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50% of people are going to say "my guy" The other 50% will call for the death penalty No in-between


It's the Lib Dems, no one gives a shit.


Only when they lie about who was behind the wheel.


Well you’ve sucked all the fun out of this haven’t you


You forgot the other 50%: “Who?”


Welcome to modern discourse!


This thread is the modern discourse. The person who started the thread whinging about some people he imagined and their imaginary opinions, and it not reflecting the actual reality of what is happening, getting upvoted to the top because people love a whinger and want to whinge themselves.






Thank god he didn't throw a milkshake and kill millions.


50 being the attainable limit and all.


Nah, just crush his car.




**Removed/tempban**. This contained a call/advocation of violence which is prohibited by the content policy.


He howled for Suella Braverman to be fired when she was caught speeding, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander [https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/people-in-power-dont-act-with-integrity-ed-davey-denounces-suella-braverman-amid/](https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/people-in-power-dont-act-with-integrity-ed-davey-denounces-suella-braverman-amid/)


"Davey's comments follow suggestions *that Ms Braverman misused her position*, after a speeding incident allegedly ***saw her ask Home Office staff for help in organising a one-to-one driving awareness course.***" Perhaps try reading your own source next time.


“Davey's comments follow suggestions that Ms Braverman misused her position, after a speeding incident allegedly saw her ask Home Office staff for help in organising a one-to-one driving awareness course.” That’s what he holed her up on, not the speeding.


Redditors read their own sources challenge (impossible)


>He howled for Suella Braverman to be fired when she was caught speeding, No, he called for her to be fired because she abused her position as home secretary to mess with how the speeding fine would be dealt with.


73 in a temp 60. Easy to miss. I’ve seen much worse going up and down there. Should really address the quality of driving on our motorways though. Far too many knobheads going 85+ and tailgating with no regards to other life.


Not submitting his details isn't though.


That’s obviously stupid but not quite so heinous


Yeah, but the fact that he is unable to pay the fine correct, that makes you wonder he would be a good PM. Not that there is a chance of that happening anyway.


Nothing especially dangerous about driving 85. Tailgating on the other hand.




Yeah what even are braking distances and crash testing specs for


lololol survivability isn’t going to change much at an 70 vs 85 crash


Kinetic energy is proportional to the square of the velocity. At 85mph you have about 47% more kinetic energy than at 70mph. That's a huge difference in outcomes, especially when all the safety systems are designed for 70mph (barriers as well as the car itself).


agree with the physics disagree with the conclusion, don't you think it'd be silly if all the road safety stuff only worked if people didn't speed?


Yes the safety systems will still work to some degree, but they won't be as effective. When I say outcomes I'm talking probabilities. The chance of a worse outcome increases the further over the speed limit you go. If the systems haven't been tested at those speeds you've no idea when they may fail. Think of a crane, it doesn't fail the moment you add 1g over the safe working load, but the more weight your add the greater the chance of failure.


Lololol yea it will and you’ll be going much faster on collision regeardless of whether or not you brake


Sounds like an innocent enough mistake. A little bit embarrassing for a political leader to not read a form, perhaps, but that's about it. Nothing in comparison to the controversies from other parties as of late.


Sure. But if he’s too busy not being Prime Minister to fill out a form properly, he doesn’t seem the right guy to take on the additional work of running the entire country. Maybe he should step aside for someone a little more organised. Or at least someone who can hire an aide that’s a little more organised.


> Maybe he should step aside for someone a little more organised. Or at least someone who can hire an aide that’s a little more organised. So you're going back to the pre-Chequers idea that someone is only capable of being Prime Minister if they're rich enough?


The public pay for Ministerial Aides. They are civil servants who lift administrative tasks away from the minister so they can focus on their role. So no. I’m not suggesting you need a fucking butler in order to hold a ministerial position. You’ve never needed that.


Ed Davey isn't a government minister.


Tbf, he's not really going for PM. He might say he is but really the Lib Dems would be happy with 30 seats


If anything slightly speeding on the motorway reads as another of his whacky escapades.


If it was a tory, he would have got away with it or told some lie to get out of it and the press would present the lie as fact.


Or tried to arrange a 1-to-1 speed awareness course to avoid having to mix with the commoners, like Braverman did. [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-65667714](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-65667714)


‘Oopsie Doopsie, I’m a silly billy’ — Ed Davey (Libs +2)


Not even the highway authority can stop the Lib Dem surge.


Most damning thing here is cocking it up so it had to go to court. Sir Ed, if you cannot follow basic instructions, are you really fit for public office?


Wants to run the country, can’t fill in a basic form. Top man.


Well he's a liberal democrat so he can't want to run the country *that* much.


Winning comment


He'll fit right in...


The forms are for the proles, not for the chosen ones.


That temp 60 on the M1 is a massive money spinner. The stretch near Luton is always a mess.


It's usually 40 going south around J11. Very rarely above that


He is now described as 'thrill seeking' with a speeding conviction. He's having his best election campaign to date!


Going 73 is completely different from going 70. The feeling of speed is beyond words. /s


73 mph in a temporary 60 zone. I'm guessing he didn't see the posted reduction.


Then add careless driving to the charge 😂


Tbf it's hard not to speed with the countless miles of 50 limits on there at the moment


The jovial fun with which Sir Ed is treating this election is a joy to behold. He’s clearly having great fun


Not even temporary speed limits can stop the Lib Dem surge


I love how they have to preface the headline by saying Lib Dem leader because nobody knows who Ed Davey is.


So now we have our own convicted felon wanting to lead the country!


This guy is having the most fun election campaign of all time


People who fuck up legal documents when they're "super busy" are *exactly* who we want in government.


No no no no-look what happened to the Post Office


What happened at the post office was more because private prosecutions are a thing...


Not in Scotland, all prosecutions done by the Crown Office. One of Humza' Useless last acts was to whine because Westminster weren't going to include Scottish convictions in the bill to overturn sub post master Horizon related convictions. Even though criminal justice is a devolved power as we literally have a different legal body, the Crown Office instead of the CPS. You couldn't make it up. Humza truly was a clown of a politician.


lol we haven’t see this guy in years and now he’s doing silly shit like this. Definitely been told to get out more.


If only there was something in the car that could tell him how fast he was going.


Too busy to read a form, too busy to look into Alan Bates case… sensing a pattern that he likes his busy work.


So no doubt every interview will focus on that instead of Lib Dem policy and ask him if he’s ashamed of his minor infraction.


This twat gives off creepy uncle vibes. Can’t stand his constant attempts to look ‘hip’. Embarrassing.


Can't complete a simple form for an offense he committed but wants trusted to run thr country? This is why the lib dems aren't taken seriously. People may think it's fun having this walking meme. I'm concerned how many are stupid enough to fall for it.


Lots of damaging things coming out about non-tories right about now. I wonder if that’s got anything to do with this upcoming election they’re terrified of losing


These Lib Dem election stunts are starting to get weird.