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Safe Labour seat, have seen and heard nothing from anybody.


Same here.


All Labour people are pouring into anything that looks like a marginal. Masses here


Yeah I'm in Nadia whittomes seat and they're all being bussed up into the countryside north of Nottingham.


Same here. I normally would have had a leaflet or two from multiple candidates by now from past elections. We even have a new Labour candidate this year as the old one is retiring, which is a shame as he was bloody good.


> We even have a new Labour candidate this year as the old one is retiring Same here, Cardiff West.


I'll miss Kevin Brennan. He was my MP when I was growing up, and I always loved the fact he was part of a cross bench parliamentary rock band! A 'friend of a friend' has a sibling in parliament, and they always said he was one of the most genuine people going. My most recent MP, Karen Buck, is stepping down too and I'll miss her too. She was always been open and engaged with her constituents. Going back to the original point though. Both safe labour seats, and the only leaflet I've seen was a solitary Workers Party one that was on the thrown on the street.


Didn't know Karen Buck was standing down. My mum loves her, and a friend worked in her constituency office for a few years. The model of what you want your MP, as I understand it, which I guess is why she never rose beyond that.


Alternatively, I live in a safe tory seat. I've had letters, Facebook ads, and the old billboards have all been updated to labour. I've seen a lot of those house signs about. She's been to some of the nearby swimming pools that are under construction and popped into the local ice skate rink and social clubs. I doubt this is going to flip the seat, but we recently went from a tory Council to Labour Council, so it's a pretty reasonable attempt.


> I live in a safe tory seat No such thing anymore lol


Same but had ed milliband round here last week


Was it chaos?


He always comes across as actually vaguely genuine. Was he a nice fella?


Yeah, didn't spend too much time once he found out I was voting labour, but fair enough they had loads of houses to visit. Seemed nice enough though


Me too, although actually had my second visit from Angela Eagle. Told her not to waste her leaflets on us because we were already going to vote for her.


Thirded, safe Labour seat, probably will return our MP with a majority of 20,000 Would still be nice to think he or anyone remembers our constituency exists.


Mines fairly safe, definitely seen the candidate out (old Labour one retired, think he either won in 2010 maybe even 1997 and been elected each time since), just missed him as he was doing the rounds just after work finished. Had the laughable leaflet from Reform and the lunatic Gaza independent, nothing from Tories or Lib Dems, not sure if Greens are standing


Me too. Basically nothing except the poll card. It feels like being left out in a big party


Just the lib dem candidate tbh but i live in a tory ‘safe seat’ which now has the lib dems winning by 3% so it makes sense…. What doesnt make sense is why the Tory candidate isnt showing up to defend it


Same here. Think the Lib Dems will take it here as well tbh


That is the hope


Would you vote Tory?




The Tories are probably canvassing somewhere else in the constituency where they think they'll make more difference


Perhaps but i live in a very middle class area you’re reckon they’d be smashing it


The only reason Labour are going to win this election is because the middle classes are now feeling it in the pocket after Truss and Kwasi shat the bed


Had the Lib Dem candidate knocking my door in person. Looking to steal the seat from conservatives and I wish him well. Not a peep from conservative candidate or other.


I hear the Conservatives are struggling to get anyone out to campaign for them, some of the candidates even seem to have given up.


They've been reliant on their ground troops of local councillors etc for decades. Only they lost a shit ton of those at the last locals. Apparently they just don't have the volunteers this time. Boo hoo. I'll just fetch my teeny tiny violin.


Plus, even if you are somehow still a keen, eager Tory supporter, what's the point. You and everyone else know the Tories are headed towards a massive defeat, which saps your enthusiasm. Then if you actually do go knocking on doors, you will be laughed at and mocked at best, even by former Tory voters, and outright abused at worst. Must be hard to muster the effort/courage to bother, especially when you have a 5-star max level leader like Sunak giving everyone else ammunition by fucking up on the daily.


As well as losing a lot of local councillors there’s also many seats where candidates were parachuted in at the last minute (see: Richard Holden) which has pissed off local activists who were biding their time hoping to stand as a candidate some day.


How safe is your seat? Typically, only marginals see any action from anybody.


