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I had this happen, complained through the app, got 10,000 miles.


Yoooo if anyone is out there with a dog and its lamb toy on a flight, please put them at my feet. Happy to have them, and happy to complain for 10k miles too.


The absolute chokehold those lambies have on every dog lol


My dog is so obsessed. I have no idea what it is except that maybe they think it’s a newborn puppy?!???


I wish my dog thought it was a newborn puppy. She’s just rips them to shreds


What if she does think it's a newborn puppy, but one that's here to replace her? It's a dog eat dog world out there...


I’d pay extra for this!


I had a flight back from Europe with the most gorgeous Golden in my row - I fell asleep for a bit and woke to his head resting on my seat. Objectively wrong but subjectively best flight ever.


I had a “service dog” on flight recently. I have severe reservation about whether it was a service dog based on how often it was trying to get treats and ask for pets but it was the SWEETEST fucking dog. Her name was Lola and I loved her. At one point she tried to jump on my lap and I was ready to pick her up and pet her for the whole flight (1 hour). At the end of the flight I go “it was nice to meet you-” and her owner goes “yeah!” And I finish my sentence “Lola” and me and the owner kind of glanced at each other awkwardly and I walked off. It was like, lady, you were okay. Fine to share a row with, but I’ll travel with your dog anywhere.


One time I was taking a nap on the beach and woke up because I felt something furry and sandy snuggle up next to me. I opened my eyes and it was a giant elderly golden retriever just wanting some shade and snuggles🥺. I had zero complaints and scooted over so she could get comfy. (Wasn’t a service dog or anything.) The owner came running up apologizing profusely because he was playing fetch with two younger dogs and she was too old to play and usually sat with his stuff and watched, “but I guess she really likes your umbrella. Maybe I’ll buy one for her. I am SO SORRY she bothered you.” “Um, excuse me? This is the best thing that’s happened to me all week. How about you let her stay and you can just come get her when you’re ready to leave? I’ll be here all day.” She and I hung out for like two hours lol. I shared my water and blueberries with her (I asked first.) Best Beach day. Ever.


Service Dogs know they don’t get on seats, or on people’s laps.


I’m saying lmao I’m playing with the dog the entire flight that little meatball I rather have this the. Screaming fuckin kids man I rather the dog sit on my lap lmao


If I am flying in a single seat on an E175 - there is room for me + dog. If I am on a red eye and there is another passenger with an anxious dog…I’m up all night to pet puppies (literally - dog ended up on my lap LAS-IAD). My own dogs? They stay on the ground because they’re not properly certified to fly in cabin and are over 25lbs, but I would buy them a lay flat in a heartbeat. I understand the premise of the complaint, but the dog didn’t put themselves in that position.


"I’m up all night to pet puppies " is my go-to replacement lyric for "up all night to get lucky."


My husband and I literally sing the song that way 😂


Nobody's mad at the dog though


You really do not seem to understand the premise of the complaint.


Up all night to pet puppies, buying a lay flat in a heartbeat, we must suffer from the same afflictions. I’d never bring my dog on a plane either tho. He fits without infringing on others’ space, but he’d probably get me banned for being erm… as the vet calls it, “vocal.” Maybe one day I’ll try it and he’ll be famous on this sub. 😅


Ugh. I can’t belive anyone would want this. Like dog at my feet during a flight would be horrible and a nightmare if there was any licking.


I travel with a service dog. Got way too many concussions in my sporting life. My dog is a real service dog. Not one the that’s owner has bought a service dog vest and tries to pass their pet off as a service dog. THAT REALLY BURNS ME UP WHEN I SEE IT. Now I have to file out a FAA form, with all the information about my dog to prove he’s a REAL SERVICE DOG. The rule breaker are so interesting, thinking that nobody can tell a difference. My dog is an Australian Labradoodle, Chocolate Brown and weighs 61 pounds. He can fit underneath the seat in front of my feet. I was a commercial pilot, until I started have neurological issues. The Doctors think I have CTE, a form of traumatic brain injury. I lost my Medical, do I could no longer fly. In fact, the Doctors wouldn’t even let me drive. Those of us who have to rely on a service dog to function, just ask for a little patience from people around us. Just hope you don’t need a service dog in your life. My dog smells a chemical change in my brain. He cost $30,000. CTE IS A HORRIBLE CONDITION. I have no one to blame. I’m the one who skied in the Jr. Olympic’s at 12 years old in the downhill event, played 8 years of highly competitive football. 4 years at a Division 1 college in Los Angeles. Highly competitive cycling and triathlon, hundreds of sky dives, totaling 90 minutes of free fall time, and 40 plus years of barefoot waterskiing.


