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Basing your reelection campaign on conscription then skipping out of a ceremony to pay respects to conscripts to focus only on yourself is an absolutely wild move


Easiest layup for the other leaders if they ever get to debate him ever


15 minutes into the debate. "Want me to call you a cab? I hear you normally leave things 15 minutes into them?" - Kier


I feel like Starmer is too polite to pull that move even though it'd be hilarious


I feel like starmer will have sharper barbs than that tbh.


There's just so much content isn't there


It's like shooting fish in a barrel at this stage...


To be fair I'm ok with him not using D-day as a political move. Should have nothing to do with politics. Sunaks actions speak louder than anything Starmer could say to him anyway.


So you don’t think war has anything to do with politics, particularly WW2?


As we all know wars are not political at all. They just manifest naturally out of thin air. The other day I was doing some shopping then randomly came under mortar fire. Really can happen at any moment.


Don’t you hate it when that happens


Things are really getting rough at Aldi these days eh.


I get your point what I was meaning was the day should be focused on those who served and died for us not used to further people's political standing.


Ffs, he means using it to gain political points you thick cunt. In that respect using a remembrance event to score cheap points is unseemly you absolute moron.


Not 2024 UK politics, massively disrespectful to those that took part in D-Day to use it for domestic politics. Sunak is badly advised and to double down, wow!


Kier "i find it easy to be ruthless" Starmer, too polite.


Starmer should set the alarm on his phone to go 15 minutes into the next debate


after that all that's left is to dab, lap of honour doing high fives to everyone and then chug a pint.


And a whiskey enema to win the Scottish vote


Whisky enema


It’d be more "Prime Minister, while you've been preoccupied with your fleeting appearances and short-term fixes, we've been here, diligently working and advocating for the long-term interests of the British people. It's time for you to commit more than just 15 minutes to the real challenges facing our country."


"Don't worry, no-one will even notice you've gone"


> Easiest layup This sub gets more American every day.


Based on every move, it seems he's seriously trying to get out of the position. Literally and not just to highlight how self-sabotaging it has all been.


It's like he wants to lose. Maybe he wants to go down in history as a PM who was responsible for the greatest, most humiliating defeat of the Torys.


Once you've been priminster you get a paycheck for life and get people paying you just to show up at events. Obviously he will want to lose. They've already fleeced the tax payer for billions. His job has been done. Now to let labour sort out the mess! Democracy woooooooooo


hes married into a family of billionaires. out of everyone, i would say hed care about that money the least


Yea, he cares about money more than you can imagine. Especially yours.


I agree


He needs it the least, but you know, he’s going to protect what he’s got. 


absolutely, but i think he does that through backhander deals and information that benefits his in-laws, rather than a parliamentary pension


The rich don't stay rich by not caring about money. Its like a pathological game of high score for them. They don't need it, but pursue it for its own sake.


Zizek makes this point well. Capitalists don't merely want to be rich for rational self interest, they make it their duty: a *real* capitalist is a slave to the increase; they experience it as an organising principle of existence.


That’s his wife’s money. I’m sure he wants his own allowance for life as well. 


Yeah! Lend us a few grand luv! Wot again? You scruff!


Cares least about his pm paycheque sure but I'm sure he's busy reshaping laws and society so his family continue to benefit


100% - ive said this elsewhere. my comment wasnt to say hes a good boi; its to say hes got way more effective ways of fleecing the country than a parliamentary pension


That'd make sense, but no, that's not how billionaires work.


I was gonna reply a massive paragraph to you, but no I'm sure you're right! ......


It's rather cruel to say the least.


It's disgusting and a fucking shame the masses are so overworked no one can stand up and take a fight without suffering harsh consequences


> just to show up at events Oh that's just the excuse for the payment...


He's had a long time bet going with Truss as to who can fuck up most grievously. She thought she had it in the bag and he's like "hold my orange juice"


Truss was epic: - Gets elected by party as PM - Queen dies during her premiership - Wreaks absolute chaos - Lettuce outlasts her - Resigns - Calls Tony Blair the worst PM ever - Refuses to elaborate further


The bit with Blair was even better than that. Rather than naming anything actually bad he did, like, I don't know, the invasion of Iraq, she instead cited the Equality act and Human Rights act lmao.


