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Snapshot of _General election latest: Reform activist Andrew Parker filmed calling Rishi Sunak a 'f---ing p---' in racial slur_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/27/general-election-live-sunak-starmer-farage/) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/27/general-election-live-sunak-starmer-farage/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There's so many reasons to hate Sunak and call him an effing this and a jeffing that. His race and ethnic background is not one of them for any decent person.


I see nothing but an out of touch Tory boy, straight off the traditional production line from private school, in to banking, and then politics. His race is the last thing I'd think of to use as an insult.


Yeah, but when that describes your own party leader too you can't exactly use it as an attack line...


Yeah I really dislike Sunak, mainly because he made his money off the backs of the victims of the 2008 financial crash, and because he made a joke about trans women in front of a murdered trans girl's mum for a cheap laugh. But the melanin levels in his skin has fuck all to do with anything. He's a prick because he's a prick, not because he's brown.


Exactly, only attack people on things they can influence. He didn't get to choose his race, he did get to choose to act like a dick though.


Honestly when I read this headline I thought one of the censored words was ‘prick’. Does that say more about me? Or about my expectations of other people?


Option 3: Says more about either your spelling or counting of letters.


For real, for real


It shows how far in the past Reform are stuck.


I did too. The racial slur element was all that gave it away.


Same until I saw racial slur, and even then it took me a second. Not virtue signalling, I just never see or hear anyone use that word anymore.


> I just never see or hear anyone use that word anymore. it's pretty common, been called it a fair amount.


The only person I've heard use that term in the last 15 years was a crackhead who was angry at not being given money. It says a lot about the quality of this person


You should come to Brussels. Belgians have no problem using that word. Is like living in 1982 Britain. 


It's still very much in use. I still get called it from time to time. Sometimes I'll cave in and rise to it, but mostly I try to ignore it.


For a second I thought paedo, which wouldn’t have really surprised me considering Reform’s crop


Don't worry, the footage from Channel 4 showed someone else noticing a pride flag on a police car, then making the quip 'I thought the police were meant to catch nonces, not promote them'


I thought it was pig, granted I can't count. Since Cameron, whenever I see "prime minster" and "fucking (insert any word beginning with P here), all I think of is "fucking pig".


Exactly my first thought 🤔🤨


Yeah I was like 'lol fair.. oh.. ooohhhhh noo'


It says you're not living in the 1970s.


“My name is Sam Tyler. The U.K. accidentally voted in a Reform government, and I woke up in 1973. Am I mad, in a coma, or back in time? Whatever’s happened, it’s like I’ve landed on a different planet. Now, maybe if I can vote the buggers out again, I can get home.”


Well the Reform party is lite on decent people.


Hate him for what he does, not who he is.


That's a really good way to put it!


Especially when there is a perfectly good P word that is far more fitting. Prick.


Yeah, Redditors attack his height instead.


To be fair, it's not just Reddit, it's also mainstream media. It's not only petty, it's gotten so boring 🙄 Also to be fair, while it's shitty to mock him for something a) outside of his control, and b) irrelevant to his total incompetence, I don't think it's as bad as using racial slurs.


Also, photos like this are quite funny: https://x.com/Telegraph/status/1634151429710524416


I'd say it also comes up mainly because Sunak seems to make a concerted point about how his height appears. Like if it wasn't for all the bizarre photo ops where they go to great lengths to frame Sunak to make him look tall, I don't think anyone would comment about it. The fact he doesn't just own it and requires his photographers to take photos at odd angles shows he's incredibly insecure about it - which then feeds into the general observation that he's incredibly insecure about everything hence his tetchiness.


The funny thing about his height is that he's 5'7", but Starmer is only 5'8". The only reason Rishi gets so much of it imo is that he's also very slim and wears suits too big for him so he just looks tiny


Aye if you do wana talk about his race & height the point it's worth making is they sadly _are_ both a disadvantage electorally. Especially I would guess for a conservative politician with many other headwinds. So the fact they decided to elevate him to PM _despite_ this. AND given his now demonstrated utter lack of competence at the job shows just how shallow their talent puddle was and how utterly flawed their method of selection is. Basically if you are gonna select a guy who isn't white and then make appealing to a load of racists a big part of your electoral pitch. _That's very brave_.


Babe wake up, a new article about an unhinged/racist reform candidate just dropped!


