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“Are Exit Pollsters asking too many questions nowadays?”


So many questions the poll became a survey smh my head.


Steady on Zaphod.


Don’t they just ask who you voted for? That’s all I’ve ever been asked on the rare occasion I have been asked.


Exit polls are just literally asking people who they voted for. Hence why they ask people who literally are leaving, or exiting, electoral stations.


Well, I'm learning something new about UK politics and its coverage. In the US, news outlets ask lots of opinion and demographics questions too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0wZUANpJpw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFbfD3BC0xc


OK. Exit polls in the UK are literally just asking people who they voted for, they usually show the result when the polls close at 10pm.


That explains why I couldn't find the exit polling on the 2016 referendum I was searching for a while back. Imagine if they had asked Leave voters about soft vs hard Brexit or if they asked those Brexit questions I listed in the OP to see what voter preferences/opinions in 2024 are.


Nobody wanted Soft Brexit. Remainers wanted to Remain, Brexiteers wanted the hardest possible Brexit. Obviously no one would have picked it in a survey.


Nobody? ...none at all? 100% in favor? That's North Korea/Saddam's Iraq type numbers. https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-magazine-monitor-26527422 No free electorate votes 100% for anything.


Brexiteers couldn't agree what they wanted. Even some ERG members wanted to stay in the single market. That's why the slogan 'take back control' worked because it was so vague.


The most prominent thing that comes to mind for me is this. >“Absolutely nobody is talking about threatening our place in the single market” - Daniel Hannan I'd make bets all day long that, at the least, 5-10% of the Leave vote was done with a soft Brexit outcome in mind.


Yeah- people would not stand for being asked more than that one question! They want to go home once they have voted!


I thought they just asked who you voted for and that's it?


They should just hire comedians to highlight all the "best bits" of the Tory election campaign, it would be a great way to usher in the end of the chaos.