The Equality Act was in 2010... when Brown was PM not Blair.


Even worse on Truss's part then.


Have you seen the speech she gave saying it's a ["disgrace"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfkSYY3OV-s) we import cheese? She comes across as a complete idiot.


Haha I hadn't seen that one. Absurd. I can't believe her and Sunak are the people we get as PM, disgrace to this country.


What a fucking plot twist that was.


Runs for leadership after Election, wins.


The thing that I don’t understand about how catastrophically the tories imploded is they won a majority that, if they just didn’t rock the boat and did regular politicking, could have lasted them until 2030. There just wasn’t enough margin to swing voters. They then did the opposite of not rocking the boat. Feels like they tried to sink the whole island..


Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some make a great big cock-up of an election campaign.


Finally something he can win over Liz


Well he's not winning no matter what and he can't take all the blame for the loss, there's a long traditions of bad tory politicians in this government, he's just the one the one that gets to face it.


And after saying you're the party that cares about pensioners.


I mean they also claim there the party that supports the armed forces while continually fucking them so it on brand .


Seems to be a better benchmark of who Tories give a fuck about by seeing who they DON'T say they care about


Dude has booked a very expensive yacht for July 5th, and he doesn't want to have to cancel it


July is when the schools break up, swing by and pick up his kids, lose the election, go to California


> focus only on yourself 'I was assured no one would even notice'. See, it's not even his fault; he was assured he could get away with abandoning respecting conscripts by someone else, so he's completely innocent.


Thats fuck all considering each year they all go lay wreaths at the Cenotaph and say never forget yet they all love a fucking big fireworks party in the middle east. And thats before I even get started on The Covenant and how badly successive governments have treated those who've served. Its just lip service to gain likes and votes.


Especially when the country's biggest army garrison is in your constituency


This right here sums up his premiership pretty accurately. ‘All you peasants do what I tell you and die so me and my friends can benefit from your sacrifices’


It makes me think that he does not want elected and wants to live his life out in California.




**Removed/tempban**. This contained a call/advocation of violence which is prohibited by the content policy.


It's a setup. The debates will rage around his disrespect of veterans, and less on the glaring issues caused by the tories.


The mail has turned on him and the comments are brutal. People want him to resign - but they also say its just the tip of 14 years of utter crap


Agreed. He’s really not doing a good job is he


It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for him.


I'm pretty sure he has shorted the Torys. Its the only thing that can explain the ineptitude. There are polls out there that are suggesting less than 50 Tory seats. I don't believe it but I would laugh so hard if it happens 🤣


*After being questioned about his absence, Sunak told reporters, “I have a team of people who look after this sort of thing, and they explained that my distinct lack of presence and gravitas in any situation would mean I could easily slip away unnoticed.* *“Yes, this has ultimately proven to be a mistake, but now the opposition is trying to make a big thing out of me being the sort of person who calls for all young people to give a year of their lives to national service while I couldn’t give more than a few minutes or so to our fallen heroes.* *“Which is incredibly unfair. It’s entirely accurate, obviously, but also incredibly unfair because it makes me look bad during an election cycle.* *“Why can’t we all just focus on the fifteen minutes or so that I was there?”*


This is not far off what he's actually said, in fact i think I'd respect him more if he has said this.


I was actually kinda swinging a bit like hey maybe I misjudged the guy until I realised it was satire.


I did have to double check this was newsthump. Honestly hard to tell nowadays


NGL got me in first half. 


NGL. Politicians are getting dumb enough that he mostly got me.in the second half as well.


Just to make it clear, those quotes were not made by Sunak.


Thanks, satire is indistinguishable from reality atm


It's a miracle sites like newsthump or the onion haven't gone out of business.


no way


You reckon?


Such an own goal. Look smart, smile and wave. All you have to do so you can virtue signal. It's the bread and butter of a tory leader and he fucked it up.


