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"Incomprehensible warcrime in russian-occupied territory: Putin-soldier castrates shackled Ukrainian." Just in case someone wants to know.


Thank you for that. None German here. I attempted to read and clearly heard my cliche German voice accent as if I knew what it said.


And we will try to send supplies as good as we can. We should all keep on trying Edit: Bulletproof vest + Extras on the way to Ukraine as soon as my car repair bill is paid


I like that they called him "Putin-soldier".




Understandable, but way too decent a viewpoint. Putin could not do what's happening without enormous public support.


Exactly. Where's the public outcry from Russian society about these horrible crimes?


They go to jail cause there is no free speech in the mother land. Basically Russia needs to be dissolved do to the fact that they are an existential threat to the world.


My problem is that this is for a German audience. They don't need to use a soft approach in country to appease Russians.


There seems to be too little outcry from Russian expats too. The Russians like using the absolutely false equivalence of comparing this to our war in Iraq. If this happened during the Iraq war that monster would already be in the brig.


They are applauding it on their social media.


Bad shit happens when good people do nothing about it. Russians have a responsibility.


Nah, there's no difference.


I think the Russian Liberation soldiers serving in the Ukrainian military might beg to differ. Dissidents, many of which are now in prison for speaking up. Countless individuals and families driven into exile. I don't want to give Putin the credit of somehow representing the country. It's more accurate to see him as someone who seized power, and to the degree he's gotten Russians to support him, it's because of lies, propaganda and a political version of battered spouse syndrome, not to mention his ability to eliminate any alternatives. I mean, consider it this way. Suppose I get you in my restaurant, and there's only one item on the menu. You might order it because it's the only thing there. But can I say that truly represents your carefully chosen preference? You might later endorse it as a good meal, especially if you know that I might send my thugs after you to beat you up if you say otherwise, or maybe you rationalize it to yourself, because the cognitive dissonance of being in that position would otherwise be too great. At the very least, your individual responsibility for that menu item is attenuated. I'm not saying, to be clear, that there isn't SOME sense in which Russians, as a people, have a responsibility to deal with this mess Putin's created for them - even if it's a "collective action problem" kind of situation. I'm merely saying it's a lot more complicated than some notion of collective or national guilt. And it's more so considering the different reactions and motivations that people have, as individuals, as well as knowledge and power to do something about it.


74% of Russians approve of the war.


No we don’t. Please do some research before posting this propaganda again. 95% of responders didn’t agree to answer anything and 74% of remaining 5% supported the war. This is happening because you can get a fine, jail sentence of lose your parental rights just for saying that you “don’t like wars in general”. It’s fucking crazy totalitarian regime here, remember that


You voted for this fucker for 20 years because he made you feel better and allowed some money to trickle down from gargantuan theft at the top. Ukrainians were fighting for their freedom all this time. THIS IS THE RUSSIAN WAR! And they are enjoying their summer now: [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jul/30/people-are-turning-off-muscovites-put-the-war-aside-and-enjoy-summer](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jul/30/people-are-turning-off-muscovites-put-the-war-aside-and-enjoy-summer). When winter descends on Russia, as it surely will, we should not be too quick with empathy. And all russians must and will pay. Before supporting sending "Bush legs" to feed hungry russians, defang the beast. Demilitarize them so they never again can threaten their neighbors and the world. And kick them out of the UN Security Council or abandon the UN altogether, replacing it with the new international system where fascist states have no veto power. Those who fought with the Ukrainians will be welcome as brothers here.


