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Name a more iconic duo: uk tv presenters and noncing


UK radio presenters and noncing




Hollywood and noncing. Arts and entertainment and noncing in general really.


Having sex with an 18 year old is not paedophilia though. There’s so much actual child abuse that occurs all the time and goes unaddressed and it’s upsetting that people decide to take this more seriously instead because it’s easier to ridicule a gay man for having a consensual relationship with an adult that they find unsavory.


Yeah but there’s clearly more to it so very weird flex that you would jump in and defend…


It’s not weird , I’m a victim of child abuse and it upsets me every day to see the mob descend on a consensual gay relationship between adults because it’s easy to ridicule them than face the scale of abuse that happens to young children online. I can’t stop you finding their relationship weird and don’t care how you feel about it but it’s not noncing or even similar to that


No one said sex with an 18 year old was noncing. you’ve not seen the photos of the kid around 14/15 and Philip at restaurant? Grown man and teenager no one else around… that’s grooming


I mean, no. It’s not. It could be, sure. But for you to take such a strong stance on it I’d want hard evidence. Not soundandvisionUK plucks an opinion from the ether about the relationship between a man and a teenage coworker.


Read about their relationship and come back to me. I don’t care enough to comment again, but don’t just assume you need to defend someone because there’s a 0.1% chance the accuser is being homophobic


It never occurred to me you would be homophobic, lol. I’m aware of their relationship. I’m not fully sold on the grooming aspect. There’s more to grooming than just “he’s having a meal with him!!!”


How old were they when they first met?


He was young, I’m aware. But again, there is more to grooming than that. But, I’m sure some random Redditer knows more about the intricacies of a relationship than - the parents, those working alongside him, those working with him, Ryan himself.


It’s not but there’s also pretty good evidence that points towards Phillip grooming this boy from when he was underage.


That’s not child abuse, it’s mental to act like this is even similar to being a nonce. It’s just a relationship between 2 adults


Grooming a child so you can have sex with them when they come of age is abuse you ducking moron 


He was being groomed since before he was 18 though, weird take to have…


He’s not a nonce and there’s no comparison with actual child abusers. It’s a relationship between two adults (the guy was actually in his 20s) and the online mob loves jumping on people they can single out.


First met when 12. Guided his career, got him a job. Fucking him when he turned 18 still means grooming


How about we dont let a groomer back on tv


Yeah, you're going to have to prove that.


Phillip Schofield's Reddit account detected. Username checks out




No they won’t, someone thinking you did something isn’t a criminal or civil sanction


It’s a social one though


We should start playing reruns of Jim'll Fix it then? Don't recall Savile's trial, do you?


OK hun, you just blindly assume the worst and I'll go on a case by case basis. I hope you can sleep at night. Disappointed in you.


Sorry could you answer my question please?


You've answered it yourself by being ludicrous lmfao


Sorry but could you just answer it. I told you I don't recall the trial, but I don't claim to be the arbiter of truth. So could you answer it please Phil?


Bullseye re-runs have been on TV for years lmao 🤣


Sorry but could you answer the question?


Forgot the uk legal norm is “TV Time until proven guilty.” You don’t need legal proof to not hire someone for a public role, the court of public opinion is enough


OK lynch mob


Lynching, aka when racists from the Deep South caught black people and forced them to not appear on popular reality TV shows


Yeah...nah. the word existed before then. Try not to be so ridiculous.


It didn’t though


It did though




Ah, so the IRISH invented forcing people to not appear on TV shows?


That's what it says


Alright, Phil.




literally caught on video with the person he had a relationship with, when that person was underage. the definition of grooming.


Technically that’s not though the definition is it though tbf. The definition of it would require logged conversations to be aired as evidence. Simply catching two people on video and then those same people having a romantic relationship after one party is of consenting age, is nowhere near admissible for ‘noncing’


The guy was hanging out with the kid 1 on 1 (that was working for him after he got him a job) under 18 then conveniently was in a relationship after he turned 18. At best it’s grooming at worst he was actively using a position of power to force a relationship.


Age of consent is 16 in the UK


So what? He should be lauded for waiting until the boy turned 16?


Technically speaking without any emotion or emotionally speaking??


The law and public perception are two different things though. You will find very few people who think someone of his age sleeping with someone that young to be OK (even if it is legal)


Only to a certain point after that a 60 year old dating a 39 year old people don’t care because they’re both considered “old”


Yes because they’re clearly both going to me mentally and emotionally mature at those ages whereas at 16 many people are not yet and could quite easily be manipulated by a much older person, especially when that person was very famous TV host. The fact I even have to explain that difference to you is concerning.


