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I doubt there's anything political about it. Most likely just some back-office incompetence. Hanlon's Razor strikes again!


Nothing political about it. imagine the outrage if it turned out Rishi was on the phone to NHS Bosses ordering them to just start giving everyone an appointment to make it look like the waiting lists where going down.


Yeah you’re probably right, with public scrutiny it wouldn’t make much sense in a risk to reward basis. However in the private sector motivating everyone at a month or year end to pump up numbers is absolutely normal practise.


I work in the NHS (mental health) we get referrals, log on our patient record system which syncs with personal details the GP has on record. I've had multiple instances where GP has an old number or email address on file. So that's a possibility. I'd double check what contact details GP have on file and that any old numbers are archived on their system


I'd say it sounds more like typical NHS bureaucratic incompetence.


Option 3, having worked around the NHS for years, they can display chronic ineptness when it comes to administration and communication. Often this is so the communication is so bad that one has to think it's a deliberate conspiracy, except it's not.