But I haven't slept in *days*!


It's either this or a gambling Tory every day atm.


I don't wake up babe for that.


Babe wake up, there *hasn't* been a new Tory gambling scandal today!


The gambling stuff is pretty bantz though. Proper old school corruption. I've missed it


They should just merge with the Monster Raving Loony Party atp


Monster Raving Loony Party should change their name, because at this point the line between satire and reality is really starting to blur. Maybe "Monster Raving but not the Looniest Party"?


insult to the mrlp tbh


Nah, the Monster Raving Loony Party has rather sensible policies in comparison and had several of them become law, like lowering the voting age to 18 and legalising commercial radio. Their founder even had his own pirate radio stations.


I'm sure people will be crawling out of the woodwork to tell you how this is not remotely indicative of wider issues in the party or of Farage himself.


Nigel 'We're all finkin' it, I'm just sayin' it' Farage


Until he goes on national radio to give it the old nudge-nudge-wink-wink "He's a bit rough round the edges, but he just speaks the language of the common man - I mean, if you were going down to your local newsagents that was Asian-owned, where would *you* say you were going, hmmm?"


Starmer's on 5 live and was just asked if he thinks Farage is a racist, in his absolute best "I will not grant you a soundbite" he stuttered out "I wouldn't call him names"


To be fair, whilst I absolutely hate Farage, Starmer calling him racist would only serve to hurt Labour and allow Farage to continue his "Woe is me everyone hates me but I just speak the truth :(" bullshit - diplomatically saying I won't call him names is probably the better choice


Oh yeh, it was definitely a better choice, but it was also a brilliant non-confirmation confirmation


The Reform Party is full of racists!? I'm shocked. SHOCKED! Well not that shocked.


So I watched the video did anyone the guy spoke to push back or did they agree with him. that seemed to be cut out... I'd like to know just how far the overton window has moved...


For those times you need to let people know you're not just a racist, but a racist moron.


You forgot misogynist and homophobe 


He looks like a condom stretched over an aubergine.


If you actually found a member of the Reform Party that isn't racist I'd be amazed.


Careful, we don't want a Gordon Brown vs. 'Bigoted Woman' Gillian Duffy again. I prefer to think that they're mostly naive.


It's worth watching the Channel 4 report if you haven't done so yet. I was not shocked to learn that Reform had unsavoury members, but what concerned me more was how candidly they were talking about murdering immigrants, and how they made no attempt to tone down these views regardless of who they were speaking to. Brushing it off as naivety or "banter" is too little at this point. Reform have very clearly managed to recruit a whole cadre of people who are not merely "concerned" about immigration levels, they actively *hate* immigrants and other core elements of what most of us would consider British society.


Absolutely. I'm just trying to draw a distinction between party membership (many just disaffected and tempted in, in unsavoury ways indeed, by the party leadership) vs. actual candidates (the bulk of what we hear about reported on), but you're right that many members will be campaigners, and the Channel 4 undercover reporting has been damning on campaigners too.


It's hard to see it that way when many are found to be following a Racist on Facebook and they think the UK should have been neutral with Hitler or they make racist statements.


True for those in the party who have been scrutinised - I was trying to distinguish between party members (invisible to the media) and party activists (we see), but there's going to be a big overlap anyway.


Brown's issue with Gillian Duffy was that he tried to roll back his comments when he should have stood by them. His judgement of her was correct.


To be fair, the tone in which she said "Eastern Europeans" was just that bit too venomous so as to cross a line, I do agree... but that's so hard to express when you've already come off as the aggressor...


That’s not even close to the worst of it. “Get the young recruits there, yeah, with guns on the fucking beach, target practice. Fucking just shoot them. That's what the Greeks done. You know about that. The Greeks shot a load.” … “Ringfence Bradfordstan. Round the fuckers do that fucking lot as well. And you’ve got these bastards running the country? Fucking joke mate.” Jesus Christ. Are we allowed to call them fascists yet?


He also told a paramedic that they should gas foreign patients instead of saving them




This isn't the only Reform member who's suggested murdering people. One of them is a candidate! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13573895/Reform-candidate-Leslie-Lilley-said-slaughter-migrants-families-taken-response-small-boats-social-media-post-joining-list-Nigel-Farages-controversial-election-hopefuls.html


Fascists would be a compliment to them, they are not organised enough to be fascists.