That’s ageist to assume someone at 60 is more mentally and emotionally mature than a 16 year old.


They talked on twitter when he was 14, he was groomed


I’m sure those Twitter records can be extracted - but if the talking was merely talk then that’s not grooming. The person was groomed most likely once they were working as a runner


Legal age to define a child is anyone under 18 in the UK though


Yes but when it comes to statutory rape a lot of people fall back on the US age of consent


you deffo sound like a nonce hanging round with kids and then dating them when they become of age is grooming, you twerp.


No only straight white men are groomers pal. Also cheating on your partner and lying to your family is ok if you come out


Sounds like you’re projecting to be honest mate


I'm An Underage Runner, Get Me Out Of Here!






Would multiple upvote you if I could this could be an internet winner for today


I’ve upvoted on your behalf


Underage bummer you mean


Nah, let's leave schofe out in the cold. All round shite human




Why do you keep asking for proof? Isn't it well known he's a creep.


I think because there hasn't been much proof except hearsay. He had an affair with a 20-year-old colleague at ITV but literally that's the only thing which is confirmed, the rest is just gossip. Everyone is calling him a nonce without any evidence. Edit: IDK why you're downvoting. If he did all the stuff people say he's done, he'd be terrible and I wouldn't defend him. But find me a credible source?


Same could be said for a lot of people who get accused but there's no evidence.


He wasn't accused of the stuff people on here are saying though - he was accused of having an affair with a younger male colleague and lying about it. Which he did. He wasn't accused of anything else. If I'm wrong I'll delete this, but show me the evidence.


Wasn't it more that he knew the lad for years before the actual affair, like when he was underage? There's also the power dynamic between the two. It's iffy at best.


The optics aren’t great but duncanstibs is right. Additionally it’s pretty obvious that if Schofield had slept with a 20 year old female runner, there wouldn’t have been anywhere near as much mania over this story.


Honestly, I think if his brother hadn't been put away for grooming, he'd still be on TV now.


His brother sexually abused his own son, told Phil and Phils response was "don't do it again". Totally normal.


He know the kid since he was like 12, because of his work at a theartre. There's a photo of Phil in the kids room when the kid was like 14. Not illigal but sus. They tweeted and text a lot when the kid was underage too. As soon as the kid turned 18 phill got him a job as runner and the affair officially started there. If nothing else there's a questionable friendship with an underage lad, that led to an imbalance of power during an workplace affair.


Is there even proof of that though? Yeah I totally agree the power dynamic is iffy but everyone on here seems to be calling him a peado which is a pretty massive step up from iffy especially without proof. Like there are fuckers like Spacey out there who've been accused by like 50 people of being predators but Schofield the evidence is really flimsy, and it seems like he didn't do anything illigal?


I think its because people dislike Schofield before all this so maybe that's spurring it? Generally I don't care for him, never did and although he's definitely dodgy in my books, I find it bizarre he's kinda gone into hiding where you get people like David Walliams who I've definitely heard is a creep, he's out and about still getting work.


I never minded him - but I wasn't a huge fan either. But it felt like everyone kinda decided he was a peado without any evidence just because they didn't like him or didn't like him jumping the funeral queue or something. Doesn't seem right to me. Obvs I'd not defend him if were true - but yeah where's the evidence!


And it was obviously a pure coincidence Scholfield got him a job on This Morning.


Yeah definitely. Wasn't so he could keep him around easier.


Seriously what more proof do you need, Schofield met the kid when he was 15, got him a job then when he turns 18 they are conveniently in a relationship. At best it was grooming at worst he is actively using a position of power on a minor.


Schofields version also expects you to suspend your disbelief and believe he lived his entire adult life as a straight man until he met this one kid and realised he was gay...


Everything that came out about him, which caused him to lose his job. You can Google it.


Anecdotal at best, detective lmfao


Hi Phil!




stop giving nonces the spotlight


I’ve always understood nonce to mean paedo – but I thought the allegations against Schofield were about him having an affair with a male colleague? Younger yes but an adult, in his 20s. Where are all the paedo comments on here stemming from?


It’s not that the guy was 20, it’s that he was a child when they met and Schofield seems to have gone to some lengths to kept him close. It’s not illegal but it’s pretty icky


Gets worse when you consider that the guy who introduced the kid to Schofield was himself befriended by a 35yr old Schofield when he was 15/16...


Having sex with an 18 year old is not paedophilia though. There’s so much actual child abuse that occurs all the time and goes unaddressed and it’s upsetting that people decide to take this more seriously instead because it’s easier to ridicule a gay man for having a consensual relationship with an adult that they find unsavory.


