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Weak explosive or subpar munitions and very soft dirt = everyone lives?


Made in North Korea???....


Probably the shrapnel went vertically because the fuse set off too late or the round did not contain any shrapnel because they are all within the kill radius. If that was an American mortar with the same caliber, things would be a little more different.


I like to imagine the factory manager was selling off the metal meant for shrapnel thinking the explosion alone would be enough, that and who's going to check to see if there's shrapnel in it?


This is basically what's happened to the Russian military en masse. Oligarchs funnel defense budget money into their personal coffers, opportunists in the military sell off equipment and pocket the proceeds, and now that push has come to shove, the inadequacies and shortcomings are laid bare. So who knows if Russian mortars aren't been manufactured poorly by corrupt plant managers looking to make a few extra bucks by selling off components for personal gain? I honestly love that for Russia. The more knives in their backs on the home front, the better.


If there was horizontal shrapnel, I have to imagine there'd have been a few whizzes and snaps as it flew near the camera.


Id say that's too close to hear anything, probably ever again.


Subpar fragmentation is a common issue in Russian artillery rounds, they break in few huge chunks so hit probability is pretty low. Just gotta hope you don't get hit by one of those chunks. Could also be too soft ground or a combination of the two.


My houghts exactly. If that is the impact mortars have I don't think they can be very effective.


I conduct tons of interviews with participants of the Russo-Ukrainian war. Almost 700 to date. I upload some of the longer and more interesting stories and their footage to my YouTube channel. Feel free to check it out https://youtube.com/@battlesandbeerswarstories?si=XeTNpjWQpZDZJ_pq


Can recommend. Pretty harrowing stuff. I teared up watching your video about the start of the invasion, such a tragedy :/


Thank you for sharing all these with us, my friend! Great work!


Hope no one got seriously injured from shrapnel, debris... That was a very near miss!


They are within the kill radius—That’s a “hit” for russian 82mm indirect fire, so I really hope they are all ok


True, they are within the shrapnel kill radius, but that Mortar round does not have shrapnel. If that was a US mortar round with the same caliber, things would be more different.


What makes you so sure that round didn’t have shrapnel? The casing in itself becomes shrapnel. Looks like they got some shrapnel hits and some no.


What round doesn't have shrapnel?


Russian ones. 🤪


Russian mortar rounds are designed for maximum fragmentation instead of blast. Russian mortar rounds use cast iron which puts out more fragments than the forged steel used by U.S. 81mm mortars. The shape of fragments from the Russian cast iron mortar are of an optimum shape for lethal dispersion because the cast fragments tend to be small and rounded instead of long splinters from forged steel. At 20' from blast point, a Russian 82mm mortar round puts out 4.3 times the number of effective hits of a U.S. 81mm mortar round… At 40' from blast point, a Russian 82mm mortar makes 8.3 times the effective hits of a U.S. 81mm mortar


Damn they were already helping out at least 1 injured guy before the hit! Jeez from comments I’m glad it’s not a legit US etc mortar!! Heroyam Slava


What bothers me is how quiet it is. Doesn't have that artillery early warning sound that gives you 1-2 seconds to duck.




Oh, it's the whole "if you don't hear it, it means it's destined for you"


Nah. Almost all mortar rounds have a significantly lower velocity than artillery (firing angle and size depending) so some of them just don't whistle full-stop.


St. Javelin looking over them <3 Slava Ukraini


Just the concision had to cause damage . I hope there was no permanent damage.




Just go to the Ukraine volunteer service website?




A mortar with no Shrapnel? Russian equipment really is laughable.


It’s probably a North Korean mortar


The little Rocket Man probably took the good mortars and sold them for more food.


Or the NK slave labor doesn’t exactly engender a lot of good will to do a good job. Probably have such a ridiculous amount they have to make per hour they just don’t have the time to build them correctly.


I've never been in the military, but I have been an enthusiast since I was a small boy. For a moment there, I thought my modest understanding of artillery was way off.


I recognized in different videos that you can often hear the initial blast of the projectile when being fired, dumb in the distance. I guess in everyday war life this is either something you‘re getting used to since the shell can land anywhere along the line, kilometers away, or it is simply inaudible when you‘re on the move and not sitting in the trench, listening.


On a similar note, soldiers from the front say that in the beginning of the war, if a drone was spotted, there was an alarm and people tried to hide. Nowadays, there are so many drones that no one bothers anymore. They would have to lie in ditches 24/7.


How many decibles does a mortar cause that close? I mean from not actually expecting sound to explosion 10 feet away has to catastrophic to ear drums though, no?


This is why you should spread the fuck out. Something the Ukrainians are terrible at exceeded only by the Russians.


Avoid? They ate those recochets


Its called shrapnel, not recochets lol


Not according to the cameraman - I don’t know how though. That was CLOSE


So you belive that no recochet from mortar of diagram 82 mm hit people 1-3 meters from impact? Damn son


Not what I believe - what I was told. I’ll get final confirmation this weekend when I interview the cameraman properly with a proper translator. Personally I think someone was wounded and he may have misunderstood my question about if it wounded anyone. Answering “no one died”


To be fair it looked to be set to impact and not airburst. Most of the impact looked to be going into the dirt. Not sure if most soviet shells don't have airburst fuses? Or if it wasn't set properly. That explosion looked weak though.


If the mortar's fuse doesn't go off at the right time and the round buries itself in the dirt... It's quite common, especially for older and lower quality munitions.


That is hard to believe. One thing in their favor is it hit relatively soft soil rather than a hard surface. Also, might have been a North Korean slave labor shell of questionable quality. The closest guy certainly looks like he was hit.


Concussion alone probably would have put him on the ground. I’m sure he isn’t ship shape but he could definitely still be alive.


yeah, and people dont die instantly unless if made in pieces, someone might had need to be sent to a good hospital and be saved with lots of injuries


Shrapnel is very likely being so close.


I was going to say they at least had to get hit with shrapnel. A grenade can throw a bunch of it.


One of the benefits of the armour they wear all the time, there could have been a dozen hits, but they were taken by their plates. Scary as fuck no matter what, that was so damn close.