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Snapshot of _Gangs of feral youths rule our streets. Not even Waitrose is safe. We are entering a state of moral collapse_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/22/gangs-feral-youths-rule-our-streets-waitrose-not-safe/) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/22/gangs-feral-youths-rule-our-streets-waitrose-not-safe/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


‘Not even Waitrose is safe’. Ah man. One of the funniest newspapers


> However snooty it sounds, the fact is that when gang thuggery comes to Waitrose and M&S, something has gone badly wrong. Brilliant


Keep the thuggery to Lidl or Morrison's! I mean it perfectly encapsulates the Middle class Tory world view where it's not only fine, but expected that poor people live with crime and violence, that's the system working normally, but now it's effecting the nice areas????  Moral panic ensues


My favourite headline on there at the moment is "I'm worried I might have a foot fetish"


I still can't get past the fact that the Telegraph has Richard Madeley as an agony uncle.


Favourite comment:    >Labour Soft on crime ,immigration and disorder whilst double taxing the diminishing band of workers.    -Nigel Morehouse   He's going to be furious when he finds out who was in charge for the last 14 years. 


> Unless Labour is capable of a transformation in British law and order, which seems extremely unlikely, we will be going the way of shops on the west coast of America I wonder which party your paper backed for the last 14 years that has put us here is anything to do with it? Nah, *impossible*!


"A new generation of dead-eyed young people, people one can only describe as morally feral." The zombie apocalypse is upon us!




It’s funny - I often to back to Yes Prime Minister for political context from forty years ago, and in 1987 this was already a joke: > Don't tell me about the press. I know exactly who reads the papers. The Daily Mirror is read by people who think they run the country; The Guardian is read by people who think they ought to run the country; The Times is read by the people who actually do run the country; the Daily Mail is read by the wives of the people who run the country; the Financial Times is read by people who own the country; **the Morning Star is read by people who think the country ought to be run by another country, and the Daily Telegraph is read by people who think it is.** (Emphasis mine). Edit: **Bernard**: *Sun readers don't care who runs the country, as long as she's got big tits.*


Are they *trying* to sound like a parody? That title...


Here's some of the authors other articles: [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/authors/z/zk-zo/zoe-strimpel/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/authors/z/zk-zo/zoe-strimpel/) Titles include: > *A generation of young women is being driven mad by woke ideology* > v*J K Rowling has achieved almost total victory over the trans lobby* > *Is it now too dangerous for women to vote Labour?* > *For the first time, I see why reasonable people will vote for Donald Trump* > *Greta Thunberg is a ruffian masquerading as a latter-day saint* > *Bedbug-ridden Paris is being sabotaged by its eco-crazy mayor* I think she may be a troll but I'm not sure if she's self-aware. Also, given Russia used to be a significant advertiser for the Telegraph, and a former editor said the paper allowed advertisers to influence editorial decisions to a degree he called 'a fraud on its readers', I think this article is relevant: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russian-disinformation-hyped-paris-bedbug-scare-french-minister-says-2024-03-01/


I was in Waitrose yesterday. Bought some Pimms No1. Didn't notice the moral collapse, but perhaps it was in an aisle I didn't go down?


It's near the bakery, desperate stuff


There is a Waitrose near me that regularly gets raided by local gangs for booze. They grab and then run. It’s pretty shit. The amount of casual and common crime in London is pretty high these days.


That sort of thing is extremely common in Grimsby as well, this town is basically mad max, I really hope a Labour government can do something about thr police force here to make them functional.


They've promised to build more prisons and increase the amount of police on the street. But they also claim they're not going to raise tax, so I don't know if I believe them. Populism is sweeping the globe, I really hope labour doesn't make the mistake of thinking centrist neo-liberalism and austerity-lite are viable longterm strategies.


Angel? I’ve noticed they’ve now got security guards, but for a while the spirits section often looked like it had been cleared out.


“Apocalypse on aisle 7… “


Its only morally collapsing during restock day


How does this woman do an entire article and manage to say nothing? "Oh, it's just brazen youth gangs". Absolutely nothing on the socio-economic causes of these. And absolutely nothing on 14 years of Tory cuts to the police that has meant shoplifting is rarely ever prosecuted


Not just police but also the social and youth services setup by Labour that where designed to help at risk kids


Tell me how this is somehow not the Tories fault and only by voting rishi can we stop it


I can only assume from the other comments that most on this sub don’t live in these kind of areas and aren’t exposed to it. There is absolutely a problem with youth gang violence and what I would describe as a sort of chav culture, it was never this bad under Labour when I was a kid. Back then chavs aspired to be ‘gangsters’ but they were mostly harmless, these days they freely carry knives because there are no consequences.


One thing new Labour realised was that it was actually didlsadvataged areas that suffered most from.crime and especially low level anti-social behaviour thus ASBOs and more (not quite) police on the ground.


I think most realise that there is a strong correlation between poverty and crime. There is no doubt raising people out of poverty will help but I also think there is a strong cultural component at work now as well. This kind of immorality seems to be embedded in youth culture and will take some serious undoing.


No argument from me. It’s just that those who talk about poverty sometimes forget that it’s the poor that are also often the victims of crime.


It doesn't matter what the punishment is if you think there is no chance of being caught. It doesn't matter being caught if you think there won't be a punishment. Amd it doenst help when at best your family and community ignore your behaviour , at worst celebrate it. Nor when those who don't suffer from it deny all sense of personal responsibility.


To think only a few years ago my local Waitrose had to protect itself from an invasion from a cat. How time has changed,




It’s true though. It’s feral out there. If I had kids, one way flight to Australia