Last time I was at my doctors, he (without sharing names or other info) was bitching about how many people just expect him to “sign off” saying his patient needs an emotional support animal to fly. He said it’s insane how many requests he gets in a month.


I'm sorry, I also hate all the fake service animals I see in the airport every day. They obviously are not trained but there is not much an agent can do about it. I wish there was required training and documentation had to be required. It is a tremendous disservice to all the real service dogs.


There is. The FAA requires all service dogs handlers to fill out and 8 1/2 X 11 from that proves your dog is a real service dog. Thanks a lot m, to all you special people who the rules don’t apply to. ( AT LEAST YOU THINK YOU ARE EXTRA SPECIAL) , Really all you’re doing, is show people how stupid you really are. I think I can’t stand, is people how break the rule, just because they don’t like them. Rules are there for a reason. Be respectful and follow the rules.


The Service Animal Air Transportation form does not require any physical proof the animal has been trained. Anyone may write anything they please on that form and not have to actually prove the animal has been trained. And, anyone who watches most of these dogs can cleary see they have not. A trained service dog does not lunge at people or other animals, pull at the leash, poop on the floor, bark incessantly, etc. And, I see all of that most weeks.


Airlines and companies in general need to man up and grow a pair and know that ESA don’t fall under the ADA umbrella. ESA are not service animals.


I had an emergency landing and got 2500 miles. I’d rather take the dog


This is the way.


Meh…. as of May 2024, 10,000 United miles are worth around $120. Thats not much compensation for that big an issue.


I remember being on an Air Canada flight a few years ago. I was window, and there was a young man in the middle seat. It wasn't till we landed that I realized he had a service dog...a standard-size boxer, of all things, and it had tucked itself under the seat in front of him and stayed there the entire flight. It just kind of slithered out when it was time to disembark. This is not a service dog.


Yeah that is a real service dog, the one pictured is not.


There’s a goddamn dog toy in the pocket. Service dogs don’t need toys. I love dogs. I know dogs. This is just a dog. EDIT: The commenters below have corrected me on this. You should downvote me, and upvote them!


Service dogs can absolutely use quiet, unobtrusive toys while they're not in active work mode. You try sitting under a desk or such for hours on end with nothing to do.  Source: I've raised and worked profesionally with dog guides. 


Unemployed dogs out here trying to fly for free. It’s practically a remake of Catch Me if You Can.


This is factually not true. I am traveling with a guide dog right now and we have multiple toys to keep her distracted during the flight


Are guide dogs different in this respect from other types of service dogs? I 100% yield to your knowledge on this. I edited my comment to reflect that I don't know what I'm talking about, and that people should downvote me and upvote you!


That’s not necessarily true. But I agree this is not a service dog


Some SDs are not food motivated and are toy motivated so it’s very fair for a SD to potentially use a quiet toy as a reward for good behavior


there is no seat in front of them? so i’m not sure where the dog was expected to go. they should have moved them to a different row


You think that dog is going to fit under a seat? I'm not excusing it taking up the legroom of another passenger, but that's pretty clearly the only place on the plane it's going to fit, unless they stuff it in the overhead.


I think this might be a real service dog. When you go through the training, the trainers tell you your federal rights to sit in the bulk head and let your dog lay across. The airlines also know that service animals are allowed preference in the bulk head. Police personal protection dogs are sit in the bulk head because they can’t fit under a seat when they weigh 90 lbs. I’m really saddened by all these comments saying this isn’t a real service dog because it has a toy or not sitting under a seat. Also, no one knows how to tell what is a real service dog for medical alert and response, unless you see it in action and the person discloses their disability to you which HIPAA protects. How does any know if it’s seizure dog, autistic psychiatric dog, diabetes low blood sugar dog??