Conservatives got 63% of the votes last election. Funny as everyone says they vote labour.


Entirely possible especially if you are in a small town surrounded by rural areas. The people near you do indeed vote Labour, everybody more than a mile away doesn't. My home town was like this.


I’ve heard stuff on local facebook pages with people saying they are going to vote reform but actually nothing from reform. It’s weird they don’t seem to be really pushing


Reform has very few activists. It is a new party and its supporters skew old.


Take away Nigel Farage and there's not a lot behind it. There's a lot of online presence and plenty of media attention, but they have very few activists on the ground and virtually no other known faces. It's why I have a hunch they will end up underperforming, there's just not enough name recognition when you get to the actual ballot paper. People love to talk about Canada (where a party called Reform wiped out and eventually took over the old Tory party), but the difference there was that Reform party was formed originally as a regional party and so had time to set up their infrastructure and ground game.


It is basically the nigel farage party at the moment. Same with ukip, brexit party etc. Just nigel farage + co under a different name. The trump of the uk, hoping to take advantage of immigration to become pm in next election and sell the country for his own benefit.


Reform aren't actually interested in winning seats, just grifting


I live in a northern ex mining town and I literally have never ever once heard someone mention voting for the Tories. These places definitely exist. Northern and Welsh towns as well as the inner cities.


My constituency is an historical Conservative safe seat that is, per the latest polling, a Lib Dem marginal. Absolute tumbleweed.


The are about 300 marginals now


"Safe" con seat (majority 24k). Got a leaflet from labour and that's it.


Same here, although it's predicted to flip. Got my leaflet about 15 minutes ago!


My girlfriend is running in my constituency so I've heard far too much about the Greens.


Good luck to her


Thanks! We're in a safe Labour seat but she wanted people to have the option.


Careful not to doxx yourself


I’m a candidate. It’s a relatively short campaign. I have a full time job and a young family. You get shouted at if you knock on doors after about 7pm. My constituency has thousands of houses. I’m knocking on doors when I can but you can see why you might not see your candidates.


Good luck to you, there is a consistent shift towards green in the west, you have a shot a Bath


Thanks. We’re hopeful we could come second - we did in the local elections last time


I live near clacton. We have heard far too much from one.


Had the Labour candidate lady knock on our door in south Lanarkshire (currently SNP seat). It was raining heavy and her leaflets were wet but she was really sweet and I have respect for her now


Im the same nearby, I’ve only heard from Labour trying to swing from a usual SNP seat


Not a single peep here in Bromsgrove. Weird considering there is a decent chance it could flip to Labour.


My green candidate came round looking for signatures to get onto the ballot. The look of happiness when I said I’d sign was lovely. She said that I don’t have to vote for her and thanked me for the signature. Hoping she made it on the ballot. Lib Dem’s shoved a leaflet through earlier.


You did a good thing for democracy.


Just checked, she’s on the Ballot!


Not a peep but I'm in a safe Labour seat and there's a potential/likely Con>Lab seat (and a symbolic one at that) a mile away so not surprising all the resources are likely getting pumped in there. Had a grand total of one leaflet, from the SDP of all people.


I’m in Milton Keynes Central (new constituency). Milton Keynes has been Tory since 2010 but is predicted to go 100% Labour. I’ve heard nothing from anyone. No leaflets, no targeted ads, nobody at the door.


I'm in Derby North which is Con currently but I've heard a good amount from Labour who I would expect to win it easily. Much to my chagrin I've heard nothing from my Con MP. I wrote an email to her during the cummings/barnard castle saga in which she replied bawking about how evil lefties are going after poor ol' Dom and our beloved Boris. My last reply was just to say "good luck next election :)" and I'd love to bring it up to her but I'm pretty sure she's given up.


Also Derby North. Nothing at all. My Partner lives in Derby South and she had Chris Williamson's underling come and bother her.


Safe Labour seat absolutely nothing about the election apart from the polling card in the post recently.


From a local perspective, we’ve had nothing other than two leaflets posted through: 1. A generic Conservatives one, with nothing referring to the local candidate and plenty about policy. 2. A Reform one, with some details about the candidate and a bit about policy with QR codes to their website. Labour, Lib Dem’s and Greens are standing locally too, but heard nothing / received nothing from those yet.


