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As a Ukrainian, I feel very sad about what's going on there. I thought finally, our relationships would become what they were supposed to be—friendly, cooperative, and looking into the future, not the past. My friends in Ukraine used to have the same opinion: we liked Poland, liked Polish people. But now, looking at how Ukrainians are perceived there and what most people in Poland think about Ukraine, I'm tending to change my opinion of Poland to... untrusty and sceptical. I have friends in Poland, and I've heard several stories about Polish people being aggressive towards them. I mean, why? What's wrong with them? Friendship is a two-way road; you can't be friends if the other party doesn't want to. Sad.


Agree! Even though my family myself was sadly lied to by Ukrainian family we wanted to help, I don't apply these peoples choices to all Ukrainians, it's weird for me to do that, sadly my dad has became very anti-ukrainian. It may sound as virtue signaling, which is okay but I just really wanted to talk about it


Sad to hear about the lie. During the early days of the invasion, I was so grateful to the Polish people for stepping up and helping. But there are bad people everywhere, in each nation. Thank you for your kind heart.


Those 'farmers protests' are carefully calibrated russian psyop. In Ukraine we have been on the receiving end of similar psyops for decades, so it's easy to tell where they are 'crafted. The neat thing is that, even if you feel that 'most poles support protests' - it is actually isn't true. It is what putin wants you to think. Pesonally, I don't believe anything about xenophobia towards Ukrainians in Poland. I have several friends who live there right now and they never seen anything like xenophobia. So yeah, to me its kinda funny. Because even if the person is stupid or misled, it doesn't mean they're a bad person. And the most funny thingis that since 2022 Poland actually imports more russian and belorussian produce than Ukainian.


>The neat thing is that, even if you feel that 'most poles support protests' - it is actually isn't true. It is what putin wants you to think. Data shows I have the right opinion here mate. >- Over 72 percent of surveyed Poles support farmers' protests - according to the latest IBRiS survey conducted for Rzeczpospolita. As we read in "Rzeczpospolita", 51.6 percent respondents strongly support the protests, and 21.2 percent declares that he rather supports them.2 days ago >Pesonally, I don't believe anything about xenophobia towards Ukrainians in Poland. I have several friends who live there right now and they never seen anything like xenophobia. >So yeah, to me its kinda funny. Because even if the person is stupid or misled, it doesn't mean they're a bad person. You can belive or not belive, but it's true.


Your OP and comments on this thread make me think you are also a psyop. You care too much what people think and try to tell them what to think. So unsubtle. Vanya, that was really sloppy.


Both Poland and Ukraine have populist leadership. Poland always acted like a misbehaving child in the EU. They would oppose progressive politics and would do what others won't. When the war started, the EU was in general hesitant with their reaction and with amo support. In the same time, Poland would just disassemble a few of their war planes, leave them in the field near the border, and give a hint to Ukraine on some random planes spares. They acted so, because they saw that as something that benefits them and keeps them cocky. Another important bit of the context is the overall position of Poland in the EU. This is a large country that requires massive funding in order to even out them with the rest of the western EU countries. This funds as subsidizing their farmers and other business. It's in their interest to keep the EU cash cow and to milk them to boost their economy. The leadership would play whatever it takes to get these sweet populist votes, and deep polish nationalism is also helping that. With that in mind, Poland massively benefited from the Ukrainian refugees. They moved a load of cheap workforce and got additional funds from the EU to support these refugees. All of this money got reinvested into the economy. The GDP of Poland went up by a good margin. So, it's in their interest, to have all these Ukrainian refugees and to keep some of them forever, replacing poles who moved elsewhere in the EU. They still might be racist a little racist, but they can't deny what a massive win for them was this conflict. They also got more money for the army, renewing their equipment. Poland now has greater warstock than Ukraine, which is also supported by the EU and NATO. Against, W for them. However, with the border situation, it's a little more complicated. The leadership isn't interested in solving this, as this is not a problem. It's non-populistic to let in Urkainian goods. In fact, it's vice versa. They are "protecting their own peeps". So this is kept unsolved and maintained by russia sympathizers agents. TLDR: it's complicated and tense. Poland massively benefits from Ukraine. They have enough weapons to keep belarus and rusia away from conflict. At the same time, they don't want Ukraine to benefit from Poland. They don't want to solve unpopular problems, as this doesn't build them ratings. Ukrainian refugees aren't going anywhere soon, so who cares™. P.S. I'm talking mostly about leadership and economy, not about the people. And some polish folks may get offended by my wording. Their economy was greater than the Ukrainian before the war, and that's an achievement of polish people and their leadership. But it's even stronger now from all of the recent circumstances.And I know that most of these border protestors are russian agents, but if there would be enough interest from the public to solve this, leadership would've solved this long ago.


I am Belarusian and I love both Poles and Ukrainians very much. Unfortunately, communicating with Poles I sometimes noticed a little bit of Ukrainophobia among some people, especially nationalistically inclined. Sometimes Poles "complimented" that supposedly we Belarusians are not so evil and cruel as Russians and Ukrainians, but I find this "compliment" very sad and unpleasant. I really hope that Ukrainians and Poles will finally pass this path of dislike and become real friends. The fact that the protesters are only blocking the border with Ukraine, without touching the Belarusian and Russian borders, indicates that many of these protesters have anti-Ukrainian biases.


