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Ah, man, nationally distributed food item is one of my favourite food items :(


Not quite as high on the list as Corpse Starch, but close!


Thank you for making me realise that all the recent chaos and decline is just us sliding slightly faster towards living in the 40k universe


I am a bit worried that our government is nowhere near as efficient as the Imperium.


Young blood for the triple lock blood god!


Skulls for the national service throne!


Where are all the Nurgles at to feast on the gut rot and decay?


Hive Cities FTW


Well, that's the housing crisis sorted!


Horus has a plan for the housing crisis!


Coming soon from Black Library: "The Housing Heresy"


You sure about the coming soon part? Feels like we are already living the grimdark future.


Fair point!. I do find it amusing that it took GW twice as long as the entire heresy just to release the full series of books.


I was always under the assumption that the original plan for the HH was a more limited series of books, but it's popularity made them rethink that. Hopefully the scouring next


You want acid rivers full of human filth? London turning into a hive city while the rest of the country is left to rot? We're nearly there! If you want Albia, just vote for another term of the Unspeakable King (tories) and we'll be there in no time :)


It's grim, but it's not GrimDark. Not yet.


yeah totally, "[everything's coming up millhouse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M67E9mpwBpM)" ...


Emperor Sunak protects.


He really puts the ‘corpse’ into Corpse Emperor.




I GoT this reference!!


I love seeing 40k references in the wild.


Damn, I was having nationally distributed food item and chips for dinner.


Just leave the nationally distributed food item at the side of your plate and eat the chips.


I hope it’s not **nutrients**, my mother makes **nutrients** for my breakfast. **They are my favourite.**


I prefer Government mandated flavour #34


Could be this from yesterday. https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2024/06/uncommon-e-coli-outbreak-in-uk-linked-to-beef/ TL;DR Mince beef I stand corrected. They story is from a couple of years ago....It seems strange that the story was released yesterday


Thanks, its not just mince but also beef burgers. With no suggestion about the supplier, batch number, best before date etc.


Isn't that from June 2023?


Ofally good.


The outbreak linked to beef was a year ago, and was a different strain.




Number one in North Korea


I even read it to see if it mentioned anything in particular, but nope.


Yea, locally distributed equivalent food item just doesn’t hit the same spot.


Are you buying own brand or generic nationally distributed food item?


Oh absolutely. I love .


I’m have nationally distributed food item in my kitchen right now!!


It’s making me hungry


It’s the tastiest of distributed food items


Worth noting that the headline isn't being clickbaity, they just haven't identified the cause yet and it's likely to be linked to some sort of nationally distributed food item


Yeah I suppose they’ll have to log what every patient has eaten in the last week and look for the patterns.


Is there some memory-jogging techniques that we have for these situations? I can't remember what I ate last night let alone the past two weeks.


They’ll go through your rubbish bins and purchasing history if they need to.


Can someone see what products I've bought even if it's £xx.xx paid to Morrisons etc on a bank statement..?


I can only guess it’d be more to see at what time and what store you went to, then head to the store to get a transaction history.


they can go to Morrisons and check their records. Everything you bought in that transaction will be recorded.


I'm sure Morrisons can if they want to.


If you have a loyalty card the store can pull up a list of everything you have bought ever.


Morrisons know, I once called them about a rotten steak I bought. Without me having used a morrisons card, only with my name and which store he confirmed the purchase and issued a refund back to the same card without any other details.


I used transaction systems 15 years ago, we could search your card number and pull every item bought in our store since the records started. Used it in extenuating circumstances for refunds. Nowadays it's all on your rewards card, not as confidential to use and lists the same data.


So I think I’m actually one of these cases, I’ve been sent a form from my local environmental health asking if I have any supermarket loyalty cards and if so can I provide the number and do they have consent to contact the supermarket.


Any thoughts on what it might've been?


