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**The deadline to apply for a proxy vote is 5pm TOMORROW**. [Apply here](https://www.gov.uk/apply-proxy-vote) if you are not able to go and vote yourself. **The deadline to apply for a voter authority certificate is 5pm TOMORROW.** [Apply here](https://www.gov.uk/apply-for-photo-id-voter-authority-certificate) if you have no other valid forms of photo ID. You must have valid photo ID to vote in the general election this year.


[New Megathread is here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukpolitics/comments/1doqjpc/rukpolitics_general_election_campaign_megathread/)


Megathread is being rolled over, please refresh your feed in a few moments. ###MT daily hall of fame 1. Yummytastic with 65 comments 1. Playful-Onion7772 with 57 comments 1. Cairnerebor with 52 comments 1. NJden_bee with 47 comments 1. concretepigeon with 39 comments 1. GodlessCommieScum with 38 comments 1. armchairdetective with 38 comments 1. YsoL8 with 36 comments 1. dw82 with 34 comments 1. whatapileofrubbish with 34 comments There were 706 unique users within this count.


Hello, I’m from the U.S. and I’m interested seeing the results live. Are the results directly at 10pm/22:00 or are they sprinkled out through out the night?


Exit poll at 22:00, results will trickle in through into the next day. We will probably have a good idea by the early morning. The BBC stream should be on the BBC News site and not geoblocked.


Piecemeal, as others have said, but you should have seen most of the drama by midnight EST. You can use the declaration times from 2019 as a rough guide if you're interested in a particular MP: https://uk.news.yahoo.com/estimated-declaration-times-general-election-092322057.html


Sky News has their live set up already on YouTube. Theirs will start at 9pm GMT (or 1pm PST/5pm EST).


You’ll get an exit poll at around 10pm - should be fairly reliable but polling has been variable so far and could be wide of the mark due to massive swings. Will still give a good indication though, and then you’ll get individual results through the early hours. A clear overall winner will emerge early based on current polling. Final results on the constituency level will continue to trickle in until Friday late afternoon/evening, with a few seats maybe taking ever longer to declare


Alright thanks.


https://x.com/LastWeekTonight/status/1805694059421515879 Looks like Last Week Tonight is available on demand on sky as usual, it was only the broadcast they couldn't do. It's worth a watch if you can enjoy his comedy, it's a pretty succinct (although leaves out a lot of important detail imo) teardown of the last 14 years of tory governance. Probably nothing new for megathread nerds, but definitely digestible for the not so politically inclined. Though it is crazy seeing it laid out like this.


Not to take away from the politics but I have no idea how anyone fucking sleeps under this temperature - so, so hot


Weed works for me


sleep with the fan at your head rather than your legs, and sleep without clothes. the cool air will hit your abdomen first cooling your core down and making it easier to sleep, rather than than the legs at least, this is what works for me


Mandatory air conditioning for new builds would win my vote at this point


And on public transport too!


Create a draft flow in your house by opening a window on each side, I might have to listen to police cars and the occasional drunk, and get woken up by the birds at 4am, but I'm not melting.


For me it's the choice between closed windows and living in the lava-zone, or open windows and listening to the yobs have their loud fun at all times of the day.


Hoping the incoming Labour government introduces some kind of legislation to do away with temperatures like this.


Decarbonising the grid and banning new combustion engine cars seems like a decent start. I have my terrace doors wide open and earplugs in.


I'm thinking simpler than that - just introduce legislation that the temperature *cannot* go over, say 22 degrees C. It's just not permitted to do so.


And also, the rain may never fall till after sundown. By eight,the morning fog must disappear. In short there's simply not A more congenial spot Than here in Starmer-lot.


Can we also legislate for a White Christmas? Preferably keep it under wraps for now though, so I can put £100 on it down the bookies first.


There's no magic snow tree unfortunately.


Alistair Jack is honestly the luckiest Tories to ever exist. Basically a free job for nout.


