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I do very much wonder why no social workers or police officers, who actively colluded with these gangs, have been prosecuted, publicly named and shamed, and imprisoned


Oh you just dont understand they couldnt do anything because they were just so afraid of being labelled racist by the politically correct/woke mob! *Microwaves HDD, burns photos, fills basement with concrete.*


I believe the correct term is "wokerati".


The wokemasons at it again.


You'd have to prove they "actively colluded", which might be easier said than done.




It's not always this place, but it is fairly frequently.


Can I just point out before this devolves into hundreds of comments about immigration - The Jay Report, so many years ago now, was very concerned that such "slips" in the child protective services seem almost endemic. We have these systems and institutions that are supposed to protect and care for these children the same as a parent. At best these services are abjectly failing in that task, in the worst instances members of the services were directly involved in pimping their wards out. For all the *years* we have spent talking about the ethnicity of the perpetrators, how much attention and effort has been focused on reforming the care, protective, and police services who very evidently did not give a singular fuck about the wellbeing or safety of any of these children?


Actually quite a lot of time and effort has been spent improving care and policing for vulnerable children. Philomena protocols are one simple example, trauma informed practice, reduced size of group living homes. Some local authorities are considerably better than others, but the attention has been there and considerable improvements made.


> Some local authorities are considerably better than others Which is in itself an issue really. Safeguarding shouldn't be a postcode lottery


100%. I work with NHS trusts around the whole country & there are some areas where neglect does not reach threshold for social services. So if you live in a deprived area, you're not going to get any help because every child is just as badly neglected. I've even seen it in the same local authority. Kids of bankers with stay at home wine mums get flagged extremely early for neglect, but Irish traveller kids never do.


Oh, yes, definitely. There’s still a lot of room for improvement, but the point is that those areas haven’t exactly gone unscrutinised or unchanged, which seemed to be the suggestion that I was challenging. I work in a residential children’s home and even in the five years I’ve been there I have seen tightening up of safeguarding. The children in care that I’ve been around are safeguarded as well as any reasonable person would expect.


>how much attention and effort has been focused on Very little, because the primary objective of the usual bunch is to reduce immigration, not to protect children.

