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First female ruZZian I've heard of in this war; I had thought that the ruZZian leadership considered them unworthy. If that is true, they must be getting very desperate for bodies to send into the meat grinder.


There was a female orc officer that was defenestrated earlier in the war. Not sure why


Early on I saw a video of a rus woman soldier high as shit on some kind of upper running around a supply depot type place. Gave me a feel for how the ork supply operations run(not well).


I’d love to see that do you have a link?


> I saw a video of a rus woman soldier high as shit on some kind of upper running around a supply depot type place. Darude - Sandstorm


Thanks for the sauce


Thanks! Found it on youtube.


Ukraine took one female soldier captive a few days ago, kicking and screaming.


In fairness, women have plenty of historical reason to fear falling prisoner. You can tell them in advance that’s barbaric and illegal, but that’s no guarantee that someone won’t behave illegally.


Yep. Soldiers are always a threat to rape, even the ones in disciplined armies. No, I don't mean every soldier. But war is a lawless condition. Not every man is a natural born rapist constrained only by fear of punishment, but there certainly are some.


And war is just a wholly different environment, one outside of the boundaries of society (though with its own rules and norms). In that respect, it is similar to prisons. Sad to say, but women do revert to being seen as resources by many men under arms. You are removed from most external constraints, given license and an obligation to kill. And abuses happen.


I was interested in the observation by Cornelius Ryan, writing about the fall of Berlin, that front-line Russian troops tended not to be the rapists in the Red Army. Most of the offenders were reserve or rear-echelon troops who experienced the war in relative safety.


The ones who where’s used as the blocking trooped for the front line where generally seen as the worst offenders for it


Personally I wouldn’t put my dick anywhere near a Russian woman. Dreadful creatures.


Sometimes the same thing happens to males. Just look at prison situations, for example.


And homosexual rape is considered a legitimate warfare tactic among certain groups. Going back to Alexander the Great, for instance, you *did not* want to be captured by Pashtuns in Bactria, for instance. The Romans were warned of falling in the hands of Bedouins. Russia has a long, nasty reputation for wholesale rape. And much of that has endured to the present.


russian officers are using rape with their own soldiers as means of disciplinary action. theres plenty of videos on telegram of russians soldiers gang raped publically as punishment. no gay if in the russian army I would guess?


What seriously? Lol


Probably afraid of what she was told about barbaric Ukrainian treatment on POW... you know,, when you actually did the very same thing of what you think....


Yeah you’re right. I didn’t think about that. Well fortunately she will learn that we in the west don’t tolerate that kind of stuff


I went back to find the video, it was on [UkraineWarVideoReport](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/), it's been deleted for whatever reason. From 2 days ago. also found it on X [https://x.com/UaCoins/status/1807401941741273444](https://x.com/UaCoins/status/1807401941741273444)


>it's been deleted for whatever reason. From 2 days ago. Probably because the video is really from 2022: https://www.newsroom.kh.ua/news/vsu-vzyali-v-plen-rossiyskuyu-zhenshchinu-voennosluzhashchuyu-video


She looks a little...old...to be on the front lines. Pulling folks to the front lines from wherever they can get them. Jfc.


Was that posted to Reddit or telegram?


When you say female orc officer running around a supply depot, what that really means is maternity ward. Which in the eyes of ppresident ShitCan is the samething as a military supply depot


ruZZian leadership fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Most excellent bot! Slava Ukraini!!!


But what happened to the russian warship? I heard it got damaged or something.


russian warship fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yea, I know. Just wanted to hear you say it. Good bot : )


That it did.


Women are usually not coming close to the trenches serving as an auxiliary specialists like medical staff and supply management. Ukraine have much more female soldiers because we have problems with conscription and poor management in some of regiments that becoming viral among defectives




I give them -100 credit for invasion.


That's the case here as there is no mobilization in Russia for women


I read an article that they opened up the female prisons to service in the army.