If it turns out loads of candidates have bet on themselves to win does this have to be a big scandal? They are trying to win anyway. There’s a big distinction between that and betting on the election date based on insider information.


For sure. But it isn't difficult to not place a bet. In fact it's a damned site easier than placing a bet.


I'll bet you at a fiver at 3/1 odds that it is in fact harder to not place a bet.


I'm alright thanks. See, that was super easy.


Betting on yourself to *lose*, though, is a different matter.


Thing as, as stupid as it was to do (especially given how it has now muddied a major attack line and given the 'they're all the same' brigade ammunition), I can sort of get the thinking. Given his donations to the Labour party (and his campaigning), I don't think he was planning to throw the election in order to win a bet. I reckon it probably was exactly what he says: a fun silly thoughtless thing. If he won the seat, all is good. If he lost, he gets a bit of cash (which he says he was planning to donate in that eventuality, but who knows?).


Imagining a plucky ITV movie in a year's time featuring some chancer who comes up with a scheme to get selected and stand for the Tory party then bet on theirself to lose with the intention to purposefully attempting to throw the election and thereby get rich. However, things go awry when their Bulworth rap at hustings sees them become incredibly popular to the point where they accidentally wins and is thereby financially ruined.


Agreed. I just have a feeling there’s going to be a bunch of bet to winners exposed in the coming days and it will be treated the same, when it shouldn’t be.


To be honest, if they're serious about being elected as an MP and taken seriously as one, then that should be their absolute focus. Can't imagine myself betting on myself to do my job correctly even if there was a market for it. It's bizarre and a distraction. Surely we have a problem with betting in this country if it's even a thought that enters your mind to bet on yourself to do anything at all, never mind something so serious? It's really quite embarassing for anyone caught being anywhere near it, because it should not even have been a thought that crossed their minds given the gravitas of the issue at hand.


I could see myself sticking a fiver on for a laugh tbh. This is probably why I’m not cut out for serious jobs.


>Keir Starmer has taken a massive risk by suspending his candidate Kevin Craig for betting against himself in the coming election. Because it is widely believed that betting by candidates on themselves is rife. As yet the Gambling Commission has not trawled the bookies for info on bets like Craig’s. I understand the Commission identified his wager by accident. But if the Commission now requests that data from the betting companies, this could turn into a scandal on the scale of the MPs’ expenses scandal. And it won’t just be Tory MPs tarnished. I am told Labour, LibDem and Reform MPs all engage in this kind of punt. GambleGate, or whatever on earth it’s called, will now run all the way to the election and beyond - with who knows what harm to which parties and which politicians https://x.com/Peston/status/1805656925029183753


Absolutely embarassing if this is acceptable practise. These people are trying to get elected to run the effing country. Out the lot of them, imo. It's pathetic. It's not some jolly that they're on where they're hoping to win a few quid at the bingo. As with a previous comment, we must have a serious problem with betting in this country if this is seen as normal or a thought that should ever have traversed the smooth brains of any of these verified lemons.


Surely most of these will be betting on themselves to win though which is presumably fine. Betting on something where you know the outcome (like the election day) or where you can take a dive (like backing your opponent) is clearly immoral, but I have to be honest if I was a candidate I'd stick a tenner on myself just for the novelty of being able to walk into the bookies and slap a tenner down on me!


Betting on yourself to lose would be pretty demoralising on our own local staff unless they somehow vibe together.


Starmer suspends Craig.... DOOM FOR KEIR!!!! Starmer doesn't suspend Craig.... DOOM FOR KEIR!!! and i thought Peston was meant to be one of the better political reporters out there atm


I wonder if Starmer knew this when he suspended Craig.


Our political class is fucking dreadful.


I think betting on yourself to **lose** shouldn't be acceptable? Should it?? If it's a normal practice to do that, here's a thought: Maybe it shouldn't.


Ffs. This election is like swimming through a river of shit.


Like swimming in any river in the country then?


