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Polish won't ask you shit. Tell them you're in transit to Ukraine to do some volunteer work if they do ask. Be honest with Ukrainians and let them know you're joining the legion. What you're doing is 100% legal.


Thought as much, thanks for the reply


They wont ask normally but just say volunteering


Understood, thank you.


Polish border security won't bother you for the most part if you tell them you're on your way to sign up with the legion


Poland ask where you are going and just say that you are going to volunteer in ukraine. Same deal on ukrainian side. When leaving poland they wanted to see my backpack and asked why my passport was not stamped in the airport, which i has no answer to. Besides some extra time, nothing weird happens there mate


Do you have up to date information about that train you want to take? I couldn't find any last time I looked, and I heard that there are very few tickets. Consider some alternative routes just in case.


Very few tickets indeed, but there was one available that I managed to get.


Just get it on the Polrail site. It's very easy to navigate & hasn't caused me any confusion or headaches. I've never had any issues at all getting tickets via this site; but availability of course COULD be an issue if it is left to the very last minute - as with most travel. With the exception of my first rail entry to Ukraine via Poland, I've observed the train to be more or less fully occupied - so I'm sure they probably do 'sell out' shortly before the actual date of trip. My advice is not to listen to the rumour mill, and just find out yourself; as 'they' (in the context of 'they say x, y or z') are usually morons. 😸👍


I'm about to embark on my 3rd stint in Ukraine since May 2022. Each time entering via rail border crossing from Poland. My entry crossing in May 2022 was quite chaotic, disorganised & stressful - but each subsequent transit has been no drama at all. The Polish Straż Graniczna at the Chopin airport and rail crossings have been 100% fantastic each and every time, and have never given me ANY grief whatsoever. In fact they typically give a curt but sincere - 'thank you for helping & stay safe' or similar. They've never even wanted to examine my baggage or belongings in the slightest. They understand that this is their war too. The Ukrainian border guards on the other hand have been a LOT more interested in having a quite detailed look at my kit, and have always given me a bit of extra attention on all of my crossings - but that is of course warranted! Be polite, honest, cooperative, declare ANYTHING that you think may be of concern to Polish & Ukrainian border guards, and don't be dumb by trying to smuggle cold weapons etc into Ukraine (this has generally been their *primary concern* in my experience). Best of luck!