Nah, it's about grooming


Phil’s best idea in all of this was to announce he was gay. Nobody gives a fuck about the genders of the people involved but Phil knew that coming out when the story was under super injunction would have idiots like you defending him.


Litterally pulled a Kevin spacey, but for some reason it worked for phill, atleast for a while.


Yet another reason to hate Ant & Dec.


As if there wasn't enough


Cut to the tears in the jungle and 'brave' conversations with Z list celebs about the "suicidal thoughts' brought on by the nasty homophobic media reporting on his grooming and abuse of position then hey!


Whilst gagging on the balls of a young joey


Please don't dox the runner he groomed.


This guy is 62 years old. He spent YEARS fucking a teenager that he met as a child old on a visit to his school. He used his power dynamic to groom him and offer him jobs/promotions etc at ITV. Absolutely sickening. It was an open secret in the broadcast industry and literally everyone at ITV knew. I worked with plenty of ITV Sport staffers who knew about this pre pandemic when it first emerged on social media, and they were in a completely ring-fenced part of the company. Schofield is a cretin and nothing that he says can rectify it. He should rot in jail.


Shit, I knew about it pre Pandemic and I am just a random redditor who clicks on links to blogs talking about weird noncy celeb rumours.


Any others were yet to hear about? I’ve always wondered who the other guy was at the BBC


Right…. Been swept under the rug quite well.


I believe the journalist who originally broke the Savile story, said there was another really high profile one but it wouldn’t come out until after they’d died. I wonder who they were referring to


David Jason was heavily rumoured, apparently comedians are banned from using his name or something.


My god, I really hope not. Love Only Fools, I’d never be able to watch it again


Only Fools and Nonces


You’d obviously never know; never met him, but it would be a big shock, nothing to suggest it would be him from the outside


David Jason


Everyone will watch and all whilst saying the same "I can't believe saville got away with it"


well said




We don’t want him


Don’t want them either. Pair of twats


Put him in the jungle and then actually let ants eat him tied to a deck chair.


Ant’s a lot of a things but he’s not a cannibal.


I think it’s way too soon for him to expect some kind of career revival. Even if we were to ignore the nonce stuff he was awful to work with and to those around him too. Let him go the way of Ellen and other awful people and just fade away


Stopped watching I’m a celeb when they had Killer Caitlin Jenner on the show. Solidified my decision when they had Matt Hancock on.


Big Brother of Channel 4 and Channel 5 would have been all this shit


Lets get him and Huw Edwards both on. Maybe we can dig up Saville too.




You can still groom adults. You know that right?


I was surprised we didn't see him on Celebrity Big Brother tbh!


I think he's already done it? Years ago, the series that had that guy from Dead or Alive in it?


Can’t recall, but doesn’t stop him going in again though. I think Katie Price did it more than once.


He has never done BB. You might be thinking of Michael Barrymore.


You're right that is who I'm thinking of, thanks


Oh Jesus! Didn’t MB have a sketchy history as well


Well, he didn't have an ashtray, so he threw all his >!fags!< in the pool. Did you mean that little story? (It's an old joke, people. Don't get your Jimmy's all rustled up.)


Had a post-nightclub party at his house, one of the guests was dead in the pool the next day with non-drowning injuries. It's really horrible. I don't think anyone was charged.


It really is horrible as those non drowning injuries were described as, “Horrific” anal injuries. I personally think that Michael Barrymore knows exactly what happened that night


Ant the drink driver backs Schofe the nonce


Nobody wants this.z


People will vote for him to do most of the trials, and he absolutely will be like Paul Burrell.


Oh no. Stay at home Philip, I’m not sure the nation is ready yet.


So the drunk driver wants the nonce back on tv? I’m shocked! Shocked I say!


He’s a nonce, we don’t want him back fuck off.


Please don’t


If this is true , it’s a big mistake for ant and dec , maybe get him in as a contestant but any type of presenting role is a no go for him. I read Richard gadd from baby reindeer is off in the jungle too wander if those 2 will gel


Next, we dig up Jimmy Saville .


Tbf I'd absolutely love to see him on I'm a celeb 😂




WTF! Manipulative Media Mafia strike again!


You’d think they’d learn from the whole Saville disaster. If it looks like a groomer and acts like a groomer maybe not give them opportunity to return to a position of power where is easy to groom people. Schofield will be fine not working in TV anymore.


ITV love a shitbag on that show. Hancock, Farage, Jenner. Don’t be surprised


That is going to be more stage managed than a wonky trap door.