Nothing grinds my gears more than a fake service animal. It’s a spit in the face to what is required of true service animals and the people they service. Absolutely report.


They're also legitimately dangerous. People have been attacked on planes by them before. Can you imagine getting mauled while buckled in with nowhere to flee? Just awful


Complain to flight attendant, knowing it probably won’t do anything. In economy, it’s often possible to be reseated (had a similar situation a couple months ago), but up front it’s basically impossible. I can see an FA siding with the other passenger to avoid the inevitable “UNITED KICKS DISABLED PASSENGER OFF A FLIGHT BECAUSE THEY HAVE A SERVICE DOG” headlines.


FAs can’t do anything about service animals or “service animals” you have to complain on the ground so FAs can relay the info/request a CRO to come to the plane. A CRO essentially a member of the inflight team that has education about the ACAA, ADA, and is empowered to make decisions about service animals and accommodations for passengers with disabilities. It’s not that FAs have to side with the disabled passenger, it’s that we are 100% not allowed or empowered to make any decisions as soon as someone’s accommodations are called into question.


I figured when there is an animal so blatantly in violation of the COC, there was at least something they could do, but I’ll take your word for it.


There is, and I’m not exaggerating here, absolutely nothing we can do. Only the CRO can make that call. We could lose our jobs for confronting someone about a poorly behaved service animal. We can reseat people away from the animal if they have a phobia or allergy, but there’s nothing else in our wheelhouse to do unless someone is injured.


>We could lose our jobs for confronting someone about a poorly behaved service animal. Correct. You'd open up United to a discrimination lawsuit. Not to mention, horrible PR.


I’d be fired quicker than it’d take a manager to come down the jet bridge and remove me from the flight. I 100% agree that it sucks when people abuse the system - I travel and am inconvenienced by poorly behaved animals too as a passenger. I empathize with folks that have to deal with rowdy pets in cabin once we’re in flight. And I say this as a dog owner who absolutely loves canines and am fine with well trained ones and real service dogs flying.


I guess I shouldn’t be surprised because of how litigious America is. But I still am.


Dog owners really have no shame nowadays. Irritates me because I am one of them


Def not all dog owners but the number of entitled ones is ever increasing. Eventually, Congress will act but it will be a while.


Not just dog owners. People. If you get bored or need a distraction watch entitled people on YouTube... key word _entitled_ will open a world of fun for you


I've never travelled with a dog before. What is the procedure when a passenger attempts to buy as ticket that includes a dog? Who is the human being that is supposed to determine whether the animal meets (or doesn't meet) the airline's policy for flying animals? (Because, to me ... it seems like NO ONE is checking the animals anywhere along the purchase-checkin-terminal-security-flightcrew chain.) I think the word is out that no one can say/do anything, so everybody is just saying "phuck, it. They won't stop me."


So I guess the thing to do would be as soon as you see the person seated next to you has a dog like this (so during boarding - before the door is closed) complain to a FA?




I had a service dog take up the entire space in First Class, the person was blind, so it was understandable. The FA said that there was not anything they can do, when I got to my seat. Edited because I had absolutely no issues with the service dog.


That’s just bad luck. Could be worse tho, you could be blind.


Absolutely, 100% agreed. My point was that it wasn't a fake service dog, it was a legit service dog for a blind person. He was actually a very nice seatmate and we ended up chatting during the flight. My seatmate did his best, but the dog was a German Shepherd, so there was only so much he could do. He apologized to me three times at least about his dog, but it didn't bother me.


Good on you for making an effort on making the person not feel like an inconvenience. I have a blind family member and I can tell that their feelings of dragging others down is often much worse than the physical impairment itself.


He was genuinely a nice guy, clearly well educated, he said that he was a University Professor. When we landed there was some confusion with the person supposed to escort him to his connecting flight. I offered to take him, he took my arm and I helped him to his next gate. I introduced him to the gate agent and after she got him situated, I said goodbye and made my way to my connecting gate, but not before I got to pet his dog (after I asked permission).