What about Belarus itself? How does the general population, or at least those in your circles, feel about the war and the part played by Belarus, especially in the early stages? I suppose it’s not surprising but I haven’t seen much on that topic in the last two years and would like to learn more about the current sociopolitical situation there.


100% of my inner circle supports Ukraine, and I would never let war supporters into my inner circle. If you take the general population, there are many people who support Ukraine, but unfortunately most people consider themselves "neutral" even though russia's offensive started from our territory, and the brutal repressions from lukashenko only encourage more people to go into such "neutrality". As for hardcore supporters of russia, they do exist, but usually in small towns and villages, poorly educated people and pensioners. All I can be sure about is support for "SMO" in Belarus is certainly lower than in Russia


Appreciate your reply. When this war is over, I’m hoping you also get your country back from the current illegitimate government.


Those who took to the streets in 2020, they are well aware of the situation in Ukraine, and they do not support the war. There's a lot of them. I think most of them do. After all, we could be where Ukraine is today.


I really have to be honest here, I cannot give a distinct opinion out of fears that I could anger Polish or Ukrainians, but I need to seriously put a foot down. Ordinary Poles and Ukrainians? Yes, the relationships between them is good. For me, I have Polish friends (and we play a shit ton of csgo), I've always had a great opinion about Poland. I was there for two weeks as a refugee actually, before I went back to Ukraine. Such friendly people. Now the farmers protest, I really do not like. It's our grain, why dump it? But this can be a problem solved with EU, Ukraine, and Poland. The same is happening to Russian grain as well. I saw a video of a few Ukrainians and Poles dumping Russian grain (and they put bird shit on it or something). The protest is quite sad and frustrating, but I hope this problem will be solved. Those who throw the banner "Putin, deal with Ukraine" do not have my respect. I don't know, the Polish-Ukrainian relationship, if you minus out general politics and only focus between the people, yes we are friendly to each other. A lot of the strains lie within government decisions, that being Ukraine's commemoration of Bandera and other UPA figures, when Poland has clearly expressed its disagreement with such commemorating, even the exhumation too. With the Poles I spoke to in disagreement about this, they have posted videos or images of Ukrainian nazis and Ukrainians getting blown up or getting shot by Russian soldiers, which just made me angry because the whole "neo-Nazi" image on Ukraine is NOT the entirety of Ukraine or the population! And I am not a provocator, I would be no better if I sent a Pole who disagreed with me an image of dead Polish civilians with UPA soldiers standing infront of the bodies. I refuse to send such thing because I don't want to make fun of dead people and it would be stupid to offend an ally that supports us against Russia's invasion. I think Poland and Ukraine have a good relationship despite these current issues with each other. I see Poland as one of our greatest allies, because they too with many other countries experienced the Русский Мир.


I'm Ukrainian and have like 10ish Polish homies I play video games with. Only 1 guy said he kinda dislikes Ukrainians bc we're "loud" and "ask for too much". That's it. All these news articles and comments from "polish people" (empty accounts or created recently, obvious bots) saying Poland hates Ukraine are an obvious russian psyop to drive more division between both nations. I don't understand why so many people don't see this. Ja pierdole 🤦‍♂️ Edit. Of course, if you speak to a "Polska dla Polaków 🤓" or a "батько наш Бандера🤓" 12 year old online nationalists they hate each other, but I'm talking about normal people with hobbies and jobs.


same but opposite, besides online weirdos the most ive gotten is my ukrainian friend randomly saying out of nowhere stuff like "you know vodka and pierogi were invented by ukraine, right" it was bizarre to me but we were in highschool and i think her dad is a nationalist. i just told her "okay," it did not concern me enough to care lol there are useful idiots in every society, but i think most polish people dont see farmers protests as being against ukrainian people but rather against oligarchs and foreign megacorps. they have different news sources


The whole pierogi thing is about the fact that many of Ukrainian cultural elements are already "claimed" by someone else in the international thinking. Say what you want, but all those small pieces make up the national identity. Like pierogi are seen as polish, borsch as russian, mamalyga/banush as romanian and so on. So what many nationalists try to do is correct people by saying "this is ours" which looks cringy. In reality, all slavic dishes are more or less the same because of the proximity and the fact that all of our countries are literally ethnically slavic. I hope I explained that way of thinking adequately as I've just woken up xd


yeah i know, it was just weird because we never talked about such topics and she would randomly say these things to me because im polish, and the claims she made arent really confirmed anywhere however i once saw a german restaurant that had pierogi on its menu and it made my eye twitch lol. so i kinda get the passion around food 🤣


Maybe it's not totally bad, but close to that. Even setting aside that border blocking that makes both parts unhappy with each other, lot of Ukrainians are getting assaulted and harassed in Poland now which doesn't help much.