The party that isn't racist and doesn't allow racists certainly seems to have a lot of racists in it. How peculiar.


I remember when UKIP actually marketed themselves as "non-racist". Ehh, if you're having to say that in the first place...


* be a racist party * keep racism on the downlow * be a nationwide parliamentary party pick 2


First and third


damn you cracked the code, delete this comment before nigel sees it


What is it about the modern version of the Nationalist Front that keeps being so racist?


I think it might be all the racists in the party 🤔 And the racist leading the party. And the racists supporting the party.


You’re right. It must be Starmer’s fault


It's was called The National Front not The Nationalist Front.


Reform are absolutely packed full of these bigots


Reform do realise it's 2024 and not 1964 right? Shades of Smethwick here.


They want to be able to use discredited terms for people of different nationalities / ethnicities - to them, not being able to use such terms is an example of Wokeness. They'd probably like to be able to openly use discredited terms for the disabled and LGBT+ as well. They'd claim they're not racist or xenophobic, but at the same time claim it's almost impossible to turn on the TV without seeing someone of a different ethnicity, even in historical dramas. They probably yearn for the days before the Internet, when renewing insurance involved visiting a broker in town and them choosing the best policy for you, everyone on TV spoke with RP, didn't demonstrate adherence to any faith other than Christianity, there weren't any LGBT+, and soaps were snapshots of everyday life rather than continual arguments, crimes and disasters. Some may even hark after the days when women were predominantly housewives...


Not only is he racist I’m not even sure if he’s correct His grandparents were from ‘British punjab’…and it looks like part of that is now Pakistan and part of it is India (and one google says a grandparent from each side of that border) and his parents were born in Kenya and Tanzania His grandad left for Africa before Pakistan was ever a county and so had an Indian passport/was a citizen of India…apparently also the group Rishi checks on census data etc So not only is he a racist prick, he’s a factually incorrect and lazy racist prick


The reason it's a slur is because it was/is used for all South Asians.


The P word has always been used for all South Asians regardless of which country they originate from or identify with.


Yep I got called it a lot growing up even though i'm half Algerian. Makes sense though as racism and racists are inherently stupid.


"Fucking Paki." Oh, so that's what he said. What a slimeball. Cheers. I was trying to do rascism bingo.


Woah that’s a lot of words for a racist who can’t read.


It's more blatant than it ever been, out there in the open. If you vote for them your priorities are clear. You don't give a fig about people like me.


I have come to a sad realisation lately - all of these stories are meaningless. The people who support Reform do not care that there are racists in the party, they do not care that Farage is a grifter, they do not care that the party's policies are unfunded fantasy. They do not care. No story will change their mind. All we are doing is a leftie circle jerk and congratulating ourselves for being right. 20% of the public will vote for this party because 20% of the public are thick as mince, hate foreign people and think Farage is some sort of UK Trump.


It really depends. I think anti immigration former tories will go reform not to elect them but to protest vote. I have some crossover with that group and I was briefly tempted since I see our current immigration rate as unsustainable and want to be rid of fptp. Granted that was with the provision that I wouldn't if there was a good chance it would return a reform mp in my constituency. If reform went a little more socialist they could have sucked up some labour votes but went with a middling Conservativeish manifesto. I did like some of it but overall it was very much a manifesto written with the expectation it wouldn't be implemented. If farage doesn't get in reform will likely fade away. if he does it will be the same as him in the EU parliament not being effective legislatively but very effective at preparing for the next election. If sunak hadnt called the election early we may have had a much better put together reform party.


It is similar to Trump support in that regard. There is a hard floor for Trump, somewhere around 30-35% in the US. Trump could literally murder someone in public and he’d still get significant support. Not sure what you do about this.