Should you complain to Reddit? No. Should you complain to the passenger and escalate to a flight attendant if needed? Yes.


Help, I'm stuck in an intersection behind a car that won't move. Should I beep? Plz respond soon.


Halp, I’ve fallen and can’t get up. Should I call 911 or get life alert?


As a firefighter... Just call your family. Please. I don't want to go on the 37th lift assist of the night.


My husband used to be a police officer & once his mom called our house in a panic, demanding to talk to him. I kept asking what was wrong, she kept demanding him, finally she yelled, “my air conditioner is on fire! Put him on the phone!” I told her I was hanging up and she needed to call 911 and as she screamed at me, I hung up. Then I told my husband to go to his mother’s house. He arrived, firefighters there, and the first thing his mother said was that I hung up on her.


😂😂😂 I laughed


They posted it to start a discussion. A discussion you’re engaging in. This is exactly what Reddit is for, among other things.


Just ask nicely, kindly move your service dog on your side of the seat.


True service animals - those not just with a red amazon vest do/ are trained for just that. To not be in “the way” of other pax.


Use air quotes when you say "service dog".


It sounds like the owner tried but the dog would not move, which again is why it's apparent that the dog is not a trained service dog.


I have flown probably about 100 times in Europe and I have never once seen an animal on board a flight


That’s bc Europeans don’t put up with that bs like the unable to cope ppl in America that are used to winning participation trophies expect.


Not true. Was just on a flight from Munich 2 weeks ago where the flight attendant almost threw hands with a German woman who had a massive "Service Dog" and booked a normal seat.


Had the same thing happen on a flight from Seattle to San Francisco, on Alaska airline Complained to the flight attendant, I was told they can't do anything about it. I told them I am scared of dogs because of what happened to me when I was young, I was attacked by dogs and still have issues with dogs. The flight attendant handed me a paper and told me to talk to customer service once we deplaned. I talked to them, and they told me that all they can do is add 10,000 miles to my acct. Well, they never did, and I tried calling customer service once I got back home. I was told that since it was not logged in, there was nothing they could do.


Just finished an Alaska flight where aisle guy with service dog or “service dog” told aisle mate it’s not a real service dog. Contemplated writing Alaska about it but the dog was shockingly well behaved. The guy also left the dog in the seat at least once to go to the bathroom which felt not very service-y of them.


Dogs in seats is nasty.


Fear of dogs is explicitly called out in the ADA as an invalid reason to deny someone with a service dog access.


All the “People who luv dogs” are proving the point by wanting to hang out with the dog — service animals are supposed to be working. They are not pets, not to be petted, and not to be in the way of anyone else. The few service animals I’ve known, the person gets very peeved when people try to treat the dog like the bestest boi. This dog was either not doing its job or not a service animal.


I have a service dog and when she is vested and working not even my family can pet her.


I went right to the source to see what the DOT has to say on the subject of service animals. Some interesting excerpts: Airlines are permitted to deny transport to a service dog if it: -Violates safety requirements - e.g., too large or heavy to be accommodated in the cabin; -Poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others Airlines can determine whether an animal is a service animal or pet by: -Asking an individual with a disability if the animal is required to accompany the passenger because of a disability and what work or task the animal has been trained to perform; -Looking for physical indicators such as the presence of a harness or vests; -Looking to see if the animal is harnessed, leashed, or otherwise tethered; and -**Observing the behavior of the animal.** [https://www.transportation.gov/individuals/aviation-consumer-protection/service-animals](https://www.transportation.gov/individuals/aviation-consumer-protection/service-animals) I highlighted "observing the behavior of the animal" because, as a UA FA confirmed in another post in thread, UA personnel most certainly CAN recognize a fake service animal.


Bruh this dog needs to pay for a seat.


So we can't put a small bag at our feet in the bulkhead but apparently we can put a large dog?


Should be powered down and placed in the overhead bin


If I designate myself as a service animal for my wife and kids (kind of sort of am) and sit on the floor, can I fly for free? I'll wear a vest and patch and everything.