In Rochester/Strood I've had leaflets, youtube ads and a knock on the door from Labour. Nothing from anyone else. 


Safe labour seat (Coventry North West.) My former MP (and now prospective MP) came delivering campaign leaflets and spoke to me for a few minutes. Have seen hide nor hair of any other parties candidates but that doesn't surprise me.


I'm in a Tory seat which is projected to swing to Labour for the first time. I've had a leaflet from the Labour candidate, heard nothing from the Conservative.


Safe Labour seat – I’ve had two leaflets and a knock at the door from Labour.


In what's traditionally a Tory safe seat, got a letter from our MP saying voting Lib Dem, Reform or Green is just going to hand Keir Starmer a super majority. And that's all from him.


I live in the very definition of a safe seat. It has had a Tory MP for the last hundred years. In the 25 years I have lived here I have seen our MP just once and that was over a decade ago. He never seems to attend any local events and as far as I can tell campaigns from his sofa. Polling isn't looking so good for him this time round you never know he may show his face for a change.


Mine is a marginal between Sinn Fein and the UUP, haven't heard from either, although I live in a nationalist area so there is no way the UUP would be out knocking on doors round me.


Our current local Tory MP has announced they will not be providing campaign boards this year. They are focusing their efforts by slagging off the other candidates on social media. It’s all a bit weird.


Brighton Pavillion, both the Green and the Labour candidate have been on my doorstep. Inclined to vote Labour, but he’s very soft on a specific local issue.


I've had a leaflet from the incumbent and I saw Reform were at an event today although I gave them a wide berth but that's it. Labour must be out and about though as they're leading the polls in this very safe Tory seat


Got a leaflet from labour and sdp _ but nothing from the other four...


had a labour and SNP dude out looking for my vote knocking on the door


I was thinking of asking the same question. I've noticed the numbers going down for quite a while. One leaflet from Labour, in a safe labour seat and the leaflet folds out to display in the window, which I usually do. I know the local LP keeps records of that kind of thing. After the murder of Jo Cox and the Brexit vote door knockers started coming in 2s and 3s because of abuse and security issues. Now post-Covid it's very rare.


Traditionally a safe seat for the Tories, but no Tory leaflet this year—only from Labour and the Lib Dems.


Got a letter from the standing Tory MP on Friday. It was all a bit pathetic, the just of it being 'vote for me or Labour will win by too much'. No one else has bothered, which is entirely expected around here, frankly the 1 letter I jave for is more than normal.


I’ve actually heard a lot from the Labour candidate in my constituency and he has a strong social media presence in the area and has done a lot of campaigning. I live in the Macclesfield constituency and our mp is Tory David rutley, he’s not well liked in the area and is known as a yes man and only shows up for photos. I’ve heard nothing from rutley, and seen no Tory’s posters about, but lots of Labour ones. Macclesfield is a former Tory’s safe seat and now looks almost certain to go Labour for the first time.


Very safe Tory seat. Only seen so far the Green and Labour candidates (in that order) not a thing from the Tories, not even seen any Tory signs when normally we have loads around; but I have seen 2 Labour signs - which is a first ever. Labour won't even be targeting here but shows that their local activists are trying.


My seat has been a safe Tory seat for a 100 years but I think that the Conservatives have basically conceded it this election season. The boundry changes did them no favours here, I think even in a normal election season it'd be up for grabs now. So far I've had 2 Labour things through the door and 1 SDP, nothing from our Tory MP.


Safe Lab seat here. In 8 years, I have received a grand total of 2 pamphlets both for the Lib Dems.


Beckenham & Penge constituency: Labour have been around twice. Conservatives posted a leaflet. Nothing from the other parties.


I'm getting targeted ads from Labour on social media. Presumably it's because my long time Tory constituency is looking to turn Labour for the first time in many years.


Had labour candidate at the door. In local town Lab and Ref out stopping passers-by.


South West Lib dem target, had leaflet from Tory candidate which surprisingly had the tory logo on it. Been swamped by material from lib dems focusing on local candidate as well as party at large both before and after manifesto released and seeing lib dem signs everywhere. I've also seen the other candidates on the local news but had no material from them.