Ive managed to remain blissfully isolated from the election over here, with nothing more than a raised eyebrow shared with the other brit in nearby circulation. That bliss shattered today by some lady in a Brit-Nor emigrant facebook group advocating vociferously for L/G/LD under the guise of "reminding people to vote" spawning a hundred comment argument when people are instead trying to give the best info on where to find greggs pasties and chocolate hobnobs now that apparently the last Iceland in norway is on the verge of shutting down. F


Please tell me there was Reform advocates blaming immigration for the country's woes.


Ah Facebook groups


Sorry to be that guy but how has the betting stuff developed today since the initial two Tory candidates were suspended? I see various different things have come out about people on both sides but not sure which are most egregious or consequential.


Quite a few police implicated. More Conservatives. One Labour guy, although it’s not linked to the election day bet but rather a bet on his own seat. Lots of murmurs there’s more to come. The real development has been the delay in suspending the offending members. Sunak took a while, Labour suspended their guy before the sort really broke.


Some more Tories have been linked to betting on the date of the election... plus some more police. Also a Labour guy was immediately suspended by Starmer when he was told the guy had put a bet on himself to lose in what's meant to be a still safe Tory seat


The Labour candidate being outed today for betting is yet more proof that Starmer is the unluckiest party leader.


I suspect you might be missing an /s here, but surely he’s been incredibly lucky given the news that another Tory was revealed to have bet on the election date within an hour of the Labour candidate story breaking?


Preston had tweeted saying this practice is widespread. He may have to keep suspending people for putting a fiver on a loss. Oh, and voters will keep saying, "They're all the same." And there are 8 days to go. So, yes. Unlucky.


Fair enough, definitely could be more shit heading Starmer’s way. But what is the other ‘proof’ that he is the ‘unluckiest party leader’? Genuinely interested on this view - seems to me like he’s been incredibly lucky with the endless stream of Tory shitstorms, regardless of this story, no?


Pandemic. War in Ukraine. Both required nearly absolute support from Labour for months at a time. And they took up all of the airtime, so anything he did was ignored. He became leader during the pandemic and couldn't have an event to introduce himself to the country. He faced a government with a big majority. Took over a disorganised and distrusted party, with a former leader who just kept making trouble. When the EHRC report came out, he tried to turn the page and then Corbyn shot his mouth off within hours. The war in Gaza that was _guaranteed_ to be difficult for him politically. Hell, October 7th happened the weekend before the Labour Party conference! If he hadn't been covered in glitter, no one would have noticed it. The war in Gaza rumbles on and when he tries to come up with a solution for a vote in the Commons to allow his MPs to save face in front of the nutters in their constituencies, it leads to uproar in the chamber and nearly brings down the Speaker. He suspends Abbott for racism and then coverage of disgusting remarks made about her turn the spotlight on him. His team appears to be quietly orchestrating her retirement, then some dickhead leaks and the whole thing eats up a week of the campaign. He can't move for being asked about his predecessor, who has deliberately not apologised, and is running as an independent to rile up the Labour Left. Oh, and the Sun and The Times have it out for him because he prosecuted the CEO of News International. Is that enough? The guy can't move for something bad happening. It is no wonder he looks so much younger recently. The last four years have been gruelling for him.


Don’t disagree with anything you’ve said I guess, just hard to look at the polls and say he’s been that unfortunate really. He’s had stuff to deal with in terms of world events and party political issues but to say he’s the unluckiest party leader of them all just seems redundant with the majority he looks set to achieve next week. And he looks set to achieve that majority not because of any hugely successful and inspiring campaign in the face of adversity but because of a wildly unpopular incumbent government. He’s basically just had to avoid any sort of comparable scandal within his own party and can likely cruise to one of the biggest political wins the country has ever seen - seems pretty lucky to me


That's not what luck means. He has worked like a dog for four years to rebuild and detoxify the party. He is also responsible for Johnson resigning from parliament. He's a seriously hard worker. People who say "he's lucky" are implying he has just been able to sit on his hands for four years - that is nonsense. Not only that, he is inheriting a shit sandwich with the economy in the toilet, strikes still going on, and no money to resolve any of it. Oh, and he is probably going to have to deal with Trump for four years. He's unlucky.


