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Every night.. they will be picked apart, one base at a time. Each night there will be several less ammo dumps/bases and command centres. Multiply that by a month and the russians are going to be in a world of hurt and rightly so. Slave Ukraine


Just a little hint that it’s time to go.


What? The russians are Abandoning Melitopol?


Before leaving, sooner or later.


Eventually, not immediatly.


I had never thought of toxic smoke as scenic, but that is truly a beautiful sight!


Their visas were revoked and Ukraine sent them home with some fireworks to celebrate.


The sunrises in UKRAINE keep getting better and better. I love the stench of Rucists micro-D’s burning in the morning. Hey, guess what Vladimir Vladomorebitch? You may have cancer…but you are the cancer.


That is a huge debris cloud!


Special air pollution operations.


The fireworks in preparation for the 4th of July. The ruzzians need to show goodwill asap because 4th of July is coming and there will be real fireworks then


Special goodwill operations


More than likely leaving is just going to the outskirts. They can reduce the number of men to go to other areas and are subject to fewer resistance fighters. Melitipol is so far behind enemy lines, this is actually a strategic move by the Russians. Damn that's weird to say.


The Russians cant reduce the garrison in Melitipol its the centre for Partisan activity in the surrounding area and its a really important road and rail hub. If the remove the troops or severely reduce their number they lose control of the area. The partisans come out to play and the guys they left behind are targeted more and more patrols stop moving at night, local collaborators turn up dead (more so than before). Finally the remaining troops either pull out or hunker down in heavily fortified positions and refuse to move the partisans operate by day no supplies can get to the remaining garrison and it all falls apart.


A broken clock is correct twice a day


Wouldn't they also be easier to spot and safer to hit outside the dense population ? I am sure resistance is everywhere and they have no place to hide where there are any people ..




Before living. Not leaving yet. And Melitopol is far away from Kharkiv oblast, it's in Zaporizhska oblast.


I keep hearing this term “goodwill gestures” from the Russian side. Can someone please explain what that means?


Russians left Snake island calling it a goodwill gesture, people are making fun because they obviously were forced to retreat. I am confused what they mean here though, seems Ukrainan strikes hit Russians, not that they are retreating.


They also called retreating from Kyiv a good will gesture.


I think the OP is just saying that the Russians will leave soon.


It is a way for them to save face when they have clearly gotten their ass kicked and are retreating. For example Snake Island.




Are the Russians out of Melitopol now? Melitopol is pretty far behind the lines.