The photo of the rest of the world leaders standing alongside David Cameron really nails how dim of a decision this was, and all Sunak did was bugger off to film an interview with ITV. Good for the rest of us that this will really rankle with older voters. That's the exact demographic that they'd be relying on to carry their campaign.


A pre-recorded interview for ITV - he could have done this literally any other time.


An interview so he could deny the allegations that he lied when claiming he got the figures for Labour tax plans from the civil service


I’m pretty sure ITV would have had a film crew there anyway!


Journalists are even questioning recording an interview a week in advance. Since it’ll be missing anything else in the campaign between now and then, which potentially includes the new manifesto.


It’s a leap year, he thought d day was a day later /s


So was 1944, so maybe that confused him… /s


I could understand him ducking out if he had a personal issue to deal with, but having planned this in advance just smacks of disrespect.


It's simply a nailed on example of his absolute lack of political nous. He's great at being in command of the details, has no awareness of the big picture. If it all wasn't so tragic, it would be quite funny how so many people now see him as even worse than his predecessor. The bar for becoming leader of the tories has now been set so low that even Nigel (I'm not a career politician) Farage believes that he's in with a shout. And do you know what...


>Good for the rest of us that this will really rankle with older voters. Not just pensioners. Even people in their 40s now will probably have had at least one grandparent who fought in WW2. I don't know what Sunak's background is in that much detail but most Brits, of any colour before anyone gets into that, will have a family connection to what happened on D Day. He's shown that he doesn't understand the country he wants to govern *at all*.


I'm 28, and my grandad and both his brothers fought in the war. One of my great uncles was one of The Few, flying spitfires during the Battle of Britain, and later joined the Dam Busters as a squadron leader. I find it truly insulting when the Tories act patriotic and try to lecture people, all whilst desecrating the country for 50 years.


Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.


Yeah - millions and millions of us have a direct family connection to WW2 - it's not just something out of a dusty history book for us.


I'm 33 and my maternal grandfather fought in the war (both of his brothers were killed - my mum still has their condolence letters from the King) and my grandmother worked in a munitions factory. Sadly they died in 1999 and 1996 respectively so I don't really remember them well 😔.


One grandfather got run down and left for dead by Nazis as a motorcycle courier in Egypt. Other one was training as a glider pilot before they pulled him out. He was a goods guard on the railway by trade, and they needed him helping to ship stuff to the coast for D Day. My Nan was an army nurse. It's how she met Grandad.


>and all Sunak did was bugger off to film an interview with ITV. If it was to deal with a disaster or attack it would have been fine. This is just daft.


He’s dealing with attack on Britain led by the Labour party!! Incredible that Keir was there, and somehow Sunak still didn’t get the memo, what a tit


older voters are more than likely already lost to Reform.


Please. Have you seen how many boomers are in those Just stop oil protests? Its like a SAGA package holiday.


“Hearing consistently now that the D-Day error has absolutely cut through to voters and is already being brought up frequently on doorsteps,” says FT executive editor [Robert Shrimsley](https://x.com/robertshrimsley/status/1799075951466479642).


"I never thought my endless culture warring would eat *my* face!"


Who would think this would cause bad publicity? Surely not the party who spent six months complaining that Corbyn looked "scruffy" at the cenotaph.


See, the mistake Jezza and Mikey Foot both made is that they turned up. Clearly, the boss move was to sack off the whole event.


> being brought up frequently on doorsteps I assume that's shorthand for "being brought up frequently by/to people campaigning"? Or has it gone down so badly that people are stood on their doorstep and asking random passers by if they've heard about Sunak's fifteen minutes of fame?


I am totally blown away his team did not see this as one of the best moments for him in the campaign, stood beside world leaders, paying respects to Normandy veterans. Its the kind of thing that spin doctors dream off. Also why in 7 hells did his team not tell him its a bad call? How did people look at this and go "yeah its not get noticed". Remember the shitstorm with Trump missing this over the rain a few years back.