You can be a hard worker and be lucky. You can be headed for a difficult time in government and be lucky. Not sure what your definition of luck is really, regardless of what you think of him he’s running in an election as the only realistic opposition to a woeful shambles of an incumbent


Seems like you’re pretty keen to pitch the world vs. Starmer as the key battle here. I’m voting Labour this election and really hope he is able to take some decisive action and improve things for the country. But I would argue it’s nonsense to call him ‘the unluckiest party leader’ when almost everything has fallen in his favour over the last few weeks/months. That’s not to say he hasn’t worked on the party during his tenure, it’s just pointing out that the utter shitshow that is the contemporary Tory party has been a hugely influential factor in his likely success next week.


A Labour candidate has literally had to be dropped today due to this expanding scandal. The Commons vote was only a few months ago. How is this "everything falling his way"? I just think it's a lazy way of thinking about it. Now that he's almost in number 10, people are keen to paint it as being inevitable years ago. This is nonsense and ignores the last four years.


It’s not lazy, it’s reality! You are talking about it as though it’s in a vacuum - any Labour candidate that only has Abbott, Corbyn and a betting scandal that pales in comparison to a similar scandal of the size of the Conservatives’ has got a pretty good ride. You’d hope any competent politician would be able to cruise through the associated attack lines when running against the incompetence of the current Tories. You can only take your stance on this by downplaying the ineptitude of the Tories, no?


Does anyone know how the Kevin Craig bet came to light? Did he see the Gamble Shamble unfolding and think "Oh bollocks I've made a big booboo" and fess up to party management? Or did someone else tip off the press?


It wasn't the press, it only came out when labour suspended him. Most likely the gambling comission informed labour he was being investigated.


Peston claimed earlier today that the Gambling Commission came across his bet "by accident", whatever that means.


Hmm, that seems a little suspect. I'd bet (see what I did there) it was a bookmaker who tipped off the GC. I doubt the betting industry is too enamoured by the prospect of further regulation under a Labour government.


Was there anything in the Labour manifesto about additional regulation? It was under Blair that the biggest deregulation happened.


Late-night leflet check in. Come home a bit pissed from the pub (I know I know, on a school night) to a small stack of a lovely high-gsm trifold from the Lib Dems addressed to me, a letter from Kier to my wife, an indy leaflet with an intriguing (though not wrong) spelling of 'focussed' [sic], and a RefUK leaflet that is effectively a generic one with the candidate and constituency on the overprint (misaligned). For reference I live in a shad cab v. safe Labout seat and have only had 2 Lab leaflets previously (1 generic, 1 addressed)


so whys kier writing to your wife then?


[Beeb](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/czkk0d19kgdo) > Shortly after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced the election date, Scottish Secretary Alister Jack told the BBC he had made **£2,100** after betting on June and July election dates. [Swinford](https://x.com/Steven_Swinford/status/1805710211748909533) > "Following reports today I want to be absolutely clear I have not breached any gambling rules. ... In April, I put **£20 at 5 to 1** on an election being held between July and September." Hrm.


I believe that. Guy makes £80, and then runs his mouth claiming he made thousands, that sounds about right for most the gamblers I know.


Not that it changes your point, but he made £100 (you get your stake back as well as your winnings).


edit: I can't do maths and shouldn't post after midnight. My original point still stands; my dodgy sums not withstanding


£20 at 5/1 you end up with £120. Either you don't know how betting works or you don't know how maths works. >I understand how betting works, but if you start with £20 and finish with £100 then I'd say you've made £80. >If you put a grand down on a 1/100 favourite and it comes in, you'd be a knob to go around saying you've "made a grand" when the reality is you're ten pounds better off. >I understand that philosophically you're actually £1010 better off than if it hadn't come in, but you can't be thinking of it that way.


