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There’s a low barrier to entry and a training battalion now. Regardless of what anyone tells you, I have only known foreigners to go to one of two jobs regardless of their skill set : infantry or drones. With more and more guys, Ukrainians or foreigners, throughout all of ЗСУ being pushed to infantry lately.


There are plenty more jobs open to foreigners, you just need to be actually qualified for them and have documentation proving your experience in said jobs, such as artillery and mortars. However, something about the OP's "experience" doesn't match up. The FBI would not use anyone without expensive EOD experience to advise anyone about it. Lying about your knowledge and skills in Ukraine is an easy way to end up dead or be quickly booted from a unit. Lots of that has happened with so called "Snipers" who don't know how to even zero a rifle.


Again I never said I was an FBI EOD. Wasn't an employee. I was employed by a company owned by ESPN that was doing an international sporting event, and due to the risks involved the FBI EOD had to be there because of the amount of people. Check out little league world series in South Williamsport.


Again, just be completely honest and explain it in detail, the people who you will eventually be talking to about this may have varying levels of understanding the English language. I even being a Native English speaker was confused on this statement. Basically, they don't care if the company you worked for had the FBI at it one time. They will want to know the actual skills that you have that will benefit Ukraine, and if due to language barriers they will be able to use whatever skills in a way that will benefit the war effort. There are tons of people who are needed with mine removal here, but usually it is not paid, and is done by volunteer groups. Maybe you could get yourself into one of them if you understand how to work with and fix metal detecting equipment. However a lot of mines aren't even detectable this way, fair warning, and it's extremely dangerous with zero room for error. Basically just present the factual information as it directly relates to you, not to a company you worked for or something else.


I fixed the metal detectors.


Everyone’s a critic. Some more than others. I’d say go for it and see what happens if you really want to do this. I’ve known art history professors and dentists that served and did just fine.


There's a difference between being a critic and giving actual information. Yes there have been dentists, art professors, attorneys, and so on in military service. However the likelihood that your service in a foreign military will go well is significantly decreased without understanding the other aspects that military life entails, which normally requires the person to have previously served in the military. However I am glad that you know a couple people who defy this statistic.


Thanks for the advice without the sugar coded bullshit.




Best bet is to be completely honest about your experience. If you know how to work with metal detecting equipment there may be some use there, personally I don't know. The problem is that even though lots of jobs other than infantry are available, finding the right unit and people to talk to about it, is about like finding a specific needle in a stack of needles hidden in a haystack that got combined with other haystacks.


Shiiii maybe it's not meant for me and that's alright too 🙂


Not necessarily, you can help in Ukraine in many many ways, and not all of it is combat. Find what you're good at, then come here and do it. If you do it well enough, someone might even pay you.... 😂


If you have languages , specifically english-spanish you can also do comms, as many brigades now have entire companies/battalions of spanish speaking soldiers.


If you apply to legion you will probably go 4th for training, then sent to one of the battalions as infantry always depends


I misspoke. There’s also a lot of foreigner medics