I’ve never voted for Putin and spend last 8 years explaining everyone how he is a criminal and why he should be held in prison for the rest of his life, so don’t assume what I or many others did. He is ruining my country for 20 years and turned it into fucking police state where there is no laws. You can blame every Russian all the way you want, but it doesn’t change the fact that all our protests were brutally beaten and our opposition leaders are in jail after assassination attempts. You can’t blame a nation for not being able to overthrow their highly dangerous regime bro. I feel very bad for the war and every single war crime that happens, I also acknowledge all Russian officials as my own enemies. You know, the first thing I did at the very first day of the war was the post here on this sub with my regrets and support for Ukrainians. I don’t say there is no Russians who support Putin, but it’s certainly not as simple as many tend to think from their home where the result of elections matters. We’ll, returning to original theme. If you want to have a civilized discussion about what is happening in Russia and how it all became possible, feel free to write me a dm. Or, at least, don’t be nationalist and blame the entire nation. Nobody have a choice where to be born.


Well said. The sad reality is that most dictators are NOT overthrown by their population. Dictators have many tools at their disposal to retain power, and it's only under very exceptional circumstances that populations have the ability to dispose of them. There are certainly things within Russian culture we could point to as unhealthy and toxic, that enable the Putin regime to retain power and commit its crimes. But we shouldn't presume that all Russians, as individuals, are equally at fault for Putin, or that Russians are unusual as a people for not having the wherewithal to carry out a revolution against Putin. The tools available to dictators are many, and their bag of tricks for fending off challenges to power are substantial. When it comes to dictatorships, as a practical matter, things internally usually have to get so bad that the military refuses orders to protect the regime, which often entail shooting protesters. Militaries will generally follow such orders, because they are the primary beneficiaries of a dictator's largess. So what's usually required is something like ... 1) an absolute collapse of the economy, such that the military's leadership loses confidence in the government's ability to fill their coffers, 2) in cases of a military coup, the belief that the dictator's very unpopularity has made it such that he cannot credibly maintain order, or in other cases, an ambitious military leader is popular enough among his fellow officers that he can seize power himself without worry of loyalist dissent within his ranks. (In such cases, the military leader likely is able to offer better goodies to his cronies than the dictator himself.) 3) or a sense that the tide of history itself has turned against the dictator, such that military leadership sees the collapse of the dictatorship as inevitable. In such cases, the military might fear that their troops would refuse orders, switch sides and join the protesters, and that their positions as leaders would be imperiled under the transition to a new government. So standing down is a survival technique, to ingratiate themselves with the new leaders, and thereby retain a seat at the table of power in the new order. We can see examples of these, or variations or combinations of these, under any successful uprising: the Arab Spring, the Color Revolutions, the fall of the Communist regimes, even Euromaidan. But by the same token, note that these require unusual circumstances. As John Locke himself observed, in the Second Treatise on Government, that even if we recognize a general right of the people to revolution, the people are usually reluctant to exercise that right, because revolutions entail chaos. Revolutions are opportunities for the emergence of liberal democracy, but they are also opportunities for would-be tyrants who may be worse than the previous regime. You might rejoice in the overthrow of a Batista or a Shah, only to find yourself with a Castro or an Ayatollah. One might hate and detest the dictator, but fear for the safety of oneself and one's family, and of course, the fundamental problem remains - collective action. Someone or some group has to be willing to risk their lives, and the lives of their family and friends, to stand up to the regime. Such people are as uncommonly courageous as they are uncommon. I'll add one relevant detail. There does seem to be one important demographic factor that makes revolution more or less likely: the relative youthfulness of a population. If a population has a higher percentage of youthful people, say, 18-30, you have an easier time having a revolution, because then you have a larger group of people with "nothing to lose," no established career, no family, and a youthful sense of immortality that makes them more courageous, more optimistic about the prospects of revolution. You need this population to be fed up with poor economic prospects under the status quo, and to have a sense that their futures will suck unless they take action. *Russia, sadly, lacks this.* The demographics of Russia are very top-heavy, because people aren't having very many babies. So there's a much smaller well of youthful people to provide the backbone of a revolution. This doesn't mean revolution is impossible; just harder and more perilous.


Thank you for your support of Ukraine and opposition to Putin! Now watch this and ask every Russin you know to watch what free people do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzNxLzFfR5w


You're volunteering to fight in Ukraine? Good for you, man what a bad ass hero. Godspeed.


