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Whole life order. Pretty much maximum punishment we do. Good. Now let's look into the [folks that enabled her.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-66569258)


Yes please! This needs to go all the way to the top.


One the most harrowing and evil murderers in modern British History. To abuse her power as a neonatal nurse by attacking the most vulnerable patients, some only days old is true evil.


They need to fully Investigate and charge the incompetent nhs leaders.


How on earth did nobody suspect things when babies that were removed from her care improved and then got worse the second she got them back. The whole thing is a mess.


The staff did suspect things - the nurses, the registrars and the consultants. But the executives of the hospital covered it up and downplayed it, even going as far as to force other staff to apologise to the murderer.


Hardly surprising. Shame the state will have to spend so much money on her for the rest of her life though. Nitpick: some whole life order prisoners do eventually get released, but only in exceptional circumstances (eg, terminal illness) and not for very long.


That was the only outcome that could ever apply to this situation. Sentencing is just a matter of formality in this case. Those who ignored warnings should be looked into. Whether through ignorance, incompetence, or exhaustion, there were several missed warnings that consequently enabled her to keep killing and doing harm long after it should've been stopped. There needs to be a culture shift for whistleblowers and concerns raised that actually investigate them, instead of sweeping things under the rug in the hopes the problem goes away quietly.


Watching the judges summary and conclusion, I don’t think there was any other choice but a whole life order. What a horrific ordeal this person has inflicted on those babies and loved ones.


I get the feeling that it won't add up to much time when all is said and done.




Huh? A whole-life order is literally as it sounds. She will die in prison.


I think they mean she won't live very long.


Now the witch hunt will begins for anyone even remotely connected. Not that serial killers have ever been master sociopaths and manipulators. A very evil woman that should count herself luck she is not in my nation where capital punishment is still a thing.




Yes I can. Death is over quickly. In.prison she has a lifetime of freedom taken away that she has to experience. Plus, in broader terms capital punishment is more expensive, and not a deterrent.


Yup. I'd much rather die quickly than spend potentially 50 years in prison.