Nothing. Solid Labour majority last time so haven't heard a thing from anyone. Not even leaflets through the door from other parties


They never seem to care when they know they can win and I’m not sure that’s a good thing


As long as voters don't mind and keep voting for them. TBF it would be better to see the MP at community events, I've only ever seen him at an election (I think local) visiting the polling station, and he did knock in 2019 when it was tight.


I've got a leaflet from the Tory incumbent and from the Reform candidate but not a peep from Labour who are projected to probably win here.


Labour safe seat and I've had a leaflet from Labour through. Nowt from anyone else so far.


Safe Labour seat. Had one leaflet from the Labour incumbent, and keep seeing Facebook ads from her.


I've had one Conservative leaflet so far from the incumbent. Labour are probably going to regain the seat they lost in 2019, but they don't seem to be campaigning where I live.


I try looking at my candidates socials every so often and it doesn't feel like much of a change in what they post even before they were candidates, but you'd only know about them if you went looking


Safe Labour seat but my MP has sent a leaflet around. They are going to be a high profile cabinet member though so have to boost their profile locally. 


Safe Labour seat here, had our candidate do her round for Labour, had postal drops for Lib Dem. Tory candidate lives 50 miles away and hasn’t been seen once.


I've had councillors come round pulling for our Labour MP, and I've had a Tory leaflet through the door that I chucked straight in the bin, but that's it


Erewash so target for Labour. "Letters" from Rachel Reeves and Sir Kier, multiple flyers from the Labour candidate focusing on local issues. Conservatives with one generic fill in the blank flyer. Nothing from anyone else


Labour candidate came knocking around February I think and spoke to us. Fair play to him it was pissing it down and I could have thought up better things to do. More recently the conservatives have been canvassing but I've no idea if was the candidate themselves or their team


I had Andrew Selous appear on my Ring doorbell at work, was tempted to let him know my thoughts but thought better of it. Oi feck off!


Safest labour seat in history. Absolutely sod all


My area has been solidly Tory for a long time. I’ve seen canvassers and posters from Labour all over the place. Some people I’ve spoke to at work have met out Labour candidate. Nobody even knows the name of whoever the tories are standing in our area now.


My area has been a Conservative seat since 2010. Had the Conservatives come knocking on doors but they only did so on the elderly people from what I could see. I guess the electoral register gives them that kind of info? Labour and Greens knocked on everyone's door in my street from what I could see. We had a Conservative leaflet which was sneakily coloured green. Had about 3 different leaflets from Labour and one green. Heard nothing from anyone else.


We're in a 'safe' Tory seat (15,000), but between boundary changes and heavy lib dem wins in the local council - it's predicted to be neck and neck between lib dem and conservatives. Libs have obviously identified this as a potential win as we've had 10+ leaflets from them - mainly focusing on the fact they are the second party, not labour. Solid strategy. Nothing from anyone else


Very safe Labour seat. The Green candidate has called at my door for a chat. No sign of the Labour one that I'm aware of.


My MP is labour and she has emailed me and dropped off a leaflet, which was nice.


I have heard from a Labour candidate today by mail. My constituency is currently Conservative. I unfortunately do not think Labour is the best party for the nation so I will be voting for the Liberal Democrats.


Safe labour seat here and they're the only ones we've had anything from. Knocked on the door a week or so ago.


Had labour come round twice, first was a rep, the second time it was the (to be) MP who just happens to live around the corner. Not a peep from anyone else, not even so much as a leaflet which is odd because its a toss up between Conservative and Labour in our area, very much a marginal seat but guess they know very few people want the random Tory who lives 50 miles away vs the lady who's lived here all her life.


Had a couple of ladies from the local Labour Party turn up today and we had a nice chat and I got a nice flag on a stick. Thumbhead Jenkinson made an unadvertised visit to the area a couple of months ago for a photo opportunity and failed to get anyone else in a photo. He has threatened to visit again but he is probably going to be unemployed so he will only be a tourist.