Germany has a huge Russian heritage from the post WWII Soviet occupation. Therefore, they strike a balance with calling it Putin's war. Shameful, in my opinion.


So does Poland, Czech Republic etc etc etc, yet they all call it Russian Aggression/War. Source - I live in Poland.


Ukraine has too.


That's being too polite. I have no problem with people of Russian heritage living in my country (US). I have a problem if they think in invading peaceful civilized countries, killing civilians, raping women and children, and castrating POWs is ok.


There are plenty of born and raised Americans no Russian heritage who support Putin. Rand Paul, tucker Carlson etc etc


Yes and they are traitors to our country who we should have no reservations or fear of offending them by calling them what they are.


Angela Merkel's father was first a Nazi and later a Stasi agent. What do you expect from a family like this?


> Angela Merkel's father Was a 20 year old conscript at the end of the war who later on became a priest. idk where you got your story from - mind to share some sources on that?


That being said, I seriously doubt Putin explicitly ordered this atrocity. It's doubtlessly a consequence of standards and attitudes cultivated in the Russian army as a policy, but no person who is not a sadistic bastard in themselves would engage in this.


That's a mistake then. This is Russia's war and trying to whitewash as being only caused by Putin is a huge mistake. Almost all Russians want this war and they are applauding this war crime.


Country supports him. Whrn does the West will get it?




Oh yeah, Germans know better.


Was it Putin that committed this and other completely unnecessary atrocities?


He gave medals to the ones who did in Bucha.


Hey, it works for me. It's a homonym in English for "Poo Tin Soldier."


Eh, they only do that to polarize. It's not wrong in this case but Bild (name of the newspaper) is still trash.


Man, redditors love sharing their unsolicited opinion of media outlets. What compels you to do that? Why did you think I need or want to know your opinion of this newspaper?


Why did you think I need to know your opinion on me sharing my opinion. I don't care if you want to hear it or not Reddit is a website that is made for sharing opinions among other things so why shouldn't I do it?


So it's a compulsion. You read my comment and something in your mind forced you to share your unsolicited opinion of this newspaper. You saw the name of a media outlet you hate, and you're patrolling this thread for anybody who isn't critical enough of it in your eyes. Like a Pavlovian reflex. If it's any comfort, you're not alone. Look at the rest of this thread for people in the same situation as you.


If it's a compulsion to have a strong opinion on a media outlet (that is, as I mentioned, polarizing) and bringing it up when there is a discussion about it then I guess it is a compulsion. But by that logic every strong opinion is a compulsion. And believe it or not I wasn't patrolling this thread either I was just casually browsing through it and thought I'd give my opinion. If you have a problem with that then deal with it.


Problem? You're one of the more interesting things in this thread. Bild isn't interesting. Your opinion of Bild isn't interesting or relevant. But the compulsion that forced you to share it in response to my innocuous comment? *That's* worth looking at. Tribalism on reddit is one of the more fascinating parts of this website. It is clear to me that Bild is *not* part of your tribe. Thank you for sharing that.


Me being 35% German by heritage, I ended up taking 3 years of German in high school. I still remember most of it. I am better at speaking it than reading it and spelling it but I kinda got an idea of what it was saying based on key words i remembered.


Thinking about it still makes me sick through my stomach. I am glad I turned that video off when I saw what was about to happen. But the anger still boils inside me.


Those news about that soldier and killed PoWs are probably the most depressing news since Bucha. I feel so helpless and sick while thinking about it.


Unfortunately this is properly just the tip of the iceberg. Imagine what is going on off camera ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


> Imagine what is going on off camera What do you think happened in those barracks? The Azov guys were probably already dead from horrible torture.


I don’t really think it can get any worse than being castrated.


It can. Wagner group is notorious for the most bizarre and extreme mutilations.


It can. I'm not going to repeat it here, but we've already heard about some of their torture techniques.


The Russian government and military speak one language, violence. Its time we in the west give Ukraine everything they need to use that type of language back.