In this case though the woman is far more well equipped than standard soldiers.


This one certainly doesn't appear to have any training. She left the most defensible spot against drones for open ground.


Not much you can do against an FPV drone. Only thing you can do is really try to keep the tree between you and it, to let it absorb the explosion. But even as you try your damndest, the FPV drone operator still has a strong advantage. If you're behind the tree, it can just aim for the ground just behind the tree. It moves WAY faster than you can. I'd estimate if someone's playing "hide behind the tree" against a drone, they probably only have a 15% chance of avoiding getting hit.


It's a reality of the modern battlefield. Once the drone operator has you targeted, you're going to have a directed explosion happening near you. It's just a question of how close. These things can close distance at 155kph.


God can you imagine being a woman in the Russian army?


from things we hear from front lines: theres plenty of females on russian side but those are encouraged to be "friendly" to officers to be kept as support in the back or be sent to meatgrind. guess this one misbehaved.


Ive heard if a couple times, they were offering a woman loan forgiveness last year if they joined storm Z and I think there were convict offers in femal prisons.


I recall them shifting focus the female prisons after they all but emptied the male prisons out, but that was the last I had seen on it and that was months ago, she could have possibly been from one of those prisoners as Russia tends to use women in support roles.




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There were reports a few weeks ago that female Russian prisoners can now also fight in Ukraine to avoid having to serve the remainder of their sentence: >Russian women prisoners get $2k/mth offer to fight Ukraine https://timesofindia.indiatimes._com/world/europe/russian-women-prisoners-get-2k/mth-offer-to-fight-ukraine/articleshow/109849745.cms People (including women) with debts are now also being urged to join: >A Russian single mom who owed $8,560 says she was told to pay it off by joining the army https://www.businessinsider.com/russian-mother-with-debt-says-officials-suggested-she-join-army-2023-11 >'Pay or go to war': Scrambling Putin 'forcing' those in debt to fight as recruits dwindle https_://www.express._co.uk/news/world/1830290/putin-russia-recruits-military-debt-scheme Since last year, efforts have generally been made to recruit more women: >Russia boosts efforts to recruit female fighters“ https://www.dw.com/en/russia-boosts-efforts-to-recruit-female-fighters/a-67289702


There's a few that have been written about. Only seen video of two though.


I think they're recruiting from female prisons now.


They are desperate. They’re out of male prisoners in the jail and are pulling from the women’s prisons now. https://english.nv.ua/amp/russia-starts-drafting-covicted-woman-to-their-army-to-avoid-mobilization-50426171.html


You only need to google search Russian woman soldiers to get a plethora of results. Among them [Lady Death](https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/lady-death-red-army-lyudmila-pavlichenko). It’s not so unusual.


Lady Death is Ukrainian, not Russian.


Well shit. I didn’t read that.


Where do you get the idea that Russian leadership doesn’t approve of women in combat? Not that I’m defending Russian leadership but… pretty sure you just made that up. 🤔 Why do that? The reds have used female soldiers for ages.


Russian leadership fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité




Biscuits et thé




She is a female so she must have volunteered to be there and to precisely do this thing. Can’t feel much mercy for her type


Article mentions they may have been conscripted from women’s prisons, but who knows


> This woman was a stormtrooper, evidenced by her high-quality equipment and personal weapon, an AK-12 assault rifle. Unlikely to be a conscript.


Are they that desperate at this point?


We hope.


In homophobic racist sexist russia having a female soldier at the front smells like desperarion


"Russia is never as strong and never as weak as it seems". It'd be desperation for meatgrinder units, but these guys had besides better weaponry - the sense to actually aid one of their own. Not enough sense not to do it in red zone, but oh well. Women in special units are a potential, and underestimating your enemy is an easy trapfall. They keep bashing their fucking heads against northern border, and despite being repelled over and over and over, they managed to get sometimes a treeline further, sometimes a trench.: "[Russians send Wounded Soldiers back into the Frontline](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzDpAUOvUeQ)" July 2 update by [https://www.youtube.com/@militaryandhistory](https://www.youtube.com/@militaryandhistory) I'm really counting on AFU wiping a proper Ruzzian troop grouping on their side, we know they can pull it off vs a commander speech. Which happended three times, which is not precisely a lot, but still weird it happen thrice.