I am bombarded. Three separate leaflets from our local Labour candidate, as well as multiple social media posts. The Tory candidate basically sends bi-weekly flyers that are 50% weak promises and 50% attacks against Labour, including plenty of now-discredited lines. The Social Democratic Party even sent us something, and I had no idea they existed or were running until then. I don't think I've seen anything from the Lib Dems yet, and nothing from the Greens. Anything from Reform might have gone in the bin before I had chance to see it, as I don't think my family would bother reading their stuff even to find out what their policies are.


Historically my seat is a safe Conservative seat but we just had a pretty major border change and now according to EC our constituency predictions are is 57% LAB 43% CON. So you'd think I'd have both parties furiously knocking on doors but I've not had anyone yet.


Very safe labour seat. Conservatives forecast to come 4th; our MP has emailed, very nicely promising not to spam us with campaign stuff! The reform candidate appears to be totally off the grid (probably wisely), and the Cons one was parachuted in from Twickenham last minute. Slightly surprised the Greens haven’t been more noticeable though.


Safe Labour seat. I have had a leaflet from Labour and someone door knocked the other day for Labour. I've heard nothing yet from any of the other parties.


Safe Labour seat. They had people out canvassing the day after the election was announced. Have also received two pamphlets from Labour so far. Not seen or heard anything from any other parties. For context: We have a Lib Dem councillor who’s usually very active. We have a Conservative Mayor who parked his Bentley on our street (one of the poorest boroughs in London) to campaign during the last council elections.


I’m in a fairly safe Labour seat, though the majority was shrinking every election. I reckon this time the MP will increase his majority and fair play to him because him and his team are really good at responding to constituents. Literally half an hour response on occasion 


Tory held seat since 2010. The Labour candidate has been very active since being selected in June last year, she’s become something of a minor celebrity in our area. Out pretty much every week for almost a year. The incumbent has only been heard from since the start of the campaign and she’s not really doing much. Not heard from the others candidates form the Lib Dem’s, Greens, Reform and Socialist Labour Party. We do have an independent running as well who was former Tory now independent district councillor but she is only pandering towards farmers and has publicly said she is doing it to take voters away for the conservative candidate.


Labour, very safe seat, only had a leaflet from the incumbent, and I know from sm that he's doing the rounds with the local cllrs and standard MP events/attends local market days etc - we're a very small constituency area wise (high population density). We're on the doorstep to large area Tory seats, that were pretty safe, but looks very likely they'll be flipping to Lab and LD this time, and I know they've been helping in those constituencies too. I think door knocks/leaflets have fallen to the waste side, and door knocks especially, as you must only get through a very small % of your constituency. Most of it has moved to social media, so you have to follow the local campaigners/groups/outfits to work out what's going on. If you don't, it's very easy to miss it all.


I’ve seen one Labour board outside a house, other than that there is no evidence of an upcoming election.


Normally safe Tory seat. Had the local Labour candidate come to the door and ask if we were supporting him and/or any local concerns.


Not a sausage. To be fair, it's Ed Davey's seat which, barring something bizarre happening, he'll probably hold and he's obviously far too busy falling stuff for a laugh than to campaign locally. The labour candidate has been parachuted in from somewhere else, surprised they haven't been knocking though. I think the Tories and Reform would find it hard to find anyone strong enough to go to door around here without having a mental breakdown.


Gary Sambrook disappeared from here when Truss shat the economy through an electric fan. The labour side has been more active and knocked the door once. I think the Labour candidate is fairly confident, the area got fucked over by Thatcher’s government and has never recovered and Sambrook hasn’t done anything of note.


Rother valley, I've had to direct both Labour and Conservative as to which houses they were looking for. more recently the current conservative MP knocked on my door and I laughed in his face. The labour guy is alright though.


Live in a pretty key marginal that is currently tory but will 100% go Labour. Got a Labour leaflet through the door but haven't heard anything from the Conservative candidate, neither has anyone I know. Feels like he's sort of given up and resources are being redeployed to 'safe' seats they're scared of losing.


We've had Tory and Labour leaflets, but that's a lot less than usual. Normally we'd get people knocking the door and multiple leaflets from multiple parties. We're in a different constituency now because of the boundary change and our MP recently won a byelection so it's very likely to stay Labour.


Safe Labour seat - had a knock on the door from Labour and a posted leaflet.