This is getting out of hand…




No, they didn't. I'm sure many dog owners would vote for this because of entitlement though


The fact that this persona cannot control their pet is proof that it is a pet.


Put your legs up on the dog like an ottoman


I like dogs and all but getting white hair all over me would piss me off




I hate seeing these posts. Total BS, get a flight attendant immediately.


10/10 not a service dog, but a person abusing the system


Yes absolutely complain. A real service dog will not do this as they are trained to sit AT their owners feet


Did you let the FA know before the doors closed? I am a doggy mom and love dogs. But I’m also a flight attendant and technically the service dog can’t be in the aisle or take up any of the floor space of other travelers. The gate agent would have probably came on and explained everything to the passenger and take it from there. You should call customer service. I’m sure you’ll get some miles or a credit.


You can tell a service animal a mile away


All nice unless one is violently allergic to dogs.


proper service dogs are trained to tuck under their owners seat or feet regardless of size, and would not be bringing a comfort toy. Welcome to a fake service dog, lodge a complaint get some free miles. Next time call the stewardess so the dog gets flagged to have its credentials checked again. Book a flight to an area having a big dog show or competition and you'll be shocked at the number of "service dogs"


Yeah seems like there is plenty of room for the dog to move left and be in the owners space instead of OP’s space.


100% NOT a service animal 👎


This is my nightmare on an airplane. Not because of the legroom but because I have airborne allergies to dogs. Did you get warning and the chance to move? Having a dog this close without warning to take an allergy pill at least an hour before the flight would mean hard time breathing and painful eyes until I could take a shower and wash the dog danger off me. That being said, I fly a lot and have yet have this happen. I dread the day.


i mean you could ask the flight attendant to move you but if there aren't any available seats there's nothing you can do


The dog shouldn’t occupy leg room of other passengers. It is in the rules


And an actual service dog would not. This dog is not adequately trained


Which just proves it is not a legitimate service dog…a legitimate service dog would be trained.


I think it’s mostly user error. This dog is too large to fit leg space of 1 passenger in bulkhead, as there is no room under the seat in front. The solution was either travel with someone or get non-bulkhead seat


“Service” dog, doubtful. I would complain, the airlines have let this bullshit get out of control.


Ppl need to stop being polite about untrained, obv un-service dogs invading public spaces. By all means try to get some compensation, but next time raise the issue as it's happening. That dummy should have crated her mongrel.


Yes you should give feedback!!


A service dog would know better than this


Absolutely. But you should just not have allowed it to begin with. No FA would support the owner.


I have a service dog and both first class seats would be purchased by me.


Of course you should complain. Why wouldn't you complain?


Thats wild, service dogs know how to curl up and follow orders.


I would. That is YOUR space.


I'm not going to read through the many posts, but a SVAN is required to remain in the owner's area. Clearly a violation and you should certainly complain.


I would absolutely flip out


So the dog was not in their leg space? I’m yeah. Move your dog!!!


Real service dog- I wouldn’t say anything. Somebody who paid $25 for a vest, I’d complain and ask for mucho miles.


I would complain. The whole bullshit service dog thing is getting out of hand. I feel bad for people with real service dogs.


To be clear I do not need to use a service dog. That being said, those that do need them should have them. The real conversation should not be about legroom or restaurants.... It should be about those people who are abusing what is a right for those who are truly disabled, because they are selfish and are thinking only about themselves and what works best for them. There should absolutely be documentation for service dogs. .... Not to be petty but so that it remains a tool for those who truly need it. People who tried to pass off their pet as service dogs are doing a disservice to those who are truly in need. As it becomes more and more of a problem, businesses and public places are going to start to place restrictions where they can because it does become a liability and their responsibility when a phony service dog creates a problem inside their business. We might not be there yet but we will get there. Shame on those people who are so selfish and pass off their fake service dogs who wreak havoc and make it difficult for those who actually need them. This should be the conversation, And those who truly need a service dog shoud lobby for there to be stringent steps to get that documentation!




>It’s really the airlines’ fault. It's really Congress's fault for not updating the law once emotional support animals became a thing.


Yes that’s atrocious and unsafe. Your leg space should be unimpeded if you needed to evacuate due to an emergency.