I’m not sure, everything I ate before I got sick someone else had the same meal as me (To the best of my knowledge anyway). But I do eat a lot of chicken and I only buy from Tesco so that’s my best bet.


I think my 3 year old has it now ... I assumed the diarrhoea and fever were just one of the run of the mill plagues from nursery school - nobody else has it and he doesn't eat anything different to me or his siblings I can't tell you what we've eaten though - I can't even remember what was for breakfast Edit Side note I typically shop in Asda and Aldi but I did do a Tesco shop just before he got ill I'm sure all I bought was milk, ham, cocktail sausages, crisps and cat food


I’ve not been eating much cat food recently; but everything else I do normally snaffle in an average week


Ahhh you're missing out only the best line caught salmon in my cat's food according to the label


Well, colour me surprised. I was feeling a slight irritation building in me thinking the news was being click baity about a public health concern. Though, it wouldn't surprise me... P.s. I was gonna just delete the comment before posting, but in writing this, I've just realised I've been spelling surprised wrong my entire life as "suprised". So maybe I was meant to comment after all....


If you are under 10 years old, this is entirely forgivable.


Sorry, I mean fogivable.


Quelle surprise...


So, should we stop consuming all food items as a precaution? For the foreseeable future?


only nationally distributed ones, my local butcher's bacon in my local bakery bread has finally proved the worth of shopping, well... locally.


It's local food for local people, from now on.


Fasting every now and then is good for most


It will be bagged salad.


Yeah, I avoided it like the plague when I was pregnant for that very reason - it's always bloody salad!


It's always packaged salad


Please don’t say this, read this announcement while eating bagged salad 😞


Or at least, they haven't identified it with enough certainty or specificity to say it publicly. I'd bet they have a few suspected possibilities. But saying something like "we think it's a Tesco product", or saying something specific and being wrong, would cause chaos.


This is the very definition of a clickbait headline. the headline should have been "Urgent health warning after E.coli outbreak linked to unidentified nationally distributed food item'"


It's meat. It's going to be meat. It's always meat.


Apart from the time it was cheese. Or lettuce. No one ever suspects lettuce. 


Oh gid, what has Liz Truss done now?


Bags of lettuce are the worst e coli culprits


Burger King foot lettuce?


Except when it's lettuce, which has been linked to dozens of e coli outbreaks


My money is on a salad item, personally. Lettuce, probably.


It is clickbaity. If they didn't want it to be clickbaity, the title would have been: Urgent health warning after E.coli outbreak linked to an unidentified nationally distributed food item. Omitting the fact that it hasn't been identified yet is just clickbait by omission.


They should include unidentified in the title then


At this point the UK is literally a floating island of faeces and disease.  


Jesus, feeling melodramatic today?


Hard not to when you live in a country full of faeces, rain, cold weather and disease.


With all of its issues, it’s hardly what you’re describing it as. If you think the U.K. is the country of faeces and disease, you wouldn’t survive a day in most other countries that are not considered first world.


We must have reached a very bad point when we start comparing the UK to third world countries instead of European countries. 


It’s wild, isn’t it. I’ve noticed this too, we’ve gone from “we’re the sixth richest country in the world and have a veto power in the EU” to “what are you complaining about? You could live in Ethiopia!” God forbid anyone complain about things that are objectively worth complaining about. E-coli in food and water causing outbreaks is really not something that should be happening in a developed country.


Some European countries are developing/third world countries tho


Which European country do you regard as 3rd world?


They probably still think Eastern Europe is ‘third world’, despite most countries there having a better quality of life than the UK


yeah, us :L


>you wouldn’t survive a day in most other countries that are not considered first world. The fact that your only comparison is with THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES. We are a developed first world country that is slipping down into oblivion


“How dare he deviate from the standard tactic of silently enduring the misery.”


I mean, they're not completely wrong at the moment.


yeah how dare they take their head out of the ~~shit~~ sand for a second! /s


I mean back like the good old days then, guess the Tories did do what their supporters wanted.


