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Don't waste their time, kid. They don't like to even like to accept 21 year olds. Go enjoy your life.


"Don't waste their time" is excellent. Also, maybe don't waste *their lives* as well, because ain't NONE of them have time to protect an absolute greenhorn like OP and get killed themselves.


Yea and going for adventure is one of the dumbest reasons to join. There's a lot of these young guys thinking they'll be heroes, nah they'll die like the amateur hour reject they are because they don't have any idea what to do or how to survive.


A lot of people here wish they could join the canadian military. Do that first.


So badly that's true.


Really? Do Canadians do well there?


u/ChosenDirtyP you're summoned


Canadians, well as long as they're not liberals. Liberals fail epically in the military as they're fucking useless and weak assholes. Joining the Canadian military is a start and a better start than joining a peer to peer war on the underdog team.


Me and my friend are both getting out the CAF, we'll have 5+ years experience once we finish releasing. Both of us are really serious about training, preparing, and planning to fight in ukraine. I didn't know the guy, but my friends friend had died in ukraine on his second deployment about a year ago, so we have an idea first hand of how much shit sucks. We plan to train over the next 6-12 months, and in that time we can re-assess and rethink if need be. I was really interested and had questions for people fighting right now from how their previous training did or didn't hold up, breaking habits from the CAF, what skillets served them well and what did they wish they trained more with etc, whether it was marksmanship, navigating and shooting with Nods, basic drills, even specifics like how fast can you apply a tourniquet or drone operating. Really interested in what advice you have, and if there are others I can be pointed to as well to ask these questions.


They have plenty of options for drone courses in country. Id recommend getting on one if/when you get wounded so you can still help your unit and you'll be glad you can when that time happens. Get a controller that's drone style download liftoff on steam. Get good at that. Really good. That'll give you an edge on drones. All the skillsets are needed. Here they'll be pushed as it's real time war and drones are everywhere. Assume you're always being watched when you move out. Observation drones are larger and higher and better optics. They see damn near everyone. Move fast. Train to have high cardio and be very comfortable in your gear. Here we don't wear our soft armor and plates like the CF. You get a plate carrier and add soft armor to that. It's a lot easier to get to wounds that way and lighter. Plus you can breathe easier. Plate carrier and assault belt is probably what you'll run. Day bag. Get very comfortable with that weight and moving fast. As for tactics and shooting, you'll already be decent assuming you're not terrible. Take it seriously because everywhere is a Russian with a gun and machine guns. You also want to kill them fast as being out of cover means drones will get you. So move and move with purpose. Navigation is big too. Read maps, watch drone footage and be able to interpret that into what you see on the ground will help you move through towns, villages, terrain. Gps can be tracked and that'll get you killed so try to get proficient with old school NAV with map and compass. All your basic soldier skills will do you great here and your unit will expand on that. Stay fit and get used to the weight of your gear.


All right, I'll be sure to train with these in mind. Thanks a lot for the info


Look mate, this war isn’t anything like the war many of our parents fought in Afghan or Iraq. Out there we had the upper hand on pretty much every thing. This isn’t a war for adventure either, I doubt really any war is. When you are young you often feel like nothing can kill you, how do you think your parents would feel if they heard of your death. If Ruzzian trolls spammed them with threats. If you really want to go, no one can stop you. But do your research, know what it is you are going into, and learn some skills that make you useful. You don’t want to be the the reason a professional is killed trying to help you. The war is unfortunately not looking to end any time soon. If you want to help now, raise awareness in your local area, Send part of your wages to United24. At the start of the war I helped raise two minibus worth of humanitarian aid, and made sure the local area I live is kept in the loop. You’ll be surprised how many people don’t even know the war is still going.


>You don't want to be the reason a professional is killed trying to help you. Exactly this.


There are experienced foreign soldiers who have been killed or injured thanks to mistakes others made. This is really something everyone should consider before joining.


I keep saying this and I really hope the clout chasers listen.


I did 3 deployments in GWOT I would not say we had the upper hand in Afghanistan. My 2nd deployment was to Afghanistan in Nuristan & Kunar Province and we got our ass kicked daily for a 15 months. The locals there knew how to fight. Iraq we had the upper hand. My 3rd deployment was to central Afghanistan we had the upper hand most of the time. Russia is not the mujahaden of Iraq. Russians have real weapons and artillery. They also are more technologically advanced and are not using IEDs but real weapons systems and tactics.


Stay home. Your dad was a profesional soldier so he earnt his adventures.


i dont understand what you mean?