> he had made £2,100 So he'll be up £4 if Labour win. Result!


So either he got lucky... or the Tories were planning an election right now months ago and still managed not to be ready for it


There's no way they were planning it months ago, even if Sunak always wanted it ASAP. Senior Torys booked holidays.


So this guy got lucky....


Depends if you believe his account, if we take the latest statement at face value he bet multiple times and low amounts, and the £2100 was a "joke". I don't really believe either statement a he's brought an investigation on himself, I guess.


They definitely managed not to be ready for their own starting gun and I'm looking forward to those papers being declassified somewhere way down the line, but not the point right now. There's quite a big gap between the odds offered and the payout claimed.


>Using the PA Expected Declaration times (Thanks @MattSingh_) and the average of the MRPs so far here's the expected seat count throughout election night. >Labour look set to hit 325 seats at around 4am. [https://x.com/ABLPoli/status/1805712215867277775](https://x.com/ABLPoli/status/1805712215867277775) >Because I'm feeling generous I've created a Google Sheet with the PA declaration times, tabulated and matched to ONS codes. (AI was involved for this, so please let me know if you spot any errors) [https://x.com/MattSingh_/status/1805656746305683753](https://x.com/MattSingh_/status/1805656746305683753) Edit: [PA declaration times](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/estimated-declaration-times-general-election-093817984.html)


Looks like 4:30 am we'll be sure the Tories are out.


*Sunak arrives back to number 10 after a day of gamble gate with his gaggle of aids* Sunak: "fuckin' CHRIST!!! THAT WAS FUCKING AWFUL! WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME TO SUSPEND THE FUCKERS IN THE FIRST PLACE!??!?!" Meek Aid: "S-sorry sir.. You were downing a litre of coke while lamenting how you never had SKY1 as a child at the time..." Sunak "FUCK ME SIDEWAYS, YOU LOT ARE USELESS! CRAIG, WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY VEGAN HARIBOS?!?! *Sunak proceeds to shove about 10 Haribo Gummis with face full of tetch*


Face full of Fetch is my favourite album


Armando would be proud


Absolute scenes as it's discovered those were actually sugar free haribo




I just realised, as that labour guy was suspended, doesn't he technically win the bet?


I reckon the bookies will find a way to void that bet now tbh.


He's still on the ballot paper so it's not certain yet.


Nope. Vote Labour to make sure he loses.


He's played a tremendous game of reverse psychology here.


that bastard played us!


Got his £100k back from Keir too. He’s playing both sides. That way he always sins. (Was supposed to say “wins” but I’m a poor swiper and it still works.)


Nah. He's lost out because of inflation.


He bet that the Tory would win, which they haven't yet.


What a fuckin fool. He had it all going for him.


Interesting from the Times front page - the Gambling Commission is apparently "going through a list of all bets on the election that stood to win more than £199".


Funny to think that the gambling commission as we speak are looking through some of my bets lol


Haven't been in a bookies for a long time but they don't usually take your name when you're making a bet do they?


I can't speak for bookies themselves but I know that if you want to gamble online on any of the major sites (skybet, bet365 etc) you have to surrender a lot of personal information including photographic ID and employment details before you're allowed to place any bets. These companies also tend to share your information between them in case you're identified as a problem gambler, are trying to avoid a self-exclusion via other sites, or want to sign up for one of the national online gaming bans.


Guessing a lot of these were made online.


Rishi there with his £199 bet happy as Larry


[Larry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_\(cat\)) won't be happy until Sunak is out of office tbh


Fucking hell, I didn’t realise how old he is. How long until Mrs Starmer is accused by the press of offing him?


Right, now I'm sweating nervously.


I was 12 in the 2017 general election. Did everyone know Corbyn was going to lose that badly during the campaign? Edit: sorry I meant when it was him against Boris, so that would've been the 2019 one.