Russia was one of the first countries to have women as soldiers in modern history. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Bochkareva In WW1 they had a few women's battalions https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_Battalion, in WW2 there were female pilots, sniper units, AA artillery units, radio operators etc. Much of it was born from desperation, in both wars, but it's still worth mentioning. Neither France, Britain, Germany, USA, Japan, China etc. did not employ women in combat roles at that time to my knowledge, even when some were in arguably more dire situations than Russia. Not trying to counter your claim about Russia, just felt like this was worth mentioning.


interesting, it also surprises me how many female soldiers from ukraine we see on this war, i think one element to it is the "we are all comunist comrades" fantasy about equality the russian empire pretended to have for some time maybe russia changed their culture from wwii to today


Actually There were several Ukrainian troops that were female on the front line in WW1 or back then Austrian -Hungarian and even commanded troops in the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen.


Among other things


They are indeed...


Is that even a question? 


Eh, seems like they still manage to mostly prevent drafting ethnic Russians without any "problematic" label. There is still a lot of people to go, but that is the group which they don't want to scare enough to actually make them do something for a change.


Article indicates recruiting from women's prisons is routine now.


They don't care


Anything to keep from conscription in the real cities.


seems so


They recruit unhappy koreans now. Ofc they are. Nepal wants its men back.


Prisoners are perfect fodder for Putin. Population is inclined to think these people deserve death.


I doubt they would have given her good kit and an AK-12 if she were just a meat-wave conscript. I remember photos and videos from a while back that showed mobiks being shipped off with Mosins and plastic toy helmets. I'd venture a guess and say it's a pretty safe bet she volunteered.


Those were the conscripts from the luhansk and donetsk provinces iirc.


All those alky mobiks scrapping at the airport….I can’t imagine any of them are still alive and kicking.


An invader is an invader. Doesn't matter what's between their legs. It's kill or be killed. Such is the cold reality of war.


I dont know, I have seldom seen someone try that hard to help. And that made the second drone score a 2x. It might matter. ;D


I’m sure a lot of Russian soldiers have already checked, whether she liked it or not.


Yeah I don't know how much of the r✴pe culture in their ranks is public knowledge in Russia, but I'm sure she wasn't having a very good time even *before* getting vibe checked.


I agree. The most surprising thing in this video for me was that a Russian soldier actually tried to do proper first aid and help and didn't just gtfo. Well, and we then see why most of them gtfo instead of helping.


Chances are she had to fight hard to be allowed to do this.


Mostly a medic.


It would pretty russian to group all the medics up and rush them in as infantry. Less to payout if they don't come back.


During the fight, medics on both sides can get stuck on the contact line. Either due to treating some one heavily injured, or it's unsafe to run back.


An orc is an orc


Considering how rapey Russian military culture is, I don't imagine she was having an awesome time before this either.




That's why they sign up. "Freedom" to rpe


There are a lot more men accessible. I'd imagine that's most of the reason why




She made her bed now she gets to lie in it for the rest of her life along with the other two roaches that were with her. goodbye and good riddance.




Russians are so brainwashed they have no idea what is true anymore. She discovered the truth but a little too late.


Good, nice work men! Every last one until the roaches go home!


It’s interesting that the Russians are still trying to issue the AK-12 to troops; the weapon has its share of flaws and only really stands out from the previous AK patterns if it has an optic (which most of the Russians used in these attacks don’t seem to have). Drones (or artillery called in by drone spotters) have been killing people right and left, and a daylight assault is basically a suicide mission unless you’ve got a lot of support from other military units (artillery, electronic jamming, etc). 


