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Ukraine absolutely should not let up. Any sort of “ceasefire” is only going to serve Putin to build up reserves. At this point, they are losing as many (or more) people per month than they can recruit. Mobilization is next. Make the Muscovites fight and they’ll turn on their little tzar. We need to get Ukraine the all the weapons necessary to take this fight to them. Keep your heads high. More help is coming.


The only thing I'm worried about is if Ukrainians don't turn on their government first. Mobilization is already in full effect, people are getting taken off the streets. Ukraine is simply running out of people and no amount of equipment can fix that. Unmanned equipment can help, sure, but rotations on the front have already almost stopped and the badasses in the trenches are growing tired. Just please don't call me pro-ruzzian for this. I hate ruzzia and I wish nothing more than a complete strategic defeat to them. Ukraine deserves peace and justice, I just wish the price to pay wasn't so high and horrific.


ISW recently discussed a report which shows that Ukraine will need at least 110000 recruits this year, and will be able to recruit at least around 120000. The number is ok, they only need to train them. That's why France is sending its own military trainers. 


If Russia invaded my country, there is not a single human being alive in it that would accept their new Russian overlords. I personally don't want to die, but it is far more preferable to becoming Russian. If my biggest ally in the world were currently teasing me with the thought that if I don't negotiate with my captors in good faith, then they would stop sending me the tools to kill them all with, then I would probably hedge my bets too.  I have to survive in the first place, in order to continue to resist.


I agree with you completely, we share the same mindset. My country was occupied by those uncultured swines for 40 years. People resisted in private, but there was no military campaign to liberate us. The world left us hanging. First after Munich, then after the communist coup in 48, and then again after the Soviet invasion of 68. What those silly goat fuckers were not counting on is the fact that we're resilient as fuck and know how to play the long game. Without spilling blood, we are now a prosperous and developed nation fully allied with the West. And we know and somehow understand Ukraine's plight and struggle. The main problems are further Western countries and their poll numbers. Supporting Ukraine is getting increasingly more unpopular due to people's perceived distance from the conflict. Us Czechs, we cannot afford that luxury. If it were up to me, Ukraine would have gotten everything it needed one week into the invasion. I was calling for Western tanks, SCALP/ATACMS, F16s and a partial no-fly zone from the very very start of the invasion. All of those things, bar the NFZ, came true in the end. It just took so much damn time that even the technology wasn't relevant anymore. It's a system problem, there are old and scared people running shit and they are sleepwalking us into a catastrophe. Step the fuck aside and let us youngersters handle this. We got this.


"Cease-fire" = "Opportunity for russia to rebuild its forces ready for the next round"


That is Putin's plan.


He desperately wants a respite up until the coming elections. Not only will it enable him to try to un-fuck his fucked up army, but it will prevent the loss of the last of his armor and ships and troops before -- he hopes -- a puppet administration is installed.


After last night's debacle, Putin's chances are looking up ... 😡


There is even an angry smiley and you are downvoting hin. What ist wrong with you? We do not know if Trump wins what Trump will do but for sure he will change something. Can be in both directions and Biden really lost the debate so why the heck you are downvoting a correct sentence? Strange World.


There were no winners, the only losers are the American People. We got one candidate who doesn't know where he is or can finish a sentence, and another who is a felon who is obviously compromised and can't stop lying. Barely any discussion on platforms, just personal attacks. We're fucked either way.




No ... I am expressing anger at the prospect of Putin's fortunes taking a turn for the better. What is wrong with you?


If only. it means Ukrainian forces give up several key cities (Zaporizhya with 700.000 inhabitants and lots of industry, Kramatorsk and Slovyansk with 300.000 people together and lots more industry, Kherson with 250.000 people and a major port) and pull back to borders lacking any fortifications. After that, Putin does not even need to rebuild forces, Russian army can advance right on.


"Cease-fire" = "Give us some of your stuff and then we will take the rest"


Also why any talk about letting Putin have territory should be completely off the table. All it will do is give him an area to build up for his next attack.