By 2019, everyone was sick of Brexit. Johnson offered a way to “end” it. That’s what it boiled down to. When that was the feel of the election, it was literally just how many seats Johnson was gonna win: just about a hung Parliament with the Tories still as largest party, or a majority? 


By 2019, Corbyn was less popular than a dog turd to the face. Everyone knew he would lose badly.


To answer your edit- yeah, in 2019 everyone knew Corbyn was fucked. Everyone knew personal distrust of him was the single biggest reason Boris was going to win. The British public is very middle of the road and the average age of a voter is almost 50.


The 2019 election was largely expected except for a maybe one or two week period in the middle of the campaign where it looked like Labour might be able to somewhat replicate their 2017 campaign surge and pull it back to a hung parliament. But by polling day, a large defeat was expected by most.


I’d say the turning point was Farage calling the Brexit party off. From that point they just leveraged “oven ready” in every seat that voted leave and cleaned up without having to worry about the lib dems picking them off in southern remainy seats.


The polls moved into a range where a hung parliament could have happened right before election day. Unfortunately, it was just a range. It was a worse defeat than most expected but it was definitely expected.


I was a similar age and I think the vibe I felt was the tories will always win but it might be close / everyone should get their parents to vote Labour. My parents didn’t like JC which I didn’t understand because it seemed like lots of people did. 


Left wing people liked and like JC. Lots of young people are left-wing, and also places like redit skew left. The average British person is not especially left-wing and older people are suspicious of the economic competence and social bias towards the Unions of Old Labour, which they saw JC as being. Remember, the average age of the electorate is just under 50 AND older people turn out more.


When the Brexit party stepped aside in the 2019 GE, it was expected that the Tories would win but I don't recall people thinking Labour would lose as many MPs as they did, especially not in the red wall.


The swing towards Labour was around 10 percent and caused the Tories to become a minority government. It was a loss, but I don't remember people saying it was a "bad" loss, they did gain 30 seats. Do you mean the 2019 election?


I remember feeling kinda hopeful until the debates.


Do you mean 2019? 2017 he didn't lose badly, he came very very close to winning. And we didn't know it would be so close. Edit: To answer your 2019 clarification: Yeah it seemed inevitable he would lose - Salisbury was damaging and so was Brexit indecision. It was also two additional years of right wing delving into his views. Antisemitism wasn't dealt with adequately at all either, and the incessent argument of "weaponised antisemitism" by his supporters was tone deaf. That's like saying a judge was weaponising the crime you commited to send you down. Yes, but also no. Boris was known to politicos to be an awful candidate, too, and torys are still unpopular with Reddit's demographic so online politics discussion wasn't exactly pro tory either, the Brexit party stepped aside and that pretty much was that. Supporting Labour/the left was like being arsenal of the time and hoping you can win but Mustafi playing with Holding and Ozil's hurt his back again.


No, there were echo chambers (reddit included) that genuinely thought he had a shot. A lot of it was younger people who were simply naive to the mood of the country at the time.


I had some pretty awkward conversations with friends through that campaign who were very entrenched in their left wing echo chamber. They were utterly convinced it was won. On the doorstep it was awful. Nobody wanted anything to do with Labour.


He did better in 2017 than in 2019. May nearly destroyed herself by running through too many fields of wheat.


It was generally understood by most he would lose horribly, but in the final week it looked more hopeful and he actually gained seats.


The whole episode of Newsnight was on the Betty Scands. Good grief.


Southgate is Rishi’s lettuce


[The betting scandal deepens: #Newsnight learns that up to 15 Conservative candidates and officials are being scrutinized. Newsnight's Political Editor @nicholaswatt explains:](https://x.com/BBCNewsnight/status/1805720047303696686?t=KaKus--nnmSR1csAjJ1LPA&s=19)


lol, lmao, etc


Any idea on the info about whether or not the OG Gamble Shambles gang have actually been suspended or not? Loads of conflicting language and confusion between 'support' from the party and actual party membership. According to the BBC the Tories have 'withdrawn support' from Williams and Saunders, but neither have been suspended from the party. I know there's no whip to be lost at this point as they're not MPs, but it sounds like Sunak hasn't actually suspended them? Waiting two weeks then going 'we've withdrawn our support' rather than just suspending them sure sounds like the actions of a ANGRY, FURIOUS leader.