I think my country does as much as it can - we give every weapon which we can as a state, our poeple donate a lot of money to buy things needed in a battlefield (at least 40 mil now). I feel helpless as other countries which are at least 10 bigger, cannot give proper military support and don’t see ruzzia as we in Eastern part of 🇪🇺 do.


ruZZia is trying to make us depressed so we drop our support for Ukraine.


If anything it only makes me want to support more.


I'm hoping that that is also what our western governments will do


From the UK. Really doubtful of our new PM. If it’s Sunak he’s too far up his own arse to give humanitarian or military aid to Ukraine. Truss seems to be one of the people who helped sign the deal between Ukraine and ruzzia on export of grain. Seems like the only thing she wants is for things to go back to the economic “good old days” :D I am hopeful that Biden will step up when the time comes but doubtful of every other government except Poland ofc.


I hope Swedens and Finlands inherent paranoia of Russia keeps us tossing stuff east to stop Russia.


Probably true.


I just couldn't watch it. I saw the reactions of others and knew my soul didn't need that excess baggage. You watch that and it's stuck in your brain forever. Horrifying.


Your soul already has the excess baggage. You may not have seen the video, but you know these things are happening to someone's son, husband or father, all the time. The cutter was prepared and knew what he was doing. Not his first rodeo.


The entire *team* was prepared, not just the cutter.


Imagine people like us cannot watch the video because it’s too traumatic. But there are some people who committed those atrocities ! What kinda sick brain do you need to be able to do that. It’s beyond my comprehension


I loved my Step-father's reactions, which was to stop believing Russian propaganda and go full anti-putin nearly instantly. Well done Putin, well done.


I watched both of the videos, and regret it. Couldn't get sleep. My anger so so big.


Me too. It's so fucked up. Give Ukraine big none nuclear bombs and drop them on all those fuckers heads for all I care. Rid the fucking world of that scum and any involved. And do it now please.


Glad i didnt watched. Thx for warning others. Not everyone should watch it. Nsfl is nsfl.


I read the reddit post and couldn't bring myself to watch the video. I have watched *everything* to this point because I believe the world MUST **see** what Russia is doing. But this time I just had no more room to cram even more hatred into my self. My heart and soul are full up with disgust and anger and frustration and outrage and seething hate that there is no more room? It is depressing. It is terrible. Russia and its filthy Orcs are putrid boils on the face of the earth.


same. though a lot of sick stuff has happened, this getting attention back on Ukraine and making every day citizens sick like you, will do a lot for the cause. if there was ever any doubt russian soldiers are terrorists,. there isn't any now. this is mexican cartel / isis terrorists level of action.


Yeah, it's hard to forget. Especially when you add part 2.


What's part 2?


Stuffing the genitals they cut off into the victims mouth, before they shot him and tied the corpse behind a car, dragging him through the streets


What the actual fuck?!






You should not want to watch that gruesome shit. It is bad for your mental health. In the kindest way possible, please seek help


Downvote me all you like, but this is my coping. Respectfully, I don't need strangers telling me how to mind my mental health when people are being tortured and murdered.


I think you do need it. Watching people get tortured is bad for your mental health, and if you do it to cope, it is an indication that your mental health is already pretty bad.Also, you watching videos of people getting tortured and murdered does NOT help the people getting tortured and murdered. If anything, you shouldn't watch it out of respect for the victims. Please, get some professional to talk to about it.


Please stop pretending to care whilst being passive aggressive about randoms on the internet.


Same bro , i feel fucked


Yeah me too. Filled me with rage I haven’t felt in a while.


i saw the title and didn't hit play. i've seen more than enough online and offline.


It angers me to the point where I believe Ukraine should be supplied with napalm bombs to drop on Russian positions, then they get to feel a slow and painful death, or survive and never be able to go outside as they'll be so disfigured everyone stares.


My girlfriend is a big gore type. She watched the video I did not, a dude. She said it's the worst thing she's seen in her entire life. She's seen alot so it's probably just the worst ATM. I can think of some that are close but still this. I hope someone finds the man that did this and rips his balls out through his mouth.