It's war. She has a rifle pointed at Ukrainians. No choice at all. She got herself killed like every other invader needs to be.


Come to Ukraine with a gun with the intent to kill Ukrainians? I don’t care about gender, race, nationality or any other factor. Foreign invaders with murderous intent deserve only one kind of treatment. A high pitched buzz followed by high explosives. I think I’ll go donate some more money to Sternenko today. Слава Україні! 🇺🇦


She was a drone operator (as a volunteer) and that's why you can see the drone going after her in particular.


Priority target, even.


Ok, it's not really news. They were a soldier, they were sent to Ukraine, they were killed, end of story.


I'm all for equality, no shortage of opportunities to get killed as an invader.




A soldier is a soldier, especially if it is an invader, be it a man or a woman. All their deaths for the glory of Putler are equally pointless but necessary, and eventually sad for a human being died who could have lived a good life if RuZZian leadership and culture had not brainwashed them. Sidenote: in the current period, everyone claims to have equal rights. But equal rights goes with equal obligations and equal consequences. RuZZian woman be a RuZZian soldier ? RuZZian woman die like a RuZZian soldier !


RuZZian leadership fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Yeah, I don't know why you feel sympathy for her, either. May she rest in piss.


Yeah, unless she surrenders, she needs to take a dirt nap just like her male counterparts. I know there are many who have been press ganged into military service in Russia, and are understandably terrified, and don't know what to do but follow their orders for fear of being brutally beaten, raped, robbed and constantly bullied. Gotta feel bad for them for sure. Just imagine working at a warehouse, or going to class, and you are literally pulled off the street and within a few days, you have yourself at some base learning the bare bones basics of how to look and act kinda like a soldier, then sent to war. And surrender? Possible, but if you get caught by your side as a Russian - it's more than likely going to be a slow, horrific death they put you through if it was premeditated. Thing is, we don't know the story of the Russians invading and shooting, so if they are fighting and are a lawful combatant, they are fair game. - Fucking war.


That's a soldier with a AK-12 invading a foreign land. Nothing more, nothing less. And now no more




In that context i would advise against speech laden with sexual violence. Russia weaponised rape. Ukraine is better than that. Such comments give the false impression of blurred lines.




Nope, 300...500$ FPV drone is plenty for that purpose


Ukraine has developed a very cost effective way of disposing of Russians.


Yeah, any amount of money helps (small reminder to everyone)


We know. Just, please consider that phrasing it as sexual assault does have some unintended consequences. It's subtle, and seems so small, but it reverberates a lot further than you think. So, please don't. Sincerely: a rape survivor Edit: are y'all seriously down voting me for politely asking? I know not everyone is, but seriously? I thought you were better than that. I thought you were better than kicking an ally of Ukraine when they're already hurting. The person I replied to is better than that. Y'all should follow their example


Well said.


Invading locusts are sexless. The Cube doesn't care one way or another.


well she should have surrendered


indeed she should have. Anyone else get a gut feeling we will see alot more female combatant soon. i feel like this is the start


yes I saw somebody mentioned a Ukrainian text about "witches" roaming around. there must be more of them out there.


lol guess its time for a ...witch hunt. WERE BRINGING IT BACK BOYS


I mean it in the best way, but maybe some of us older than 25, were raised with that whole "you dont punch a girl" thing, and translate it in these cases. I wouldn't discriminate when retaliating if: I'm justified, and if the magnitude of my response goes according to the situation. This is their "found out" phase in all their extension. If what other users said it's true, that she probably volunteered, then... What goes around...


When women want to be treated fully equal, then there aren't only equal rights but also equal duties. So if she fights me, she get her wanted beating, the same here, enemy soldier=hunting season is open


For sure, as desperate as they are I'm betting on seeing alot more female combatants in vids soon.