I think Sunak has far more control over campaign resources than party membership. Expelling somebody from a party's a more complicated thing than just withdrawing the whip and it's not just up to the leader. I can't remember if CCHQ even has the same powers as Labour's NEC does. The local Conservative Association might have to take the same approach.


If Corbyn fails to get re-elected, will this be considered a Portillo moment?


More of a changing of the guard moment. Portillo was being tipped as next leader by some, whereas this is more whether Corbyn is yesterday’s man or not.


If we take a Portillo moment as the loss of a seat for an MP expected to be next leader or an important voice in the party, then not at all. It’ll be a good bookend for Lab’s useless years though. Who will his faction settle on next, both inside and out of the party?


> Who will his faction settle on next, both inside and out of the party? Diane Abbott?


Nah, but it will be a shock to the terminally online.


I suspect a few people will declare it a fake result.


Portillo moments are unexpected, though


But bro Novara Media said it's neck and neck!


Question - I'm on holiday in Richmond, North Yorkshire next week. Where will the result for the Prime Minister's constituency be announced, and are members of the public permitted entry?


Are you a genuine Russian tourist there to see the world famous Richmond Castle?


I don't think I have even truly seen a castle because I am always testing my eyes when I go to see one... Pun intended


Followed by a trip to Richmond's famous Memorial to the Women of the Confederacy


Followed by a poo in a pond?


No idea where but access to counts is restricted, partly because of space, partly because of security.


Nah [probably not unless you're really good friends with a candidate](https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/guidance-acting-returning-officers-administering-a-uk-parliamentary-election-great-britain/verification-and-count/attendance-verification-and-count/who-can-attend).


Could reach out to Binface.


Do you reckon Southgate is scraping by on purpose to deny the Tories a polling bounce? When the glorious Labour government comes in we'll start winning properly, right?


There was a piece in the papers about Southgate making sure the players either got postal votes or proxy votes set up.


[We want are country back](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQ73KIsWkAE5jg_?format=jpg&name=900x900)!


This lad who's been chucked out of Labour, why doesn't he just defect? It's rarely a sackable offence in CCHQ!


Has Ivan Toney been implicated yet?


>26th June, 9PM BST - 📺 BBC head-to-head debate (Sunak vs Starmer) Heads up, BBC News promo'd this and said it was at 8:15 not 9pm


“Hey Jude” is turning into the “Oh Jeremy Corbyn” of football.


Did the Kevin Craig betting scandal leak before Starmer acted? The first I saw of it was the Sky breaking news alert to say Starmer had suspended him. If it hadn’t even leaked before that then extra credit to Labour for getting out ahead of it. A quick response is one thing, coming clean when nobody is even looking at you is another thing entirely. Bravo.


I assume he was informed he was under investigation and he then told Starmer.


I believe the gambling commision are sharing information with parties too.


Starmer literally said "their feet wouldn't touch the ground", so he had no choice, really.


> Did the Kevin Craig betting scandal leak before Starmer suspended him? The first I saw of it was the Sky breaking news alert to say Starmer had suspended him. No. Simultaneously announced to journalists. Labour were the source.


Fair play to them. I mean I’m sure they realised it would come out anyway, but bravo. If that’s how they are going to deal with scandals the press are going to be fuming. Difficult to keep a story going for weeks on end when it’s done and dusted upon landing on their desks.


Does anyone engage with friends and contacts who are Green voters on social media? I see stupid posts every day but I don't want to rile up my professional network


Why do you think we are here posting anonymously? :)


Newsnight just said 15 Tory candidates/officials are being investigated?


