other councils are handing out blue badges without proof. This shit reads like something from 2010 when Cameron went after the disabled and scapegoated them.


My bad man, and thank you for correcting. I thought that blue badges were issued at a national level, not locally. Perhaps it is just my council then... I'm also not going after disabled people... I'm trying to defend them from this BS. Saying that not everyone should be entitled to disability badges isn't an attack on disabled people – obviously. If someone is disabled then they should be able park in disabled bays without morons claiming they're disabled while not having any physical impairment. And before someone says, "not all disabilities are physical", sure, but people shouldn't be issued a disability badge for mental illnesses. The whole point of disability badges is to help people with physical impairments...


Dementia is classed as a mental illness. Are you really suggesting that people with dementia shouldn't be given a blue badge? Really? Have you ever tried to get a Dementia sufferer across a car park, safely, while also trying to keep yourself safe? How about someone with Down Syndrome? The same applies. Your thinking is way too black and white. You must be lacking in experience of disabled people. The system works best when we judge individual people's needs. Not that we demand they have a limp or missing limbs.


My personal experiences on this (which you obviously have no reason to care about) make me feel that blue badges are handed out to liberally (at least in my area). However, you make a good point on mental illnesses, and changed my mind on that.


May I suggest you have a look online at your local council's policy on blue badge entitlement? Perhaps then come back and report on what you've found?


I tried, but there's not a huge amount of information available... I know the Tories extended blue badge entitlement to people with mental illnesses in 2019 and my council explicitly state that autistic people, anxious people and people who feel distress while traveling can now apply for a blue badge in my area. But without actually applying I have no idea what the success rate would be for someone like myself who has anxiety and autism, but I would argue in no sane world should I be entitled to a disability badge. In absence of hard evidence though all I can go on is my own experience, and what I know is that over the last few years there seems a whole lot of people on my street who have no obvious disabilities suddenly putting disabled bays outside their homes and walking around the neighbourhood to knock on doors and moan when people park in "their" parking bays. And it's not even just arguments between badge holders and non-blue badge holders, most commonly its the blue badge holders getting into fights with each over about who's disabled bay belongs to who. It's ridiculous. And this all seems a little convenient given how limited parking is on my street. All this drama has had me questioning what the point of a blue badge scheme is when thanks to the Tories and my council half my street is now apparently entitled to one, but to your point I clearly have no hard evidence to prove what I'm saying is a nation wide issue so if people want to dismiss what I'm saying that's fine. It's not like I'm lying that people with anxiety can apply for a blue badge in my area though, which should strike most reasonable people as ridiculous and undermines the struggles and needs of people with genuine physical impairments.


> I will note that basically everyone is entitled to a disable badge at this point Huh, I must have missed that memo. Here I was thinking that I don't qualify for a blue badge despite being disabled. Oh wait... nope, I don't qualify because I can drive and walk just fine, and blue badges are notoriously difficult to get unless you get an automatic one for blindness or something. Cool story though.




>Lee Andersons wife is disabled and as such he has right to park there ? No he doesn’t. She wasn’t present. He was campaigning. You can’t use someone else’s blue badge without them present. That’s a criminal offence.


You know what else is not visible? His blue badge!


You’ve posted multiple times in this thread saying that his wife is disabled. Was she with him? If not, why do you think her disability is relevant to this conversation that you need to mention it multiple times? Do you think that someone with a disabled spouse should be able to park in a disabled space when they’re going campaigning?