What fascinates me is what is the British identity Reform voters are actually rallying behind. Conventional narrative tells of WWII or modern day democratic alliance against Russia or whoever. Pretty sure Reform voters largely don’t give a damn about the latter so they could get away with all those grifting from Putin. But even Farage himself stresses WWII a lot so I was really baffled by that Hitler appeasing utter nutter and how the Party could get away with that. My conclusion, which should have been obvious, is that the core of Reform is just pure racial-based nationalism. A picture of completely white Britain that has long been lost since 1960s, and impossible to salvage even if they can shut the immigration door now because what are you gonna do with the ethnic minorities. However hard Sunak tries he’s never gonna appeal to the immigrant haters. Neither will Patel or Braverman. But I don’t think this version of British identity is really that popular amongst the other more patriotic people. Completely putting aside anti-socialism and WWII for the sake of racial purity is just not what national identities are forged upon all these years since 1945. Ofc there are people who worry about the practical effects of immigration etc so it’s interesting to see if they will hold their nose to embrace the racist party that’s also loudest in these immigration shouts. But fundamentally i don’t think history lessons side well with Farage. People were much more frenzied and passionate about getting rid of the Popists, the Jews, etc., but eventually never actually completely succeeded and had to embrace them and erase that demarcation line in the long run.


>What fascinates me is what is the British identity Reform voters are actually rallying behind. Conventional narrative tells of WWII or modern day democratic alliance against Russia or whoever. Pretty sure Reform voters largely don’t give a damn about the latter so they could get away with all those grifting from Putin. You're way off the mark with this. Farage's comments being perceived as being pro-Putin is actually one of the few areas where the wheels might fall off wagon for him. It's exactly those Brexit-y areas which were formerly working class Tory fortresses/now have sympathy for Reform, where support for Ukraine has captured the imagination of people and where Ukraine flags outnumber English ones. As opposed to working class urban areas, which tend to have neither English nor Ukraine flags. Obviously this sub has an anti-little Englander bias so I am hardly surprised the irony is lost. This sub also has a view that everything they dislike is the same thing, so all those unwashed Brexiteers are also pro-Putin shills (apparently). For the record I did vote remain, I just found the remain discourse rather irksome.


I’m open to debate, but I don’t see (ex-) red wall as THE Reform base though? Much less the seaside (ex-)resort towns with less ethnic diversity. And a lot of pollsters (I’ve seen counter examples ofc) don’t seem to register a blow to Farage after the Putin blunder. But ofc we’ll eventually see on the 4th. These are all debatable. But the facts that Farage had the gut to come out and say what he did and to tolerate a number of his candidates saying Putin-sympathizing stuff suggests to me that he doesn’t think Ukraine matter for his voters. Of course you can argue that it’s his miscalculation or just braindead copying from Trump playbook but I tend to assume decent (ability wise) politicians know their voters more than I do.


I see it as a Farage miscalculation. He thought it was a flex to be able to say "I was right, the West antagonised Putin by expanding East now he has invaded" without realising how it looks to his own supporters. He's backed himself into an awkward space, he could apologise and say his words were insensitive, but that would damage his persona. Out of interest, which areas do you see as the Reform base?


Id say Trump is more than a little involved in getting Farage to run - he will be lending a shed load of support to Farage to help him win. Eyes on those bank accounts lads.


Well I for one am shocked. Who could have seen this coming.


Reform can't hold up under any scrutiny, can they? Bad candidates exist in every party, but it feels like being a prick is a requirement for this lot.


I'm shocked! Shocked I say. Racists. In Reform. Surely some mistake.


One of the most concerning quips in that video was the man at the end going “we won’t have police but paramilitaries, we will bring back the noose” these people are a real dangerous threat to our democracy.


Finally the Reform/Conservative merger is happening!


Honestly some of their supporters are full on loons. Defending him and the party to the death. Because they agree with every word the men caught have said, and use that language daily. This election has been eye opening to how moronic and racist people are, and just how many racist morons there are.


I really think this is going to have an effect on Reform's polling. Yes, there'll be a core of voters for whom blatant racism doesn't matter, but it's going to disgust a lot of people who might otherwise be tempted by the party.


I don't think it'll have that much effect. Reform's target demographic is disgruntled conservatives who are protest voting - none of them particularly want Reform in power, just to signal that the Conservatives have swung too far to the left. It doesn't matter to them if Reform candidates are openly racist, because they're not voting to get them in government, just to give a middle finger to Sunak and his ilk.


Yes I have a suspicion that a disproportionate number of Reform voters don't know (or care) who their specific candidate is, their vote is very much a protest one for the party as a whole


The real risk is it acts like the aftermath of Brexit where individuals and groups used it as a platform that they no longer needed to be covert and they could use their inside/ social media voice in the public


I honestly think that, protest or not, it does matter to most people that the party they vote for isn't openly racist.


Secret ballot though. Yes, it sucks that Reform is racist. But that's a small price to pay if they get a right-wing Conservative party out of it.