Pole here. Your post is a little misleading, isn't it? That's true that most of Poles supported farmers' protests. Now show me the proof that the same majority of people would support banner 'putin deal with them'. You can't because they wouldn't. It's impossible. You put those two sentences together like it was one and the same thing. I find it to be manipulative. Co chciałeś osiągnąć tym tematem? Dlaczego sformułowałeś to w taki sposób?


Wsumie teraz zauważyłem że nie dobre było lączenie tego tak blisko, zgadza się, większosc polaków nie popiera "putin deal with ukraine", jednak popierając rolników działa się na korzyść Rosji, destabilizacja Europy a jako najbardziej uprzywilejowana grupa (rolnicy) to powinniśmy od nich wymagać więcej a nie się z nimi głaskać


I'm grateful to polish people, they did and continue to do a lot for us, starting from hosting refugees to repairing vehicles. A group of farmers, some of them are compromised and paid by russia i think cannot cause major discord between our countries. Thank you so much


I believe that russia is using the same approach as bolsheviks 100 years ago. They heating unrest of people who have bad education and\\or low income (see [Lumpenproletariat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lumpenproletariat)). BTW you can see the same at America. The same was true when russia exploited Donetsk and Luhansk. It does not represent all population, but when majority is silent - loud minority feels the power.


It seems to me that Poles don’t like us (impression as a tourist from the period before the war as well), so I didn’t even consider Poland as a place to live.


Most Poles support farmers, rightly or wrongly, but it doesn't mean they endorse those banners or aren't bothered by them. I think mistakes were made by both sides dyplomatically, to a large degree because of internal politics and trying to please not that educated voters


To add, supporting farmers is fricking dumb. They get most of the money from the EU for nothing and when they have demans from parliment to make CO2 emissions smaller they cry like little babies. Farmers who are for this strike and animal owners are fucking idiots with nothing better to do.


> I think mistakes were made by both sides dyplomatically Second this. Poland had supported UA since the conflict begins. In 2022 Poles among first gave a hand of help. But so wide support got a huge stress on economy and social life. Poles weren’t ready for such pressure. Actually any EU country wasn’t, and the diplomats as well. All that russians shall to do is just ignite the spark (they pros in this). The war goes not only on fields but in the heads. This “farmer’s” riot in a large sense is the diplomatic fail.


I feel bad about it. It breaks my heart and to be honest I’m seeing a lot of people questioning our future in EU.


I've seen nothing but support personally. Local Polish shop in England still fly the flag. I chat with Poles on chess.com during games and we bond over the Ukrainian flag flairs on the end of our usernames. Not come across one who didn't respond very positively to me sending a Slava Ukraini message, even if they didn't display the flag.


Imagine support russia in any way after all they did to Poland. I think some of those protests made by russians. And like in any country, some people are just stupid. Anyway, Poland is one of our greatest allies, so tnx for your help. Keep it up, or you'll be next after we fall.


I want to see the look on these Pole's Faces once theyre next after Ukraine, let's see if they still support a genocidal Maniac then.


To clarify, most Poles don't support putin, but they support farmers where more of them than minority don't support ukrainians.


I also support Farmers, but i do not support Ignorance. We have to support Ukraine as much as we can, and stick together as a developed western World. As an EU Citizen myself, i'll think twice about how much i'm gonna help Poland when it comes down to it if they keep this Shit going.


Think twice about supporting farmers, bc they are fucking pricks who want money from EU and do nothing. if EU asks them to limit emissions they throw shit into Warsaw and destroy whole City while being one of the wealthiest in whole country and paying low taxes, they behave like babies


tbh you seem ignorant yourself😭 youre not being logical, and saying what a russian troll would say


You're right, i'm a Russian Troll, in fact, i am so ignorant that i have risked my Life fighting for Ukraine before.


you claiming to be a fighter doesnt take away your ignorance or ethnic stereotyping...you are exhibiting behavior that you would not accept from the other side. "i'll think twice about how much i'm gonna help Poland when it comes down to it if they keep this Shit going" who's 'they'? 37mil people..? millions of poles opened their homes to ukrainians and spent their time and money to help foreign people in times of war. but all it takes is some useful idiots for you to say something like this... no offense, you sound like a pole who claims he does not want to help ukraine because of their attitude towards bandera, and because they act ignorant and entitled...notably, i have never met such a pole, so you are actually the closest example to this attitude that i have ever met irl


I'm almost sure the border blockade is backed by Russians, so it has nothing to do with our relationship. You can always find a few marginals, pay them some money, and ask them to do stuff. In the end, the education level among farmers is lower than the average, so they might need help understanding the consequences. It might not sound very kind from my point of view, but that's a reality. The Polish government is something I don't understand. Why they're supporting protesters? Are they afraid of rallies in front of government offices? It's a mystery.


In Poland is antyukraine propagand With russia


I meaaan, yes there is but it's not like majority of poles are anti ukraine


ukraine hate poland because they're enemies and hate each other


we ain't enemies at all, just like I wouldn't consider Jews and Palestinians enemies, the enemies here are Putin and Israel (Zionists) not Russians or Jews


No because polish people hate ukraine