Registered postal voters in a safe Labour seat. We Just got the first letter from our Labour candidate today.


We’ve had a single, postman delivered, leaflet from the Tories. We currently have a Tory MP but we’re labour until 2019. We have a Lib Dem, A Green, A Reform, and a tiny Pro-Christian party Candidate. Apparently we even have 2 independent candidates standing, none of them have bothered with mailouts OR door knocking (at least not down my road). Clearly **everyone** thinks it’s gonna be a Labour landslide.


My Tory candidate shoved a leaflet through the door. He must not have many good photos as the one on the cover had his nipples prominently featured.


Nothing in my rural address, although I think the seat is relatively safe. Slight risk of non-tory vote being split if Labour does too well. But the mother in law received a pamphlet from the Conservatives. Interestingly, no Conservative branding, colours are all Labour red. No minister features in any pictures. Main message was Labour had no plan, and a vote for Reform was a vote for Labour.


Ben Pickles (Labour) was on my street a few days ago for the Wetherby constituency (Alec Snelsmore(sp?) is the Tory MP and have a over 50% majority here)


Safe labour seat, but new parliamentary boundaries. Only election material I’ve had is from my labour candidate. 


Tory seat at outside risk of Labour win (Croydon South). Have had Labour door knockers twice and Con/LD leaflets. 


We had the Labour candidate on the doorstep which was a surprise as we were expecting Amazon. Not seen anyone else. Telford’s been Tory since 2015 but our ex MP isn’t standing and was suspended after supporting the Reform candidate.


Heard from Labour only. Nothing even through the door from any other party. Currently a Tory constituency (not related to my previous votes, for transparency), but not anticipated to remain so.


People on a politics Reddit are likely already engaged. But the parties use census data (among other things) to target specifically swing voters in terms of door knocking.


Had the Lib dems knocking on our door. I'm tactical voting so might vote for them. At least they are local and trying.


I live in a red wall seat (our MP was Tony Blair's seat) and turned blue in 2019. I'm a Labour Party member and I've been delivering leaflets in my village. We had a deadline to deliver by the 14th so they are much on the ball here. We are a leaflet from the Conservatives which had Keir Starmers face on it, warning that Keir wants you to vote reform. The Conservatives logo was tiny. It took a while to understand who it was asking you to vote for. They was absolutely no mention of the current MP who still wants to contest the seat. It didn't give any argument about why we should vote for them.


In a previously safe Conservative seat which EC now has at a 90%+ chance of going Labour. At my home address I've had loads from the Labour candidate: leaflets, I emailed her about something and she got back to me within a few hours, and from the looks of it she's canvassing non stop. Nothing from other parties. Part of my job takes me into social housing schemes for the over 55s (same constituency), and they've seen a few Tory leaflets (handily red with few mentions of the party). I think what little campaigning the local Conservatives are doing is heavily targeted.


I’ve had leaflets from Labour and Tories. Not seen anyone in person. I can see both getting hostility from people on the doorstep. The Tory is a 2019 intake, Boris yes man who is roundly criticised for never being seen anywhere near the constituency, god knows where he even lives. Doesn’t matter who the Labour candidate is, lots of Reformy, Sun reading types where I live. So no doubt anyone from Labour can’t be arsed to be shouted at for spending all the money and letting in all the foreigners.


Traditionally 5th safest tory seat in the country. So far had 1 leaflet & 1 letter from both Lib Dem & Tory candidates. The lib dems have also gotten a lot of garden signs up


Nothing from the Conservatives other than a rouge leaflet for the candidate in the next constituency (we’re right on the border). Surprised as the current incumbent only has a majority of 600+ Lots from the Lib Dem’s who are there main opponent and who held the seat previously for a long time


Couple of pop ins from the Lib Dem candidates helpers, and I saw him in person doing door knocks elsewhere. Decent guy, really respect the effort. He's likely to get the seat from the Tory encumbent.


I'm in one half of a two-constituency city on the south. I'm in the half that is currently Conservative but is forecast (well beyond MoE stuff) to swing to Labour, but I've heard nothing from anyone. Had Lib Dem and Labour flyers though.