I don't think most people would consider voting for an openly racist party to be a small price to pay to give the Conservatives a bloody nose. Instead, I expect many former Tory voters will simply stay at home.


Disagree. It’s on brand.


Disagree with what? I agree that it's on brand for Reform, the only shock is that they've been unable to keep the racism covert.


Honestly, why bother hiding it? The mainstream media will call Reform nazis anyway


What's the logic here? Because Msm calls reform nazis, reform can be openly nazis? 


More so than when Farage said he left the D Day thing early because he “didn’t understand our culture” wink wink nudge nudge?


Unfortunately I think the majority of reform voters are voting for them because they're unsatisfied with the policies other parties are offering (particularly on immigration) they don't care who the candidate is and they probably don't even want reform to get the seat, it's just about sending a message.


Sunak lost the Tory vote to Truss because of his ethnicity. This isn't going to upset anyone, it will make them more likely to vote Reform.


Blatant bullshit. The membership favourite was Kemi Badenoch, a black woman. Sunak lost because he's a neoliberal hack who was parachuted in to power because of his money, and the membership would have voted anyone to keep him out of Number 10. Which is why on his second attempt, he got the party to skip the membership vote, and went straight to coronation.


Why would a volunteer saying something horrible then getting binned off affect their votes? Anyone could volunteer for them. If they'd kept him on after, sure.


This is one of many, many examples of such behaviour from Reform members during this campaign.


what about anti semtiic tweets in the green party?


What about them would you like to address?


Have the other ones been kept on? I don't know who you're going to vote for, but if they had a dozen volunteers who had vile comments and got bombed out would it change your mind?


I don't know. Yes, I think that would change my mind. One or two volunteers are always going to be bigots in a party of any size, that's just the nature of things, but twelve vile comments in one election campaign starts to look like a pattern and would make me reconsider my support for the party in question.


Fair enough, but it wouldn't for me, and I don't think it would for most people. Most people on this board voted for Labour at the last election and will/have done at the current election, including me, despite the fact that we know to a moral certainty that there are lots of very antisemitic people in Labour. Even the leader at the last one wasn't exactly pro-semitic. It makes me less comfortable voting for them, but it's the nature of having a big party. You can't expect extreme vetting of all candidates, much less of all volunteers or members.


I almost find the phoney baloney disavowal from Farage more offensive. How thick would one have to be to actually believe that constantly finding people like this in his orbit is just some weird coincidence or bad luck? People like this feel welcome in his Party and think it’s for all the same ideas they have. *Where could they possibly have gotten that idea, Nigel?*


How many of them have had an article like this? Sure Farage can argue he isn't racist but he certainly is popular with racists


It's pretty telling that this is the comment that made the headlines when he also proposed indiscriminately murdering immigrants coming to Dover by boat. I don't know about you but that sits way higher on my WTF this guy is a danger to society ranking than calling Sunak a 'f---ing p---'.


I'm sure Rishi Sunak is glad that his (entirely non-productive) pandering on immigration issues is target at people who use racial slurs against him.


Bro can't even get the ethnicity right 💀


His very lawyered statement of "Nigel Farage was not at all aware of my views" rather than "I'm sorry" is so telling. Reform would make United Russia proud with their mimic tactics


This bunch is basically the National Front, BNP and Britain First with nicer jackets and shoes. And unfortunately an eloquent narcissist at the helm which is more than any of them ever had before.


I have no time for Sunak. And in a way, I’m delighted to hear that slow on tape. It just goes to show how dangerous these people are. My God if these people get power.


There's a lot of elderly racists who will lap this kind of stuff up. It should hurt them but I doubt it will all that much.


Sunak is of Indian heritage. They can't even get that right.


He'd probably still call him that if he was of Spanish 'eritage


During their coverage of the coronation last year, didn’t presenters / guests on GB News say that Sunak shouldn’t have spoken in the church due to him being Hindu, say that he didn’t understand British culture etc. I thought that was a new low for them. 


Sunak is an arsehole but I firmly believe that racism is racism and should be condemned. Critique the man for his policies not the colour of his skin.


I'm concerned this type of rhetoric and coverage will actually galvanize Reform's base, not discredit them.