BBC has said his whole campaign team is super young and inexperienced. Basically just yes men and women


Even young people would understand the importance of such an event. From Walthamstow to Warsaw... This is such an act of self harm that if I truly didn't actually believe that he and his cronies are just arrogant wankers I would be prepared to believe that he was set up by a mole. It's that level of shit-fuckery. Truly unbelievable that a senior British politician, especially one from the Conservatives would blow off a photo op with other world leaders at the memorial to fucking D-Day!!!! Like how much shit for brains do you need that you could even be hoodwinked out of attending that? Just before an election!!!!


Is that why he keeps making those shitty Tiktoks?


The reason why his team didn't stop this particularly inept thing happening is that they have been formed from years of ineptitude. Their sum total of life experience is ineptitude. They have come from the very best families, products of the very best education, and all they have seen of the adult political world is a bunch of idiots running around pissing on each other's cornflakes, then munching it all down with a smile. Wankers, the lot of em.


It’s amazing, we all know the Tories don’t care about anyone but themselves, but at least they normally try and pretend. Sunak couldn’t even be bothered to do that


Based on his previous football related blunders I’d question his ability to score even an own goal.


Who is the last Tory leader who didn’t fuck it up? Maggie? And there’s reason to say she fucked it up. If not her, then…who?


This must surely be someone inside trying to sabotage him? Don't get me wrong, I'm no Conservative voter but surely at some point someone would have said this is not a good idea to leave early. He left early to do a poxy itv interview with some journalist while David Cameron stood on the stage with world leaders for a photo op. What was he thinking. I'm glad as I don't want Rishi winning, but this must have been a sabotage.


Even if it was sabotage, surely anyone with a microgram of common sense and political sense would immediately think "Nah, the optics on that are abysmal, I'll stay for the full event and do the interview the next day." The fact that he couldn't even manage that fundamentally basic level of awareness should disqualify him from running a fucking jumble sale, let alone the entire country.


The wealthy are completely dependant on other people to do everything for them.  We’ve seen this, for centuries how monarchs become detached from even basic sense. It’s why it’s futile to expect absolutely anything of them. 


One of my favourite such stories about a duke of Blenheim, if a bit dated - worth sharing, though! > Stories to the detriment of the tenth duke abound. Simon Winchester tells a good one in his 1978 book, Their Noble Lordships. On a visit to one of his daughters, he was heard to bellow down the stairs before breakfast that his toothbrush “was not working”. It was not foaming properly, and would she kindly arrange to have a new one. “The puzzled daughter went to investigate, finding the cause immediately. Toothbrushes only foamed, she carefully explained to her father, if you applied toothpowder: the valet at Blenheim usually performed the task for His Grace each morning.” https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/11554692.lifetime-devoted-care-palace/


And that Duke of York geezer who just kept marching his men to the top of the hill and then back down again over and over again. Not sensible.


Not the biggest tactical error a Duke of York has made, tbf.


You’re right! Who walks around with pork in their trousers ffs?


Why must it have been sabotage? Everything about this government tells me they're exactly this incompetent. "Never attribute to malice that which can be just as well explained by stupidity."


Just to reinforce how unimportant the interview was, I believe it was actually prerecorded


Next in a long line of decisions where someone was missing to say "this is an awful idea".


Just to be clear for other people watching this thread: NewsThump is a satirical news website and these quotes are made up. It’s still mad that he left early after talking about conscription though


>This must surely be someone inside trying to sabotage him? They're not competent in any area, this is pretty clear now.


If nothing else, Cameron isn't this stupid and would have pointed out how bad this will look. Or, he has his own agenda here and was smirking when he agreed to step in for Sunak.


0 seats! 0 seats! 0 seats! Get them out, let the Tories burn.


The ammunition he gave everyone to undermine his conscription policy when he couldn’t be arsed to stay for the whole memorial is incredible. “My team assured me” mate you’re not asking mum on christmas if you can go upstairs to play your new fucking playstation, absolute goblin of a PM


What’s absurd is that he left early to do an interview with ITV about taxes…I’d get he would need to leave early if there was some sort of threat or an absolute emergency, but an interview….diabolical


FYI just in case, This is a satire piece. It seems a lot of the other comments may not have realised this as well. I think these satire posts should probably be banned under rule 7 during the election period, as there is enough misunderstanding and misinformation at the best of times without adding deliberate disinformation...


