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If you're in the US, stay on Congress! Flood their social media, phones, emails, be relentless. Let them know we will not let them forget about Ukraine.


The issue is as long as Mike Johnson is unwilling to bring aid to the floor for a vote, it doesn't matter what your congressmember thinks. I'd bet good money if Ukraine aid was on the floor on it's own today, it would easily pass. Dems have done a really good job of slapping progressive opposition into lockstep with the wider party, most would vote in favor. There are plenty of house republicans not in the freedom caucus that would vote in favor, far more than enough to secure a majority in favor. If you venture to assume Johnson is being at least somewhat earnest, Biden needs to come up with a concrete plan that paths to victory in Ukraine. The Kyiv Post recently ran a really good article on the Biden admin needing to get it together and have a plan beyond "whatever it takes, as long as it takes." We still have not lived up to the first part of that, and the second part just isn't really true. Nobody wants another forever war, least of all Ukraine because they will lose out most if the conflict freezes.


This website has instructions for Americans about how to contact their representative: https://stopwarinukraine.com/support-ukraine-write-to-your-reps-in-congress/


Absolutely. It's worth the effort. I'm on it. 🇺🇦🇺🇸


I’m so disappointed by all those leaders that promised Ukraine that they would help them as long as it takes. The fight for a our common freedom is fought by the Ukrainians and they are paying it with their lives. The frontline is in Ukraine not in Germany or Belgian or any other place within the EU and not even in a NATO member. Send every thing from the warehouses and stop this bullshit about in case we need them for our self. Well if it’s comes down to that it will be to late if Russia manage to conquer Ukraine. If Russia is not stopped in Ukraine this war will spread and become what we all fear WW3. Europe will be alone to fight it. No help from the US. I thank the Ukrainian people for the help they have giving us by defending our freedom and morn the death of those who has lost their lives in this war. Please stand with Ukraine. They need our help and we need them.


GET THEM THE AMMO! Seriously! How friggin hard is it for our governments to realise that letting Ukraine fall is literally the indicator to the other autocratic nations that we will eventually just GIVE UP if they refuse to let their own deaths be a problem. You cannot negotiate with these Neo-Soviet assholes and their ilk, you cannot make them come to agreements... You have to kill them on the battlefield, no ifs, no buts. Keep Ukraine alive by killing them, simple... it's either Ukraine doing it now... or we have to do it and potentially risk the Ruzzian assholes using nukes.


Could be a difference in goals - Ukraine winning vs Russia losing. They may sound the same, but they aren’t.


The only country in the free world with a military large enough to have this much ammo production capacity is the USA, and they're losing their minds to populist ignorance as usual. Throwing a temper tantrum for attention and just saying "just get them ammo lol" isn't adding anything that a child couldn't have already thought of.


Respectfully, the US is not the only game in town. The army doesnt produce ammo, the industry is doing that. Rheinmetall could ramp up production further. But they're asking for someone to pay building the new facilities for it or at least gurantee orders. Its not a charity and the german taxpayer already has done quite much. If you want ammo, the other europeans will have to step up and put money where their mouth is.


The problem in the US Congress is not ignorance, it is Russian influence.


China is taking notes


This is not what I wanted to wake up to.


It's been playing out for months unfortunately. Putin always bets on lack of unity in Western democracies and he's nearly always right. We can't get out act together fast enough to respond.


The West has the attention span of a goldfish, and it will cost us dearly.


Everyone said this was a stupid strategy, but he knows the US better than most Americans do.


Too many people listened to Russia's hollow threats early on. No one in Eastern Europe fell for it but a lot of American and even Western European's simply don't understand the nature of Russian foreign policy, ambition, double speak and lies. Putin knows just saying those things is enough to cause indecisiveness of action in a democracy. Democracies are uniquely susceptible to information wars and Putin takes full advantage of this to hobble us.


Nobody in the Northern Europe fell for it either. It is mostly North Americans and some Western Europeans who fell for it.


I think it is time to accept that things are really looking rough right now. There were reports of a Ukranian counter attack on the South of Avdiivka that was supposed to be somewhat sucessful. However deepstate map update shows that the orcs not only repelled the attack but got more ground control in return on top of it. If the pushes on Robotyne from the orcs are also sucessful there , Ukraine's biggest summer win will also be gone. Things need to change and they need to change fast.


Avdiivka is in trouble because the Russians used a tunnel or sewer to get behind the first line of defense and the flanks aren't looking too great either.  It's great to have a fortress city, but I don't want it to become Stalingrad 2.0 for the Ukrainians.  The supply lines are close to being cut off too.  Europe has to step up its game if America is going to drop the ball.


It's the whole prelude to ww2 again...


Not necessarily, considering that NATO exists. Then again, Ukraine isn’t behind that wall, which is why the West can bicker among itself and only give piecemeal support.


Republicans will have blood on their hands, which they seem to be fine with


Nothing new sadly and people keep voting for them.


If you're an American who wants Congress to pass Ukraine aid, you can make a difference by pressing your government and holding demonstrations. We can coordinate over at r/ActionForUkraine. There's also [a website](https://stopwarinukraine.com/support-ukraine-write-to-your-reps-in-congress/) to help make it clear that you support Ukraine. Feel free to spread the word as much as you can.


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Hopefully by spring these morons in the Congress will get their act together


Someone should make a Nevil chamberlain award of weakness to give to these leaders of ours


I’ve posted the below message here and elsewhere in r/ukraine to encourage Americans to directly address US government aid failures: I've been emailing my senators and my House representative in my Republican-dominated state, and two of the three are responding to me (or at least their offices are responding) in meaningful ways. I'm happy to post their replies if anyone is interested. If you're an American, let your reps know that you are proud to support Ukraine and ashamed to see that support fall away. Let them know repeatedly. A wave of voter enthusiasm for Ukrainian victory can have a critical impact on congressional action. It's easy to contact your representatives. Just google their names and look for their official .gov websites. Every representative's website has an email form through which you can send a message (look for a "contact" button or menu item). Phone calls may be even more effective, but emails are also helpful and worth your time. If you want to brainstorm your own well-structured emails to your congressional leaders, I'm happy to chat in private. Consider the following for your emails: * Be respectful and address the member correctly ("Senator \_\_" or "Representative \_\_") * Express urgency in supporting Ukraine and reiterate that urgency * Express that you feel aid to Ukraine is fully financially justified * Highlight the need to defeat Russia for US national security reasons * Express support for our allies and the specific need for the US to be a leader and an example within NATO * Express your awareness of the need to defeat Russia in order to deter Russian-aligned Chinese and Iranian belligerence * Near the end express a direct call to action, especially concerning bills for funding aid to Ukraine * Express your personal sentiments and national pride/values * Thank your representative for their help You'll certainly feel better for making the effort to engage with your democracy, and you might be surprised how little feedback representatives receive from their constituents. Your message may be more impactful than you expect, and every bit helps. The more Ukraine-themed feedback a politician's office receives, the more likely that feedback will actually influence political action. Also continue to donate money directly to Ukraine to help fill the funding gap in the meantime. 🇺🇸🇺🇦