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My respect to you, soldier. Though you should probably sit down. That wound looks fresh. Don't get your blood pumping too high less you make the damage you sustained far worst than it already is. Peace be with you.


You seen his IG? I don't think this guy ever sat down.... Kung Fu, boxing, swimming, diving, climbing... the guy is a stud..... He won't sit down.


Is a stud! But yes I agree.


I hate videos like this because it makes me feel like a total pussbag. Dude is a rock hard stud.


[Source ](https://instagram.com/dobryakproduction?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


I don’t have IG. Does it show if he has any prosthetic companies looking out for him at the moment? I’ll DM you


Dude, get IG... jeez takes an email to sign up..... this guy in the video was a boxer... Worth the minute to sign up just to see THIS \^ guys pics alone......then there's all the IG's of beautiful Ukrainian women to look at too.... True stud is right. Lots of pics with him, and you know he wants back in this thing......


I can get from point A to point B for this guy without your peptalk, virtue signaling, “please give me some upvotes, bro” bullshit


I'm happy that this man manages to stay focused and active, but I'm uncomfortable with such videos. The overall story it tells is misleading. It shows you a 30-second snippet into his life, but he might be mentally broken, and many of those who suffered similar injuries definitely are. A few years ago, I was deep into depression and wanted to kill myself, but I smiled when people visited, and I could still do many push-ups despite spending all my days in bed. Take a video of me in those moments, and you would have a completely false impression of what was going on.


I hope you are in better mental health now.,


I am, thank you so much for your kindness. :)


Best thing I heard from a Green Beret after receiving their titanium prosthetic, “The dumb bastards, now my leg is bulletproof!”


I think he also got hit in the arms, but the rounds bounced off


Is this the guy who called to fundraise a bairaktar drone? 💪🏻 I’ve instantly donated.


Speedy recovery to him and his brothers and sisters in arm. ❤️ No country if it wasn't for the brave human to fight for it.


Impressive, but it's easier now with this weight loss. (Not everyone is into dark humor, sorry in advance, not meanspirited. That's a hero right there.)


God Bless and a speedy recovery. Thank you for your courage and remember your contribution is never forgotten you are a hero 🙏 Slava Ukraini!💪🇺🇦🔱❤️


Heroyam Slava! Ukraine’s defenders are unstoppable. Edit: spelling.


True warrior