Hell yeah. And if anyone asks, where will the dog go? Simple answer. Not my problem.


This is absolutely disgusting. People lie about their service dogs and then put their nasty dogs on the plane to ruin it for everyone. I’m allergic to dogs and nobody seems to care about people with allergies or who have phobias of dogs. Only the people who are lying about them actually being service dogs.20 years ago, you might see one in a year Travel now you see all these damn dogs every day. Something needs to be done.


Move it yourself and then urinate on the owner to establish dominance.


I have a service dog and fly first class and my husband and I have both seats. If I were to fly alone, I would purchase the additional seat so this would not happen.


I would use it as a foot rest


Why on earth would you complain to a crew member when you could just have a conversation with the person that’s 10” inches from you? You should put your phone down and have a polite but direct conversation with the passenger next to you and ask them if there’s enough room between their seat and the bulkhead for their service animal to sit/lay down. They probably will get the hint without explanation but if they seem confused you could explain you booked your seat for the additional leg room and just need to be able to extend without worrying about bumping up against their service animal and startling them. I’m sorry to be blunt but I’m tired of seeing these posts “asking for advice” on non-issues just because it’s something that happened on a plane. And here you are, complaining about a service animal when you literally booked a bulkhead seat which by the way is primarily meant to accommodate those with disabilities or physical limitations. Regardless: the response is the same in literally all situations. Is the person calm? Try to handle it yourself respectfully but directly - establish your boundaries. Is the person intoxicated or belligerent? Don’t attempt to handle it yourself at all and alert the crew.


That’s the vest they give you from that one scam website. I have a service dog, and the first flight with them can be a challenge, but the dog shouldn’t be in your space.


Not ok and they need to start fixing the service dog problem- most of these ppl are lying. There needs to be real liscensing and airlines needs to ban anyone without a service pet liscence. I hate ppl who lie about this kind of shit, they are the worst people. Also the dog shouldn’t be fully in your legroom area. The owner is clearly a pos and didn’t even move their dog and respect those around them, but what do you expect from someone who lies about having a disability to get special treatment.


Service dog my ass


Why would this upset anyone? I’d be ecstatic


If theY allowed me to play with the dog and pet him I wouldn't mind lol.


Can I pet that dog


I’d pay extra to sit with the dog


Complain … all the people saying you shouldn’t are not being considerate at all. People have allergies, some fear dogs, or they just don’t want a damn dog in their leg space.


If I didn't like dogs, I would complain loudly, ask to be reseated, insist on compensation (like a refund of your flight payment, or enough miles to be the equivalent of the cost of the flight). But me, I would have had the dog draped all over me for the entire flight, other than takeoff and landing.


I’m sure it became a service dog soon as the Amazon dude showed up with its vest 🤣




Love dogs, not allergic, but I would summon an FA and tell them you are allergic. Prior to this, would definitely politely ask the owner to keep the dog in their own space. Period.


if you tell them you’re allergic, you’ll probably end up being taken off the plane and put on the next flight, especially considering most flights are at or near capacity these days.


Yes, complain loudly


Yes—what if you are allergic to pet dander? I I experienced anaphylaxis from cats at a friend’s place before. It’s pretty insensitive of the other passenger.


Shit like this makes me hate all dog owners.


Wowowww… that is not ok




![gif](giphy|HP7mtfNa1E4CEqNbNL|downsized) I would say something here to call the SA “fake” but I’ll rather refrain my self as co owner of SA with my girlfriend


Ugh. A first class bulkhead seat has little enough legroom as it is. Not sure what the remedy would be if you did complain though?


They would tell you you can move or get on another flight. I’ve had this happen before. My PA was flying with me but not next to each other. There was a giant service dog and they had no leg room because they took up the floor. They told him there was no other seats and they would have to put him on a later flight if he could not deal with it. I had the same thing with person of size literally, his leg(?)/stomach(?) was literally laying on top of my leg/hip area. I was told the only choice I had to was leave the plane….


F yeah you should complain. There is no way I’m putting up with this nonsense


Man I wish I had a big fluffy in flight pupper surprise. My only condition is if it’s in my space I get to pat it…


Yes you should. It should be under control and not invading your space.