Watch as much footage from Ukraine as you can. You aren't a trained soldier I'm guessing? They need experienced ppl over there.this isn't like Afghanistan. I had a friend come back from there.im Canadian as well and I think your hearts in the right place. I'm assuming you're feeling the pull to go fight against evil just like me but I'm not trained and don't want to end up being a liability. I was turned down by the Canadian military but they might take you.anyways I think ppl are concerned for your safety is all.and there's a lot of ways to support Ukraine.all the best to you bud whatever you decide.


Was also turned down this is why I wanted to join


Mate if you got turned down by Canada, join the French Foreign Legion. You might end up fighting in Ukraine anyway if it goes tits up.


Wait you were turned down by the Canadian army... And you want to come fight in Ukraine? Sweet fucking Jesus... Seriously no. Dude. The standards for the CF are already embarrassing and if you failed that you'll only be a shameful excuse of a soup sandwich here. Like god damn it man. Put on a fresh diaper and sit down. We need real soldiers not you kid


I know you don't. Stay home and join your own army. If adventure is what you want there will always be another conflict


wanted to didnt work for bs reasons at least now i have a chance


What was the reason? Ukraine is nothing like the recent conflicts the west has been part of, this is 2 conventional armies head to head. No guys taking pot shots from caves or superior friendly forces, this is a meat grinder. Your heart is in a good place, but training is the only thing keeping people alive in a place like Ukraine


your change to get killed very fast with no training.


You don't have a chance kid. If you couldn't get accepted into the CF then you sure won't make it out here. Smarten the fuck up.


A guy didn't get accepted because of a peanut allergy


Anaphylactic allergy. Means he can die from that. Yea checks out, you dont think too quick on your feet kid. You're online and still can't say anything smart how the hell are you going to survive combat? Let me guess shit your pants, cry like a baby, and hope to god your babysitter shows up to save your ass.


Did your dad just show up in Afghanistan and volunteer or was he properly trained by a legit military before being deployed to a literal warzone? I’m not a soldier, but it doesn’t take being one to realize that some untrained kid is going to be more of a hindrance than a help in a combat zone. Also referring to going to war as an opportunity for adventure is a very naive and childish way to view it imo, there’s no adventure in dying in the mud


In short, you're an idiot. We know you're an idiot because you made this post and you think you have a good reason. You don't. I don't know your dad, or what trade he was. If he was infantry, and did combat, than good on him, this is absolutely nothing like Afghanistan. I've done tours there aswell, been in plenty of combat and this here is a whole new ballgame. Some dummy like you is only going to get others killed and not one of those guys will be the enemy. Give your head a shake kid. Stay home and grow up. Tell your dad to slap the stupid out of you.


So trying to make a difference means I'm an idiot?


You wouldn't make a difference kid. You'd only make shit worse and cause issues and your too dumb to see that. Yes. You're an idiot. Stay away from this place and this conflict. You would do vastly more harm and literally no good here.


Please don't. As others have said, go join your own military first. Try to overcome whatever was blocking you from enlisting in your own country, or if you can't join your own military, consider joining the French Foreign Legion or other organization that accepts foreign applicants. A few more years will both give you the skills you need and the seasoning to better cope with the emotional realities you will face. This conflict isn't going to be over soon, and the global conflicts with Russia and other autocracies are likely just beginning.


Join your own Army, if you really want to fight there later you could still do it and have some experience.Also your father's experience is totally irrelevant in this situation. You should think about the fact,that you will die and you will get hurt. Also an inexperienced soldier is a liability and sometimes even a thread to his own comrades.


Wanted to bit they didn't accept for PAST medical issues. I saw this as a chance


I’m a doctor and just because a medical issue is in the past doesn’t mean it won’t have long lasting effects on your body or won’t predispose you to other medical problems down the line. If a real military denied that you were fit for duty than you should probably listen


Honestly then you will be a liability and a thread to everyone. I know you don't want to hear that,but it's true,also maybe try to get to the air force or a logistic unit,if you really want to be a soldier,an army cannot work without them.


No. Stay home and raise money. Joining a brutal war in another country to cosplay as a hero is just disrespectful to the people fighting for their lives. Play D&D if you want adventure.


I'm not complaining at all


No offense but basic reading comprehension is essential in the military. I never wrote the word "complain" and I don't know why you keep saying you're not complaining. If English is your first language, Ukrainian will be a steep mountain to climb. I repeat: stay home and raise money.




It's not to complain.i wanted to join CAF. They said no. My whole life I've been surrounded my the army. Dad step dad stepmom mom uncle aunt. Everyone


If CAF said no then take that as your hint that you're *really* not ready. Join HopeFull and make some pizzas with us. You'll make a difference and have a safer adventure.


I say wait til your 21 think hard about it


Head to Lviv and dip your toes in doing something non-military and non-combatant. See where that leads.