I still can’t I see the Chechen behaving video where they capture some scared Russian kid, convince him to surrender then slowly execute him and his friends. I assume it’s a endless circle if payback and a handful of psychopaths doing their thing under the cover of war.


Watch the whole lot, even the execution. Embrace the hatred.


Bild is garbage, but I’m glad they covered the story. And they didn’t use the word ‘allegedly’, so bonus points for them.


I don't think, "allegedly" is in their active vocabulary.


In Bild's vocab, no. But several foreign media outlets did use the word 'allegedly' in their articles (as in for example 'Russian soldiers allegedly castrated a Ukrainian POW') to avoid a lawsuit, so kudos to Bild for not doing that.


Who would file that lawsuit? ruZZian embassy? A local orc? On what standing, what damages? Libel? Sounds far fetched.


It's just proper journalism. Until a court handled the case, it's allegedly.


Keep in mind, though, that Bild and proper journalism are diametrically opposed.


yeah.... nope. proper journalism is trusting your journalistic skills and adhering to a criteria, not on caring about legal lingo


Bild’s readers don’t have the vocabulary for nuance like that. That said, the disparity between German news and politics is pretty amazing. News gives full throated support to Ukraine. Politics is dramatically more restrained.


For all their many, \_many\_ faults, the four-letter-thing and its company have been hardcore anti-Moscow during the Cold War and i am glad on this issue they seem to be again on the right side.


Axel Springer press is conservative leaning (altough not nearly as much as Murdoch group media) but apparently is quite "pro American".


BILD replaces journalism with advertising, entertainment, campaign communications and marketing.


Oh, it has use, its great as a replacement for toilet paper...




You don't need to be a self proclaimed intellectual to see through the lies of the yellow press. Just because Bild currently seems to be on the right side regarding this war, this will change very quickly when their readers start to freeze in the winter without Russian gas.


This is the second time I saw a big german news website report it. The world must know.


You can't just call BILD a newspaper. You have to do it in quotes, it's a "newspaper".


BILD is what I would call "opportunistically truthful". Mostly I disagree with their perspective, disapprove of their tone and despise their methods. I still have to admit that once in a blue moon, they put out something correctly. Auch ein blindes Huhn findet mal ein Korn. (Even a blind chicken occasionally pecks in the right spot.)


Is this a German quote? I've never heard it before, it's great.


Yeah, it's a popular saying. Carries the same meaning as the english "even a broken / stopped clock is right twice a day"


Yes this was what I thought of when I read it. Manchester Victoria train station has a broken clock and everytime i pass it the saying runs through my head


Germans had to find their own saying, because our clocks are always efficient and never broken.


DIN norms go brrr


It is a common saying in German. Maybe a little outdated in that people below age 25 might not have it in their active vocabulary, but they would still understand what you're saying.


The version of that in the states is "even a blind squirrel finds an occasional acorn".


That's a good one, would be interesting to find out what the equivalent is in every country


"Even a blind hen finds an occasional corn", in Finland.


Huh, we have similar in Poland with blind chicken and a seed


"opportunistically truthful" is a great contrast to Russia which lies even if it inflicts self-harm.


It doesn't matter this time. The line is correct and people will see it.


Yeah, people (rightfully) call it a tabloid, but their coverage of Ukraine has been stellar. They had a journalist there from the earliest days and they have been staunchly on the right side in this war.


Same situation with the UK's Daily Mail. Idk about now but early on they had amazing coverage & fact-checking compared to their normal shenanigans.


They run loads of articles on Ukraine and almost always have a whole section devoted to Ukraine (the section disappeared earlier this week for a day then came back as soon as that video went viral).


Yhe line isnt correct. It is not putin soldat, its russian soldat. The world still dont understand


I think people know that a Putin soldier is a russian soldier. I also think there is another simpler reason for that kind of headline. It is shorter, more striking to the eyes and ears than the longer "russischer Soldat" and things like that are important for a tabloid.