Tectonically the whole world is floating, covered in bacteria and has likely been defecated on every square mm by some organism. Nothing new to see here.


>floating Bit optimistic


Ok great, so avoid eating because it might be infected with e.coli, and avoid drinking water because it might be infected with shit.


Welcome to the UK. At least we can enjoy the glorious weather


Can't go outside cos mutant bird flu


At leest we av are SOVRENTY


Or just break open the canned baked beans emergency rations. They are unlikely to be affected.


Yeah but then you'd have to eat canned baked beans.


Wait... are there non-canned baked beans? I mean, aside from the overpriced plastic tubs.


You can make your own baked beans, you know. They didn't just discover them in a can one day.


Fake news. Source: I worked four summers harvesting the baked bean can trees in Lincolnshire.


Taking our country back (to the dark ages)


Username checks out


I think it's more useful to link to the source. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/e-coli-advice-issued-amid-rise-in-cases > The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), together with public health agencies in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, are investigating an increase in the number of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) cases in the UK in recent weeks.


Wales Online says its from Minced Beef.


The Wales Online article is referring to an outbreak that happened last year.


I'm confident this is partly owed to the disgusting trend in recent years of many places serving medium rare burgers. >coli on the surface can be transferred to the inside of the meat. This is why ground meat and mechanically tenderized meat are more likely to cause illness than whole cuts of meat. E. coli can be killed if the meat is cooked thoroughly *healthlinkbc.ca*


I used to work in the kitchen of one of those places. With all of the safety regulations in place, all the way from farm to table, you'd be less likely to get e coli from one of our medium rare burgers than using mince from a supermarket in a dish, which would be more well cooked.


Also more likely to get it from the salad than the meat...


There's nothing wrong with that if you have fresh beef and good farming practices. They've been doing it like that 'on the continent' for yonks. Best burger I've ever had was a medium rare one in France!


It's dangerous because if there's any contamination on the outside of the cut of meat then it gets spread throughout the whole batch. You'd need to know that it's been free from shit and all sources of contamination, and you almost certainly won't know that.


This a false commonly regurgitated cliche. The UK and EU have higher meat safety practices than the US, and its perfectly safe to make a medium rare burger provided that you make it properly and safely. Thus, its not recommended to do, but it is a perfectly safe thing to do if done properly, and some restaurants are allowed to do it provided that they follow the correct procedures.


It's regulated - there are equivalent safety recommendations in place using certified slaughterhouses which take extra precautions to prevent the animals' own shit being spewed all over the meat. Or, you can take the outside of the steak off once in the restaurant (where there is a very low contamination risk) and then just mince the inner meat. My understanding is that this is how places that do steak tartare in the UK prepare it (and why it's so expensive...). So I suppose in absolute terms you're right that cooking meat well is the risk free approach, but for the most part - if people do their jobs right - there isn't much of a difference.


But the UKHSA ruled out the disease spreading through water, saying there was "currently no evidence linking the outbreak to open farms, drinking water or swimming in contaminated seawater, lakes or rivers." Just got to make sure we make note that it's not the rotten contaminated water spreading this one


TBF if you hear someone is extremely ill, your mind races to the sewage infested rivers now...


No money for infrastructure, only private industry.




Ah thanks for the warning, I’ll avoid NATIONALLY DISTRIBUTED FOOD ITEM from now on!




Can you be more specific about the specific measures needed?


Something like this was always on the cards sooner or later. A couple of years ago, there was a spot check of lorries and 21 out of 22 lorries had rotten or improperly stored food in them. We have all noticed a significant drop in food quality and availability since Brexshit and don't tell me it's because of the war in Ukraine. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/port-officials-siezed-illegal-products-maggot-meat-dover-raid-b1033827.html The new testing regime is a tory joke.