See this is farages problem. He knows how to say this stuff without saying it (e.g. his d day comments about "our history") But the problem is most of his friends who hold the same views are too thick to be subtle. Dogwhistling is pretty pointless when you're standing beside someone yelling at the top of their luna


One way to get the Tory vote I guess.


Farage will call it despicable, but will let someone exactly the same replace him.


People who believe this will make the slightest bit of difference to that scummy partys polling or voting numbers are deluding themselves. The same racists that supported John Tyndall and voted Nick Griffin are now voting for Nigel Farage. Make no mistake.


wonder if this will lose or gain them voters


Then we've got Farage trying to play it off like Parker "Speaks for the common man" or some bollocks!? In a way this might be the best way to show how disgusting Reform UK are: Give them enough rope to hang themselves.  These comments are fucking disgusting; I despise Sunak, just like I loathe Badenoch, Patel and Braverman but the reason I think they're appalling isn't because of the colour of their skin. 


Why do I just know that's boosted Reforms voting numbers by several points?


How on earth are people voting for these people? I've never seen such a bunch of psychotic, racist, xenophobic tossers in my life. Not even my father is this bad


Because they agree with him and want to be able to say it in public.


Just saying what many ex-Tory voters think. Evil racists.


Absolutely shocked someone like that would be in Reform.


These idiots can't even tell the difference between India and Pakistan...


My innocent non-racist brain read this as 'Reform activist calls Rishi a fucking pillock'.


I’m still trying to work out if there’s a ‘p’ word slur for Indians; but I’m coming to the conclusion this person hasn’t gotten over the partition of India yet.


So the first word is obviously "fucking", what is the second word? Sorry, a genuine question of a non-native speaker of English. "paedo"? Wouldn't be a racist slur though. Sunak's ethnicity is Indian, but that doesn't give me many clues.


The first four letters of the word "Pakistani". As /u/hadawayandshite c[ommented](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukpolitics/comments/1dpyuni/general_election_latest_reform_activist_andrew/lakn7au/) elsewhere in this thread, >His [Sunak's] grandparents were from ‘British punjab’…and it looks like part of that is now Pakistan and part of it is India (and one google says a grandparent from each side of that border) and his parents were born in Kenya and Tanzania >His grandad left for Africa before Pakistan was ever a county and so had an Indian passport/was a citizen of India…apparently also the group Rishi checks on census data etc >So not only is he [Andrew Parker] a racist prick, he’s a factually incorrect and lazy racist prick


Thank you, that's helpful. Reform UK are truly horrific.


I don't think I can actually type out the word without getting a ban, and to be honest I'd rather not type it anyway, but the other commenters have made it clear what the word is. To add some context, when the UK saw a rise in immigration from India and Pakistan, that word became a catch all slur for anyone with brown skin, Pakistani, Indian, Arabic, it didn't matter, if you had brown skin that word would get thrown at you. In the late 70s and early 80s there were a lot of thugs (often members of a right wing hate group called the National Front) going around beating up anyone with brown skin which became known as "P*** Bashing." It's a truly shameful part of our nation's history. So basically it's a word with extremely nasty and racist connotations and when people use it they are reminding people of, or condoning, said "P*** Bashing".


That rise in immigration from the sub-continent was partly to help staff the new NHS as well. We wouldn't have had it without these qualified people coming over. Ironic that.


The slur he used is the fi rst four letters of Pakistani. It's a horrible slur.


It took me a minute or two to realize it wasn't "fucking prick"


That would have been fine. I think everyone, including Tories, has called Sunak that. The slur (and all the bile encouraging murder) is so far beyond the pale that *Farage* ~~actually had to disavow the comments~~ oh wait no now he's pretending it's a false flag. Of course.


Sunak left the door wide open for every other insult under the sun, considering everything he's done before and as PM. That's what he chose? These types of racist insults only goes to show the lack of intelligence this Reform activist has. Sounds like the only thing he wants to reform is the 'good old days' where people had servants and children were sent down the mines. If anyone deserves to be sent to Rwanda, its this guy. ​ Basic! Edit: I didn't realise is was actually a group of Reform people as well. They can all be deported to Rwanda and have 'Racist' stamped on their passport on the way out.


So many things to pick to rag on Sunak and you went for the thing that a) he has no control over and b) racist Not the best thinking, no.


The best way to tackle Reform is to give as many of their candidates and members a microphone and public forum as possible. Just let them do the rest.