Service dogs are still dogs. My service dogs is trained to provide mobility support. He's trained to lay under my partners legs when she is setting or under a table when at a restaurant. We even trained him to ride escalators. But he has spent zero time on a plane.  This dog could just be terrified of a new experience that's impossible to train for without just doing it. Dogs are still dogs.  If my service dog, a Great Dane decides something is an issue it could take some time to get him to adjust. Yes if he needs to fly he we will get an extra set but he might just decide he doesn't want to do something and we need to go from there.  How he might react in a complete new situation like this were there is no easy off ramp and we would be locked in for hours keeps me up at night.   No I would not be okay or happy with him doing something like this'and not listen, but on a plane he might just say NO this is too scary right now and wtf fuck do I do?  Yes i would apologize and see if there was something I could do to .mitigate the issue but, NO it's not obvious this is not a service dog.   Most people don't actually know what a service dog is or isn't and yes there are an people who flaunt the rules and make shit much harder for the rest of us but people who assume they know better with no actuall knowledge are just as bad or worse. 


The dog's asshole is on your shoe 👞💩


I’d pay extra for this… But I’m also short and don’t need much leg room.




I'm not a dog person, so this would irritate the hell out of me and I would have been complaining to the passenger for their fake service dog being in my space. If it was a real service dog that was simply too big to only occupy space in front of their person, then so be it. After all, it could be worse; I could be blind and needing a service dog of my own. Those situations, I understand. This, however, is completely different.


Yes you should complain 1) to the owner 2) to the flight attendant 3) to the airline.


What about people allergic to animal dander and waste?


If doggo is friendly and wants pets I’m all in. Better than some moron manspreading all over me.


I don’t understand why it’s so hard for airlines to solve this. 1.) set a $25,000 penalty for lying about a service animal 2.) collect documents to certify the animal via the booking process 3.) work with a 3rd party to actually do the time consuming work of verification  4.) 3rd party gets a small per verification fee and X% of the penalty collected.


I would be annoyed.


Yes, please, let's get them banned.


I always wonder about the authenticity of these service animals. That being said, given some of the stories of seatmates on these travel and airline subs, the dog was probably a better seatmate! But I do think you are entitled to the legroom you paid for.


why not just ask the person to move their dog to their space? Or ask the flight attendant to handle it? seems simple enough. Not that complicated.


100% I would complain. I had to deal with this several years ago on a flight from Houston to Frankfurt, and it wasn't even a service dog. I know some people love dogs, but I do not want to deal with a dog under my feet on a flight. I understand the need for service dogs, but they should not intrude on other people's spaces. I was once on a flight to Latin America in Business Class. The woman next to me had a dog with her (not service). She put down a pad and let the dog do it's business right there in the middle of us.


Instant footrest and if Karen complains tell them to move it out of your space


This is a tough predicament. Although I love dogs, my son is quite allergic to dogs and cats. Usually knocks him out of service for 24 hours after a close interaction. How do you balance the needs of the person needing the service dog versus my son’s needs?


I once had someone with their "service dog" come into the store I worked at for a harness fitting. It was one of those small dogs that would bounce when it barked. The dog tried to bite me. Entitled people who try to pass off their beloved pet as a service dog are ruining it for those who truly need them.


Why is service dog in quotes? You don't believe it's a service dog?


Hmmm, on the one hand, I love my leg room, especially if I have paid for it, but on the other hand...a DOG with his Lambie!!!!


It’s like asking to complain about someone’s oxygen tank is in your space 😆 I’d understand if it were an ‘emotional support’ dog. But service animals help with life/death stuff.


I'd pay extra for that


Fluffy leg rest.


They always sit service animals at the bulk head. This is their policy so please don’t blame the owner or especially the dog who has nowhere to go.


Some people have medical issues like DVT and it is really important to stretch your legs to reduce it. And it is more comfortable to do so. Absolutely, say something or gently stretch your legs out and maybe you are lucky and the puppy takes a nap on your stinkfoot.