Is that 15 in addition to or inclusive of those we already know about?


i expected more TBH


Is that what she said? I thought that's what I heard but then it wasn't mentioned again.




Thanks - 15! I hope that those names get dropped out two a day for the next week...


Instead of release all the names at once, let's name them one by one until the poll day :) #EdDaveyLOTO


Not enough days!




Doesn’t matter, Labour had that one guy, they’re clearly all the same. Vote Reich UK instead. /s


[My reaction...](https://giphy.com/gifs/namslam-mr-burns-laughing-WtPa7it2SXmfYxw6uh)


What was I laughing about? Oh yes, that crippled party


No wonder rishi had to be dragged into suspending people.




Betting that you'll lose your own election isn't a minor mistake. It's why footballers (in addition to being banned in general from betting on football) can't bet on their own matches. You might be inclined to manipulate the result.


> for a minor mistake? I don't get why people are downplaying betting against yourself like it's a minor thing or a "mistake".


I'd hardly call it a minor mistake, it was a stupid decision. But yeah not on the same level.


We’re at the point where publicly becoming England’s biggest h8r will absolutely net Labour a shedload of votes


So who's having the worst campaign right now.... Rishi or Gareth?


Gareth is doing a Starmer so far, finishing top of the group despite being a bit flat and repetitive.


Unfortunately for him unlike the election he has a series of head to heads to face now against sides that are definitely above the football equivalent of Rishi.


England finished top of their group. Rishi is languishing in third.


Interesting segment on immigration in Peterborough on BBC news just now. Talking about immigration, spoke to one guy who was an immigrant decades ago who says there are too many immigrants now, and another economic migrant from 15 years ago that when asked what she'd do if she was Prime Minister said she'd close the borders.


I think a lot of political narratives encourage us to see one another as kind of tropes or archetypes, and sometimes the most politically engaged are the most guilty of this. But actually, most people are a right mish mash of views and often don’t correlate with stereotypes. For example, my dad (who is in his 70s and very old school working class London) is very left wing and voted Labour for decades. He thinks basically everything should be nationalised. He hated Tony Blair. He also hated Corbyn. Loved Gordon Brown. Voted for Brexit but has no time for Farage. Very worried about immigrants and basically a bit islamophobic. Can get on his absolute soapbox about Shamima Begum - not what you’d think though, thinks it’s criminal her citizenship was stripped. Semi-Vegetarian because he loves animals so much. Pro-LGBT rights and gets angry with journalists asking politicians to define a woman. *’Oh, for goodness sake!’* he says. Obsessed with football. Thinks we’ve lost all sense of community. Reads The Sun. Basically, people are complex. I suspect my dad’s views are pretty in line with the general public’s however. He’s not planning to vote this time and didn’t in 2019 either.


His Venn diagram must resemble a Spirograph!


Honestly it’s a bit of a mindfuck 😂


There was some video a couple of weeks ago in Boston and there were Polish and Lithuanian immigrants from a decade or two ago who didn't like the more recently arrived Romanian and Bulgarian ones.


Not too surprising, ladder pulling is extremely common. Immigrants actually end up being some of the most ardent anti-(any more)-immigration people, look at all those trump voters who ended up deported.


If I were an immigrant and I'd landed up in Peterborough, I'd probably just go back home TBH.


Was this person well integrated? Attitude doesn't surprise me if so


Rule #1 of politics, don't give your opponents ammo to wack you with 🤦‍♂️. Best achieved by maintaining integrity and high standards. Kudos to Keir here.


We should renationalise all privatised industry. Can't wait to book my holiday on thomascook . gov. uk, drive to the airport in my rolls royce which will be free at the point of use, and fly first class (because i'm friends with the minister) on my British Airways jet.


To be fair .gov.uk design and usability is genuinely world class, I wouldn’t be disappointed if it was widely adopted!


Get my Wetherspoons.gov app open and order some nationalised Carling to be delivered to the table 😋 yummers


🎶 *Soyuz nerushimyy respublik svobodnyk*