SNP/Labour swing seat. Had a single Labour leaflet a couple weeks ago. Wouldn’t know there’s an election on if I wasn’t a nerd.


Got a phone call from my local lib dem candidate the other day asking if I could do any leafleting this week in our usually safe Tory seat. Didn't have the heart to tell him I'll probably vote Labour this time as they've overtaken LDs in the local polls and have a better chance of winning.


Lib dem is the only presence here and they do a lot but they're sitting at 47% in the latest polls from a previous Tory seat. Excited to have some representation that cares about the community.


Previously safe Labour seat, flipped to Tories last election, will probably flip back next month. Labour candidate door knocked me last week, had a brief chat. No sign of the sitting Tory MP door knocking, though he did send out some semi-literate campaign leaflets that were absolutely riddled with spelling mistakes. His constituency office is directly across the road from my own office, so I usually get to see when he's in town rather than London. Haven't seen him or his car at his office once since the election announcement. No idea what he's doing seeing as Parliament has been dissolved.


Islington North - had the Labour candidate knock on our door. Think he’s worried about Corbyn, must be the most left wing swing seat in the history of UK politics


Had letters from tories, labour, reform and lib dems. Nobody has visited. I do actually know who my Labour candidate is so that's something. Our tory mp never does fuck all, she essentially gets paid to sit on her ass down here in Cornwall and never turn up at Westminster.


Penistone and Stocksbridge, absolutely nothing from anyone. I guess Labour think its won, and where I am no one votes Tory.


Lib dem candidates and signs all over the place far and wide here.


Seat lib Dems are hoping to take from the Tories. Nothing from labour, not 1 thing. Cons sent 1 flyer. Lib Dems send something 2-3 times a week. 'Hand written ' letters from the candidate, policy breakdowns, polls showing labour can't win. It's been relentless


Nothing at all from any party - safe Labour seat in South Wales.


Nope, leaflet from Lib Dem and Tory. Labour candidate suddenly decided to start posting on the local FB groups (assuming that was because the MRP poll showed Reform winning) and that is literally it. Quite pathetic really. Also the Lib Dem one didn’t have a dodgy bar chart on it which really annoyed me.


Yeh I’ve heard nothing. It’s a fairly safe Labour seat, so I see why they aren’t putting much effort in here. But I am surprised I’ve seen nothing from reform here, it had a high percentage of Brexit voters, so I would have expected them to target it.


Personally, not a peep. Then again I have, in over four decades as a voter, never once had a candidate knock on my door.


Nothing yet, but we're a safe labour seat even tbf our labour candidate is anti lgbtq and pretty much guaranteed to get in We also seem to have a communist running according to the list of candidates


I should be in a Lab-SNP battleground but heard nothing from either


I heard something from him, but he has since been deselected lmao


We've been gerrymandered since the last election, and it seems that our new constituency is at least theoretically up for grabs - the gerrymandering was to get us out of something that could be a safer conservative seat. So far we've had one person come to the door, a quite nice lady advocating labour. I told her I was reserving judgement until the manifestos came out. I wish she'd come back now, I'd like to discuss the policies.


Ed Davey is my MP so I've seen him paddleboarding, just the usual leaflets that go straight in the bin


Safe Tory seat here, other than her showing up in the local neighbourhood Facebook groups…absolutely nothing. It is hilarious that all the comments are pointing out that we are only seeing her now because of the election. Nothing from Labour or Lib Dem which is frustrating as it would be nice for a change.


Contacted the candidates for Labour, Tory and Lib Dem. No response from Labour after 3 days.


Borders seat, local tory MP is touring every cafe in the region apparently


Very safe labour seat. Haven’t heard from or seen anyone.


I've heard her speak many times in the campaign. As part of her education brief.


3 leaflets with some of the most cherry picked data I’ve seen in a while, honestly


Got doorknocked by the Tory candidate


One leaflet, from the Lib Dem 😁 Sadly, Electoral Calculus for this area is ignoring the Lib Dem Council victories (and boundary change, where we lost an urban Labour area and gained a large rural one) and advising people that its a Labour Tory marginal. Once again I'm conflicted about whether I can vote for my first choice.