I love DOGS! But as a 6’5” human, I wouldn’t be happy about this dog sitting in my space. The human owner of this dog needs to figure out a better arrangement than just buying a vest and acting as if their dog is not their own problem.


I’d complain. I’m allergic to dogs, and don’t want dogs shedding on my clothing. Also, you paid for your space. Why wasn’t the dog in their owner’s space? I’d be saying something to the owner and complaining. Not everyone likes dogs or is able to be around a dog, much less like having the dog taking up their space in a very cramped area.


I love dogs, have several, and face my own mental health challenges. I would be \*mortified\* to bring a dog that size on a plane without buying it its own seat for space. Just inconsiderate of others, and a safety hazard without its own dedicated space. Would complain.




I wouldn’t. He looks like a sweetheart. But you do you.


You do not know if this is a service dog or not. There is not one type of service dog.


Yes. You paid for your seat


How do you know it’s a fake? Listen, I have been around the SD space for over a decade and currently live with one. I’ve traveled with it and had similar issues as well, although they’re not quite as big. I’ve seen amazing GSDs that are SDs, Rottweilers who were medical alert dogs, and a malamute that was a seizure alert dog. All program trained and all who have flown - none would have fit underneath the seat and have to ride bulkhead. Sometimes they encroach on another passenger. So what do you do in this case? Do you force the person to upgrade to a F seat? What about single class LCC and ULCCs? What about regionals? Should disabled people not fly? Like look. I get it - I see fake SDs quite a bit too. I also travel a shit ton and am a pilot (not for UA) and it sucks. There needs to be a better system for sure. But what should a disabled person do when they have a trained seizure alert dog which likely has cost them thousands in training and maybe has had a previous dog or three that has washed out of the program? Should they wait for a corgi? A Pom? Should we charge them for a row or a business class seat? Truth is that there’s no solution. But I also wouldn’t always jump to a conclusion that they’re not an SD. I’ll finish my lengthy rant with a story. I was dog training and saw a malamute aggressively pawing at their owner. The owner got off of their chair and on the ground. They seized for a while as the trainer came to their aid to just make sure they didn’t hit anything. Then it was fine. Turns out it was a SD team who were there to train. I never knew it. You wouldn’t either.


I find this extremely aggravating. I am not a dog person and would not like to have a dog at my feet like that. I had a dog situation happening to me once. When I saw the person beside me had a dog, I politely but firmly told the FA I did not want to travel with a dog by my side or at my feet. I would prefer to deplane. She asked around if anyone would like to exchange seats. A lady who loves dogs swapped places with me. Good for her. I got some looks but didn't have to tolerate the dog. I am happy.


The FAA needs to make a freaking change when it comes to Service Dogs, or emotional support animals. Anyone can buy a vest from Amazon and say this is my service dog. I had a patient at the VA bring his cat in saying he got a vest for his cat and doesn't need the service.


Hell yes!! You paid for that leg space.


This isn’t a real service dog. Service dogs don’t have accessible toys like that lambchop doll


They really need to tighten rules for “service dogs”. It’s out of hand.


I’d want nothing to do with a strangers dog at my feet during a flight. I’d seriously complain.




Fuck these people passing off their sweet pups as service animals. Sorry for the rant but it’s out of control on flights for sure with their fake service dogs. FAs need to control… need consistency from everyone. And yes I’m a dog lover… we have two very well behaved and I wouldn’t try and pass either off as a service animal. We had a pup we picked up from our breeder and got bitched at by the FA for having the carrier open slightly to give pats/treats, and we paid for the dog to be there…in FC so no one else was interfered with etc. Be ultra strict with the sweet 6 week old pup that wasn’t bothering anyone, yet let a “service” dog lounge where they want. End rant.


I hate ppl who abuse the service dog excuse


No dogs on plane unless you’re blind.


That sux


This isn't a question of if or isn't the animal a service animal. This is a question as to why Airlines create and enforce a policy requiring people to fabricate the details just to travel with an animal.  Not that I'm advocating for unruly animals traveling on planes, but I'd rather travel with a pack of unruly dogs than the one person on the plane that's bothered by dogs. Take a fuckin Benadryl and got sleep if you're that inconvenienced.