Article suggests not sure which items yet. Practice good hygine and don't prep food for others if you have symptoms seems to be the gist for now


Yeah, that's how I read it, but can't they give us some guidance on what it might be?


Maybe the people all ate a bunch of foods in common and they don't want to cause an unnecessary panic until they know which it was.


Our kids nursery has been closed down by the UK Health Security Agency due to this, 17 confirmed cases of this STEC 026 shiga toxin. All children and staff have been forbidden from returning until 2 negative stool samples are returned. That article states 81 cases in England, of which 17 are my kids nursery. Seems very close to home, unless the outbreak is far wider than currently advertised... Many of our submitted samples have gone missing and we haven't heard results, labs are inundated apparently and samples have been sent all over the country for testing. It's been 10 days now and we haven't been able to send our children to nursery. *If* it has entered nursery via food contamination it'll be something that Bidfood (the nurserys food provider) are likely supplying, which could be literally anything. Would be interested to hear if anyone else is impacted by this.


Are your kids okay? Where abouts are you?


They're fine, no obvious symptoms or illness. The other test results sent missing. Don't really want to post my location out online, but this is in North East england.


Glad to hear you're all okay. I guess we have to ensure everything is super cooked now.


Far more likely that the nursery has toddler standards of hygiene unsurprisingly. Infective diarrhoea will spread like wildlife in a nursery setting if one toddler with dirty hands touches the toys, which are then touched by other kids.


The nationally distributed food STEC strain is O145, so not the same one at least.


Household of 3. Just recovered from what we thought was Norovirus. All had a major fast food breakfast before being ill. The article says young adults are most likely to have it, who are also most likely to visit major fast food place. I also suppose major fast food place is nationally distributed. I have a hunch.


Ah fuck. I just had a McDonalds.


Which one? I just got ill, and I suspect KFC




Now, I can't tell if this means there's a wider KFC problem, or if some KFCs are just skanky 😂


Doesn't say what the item is, just to take extra care when prepping food.


In cases in the US it's commonly either ground beef, salad leaves (which absorb lots of water) or onions and other vegetables which are eaten raw and might be exposed to E.coli in the field.


Probably that disgusting Sainsbury’s vacuum packed mince. It has truly evil energy and I knew it would be our downfall eventually.


It's mince that becomes a slab of meat once a gain. Re-born.


Good excuse to dodge the salad and reach for the ice cream then..


> might be exposed to E.coli in the field. The fact they spread sewage on their vegetable fields as 'organic fertilizer' might be a contributor... We do the same here :-( We supposedly 'sanitize' it by waiting 3 days first or something, but IMO sewage is sewage, whether or not you wait 3 days.


that is riduculous if true because shit and piss are 100% not the only things going down into the sewers, not by along shot. I mean obviously there is numerous chemicals being poured down there everyday, so not very organic. Toilet paper contains bleach, which if you've ever put some tissue in a bottle of water and then sniffed it an hour later or more you'll literally smell the fucking bleach in there, so more chemicals adding to the "stew" Then you also have blood, vomit and cum, all natural, but by god we don't want to be putting that on our vegetables


The government has helpfully written a code of practice on how to put piss and shit and other junk on your crops: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/sewage-sludge-in-agriculture-code-of-practice/sewage-sludge-in-agriculture-code-of-practice-for-england-wales-and-northern-ireland It helpfully has things like: > If you want to grow a crop to feed to livestock before winter frosts, you must not use sludge between March and August in the year you plant the crops. > This is to stop tomato plants growing from hardy tomato seeds contained in the sludge. Adult tomato plants are toxic to livestock. If tomato seeds can survive the sludge treatment process, you can bet plenty of other pathogens do too.


Would be more than 100-odd people in the whole country if it was something like that surely?


I think the issue is that the people who are known cases are the ones who have gone to the doctor and been tested for their symptoms. There are very likely to be many more people out there who either haven't bothered going to the doctor, have had a mild case, or who haven't been tested yet.