I still think that there are some good guys amongst them that couldn't surrender (yet). Maybe 10% or so.


Why doesn't Tagesschau report about it? :/ I saw a link yesterday for t-online.de and now Bild. Great. But the big ones say nothing?


I think there's two reasons for it: 1. They mostly do "big picture" content. E.g. only when the footage of the murder of George Floyd led to US-wide protest did they run a story about it. That's not to say it wasn't relevant and horrific before, but it was on a more personal scope and the big guys usually wait for the story to unfold and then write a piece with all the consequences in place. 2. Verification slows you down. BILD has no issue just running viral cell phone footage, but Tagesschau will take the time to analyze and track the source. That is not to say they don't believe it, but idue diligence is an important part of journalistic integrity.


Journalistic ethics and standards. If you look this up, you'll notice that there are almost none of the big, reputable news outlets reporting on this. Not Reuters, not Süddeutsche, not the NYTimes or the Washington Post or whatever. The reason is that they need to verify sources. It's fact checking. Right now this is a blurry video of unknown source that's allegedly showing a russian that's cutting a Ukrainians soldiers testicles off. Besides this there's nothing else to prove that this actually happened. There's no body, no eye witness, no second video or anything - which makes fact checking very hard. But I'm sure they're currently working on it. And as soon as they find a reliable second source, they will report about it. Now, you might ask: Why is this important? There's a video of it. Videos can be faced. It could be made to make Russians look bad (well, even worse). Or it could be a russian trap and in a week or two it will come out that these are just some film students from wherever. That's why. That's why quality journalism is more reliable and trustworthy, but also oftentimes slower than tabloids.


I think that news is starting to go around the more prominent German media sites now. Focus has for example reported about it, too. Also there was just the big attack on the POW with its numerous deaths. Something cruelly planned by a lot of people. That big news got the main attention in the last day.


Yet it's reporting real news that other newspapers do not.


It's also ignoring every single journalistic ethic and standard. If you can just make up stuff or exploit vulnerable people, it's quite easy to report on things nobody else reports on.


Doesn’t matter its the most sold tabloid out there so it has maximum reach and thats all that matters right now. Also BILD is 100% pro Ukrainian and anti Russian so in this context I like BILD and Springer


It does matter. You will see it exemplary in r/Ukraine. If one keep posting this FSK 18 content or verbally stating in the title the FSK 18 content, you will loose the people. Without any ethical standard - clear separation of these cruel news into certain sections, people will not visit this subreddit e.g. so often. One just cannot handle it.


When it comes to BILD I don't think they will lose "the people". This is far from the first time that something horrible happened in the world somewhere and BILD reported about it for everyone to see. You also don't actually see the castration in the picture. They don't show the worst moment. You just see a blurry picture of a prisoner lying on the ground bound and someone with a knife without blood on it. Bad of course, but not FSK 18.


Of course it's good to see that a big "newspaper" is reporting this cruel story - unfortunately BILD and espcecially most of their readers are pure trash. It's the biggest gathering of Putin fans and russia trolls. Just look at the facebook post of this story: [https://www.facebook.com/bild/posts/pfbid02G8i7Vu9gAxwkYwKu62RfJnA3bgPCFdkEbDxxByHr3Drx1F63WZfBV7vQKawZnirql](https://www.facebook.com/bild/posts/pfbid02G8i7Vu9gAxwkYwKu62RfJnA3bgPCFdkEbDxxByHr3Drx1F63WZfBV7vQKawZnirql) Nearly one third of the reactions are laughing smiley faces. In the comments they call it a fake staged video. Other say that Azov is doing the same thing and maybe the man who got castrated was a criminal and deserved it... It's disgusting.


> It's the biggest gathering of Putin fans and russia trolls Good. They're the ones that need to see this. Let them look at what they're supporting.




Ugh, gross. Let them show the world who they are.


