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Sleeping shell (Water proof), Sleeping bag, Sleeping mat, Wet weather top, / Wet Weather bottom, Poncho Do not bring a tent, do not bring a stove. You will compromise your position with both.


Will a jet boil compromise your position aswell?


Jet boil will be fine


The only time I would say bring a jet boil, is if you are behind lines where the imminent threat of drones and attack is low, or inside a bunker where you wouldn't be able to see any heat signature, water vapor, steam etc.. I wouldn't take your chances to heat up a coffee if you are directly on the 0 line exposed. If I saw that shit I would slap you lol. If your gonna bring a jetboil just consider those things.


I have a question on the stoves because I coordinated for a lot of civilians to get wood burning stoves. We had messages from soldiers asking if they could have them too. Then other people said no absolutely not and no one needs them. It's extremely strong opinions on both sides. If they are actually needed somewhere then they could quite easily get donated through a sponsor a stove project for soldiers but I don't know if it's a good idea to do.


While it’s certainly a morale booster to have one. I am 110% on board with guys NOT having them. It’s fine if it’s in the rear area, but guys shouldn’t be carrying them into areas where an enemy attack is imminent. Not to mention the weight considerations of bringing one. The risks far outweigh the benefits.


Been using a jet boil on 0 for 2 years without any problems as we are in bunkers, the Russians already know every position with the amount of drones up


Thanks for that.


The more you have, the more you gotta carry. All the stuff is available in country too. If you have something thats dear to you though, why not. Good Sleeping Bag, and good Mat are a MUST anyway. Cooking Gas Stove is super handy. Sewing Kit is a must too, IMO You dont need nut-pro like that


Exactly what iv been telling everyone..


I was wondering the same thing, I will be going at the end of December


Bring GOOD sleeping back, its gonna be useful. I wouldnt bring a tent, its unnecessary and it will basically reveal your position, making you an easy target for drones.


Already got that one squared away was more wondering about a mess kit and a camp stove I have a jet boil but was curious about the fuel situation there I don’t think I’m able to fly with multiple small propane tanks


Definitely not. Stove itself, without the container itself is allowed, propane tank (gas container) is not allowed and you would get in pretty huge trouble on plane. EDIT: you can buy basically any useful stuff there, just dont bring it on plane.


Prob depends a lot on where you end, but you cannot go wrong with your own thermos, basic cutlery.


You going to the lake? Edit: That didn't sound as bad when I thought of it.


you don't need to bring any of that stuff. you can buy it when you get to ukaine.