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Snapshot of _Arrivals from 'countries like Bangladesh' are not being deported, Keir Starmer complains_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/uk-starmer-complains-migrants-countries-bangladesh-are-not-being-removed) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/uk-starmer-complains-migrants-countries-bangladesh-are-not-being-removed) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We haven't had effective immigration control since at least the early 1990s. The Border Agency was abolished by Theresa May and its functions split over different bodies which don't always seem to know what the other is doing. There are not enough staff to carry out all the tasks put on them by Parliament and we don't keep effective track of overstayers.


As an aspiring student who one day hopes to go to the UK for doing his post graduate studies, this comes off as being really hurtful and does not look good at all. I understand his point but there's no reason to single us out when you can atleast deal with us unlike Iran and Afghanistan. Not a very professional example with just a week until polling day. The Bangladeshi people have been some of the biggest Labour supporters that I know of


I feel this is a tad disingenuous. He was asked for an example of a country where you can return people who failed border checks. in which he flippantly said Bangladesh at the top of his head. I don't think it's fair to say he singled them out. He was not going to say, and he can't say, Afghanistan or Iran bc they are classed as 'unstable' countries. If he said Afghanistan or Iran then it would simply be factually wrong.




The Labour Party are blue Tories in disguise. I'll be voting for Reform UK or some other party. Depends on their manifesto.


I don’t like Labour because they’re Tories. So I’ll be voting for the *extreme* Tories” Living up to your name because this sounds like shite spouted from a bot.


>The Labour Party are blue Tories in disguise Wow, that is so clever, amazing wordplay and reversal of concepts, man. You must be like some sort of political philosopher or something.


Have you read Reform's manifesto? It's Liz Truss on steroids.


pension crisis, although I bet you believe Labour destroyed the global economy in 2008.


I don't believe Labour crashed the economy, actually




Can't wait for the manifestos to come out ....


Whats the issue with this? It’s an example of a government we can cooperate with to deport people who come/stay here illegally. Bangladeshi’s are one of the largest offenders of trying to backdoor through student visas then overstay their permitted time on graduate visa’s.


I don't think he was intentionally signalling out Bengalis but it comes across really badly


Really pleased the anti Conservative tactical vote in my constituency is Lib Dem. In 2010 a Guardian columnist was advising readers to put a peg on their nose and vote Labour. At this stage I would need a military grade gas mask.




Personally yes,.


Someone from Bangladesh is more likely to be treating you in the NHS than to be a patient I dont think attacking vulnerable people from the poorest parts of the world is in line with Labour values, he should retract that immediately


> Someone from Bangladesh is more likely to be treating you in the NHS than to be a patient Absolutely not lol. Bangladeshis are consistently among the most net draining immigrant groups with the highest levels of unemployment, reliance on health care and social housing etc. No question at all that they take more out of the NHS than they put in.


Stop dropping inconvenient facts, or I'll use the x word!!!


This absolutely isn’t true, the [Bangladeshi ethnicity](https://x.com/leonvarkalis/status/1806010429715423244?s=46&t=aVXrKBScTowVt-kL3qifpQ ) as a whole is one of the worst performing ethnic groups in the UK. There are legitimate questions as to what benefit we’ve had as a nation allowing this. There is no benefit to importing large numbers of people from the poorest parts of the world. We’re not a fucking charity.


The tweet you mentioned has combined both Bangladesh and Pakistan, oddly specific and very fair I'm sure


That’s the issue. In the eyes of those trying to get here we are exactly that. The Europeans are telling us so time and again and are saying we have ourselves to blame for the mess.


Go to any hospital waiting room in London and you'll see you're wrong


Really, you think there are more Bangladeshi doctors and nurses than patients? Mindlessly repeating what talking heads say makes baby Jesus cry