>most of their readers I am sure most BILD readers think that what the Russians did there is truly horrible. You really can't trust unmoderated social media comments to give a representation of the readers of a newspapers. Unmoderated Facebook pages will get flooded by asshole Russia supporters who seek out stories like that to dispute them. A small organized group can totally skew places like that into the opposite of the reality.


Bild is very populist. They try to attract these kinds of idiots.




what did you say that got removed by reddit


Basically i hope all those ruasian scum get whats coming to them, and that i hope its brings unkrain and its allies closer together. Some Russians complaining like the scum they are classic


Hopefully.... here's to you western Europe, next move. The US and Baltics can only do so much.


The UK are the second biggest supplier of equipment and are currently training 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers, keep us out of this, we're doing our part!


Biggest yellow press, more likely. While the BILD is trash in general, it doesn't hurt that they picked up the story. This way a lot of people will read about it.


BILD has been surprisingly good in their reporting on Ukraine. They tend to go for shock value and emotional angles, but they have played a significant part in keeöing the topic visible.


indeed they have a permanent very visible ukraine section on their main website sinds the war began


At least they have a team on the ground in ukraine. (And don't hire Russian journalists like the similar Welt (no matter the pretext))


I couldn't watch either of the videos. The last video I had seen, was Pearlman's execution by ISIS, and I vowed not to see another video like that. My imagination is enough, and based on other's reactions, I'm safe to assume what the content of the video is. I want the US to go in, now more than I wanted before. Just stop at the Russian border, but clear these motherfuckers out of Crimea, out of Luhansk, and out of Donetsk. I want to say, don't take prisoners, but we are better than they are. Give them one option to surrender, if they don't, send them on. I'm beyond anger. The people of Russia ruin the landscape of Russia. Glass the lot of them.


Confirmed (when russia is brought to it's knees): "Friends, i merely asked my forces to liberate Donbas and other peace loving separatists. I'm shocked and offended by what some these autonomous republic soldiers did. I condemn their actions, and as stated before, this was supposed to be a special operation. My generals betrayed me, poor me, how will i live" - putin


Finally it is in the press. Doesn't matter if it is so callled "Bild". They have a wide range and will gather attention of many people.


Other sources will hopefully see the story and report too


Bild isn't a newspaper. It's a right-wing piece of shit propaganda outlet that was pushing russian AfD propaganda for Yeeeeeeaars. Their former chief raped his female interns en masse and even had a separate apartment rented solely for that purpose. I'm honestly surprised that these pooor exuses of human people aren't cheering it on given their absolute hate for humans that is inherent for right-wing trash.




It will be up to Russians to do that, unfortunately. Putin is using the threat of nukes to kill and torture with impunity.


It's like the Russian soldiers want the war to continue to score headlines in the west. If we leave aside pure performance based reporting "hey the Russians are withdrawing from Kyiv". Wouldn't the Kremlin logically want the war to be as non controversial as possible so that the west might forget.


Like, how can one think that videoing this would *not* backfire? Jeesus the ruzzians are stupid.


Absolute monsters.


Putin soldier? The fuck does that mean? As if they all receive orders directly from Putin to do war crimes. Call them what they are - Russians.


That is BILD's typical dummy speak. They invented YouTube clickbait titles before YouTube.


Bild is definitely fighting the good fight this war 👍


Death to all Ruzzians. You are 21st century's plague.


For context: This newspaper isn't known for good articles and likes to put out the more dramatic news with heavy headlines. They pretty much just target the kind of people who want to base their political leaning on overdramatized News. However, with this story, they are reaching the right people and the article isnt overdramatizing. And I'm sure the more neutral, mainstream media will pick it up too.


Augenwischerei. BILD bedient die primitiven Grundbedürfnisse Ihrer "Leser", wiederholt. Diese sagen: Sowas kommt davon wenn man die Russen verärgert und Waffen schickt. Deshalb müssen wir bald frieren.


How unpunishable you have to feel to film your own warcrimes. Disgusting


It has reached Australian media too. Any ounce of respect I had for Russians as a people went out the window after I watched the video. They have no souls. Not even animals would do this. It's just barbaric.