Yes, even the idea of it is preposterous. People who pay criminals not to commit crime against them will forever be victims.


Putins peace plan: give me the conditions to take everything or i'll take everything.


See Chechnya War 2.0


Exactly what I was thinking of


Putin thinks he only needs to hold out until the US/German/French elections. He's not wrong.


It's like putin thinks Ukraine will surrender once he gets a few of his kompromat slaves into power. Instead Ukraine will likely ignore any current restrictions on targeting and blow the shit out of russia.


With what though? If France and the USA go Far Right Ukraine is doomed.


Ukraine will survive, I doubt russia will.


Yup just like in Chechnya. Trying to delay and give a false sense of peace to build for a bigger invasion force.


"You can't trust a russian." -- Everybody, forever


Which is why any cease fire with subsequenct build up of NATO forces in Ukraine isn't really a cease fire at all for Ukraine


The thing about being the Good Guys is you honor deals, agreements, and treaties. Not just the letter of those, but also the *spirit* of them. The Bad Guys, such as russia, never, ever honor or respect anything. They think it's soft and weak, and to be ruthlessly exploited.


I'm not a fan of Meloni, but compared to her counterparts on the right, she seems to have her values in the right place.


Meloni looks like she's so tired of people's bullshit. Which is nice when dealing with so much bullshit. Such as "peace deals".


she is acting like that only because the opposition has become more and more pro-appeasement


I too have my doubts about her but I like her stance towards Ukraine nevertheless


There are two groups in the European far right, the ones paid by russia and the rest. I think they're also divided in the EP this way?


it's an act


Well, if the acting leads to actual action in standing up to Russia (which it seems she's actually doing), then she can act as much as she wants.


"its an act" mfs when the politician they're talking about is a real person acting in their countries best interest instead of a comic book villain.


as long as you are a christian, reactionary, "not racist BUT", "HE did nice things as well" Italian citizen but eh...


You would not really say the same of your wife trust me...


So I take it you speak from experience? Even if one woman has done you harm you should not be so quick to judge others. Women, like men, are individuals that should be judged by their own actions, not by a stranger's accusation. This Meloni is someone I know very little about, I'll give you that, but from my very limited experience she has taken the right path regarding her opposition to Putin. That is all I can base my judgement on at the moment.


putin's ceasefire: Time out! Timeout! Stop shooting back at me! Let me catch my breath so I can shoot at you some more!


nice to see a top EU politician using the correct words for RU sh*t.


her [coalition allies are russian assets](https://www.repstatic.it/content/nazionale/img/2018/10/08/105402059-209386a9-e890-4d1a-b5a6-5020b8681903.jpg)


yet she constantly acts in Italy's interests and against Russia... so obviously they're not that loyal to Russia or they aren't as pro-Russia as you think.


you are overestimating both the average italian memory and the average politician consistency. and you clearly have a tendency of trusting cronical backstabbers like Salvini: - [Putin simp](https://www.velvetmag.it/2022/02/28/salvini-putin-patto-lega-russia-unita-cose-come-funziona/) - [anti-sanction](https://www.globalist.it/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/lega-sanzioni-russia.jpg) - [recognized the theft of Crimea](https://www.corriere.it/politica/18_luglio_22/frasi-salvini-crimea-ucraina-convoca-ambasciatore-italiano-9222baf6-8dae-11e8-8382-fa27f64b6a47.shtml) (not mentioning the clerical-racism and authoritarian call for "full powers" when he was vice-president but eh... weren't you fighting for a free Ukraine?)


So annoyed by the fact that folks here have to preface agreeing with her with some "I don't really like Meloni, but..." She has been on the correct side of this since day one and replaced the guy who was besties with Putin.


Ridiculous proposal by Putin. I’m glad he made his position public, so that we can finally put a rest to all the propaganda “leaks” from anonymous sources about NATO pushing for war since February 22.


Google young meloni. hehehe




Oh. I was bamboozled.




I might have to have a lie down now!