For basically any illness, my doctor says "take some rest, drink water, and come back in 2 weeks if it isn't better". Anyone with a doctor like mine won't get tested.


I am still recovering from a pretty nasty stomach bug that I got about two weeks ago. A relative was telling me off for not going to the Dr about it but I just didn't see the point. In fairness to my Dr, they are ok, but I guess there's not much they can do unless it's bad enough for antibiotics or serious enough for admission. I am sat here wondering if I ate one too many NATIONALLY DISTRIBUTED FOOD ITEM though... I guess I'll never know now!


Minced beef has been mentioned. I was just going to start cooking minced beef.


Interesting that they've felt the need to say this even though they don't know what "nationally distributed food item" is causing it.


At a guess, they've identified that the common factor between all the patients so far is one of a number of food items. They don't want to cause alarm by potentially naming something that isn't linked at all until they've narrowed it down further.


I'm assuming it's something like that yeah, but it's obviously urgent if they're making the statement before finalising those checks.


Oh well, at least we all have our government supplied nutrient paste, we don't really need food item. My favourite paste is flavour 2, but I ran out of it and only have flavour 1 in the house. I was going to go to the government supply building and exchange my social coupons for more, but then I remembered that I couldn't drive there as owning a car is illegal because it's bad for the environment. Unfortunately the train didn't turn up either, because the track it's meant to go on still hasn't been built. I'm not greedy though, I have flavour 1 and I can survive on it; not everyone in the world is this fortunate. I will watch government channel 1 tonight to take my mind off it. I have a big day at work tomorrow, where I am very important (I do job 7 for a living).


Mmmm, paste flavour 2 🤤


Now, looking in the fridge, deciding what to have for tea feels like Russian roulette.


Does tap water count as a nationally distributed food item?


Not going to lie I thought this was another Thames water headline not a nationally distributed food item.


So could be anything, just made beef burgers, was going to have iceberg lettuce in then and for some reason at the last second I looked at the lettuce and just had an overwhelming feeling to not have any so did not, I wonder if this is how guardian angels work? I over cooked the actually beef patties so should be ok with them I hope. Anyone one know what other common food items could be infected?


Maybe a silly question, but won't washing the lettuce make it OK to eat?


No. Lettuce leaves contain lots of water which they absorb from their surroundings. If that water is contaminated, the whole leaf is contaminated and you can't wash it away.


Well I'm never eating lettuce again...


In this country it's been relatively rare as a concern because of our high food standards/quality inspections and the cleanliness of our waterways, but yeah, I wouldn't trust it too much these days. All of those memes from Americans always complaining about getting food poisoning from fast food all the time and regular annual recalls of lettuce due to contaminations? Not looking forward to importing those standards over here.


I wondered why Americans cant seem to handle taco bell without having explosive diarrhea afterwards 50% of the time. It's not very spicy food, and even then spicy food doesn't give you diarrhea just a sore hole lol


> Not looking forward to importing those standards over here. Yeah when you look at the stats for food poisoning, America is far worse than other 1st world nations. So many people die. Their food standards are awful.


Lettuce pray.


I think the last major outbreak was via lettuce


I'm Kent Brockman. On the 11:00 news tonight, a certain kind of soft drink has been found to be lethal. We won't tell you which one until after sports and the weather with Funny Sonny Storm.


As someone struggling with contamination OCD, I’m not quite sure what I’m going to be comfortable eating over the next few days/weeks until they tell us what specific food to avoid :’(


I also struggle with this a lot as well but I've been looking at some of the comments on here and people suggesting it could be lettuce or any uncooked salad stuffs, also possibly fast food, so I'm just going to avoid those. People also mentioning mince but luckily I'm vegetarian so I won't be eating that anyway. But I'm just gonna keep it bland for now so I'll pretty much just be eating Quorn nuggets and chips for the next few days until we get any confirmation 🤣 I know it will be hard but try not to worry too much (easier said than done I know) and if you need someone to talk to I'm here


I’ve never had food poisoning or similar symptoms so bad than recently. I’ve had it twice in 6 weeks but usually I go years between cases. Each occasion I ate mince for the first time in months Had mince while I was on holiday and was fine


But deep-fried Nationally Distributed Food Item is my fave dish, don't tell me I have to fall back on Non-Nationally Distributed Food Item........that tastes like shit.