So we should thank the gods they're on the right side for now. It's a good thing that they're reporting this, sensationalism aside.


It's all over the news in my country also now and Russia is condenmed as country that approves war crimes. Only in Russia they sheer this Castration video. That says enough. Just hit Russia harder each month that comes from now on, until Putin is killed or kills himself.


All the events are so unbelievable and surreal to have this level of brutality in Europe. Soviet army liberating Europe was more of curse than actual help. They started the war and got they ass kicked hard. They march through east Europe was just raping and stealing. God bless Americans they kept them at bay to some extent. Europe would be different place otherwise.


BILD isnt a newspaper tho. They arent allowed to call themselves a newspaper bc it has to have serious journalism effort to call it newspaper in germany.




they are all praising it for doing it, and also saying it usually shit, but why not wait and see what happens .


BILD is NOT a newspaper. It is an entertainment paper, they do not have a news license. As much as this crime makes me sick and as much as I support spreading this news and make Russia pay for it, for our own sake please do not use such "news" sources.


News license. Holy shit. I agree Bild is trash but you don’t know what you are talking about. You don’t need a license. It’s called „free Press“ for a reason.


BILD readers are these kind of people who slowly drives past a car crash to see the bloody corpses. PURE sensationalism and Evil. Everyone here knows this video was released to spread fear. Not to inform.That's Bild. BILD has no moral. The Russians are cruelly torturing the POW all the time. They don't write anything about it.


I'm literally laughing my ass off on the BILD bashing in this thread. People are so full of themselves it's amazing. BILD like any other major news agency in Germany is not reporting fake news. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen at all, but when it's happening, it's rather because of journalistic errors on not because of ill intentions. SO BILD is just as trustworthy as any other newspaper in Germany. What they do differently is that they use sensational wording like "UNBELIEVABLE war crimes in occupied region". But if you're a grown man and can't extract the information you need from such sentences without tripping over an adjective...you should probably stay away from news articles at all.


I’m ashamed of how Germany has been reacting since the start of the war. I’m American, 3 generations removed and wouldn’t normally call myself “German,” but the lack of support for Ukraine just makes me feel so disgusted. I used to admire present-day Germany, but my German friends and their government just haven’t been reacting the way I’d hope... I hope this news becomes common knowledge around the world. I understand energy prices are high—but the world CANNOT, CANNOT, CANNOT condone Russian crimes. I don’t have a proper adjective to describe them. We (the world) should have weaned ourselves off oil years ago when Ruzzia first invaded Crimea… I’m really ashamed. I’ll be looking into more ways I can help, I have some extra money I can send, but I want to do more. As for the defender in the video, all I can say is героям слава.


Hans.. get ze flammenwerfer




BILD is not the biggest


Die Bild / B.Z. Deutschland war mit rund 1,18 Millionen verkauften Exemplaren im ersten Quartal 2022 die überregionale Tageszeitung in Deutschland mit der höchsten verkauften Auflage


Millions of flies can't be wrong, shit has to taste good!!


Jaja Bild sprach zu erst mit den Toten oder wie war das? 😉 du magst ja recht haben das sie die meisten Exemplare verkauft haben, aber eine Zeitung mit Qualität ist es wohl nicht. Ich spreche von echten Zeitungen mit fundierter Recherche und seriösen Journalisten.




Yeah, but how are you measuring the “biggest”? The title didn’t mention in what way it’s the biggest. And BILD is by for not the biggest when it comes to being trustworthy and many other news papers are having better economy and better journalists.., so it may be the most sold paper, but it means nothing


Quantity is meaning nothing.., it’s a shit news bureau. But as long as it is getting published I don’t care


Quantity is what you go for when you say the biggest newspaper. What do you go for? Number of pages?


"Number of pages" lmfao. Never expected to laugh this hard reading comments of such a tragedy.


Maybe this will finally get Scholtz to stop acting like a fucking pussy… oh wait, it probably won’t 🙃