I'd guess, they'll be over 50% brave women who still have the courage to demonstrate , the rest is violent prisoners


One of the guys (backwoods southern US) I used to serve with used to say, "I put a woman up on a pedastal until she decides to step off of it."


She is probably like the nazi fat lady in jojo rabbit


hah I got to rewatch that movie, now.


Yorkie is a gem... Everything out of that kids mouth is pure gold. Good movie. Very good.


Or she could be like that nazi woman in Indiana jones that shouts : Alaaaaaaaaaaarmmmmm!!!!!




Hello OP, this r/Ukraine. This is not a space for russian suffering, redemption, protests, or reputation laundering. [Feel free to browse our rules, here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/about/rules)




There are no Convention-protected medical personnel in this video. There aren't even any Convention-defined medical personnel, these are all combatants.


I have never seen a Russian given aide to a comrade? I wonder if it was cause she's a she?


I've seen a few already. Odds are it's pretty rare because we're only shown selected bits of this war, and hitting a soldier that's giving first aid to another probably isn't the best optics (doesn't matter if they have a red cross on them or not). This sub would go apeshit if the same thing was done to an Ukrainian soldier helping a comrade.


Perhaps his "taking timeout of medic duties to shoot" was the deciding factor here.


>Geneva Convention also forbids double tapping, so what’s your point? Anyone wearing Russian military uniform is a legitimate target.


that drone was supporter of equal rights for women


Kamikaze drones are one of the scariest things to be utilised in this war. It's a bullet with your name on it that will follow you until the inevitable.


"Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?"


Bummer, should have stayed home. LADA's for the whole family!


Shoulda stayed home.


There are women in combat for Ukraine. Just like this Russian woman. Wear the uniform, use their weapons, assault if that is their unit's mission, defend a position, etc. They are armed combatants. They are soldiers.


The Ukrainian women are defending their home and families. The Russian women are invading a land that is not theirs in order to oppress and exploit Ukrainians. They are different.


Indeed. Completely different. My point was that there are women fighters in ZSU. In combat roles.


really fucking rare though


Yes. But they are there. For sure


Good, enemy is an enemy, but of course twitter retards will twist this and say Ukrainians are sexists and are killing women.


No, if they come to Ukraine and civilized Europe they will only find feminism and equal rights. We kill men and women equally.


There were three Ruzzians there, sad the drones only got 2...


Orcs r orcs


They really got hit by that 2nd one.


Since communism Ru has always propagandized their female soldiers and unit in skirts are part of the May Day parade.


Good they are burning their breeding stock, please send more orc females into the grinder


she has no one to blame but herself




The one who came to her rescue was also a woman. You can tell after the drone repositions. They got ‘em both in the end.




I bet their time on the front lines is super fun with all the raping and abuse.


Mind you too be honest them Russian women have more balls than the fellas .Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧


I just hope Darth Vader doesn't join the battle


I've read Stormtrooper and thought about Star Wars...


Got to admit, she did a good job blowing up that drone and saving herself from being thrown all around the field


Look the ground doesn’t discriminate who will be fertilizer it absorbs peeps no matter who they. The best equal opportunity employer since the beginning of time


Ta se dead


look up night witches


Men get raped too! It's not exclusive to women


They won't be breeding more orcs.


Not to be 'that guy' idly bitching from a country *not* at war, but the 'music' really screws with the satisfaction of watching the video (and it's becoming a trend). Why cannot the creators (continue to) put in something notable, like earworm Ukrainian pop, war-related chastushkas or even voiceovers from those old Soviet cartoons? 😯 Music can elevate a war video to an art form, like [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/y0k2ze/incredible_footage_of_gmlrs_strikes_on_russian) or especially [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/10lzjt6/timed_to_perfection)


They burn too.


Was that a grenade in the end? What a throw if so! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Damn I can’t imagine being sentenced to prison by the Russian “justice” system, and then being sent to face hell on earth on behalf of it. What a fucking nightmare of an existence.