Wouldn't be surprised if it's beef. There's a trend for proper burgers but our mince is a bit risky and should be thoroughly cooked, not pink. 


"Soylent Blue is in short supply, but Soylent Green is the new healthy alternative from our nutrient rich sovereign coastal waters".


A national warning, without telling us which food to avoid? Amazing...


This is so useful. Make us all worried, but apart from not buying food, what action can we do to be safe. Ridiculous.


It says so in the article: • Regularly washing your hands with warm water and soap - alcohol gels do not kill all of the bugs that cause diarrhoeal illness • Following food hygiene measures such as washing fruit and vegetables and cooking food properly • If you have diarrhoea and vomiting, you should not prepare food for others and avoid visiting people in hospitals or care homes to avoid passing on the infection • You should not return to work, school or nursery until 48 hours after your symptoms have stopped.


> The UK Health Security Agency didn't name the food item thought to be responsible for the outbreak of E.coli but it has hospitalised around 37 people in England already. That is like going to an orgy, telling people that one of them has HIV, and then not telling them who it is before leaving again. When it is hospitalising people, it should be made public exactly what it is and where it came from.


They aren't telling us because they don't know at the moment. The pattern of infection indicates it's not a local cause, but until they analyse a lot of shopping habits there's no way to tell.


You know it's almost like... And hear me out here... I know it's controversial but we should have pipes going under the ground that carry all of our waste sewage and another set of pipes go under the ground and carry the water oh and maybe when it rains the storm water should go into a separate system and all should be treated.... radical idea I know....


I need to know what this was because I was incredibly sick the last two weeks, I had to go to A and E for liquid antibiotics.


Hello , your order of has been dispatched.


**Translation:** the peasants must continue to play russian roulette with their food until we've found some way to spin this, tell them nothing.


This warning is like you may get hit by a car if you go outside, what it feels like when you get hit, how to prevent to get hit.


We've found a certain food item that's causing a severe E.Coli infection! Oh? What is it so we can avoid it? Not telling...


Just as advice has been given out to not swim in rivers until 3 days after rain, due to the increase in E.coli risk. I wouldn't be surprised if water supplies were contaminated, and this news article is just a distraction.


Atleast they've narrowed it down to a food item ... lol


Nationally Distributed Food Item production is increased thanks to our dear government! Of course some might have ecoli - this is an acceptable price to pay.


Why wont they tell us which product but warn us of an outbreak🤷‍♂️


So what are we supposed to do with this information, not eat? 


Oh shit, I've just had nationally distributed food item for tea!


I had an instant flashback to when a *single* kebab shop got a contaminated ‘elephants’s leg’ of meat (don’t know the real name for it). Three hospitals and an ambulance trust all ended up having major incidents for it. Over 160 people became ill. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/4333275.stm (Note: This is my recollection of something from nearly twenty years ago, so I may be mistaken on the cause. I’m fully remembering working through it though - absolute carnage. And that was when we had an actual working NHS)


I've been having the worst stomach pains and been wondering wtf is wrong


How can it be a health warning if they don’t tell us the dangerous food?


Luckily, I only eat locally-distributed food item. It's local food for local people. And the local butcher's "special stuff", when it's in stock...


Save yourself some time and all that scrolling to the bottom of this article to find out the source is........ Unknown. Was this just a cleaver article with billions of ads in it and no conclusion 😕


I wonder if it's linked to a powerful fast food chain and that's why they don't want to mention the item?