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😂😂😂 yeah, no. Get them to go to 1st/2nd bat then train in unit. CC is shocking. Edit-> For clarification: you won’t be working with 4th bat as it is a training battalion. Expect no more than 2-3weeks training (despite what anyone tells you, it is getting shorter). The emphasis is more on PT than technical warfighting training and the instructors, to say the least the instructors are a mixed bag…


Sounds like ass lol. If I had a dollar for every useless "instructor" in this country...


One thing I will say that is good about CC is that you will come out physically fit (unless you get pushed to the point of injury which is like 50% of each intake) 😆😒


These instructors, are they ego driven like most others? And are they actually combat vets of this war?


Some are some aren't. But to be honest, the training resembles the training we do in 1st battalion. I think 4th batt actually does a good job. You get more physically fit because you do PT every morning. Also, you will march to the actual training sites which does the same as the PT as well as resembling marching to your OP on the front. In my opinion it is only the people that got injured /couldn't keep up in training because they were physically unprepared that complain. Yes, some instructors are better than others but most will be good and want to prepare you as best as they can. Keep in mind that they have only 4 weeks (not anymore by the way) in which they need to get you ready for a gruesome war.


Regardless of military background everyone is going to need to do this 4th batt stuff?


No, but it is recommended. To clarify, many dudes have military experience without ever having done trench warfare training or drone warfare training. You will get that in 4th battalion. On top of that, during 4th Batt training you will make contacts and can check for yourself what section of the legion fits you best.


What is the PT like? What areas?


it’s basically the same PT every day, approximately totally 50-100pushups, sit ups, running 10laps every morning, injury it’s guaranteed if you are not phisically fit already, don’t come not prepared than sit in 4th Bat for 2-3cycles because you are injured. We had 50% injured people because before they did not shit, and started to get injuries from same PT every morning. Training cycles is being shortened because Ukraine has lack of personell, don’t be shocked when after 10-15 days you are sent to target unit, get extra 1-2werks training and front line, death in this case is fucking high, because nobosy especially people with no military experience can bevome soldier in 1 mo th to be ready for front line. Mostly after CC Avoid 1.st Bat Alpha 1 company - they will come there often to recruit you, with good stories and so on but actually they are shit, their commandment is shit, they take absolutely every idiot, thats why it’s shit unit to join, if you don’t want to be meat - join 3rd Bat, 2nd Bat or 1.st Bravo or Charlie (Charlie is for spanish speakers).




It's so insanely hard and difficult man.... C'mon please everybody who is asking these questions: worry about other things than PT in a training battalion. It is nothing special. Worry about things that matter. If you can't think of any, you should probably reconsider coming over here.


No. I mean.. what is the emphasis on..cardio or strength. Like long rucks or 500 pushups




Is this directed at me or another commenter? If the former, drop me a PM.


As long as Falcon is there everyone should stay the fuck away.


PM me? He’s trying to recruit me out of 1st. Really enticing job offer but I’ve only seen his name pop up next to “stay away.”


I read this on another post 😂😂


This is like preselection. Most of the battalions do their own training. But if you go to legion you have to go through the 4th. Then you can pick up the battalion and company. You receive additional training there.


Yeah gotcha, appreciate it


You mean you can pick Any batallion and company after going through the 4th? Wouldnt that mean you have to break contract to get other with another batallion?


My recruiter said they’re doing 6 week courses and some experimental 9 week ones too (had interview Friday). Who knows anymore


If you don't mind replying (feel free to DM instead), what was your window from application accepted > recruiter interview? I'm in my 7th week with no secondary response from a team and trying to ascertain a tangible timeline.


Application get accepted by recuitment first and sent to units. When one picks you, recruitment will give you the next steps. If you haven't heard from anyone outside of that, it is not abnormal. My timeline was within a week but people here have waited longer than you have before getting picked up so it is different for everyone.


affirm -- thank you for the response, my app has been accepted and sent to units. Existing in the middle space right now, waiting, has its own awkwardness.