It is a difficult one. I have only ever lived in Tory LD marginal or safe Labour. Some of sites are really bad this year using old boundaries and pire uniform swings. Is there a sense of which party is doing more on the ground?


Marginal constituency but with a Labour incumbent since 2017.  I've heard nothing but I've seen a few advertising boards up in front gardens. 


Safe labour. Nothing at the door but my mp drinks in my local so have seen her about a fair bit


Kinda. A targeted instagram ad from the Lib Dems in my area, showing a graph of the last result and how they’re the best to vote for to oust the Tories. Don’t think there was any candidate info on there, at least from memory.


We've had maybe 4 leaflets from the Tories, two hand posted and two mailed. They were more prepared however, other parties probably haven't even printed them yet


I'm in a new constituency that is likely a con-lab marginal (or at least, would've been in the past). I've had absolutely nothing.


All I’ve seen is adverts on Facebook for the incumbent Labour MP. Nothing from any other party.


I’ve had both conservatives and Labour around. Missed the conservative one. I actually felt really sorry for the Labour folk because it was really raining. The lady was lovely but the candidate himself was not. We’ve got 9 candidates standing where I am. One is from the independents for direct democracy which I’ve never heard of before. Edit: just looked up my Labour candidate. They must be quite sure my constituency is going to go Labour because he seems to have politically famous connections.


Birmingham Selly Oak, not heard a peep from anyone yet. Super safe labour seat though.


I live in Barrow so the leaflet Simon Fell posted is scaremongering by saying Labour will destroy the shipyard. He's also going on about how he tried to make us a Royal Town but that's his fantasy. Had a few things from the labour candidate. I think she'll win. Fell only won here because of Corbyn.


Extremely safe Labour seat in London. The only thing I've seen is an advert on YouTube for the Cities of London & Westminster when listening to some music at work.


Yep, nothing in Wolverhampton West. Had to search up the candidates myself.


I saw Gillian Keegan canvassing. I’m in a Lib Dem Tory marginal


You should recieve what is known as an "election communication" through the post. This is a leaflet paid for by the parties nominating the candidates which gives an overview of the candidate, also you should recieve a leaflet hand delivered by the party workers, however if you live in what is known as a "safe seat", it is likely you will only hear from the party defending the seat.


Red wall seat that was labour from like 1950 til 2019 when tories won by 2%. Haven't seen anything from anyone, except a reform booth in the middle of town last weekend.


We got a leaflet from the lib dem candidate but nothing from anyone else so far.


I had a leaflet from my local Conservative mp months ago but nothing else.


Possible swing seat (CON->LAB), Labour and the Greens have sent leaflets but no door-knockers yet.


On my way to a hustings in a usually very safe Tory seat. There have been quite a few organised in our constituency but you had to be on the look out for them.


Yup, my lib-dem canvasser has been around. Lovely dude, always happy to talk to them


Same, the Labour candidate has had their team come around knocking doors but if I didn't actively look up who was running in opposition, I'd have no clue. My constituency has moved to a former Tory seat though and apparently the former MP has fled to a safer seat so I assume the other parties have simply abandoned the constituency.


Traditionally Con/Lab Marginal - but always votes for the winning side for as long as I can remember - 1979. Had the Labour candidate on the doorstep, only a leaflet drop from the Conservatives. Nothing from any other candidate. Although to be honest I suspect this time it'll be a very easy win for Labour in this seat, due to the sitting MP, If the local Tories thought they could win they'd have deselected the sitting MP and got a new candidate in, They tried last election which he only just survived on a technicality and nothings changed in relation to the issues the Local Party weren't happy with. Other parties other than reform are likely putting their efforts into nearby constituencies where they could win. The one area where Liberal Support is strong has been moved to the neighbouring constituency which is now a Con/Lib marginal.


Had a leaflet from each of the independent candidates. Nothing so far from the parties. We're a small village in our constituency (that was 68% conservative last time), so don't often hear much to be fair.


Priti Patel incumbent. 80% majority last time round. Got a leaflet from her and from the Labour candidate


Contested Conservative seat, had 2 leaflets from the Conservative candidate and a generic Labour one.


I think it's been hard to drum up volunteers for any party so close to the locals.