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Unsure if trolling. Sleeping in a car in the British summertime sounds like absolute hell on Earth tbh. I'd do it for one night in a pinch but planning to do that for a week... Absolutely not. Camping would be better.


Not trolling. I can see where you're coming from and I'll probably have to sleep in a hostel or something, if it gets too hot. I'm just looking to be as independent as possible.


Where are you coming from?


West Germany


They haven’t put that bloody wall back up, have they?


Pahahaha quality


Okay. So my next question is, what are you actually planning on *doing* besides driving, sleeping and shitting in a bucket? Doesn't really sound like much of a holiday to me especially if you're trying to fit in three or possibly four countries. Getting to Ireland with your car requires getting on a ferry from Wales or Scotland and that alone takes about three to four hours up to seven, depending on the departure point and destination. It's also very expensive...


You only need to worry about people killing you in your sleep if they catch you emptying your shit bucket, which I assume you plan to do at the side of the road like an inhuman beast. They will catch you of course because there is nothing to do in quiet streets except examine the mysterious car with an odour of fermented turds that some lunatic appears to be sleeping in.


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Not sure if this is a joke or serious, but if you're being serious you're not going to have a good time without planning. Driving on quiet streets will be very slow, you'll hardly see any of England in a week. It's going to be extremely unpleasant sleeping in a car, at least pay for a cheap hostel, or buy a tent and go to campsites. You will need a debit or credit card, you can probably use one from your home country just double-check fees.


Not a joke! According to a rough cut of the route (done with ChatGPT), I'll still see some of it. Unfortunately just don't have the much time, neither for planning nor for the trip itself. Sleeping in the car will be fine, since I have done that before. I'm just looking to be as independent as I can. What exactly would I have to pay via credit card/can I not pay with a german debit card?


Why have you used ChatGPT rather than any map tool? >What exactly would I have to pay via credit card/can I not pay with a german debit card? I said in my comment that you could probably use one from your home country. It's one thing to get ChatGPT to plan and reddit to research, but it's very lazy to not finish reading the comments.


Because I have experience using ChatGPT for planning purposes but none using a "map tool". Plus, with ChatGPT, I could pronounce very precise specifications and requirements. I did read your comment and I asked what EXACTLY I would need a credit card for, so I would know wether I could maybe deal without one. I am completely new to solo-traveling and sought people with experiences, going to reddit rather than looking through unfiltered google pages is simply efficient.


ChatGPT has no knowledge or understanding of the UK road network, or for that matter what a road network even is. It's entirely down to chance whether whatever route is suggests is practical, pleasant, or even possible. Sleeping in a car is not generally legal except on designated campsites (which given that it is high summer, you will need to plan and book in advance). On the plus side, these typically have toilet and shower facilities, hopefully obviating the need for your shit bucket. Since dumping untreated sewage is also illegal (unless you're the water company...) it would otherwise be keeping you company for the duration of the trip.


>I did read your comment and I asked what EXACTLY I would need a credit card for, so I would know wether I could maybe deal without one. Hiring a car, probably. Most car hire places would want a CC so they can apply a security deposit against it.


By “map tool” people are referring to online journey planners like Google Maps. You will have to get to know them if you want to make this work, you cannot spend a week navigating the back roads of a foreign country based on the fictional outpourings of an AI bot. Or you can, but it won’t go the way you hope. Part of solo travelling is planning and preparing, and learning to use the things you’ll need to make your trip a success.


Great Britain is England, Scotland and Wales by the way.


I'm not sure if this is a serious post or not. If you only have one week you need to revise your plans you will not have an enjoyable experience doing all that driving in one week. You would be better off doing just Wales or Just Scotland or just Northern England or something. A credit card will not be necessary except possibly for the car rental. If you don't have one you may need a very substantial cash deposit. However be wary of your German Debit card - I have a friend with a Belgian card which frequently is declined or the machine flashes "not accepted" when used in the UK. No idea if you will have the same issue. Do not shit in a bucket. You can probably find toilets most places and if you can't dig a small cat hole with a trowel.


Oh dear… Ireland isn’t apart of Great Britain, neither is Northern Ireland, GB is an island. Northern Ireland is apart of the UK though, we are very separate from Ireland. Please do not group us together as frankly it’s ignorant and offensive. Unless you plan to completely avoid Northern Ireland then you’re visiting the UK and Ireland.


Have you read the post after the edit? The original version doesn't even imply Ireland being part of GB necessarily.


Sleeping in a car sounds horrendous. Buy a tent at least


What do you plan to do with the shit in the bucket? Probably some law against dumping into our waterways (HA!). It’s not great weather, sleeping in the car will be shit. Have you booked the ferry to Ireland? It’s about 3 hours ferry ride.