If he didnt have the right politics he would have been gone much sooner and much more permanently


I rarely watch itv (not since farage was given a plstofrm on im a celebrity) but I'm certain if they let this happen the TV channel will go downhill fast. How can anyone support this man? After everything his done, not just the affair with the young man but the toxic work culture of this morning which multiple staff members both on and off screen have spoken about.


are ant & dec trying to get im a celeb cancelled…


Nah. He can stay off TV. There's other new presenters or older celebrities who deserve another shot. Like Timmy Mallett.


Hes a paedo.




Dirty bastard having sex with a boy younger than his own daughters


Unwise, but not illegal…


This is about them wanting the ratings and nothing more I imagine.


waitrose ham face nonce can fuck right off


His posturing and posing and crying into Holly’s shoulder when he ‘bravely, so bravely’ came out was manipulative and disgusting. I’m A Celeb would be just weeks of that, the ‘oh so courageous and humble’ Schofe show. And in light of the subsequent ‘I did nothing illegal’ scandal it just shows the manipulative stage management he employs. Hey, he’s in good company with ‘drunken crash’ Ant.


If only he went in as a contestant and was constantly grilled about it... *"so you didn't realise you were gay until your 60s? With this guy you met as a kid? Who also happened to be gay? And you never felt this way about other kids you befriended throughout your career? When did you first meet Andi Peters, btw?"*


Fucking wrong un.


He'd be better on I'm a lying bastard




I'm a nonce keep me in here!


Please...God no...


He's a pedo get me out off here


Maybe if you groom someone you deserve to be shunned?


Have heard the David Jason thing a few times now, I still can’t get my head around why he’d be protected?


Will they stop blurring the name/face of the teen bussy he ploughed? What does Matthew McGreevy think about this? (Now that he doesn't have Schofield's lawyers, etc, down his throat).


I read somewhere he had a big payout - so guessing non disclosure agreement - that’s why we haven’t heard from him


He doesn’t need anymore attention or money, he’s been going for 4 decades already! No doubt it’ll happen though, and the masses will lap it up.


What? wtf.


Idea for a program: First (Underage) Dates, With Philip Schoefield


Ant and Dec jesus christ, they still get work? I don't really watch british TV anymore, due to having other options, like jamming a sharp piece of glass up my urethra.


If you follow a sub called ‘uk pop culture’ then I’m a bit sceptical over your apparent surprise that Ant and Dec do indeed “get work”.


I don't follow it, it gets recommended to me, I suppose cos I'm from the UK! Why I man, why I


No thanks he can stay where he is.


Say no to noncing


Isn’t Phil on the saville list?


Seems to me there's no consequence any more.


No problem munching down on some cock


Rehabilitation and forgiveness is progressive humanity.


Rehabilitation isn’t a cosy pay day on TV


Thanks for your contribution 👍 🙏


to quote you: proof? I’d like proof that he’s made any attempt whatsoever at “rehabilitation”.


Rehabilitation would be allowing the poor soul a fucking chance at TV again. Jeez.


Really? That’s what you think rehabilitation is? *Really?* Getting rehabilitated does not mean “going back to work”, especially when the thing you need rehabilitation for stemmed from actions *at work*. Yikes. Also, come on. He’s not a “poor soul”. He’s a grown adult who made his own decisions and fucked up.


Wow. You're really affected by something you have zero evidence for. For my own safety I am afraid I can't continue talking to you.


You seem to be quite affected on Phillip’s behalf. Be safe now! Conversations on the internet are pretty terrifying.


Erm . . . he admitted to the affair, he admitted that he knew the young man since school. He's well aware, as a grown man in the industry how it would look but his hubris allowed him to disregard that, groom the lad and carry out the affair. I'm all for forgiveness when the person has sincerely apologised and made full amends. He hasn't done this, his apology was lip service. I'm all for rehabilitation, but there is no evidence that he is rehabilitated.


Thats not rehabilitation. What makes him a poor soul? He started a sexually abusive relationship with someone who was a child when they met, he got them a job and lied about it to multiple people for years, he didnt turn in his pedophile brother despite knowing for years. Why the fuck do we want to give a pedophile protecting groomer another chance?


After what he did to Gordon the Gopher?!






The guy had all the money, fame and power he could've wanted. He had a wife who looked the other way as he cheated on her with multiple men and pretended to be straight for the cameras. In the end he decided to groom a child... You defended that. Well done to you. 🤪




Yeah. He could sincerely repent but there is no way he can put right what he has done to that lad (and probably others). And he wants to resurrect his career? Fuck that. He's a predator and he ruined lives. There's no coming back from that.