Andrew Parker is an actor. He is well spoken and from London. Why did he go to Clacton to stand and talk in his "rough" voice? He's a left wing activist and possibly a plant by either Channel 4 or the Tories (maybe both involved). 


Reform being brown shirts, who knew! Next they will be goose stepping down Clacton high street, people like this exist because racists like Farage give them a home


Some of the candidates are fans of [British fascist leader Gary Raikes](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQcI7QVi_2Xj7s351XVAVLCetwsoPqRqjZrx4OYoIDjRuLeRTlfOEVsE-GJ8erbxciGe-4&usqp=CAU), Hurrah for the blackshirts!


Need to bring down the full force of the law on these people, expand hate speech legislation, set the security services on them and investigate every single reform candidate, activist and donor They did it to the AfD in germany and theyre crumbling now


The way they're going the hate speech laws are fine. Get every bit of audio and video of these people spouting their crap and throw the book at them. Keir Starmer, day 1, picks up the phone: "Hello, is that the DPP .."


Absolutely stupid response. No government should ever have any power to control or compel speech. We accept the world as a messy place for the sake of being free to express ideas. Hate speech for the party you support will be very different to hate speech for the parties you don’t, and it’s utterly inept to champion the removal of anyone’s rights to free expression with the belief that those same laws will never be used against you. Learn from history. There’s a reason the ACLU defended literal Nazis marching in Chicago. Either everyone can speak freely or no one can - you can never have it both ways for long.


Why can't we all just agree that Rishi is a terrible leader, petson, and human because of his policies and complete disconnection with reality... It has *nothing* to do with his ethnicity. 


Just standard behaviour from people associated to Reform.


Why is this linking to a completely different article


Why have you blurred out the word paki?


Need the non Muslim south asians who get horny over reform to look at this


Yes, this will definitely ensure that Reform voters will reconsider their vote


Can someone please divulge what this “p word” is that is so uniquely offensive to a person of color? My apologies if my request offends, but I honestly can’t think of a “p word” that is racially biased. Perhaps it’s a UK slang? (I’m in the US)


Without checking the incident video, I'd imagine it's "paki", which is a slur for those of Pakistani descent. In Sunak's case it's doubly insulting as he's of Indian descent, not Pakistani.


Thanks. I can understand why that’s an insult, and simply inappropriate. It’s interesting how that term was never on my radar (as an insult or otherwise), despite having many Indian and Pakistani friends in the US.


I think it's one of those uniquely British unpleasantries.


Let's be real. A sizable minority of UK voters thinks this about Rishi. One (not the only and by no means biggest) reason why Labour will win a landslide election is because of Rishi's ethnicity. There are racists in this country and they will vote *for someone*, but certainly not for Rishi. Greetings, a Salfordian who just today heard the n-word used as an insult on two separate occasions (a record, but still).




I am not a fan of Sunak for many reasons and am politically pretty much the complete opposite of him. But I really really feel for him here- absolutely disgusting comments which must be genuinely hurtful. F the Tories but F reform even more. Reform showing their true colours here.


I have a couple of "friends" on Facebook who share a lot of Reform memes. Believe me, those remarks have made them very happy. They're both posting a lot of stuff about how they've "made the bedwetters cry".


What i don't get is that even if it was some plant or paid actor (whatever batshite you can think of ) they should still condemn the hate, there's no excuse for supporting that sort of stuff by washing it away like they are. He's Hindu and of Indian descent, these twits probably know nothing about the partition or even ethnicity.


This looks like a case of what the Americans call "Ratfucking". In the Watergate scandal, it was revealed that Nixon's reelection campaign had a team headed by Don Segretti that carried out covert infiltration of Democrat events to make them look bad. They called it "Ratfucking" They took credit for driving Ed Muskie out of the race. It looks suspicious that this actor was using a fake identity as a property developer and using a fake voice and accent when that is one of his acting specialties. He makes shocking racist comments on film and then the prime minister uses it to attack Nigel Farage and his character. This was different from the failures of the Reform to properly vet a few of their candidates who have said things that are unacceptable in politics. The party has cut them loose. They party is at fault for not vetting them but they have gotten rid of them which is the best they can do at this point. The potential ratfucking needs to be investigated by they police and election authorities since it is an attack of free and fair elections.


Lay into the thickness of his skin, not its colour.