I knew he'd crash and burn, I'm just surprised he's managed to crash and burn on an international stage so spectacularly.


Go big or go home, I guess.


Go big *and* go home


I didn’t know a derailed train could crash! Proved me wrong.


I mean have you *seen* what he’s competing against…?


I feel he doesn’t understand the true meaning of being a prime minister and how he represents himself on the world stage. Almost as if he only became prime minister and involved in politics because his policies greatly benefit his and his family’s businesses.


They will not only notice, they will remember. I had 3 male relatives: My father and his two brothers who I never saw as they died in the war. I miss my 'unknown to me' uncles. Sunak's behaviour was despicable.


Why on earth did Cameron not advise him that the optics would look awful. I’m sure we all have certain criticisms of Cameron for various reasons but he was PM for 6 years and he knew how to present himself. At this point you have to suspect the Tories don’t want reelected or people within just really dislike Sunak.


He may well have advised him and was summarily ignored. Sunak strikes me as the kind of arrogant little oik that does what he wants.


>Why on earth did Cameron not advise him that the optics would look awful. "Funny innit?"


Bit rich for Cameron to advise against bailing early...


At this point in time, I really do think that his ‘advisors’ are playing a cruel prank on him to see just how feckless they can make him be - someone is going to win an absolute fortune on the No.10 bingo right after the election. What’s even worse is that one of his ‘advisors’ was apparently his best man at his wedding.


I mean, this is classic nepotism going horribly wrong. In the end employing your mates over competent people will always back fire in the end.


Gotta be. Only explanation I can think of for the fact he's blocking exactly the right letters in the Morrisons bread sniffing shot for it to read Moron.


Only best friends would make you look like a prat to the whole world


At this point he's surely doing this on purpose to fully decapitate the Tories for years to come. Surely no one can be this stupid, its like he really has channeled his inner Will from Inbetweeners to make the daftest moves possible


" but I was assured no one would notice! My advisors guaranteed this to me!" I even read that in wills voice hahaha


What I don’t understand is that if he wants to be done with this job, why doesn’t he just resign ?


His handlers say he can't, because whoever takes over as PM would get burned by the election loss. No Tory is going to come out of this election looking good, so he's been told to take the fall and perhaps his successor can get a clean slate. There's probably also quite a bit of deliberate "oopsies" going on because the Tory old guard absolutely hate him. There's also the bit where Sunak never really wanted to be PM, he was shoved up there because nobody else wanted the (doomed) spot, he'll be fine no matter what happens thanks to his wife. Sunak was never part of the aristocracy and they'd never let him be. He doesn't really give a shit at this point and is just going through the motions.


The morale of this sorry tale is don’t vote Tory. They are self serving and place their own survival over duty to country.


*Never* vote Tory


He has the confusion of someone who's never been told no in his life. He's petulant when a real question about himself is asked. He's a liability for public relations. No connection to the general public at all. Watching him snap back last month when asked when the election will be and he went aggressively defensive and snapped "The country doesn't want it" then and there is was clear he just isn't PM material. He can't even handle soft questions from right wing media. He's a useless debater and lacks any kind of self awareness. It's impossible to see a part of his private life or personality that is beneficial to an election campaign.


As a PM who lost the vote, got it anyway, fucked things up and is about to be out on his arse he might have wanted to avoid lots of pictures of other world leaders smirking and giving pitying looks.


Bet none of them are billionaires though so it’s not all bad


The biggest fuck up of most, if not all Tory fuckups. Couldn’t spend another hour or two trying to pretend to be human eh?


On my feed it didn't show the Satire tag, and I absolutely believed he had said this.


They can't use the "we are the party of law and order" because they'll end up being kaughed off the stage. They can't use the "Labour are the party of inflation". They can't use the "Labour will be the party of immigration, we'll sort out imigration". What's left? "We are the party that supports the armed forced". It was the only one left and they blew it.


Thousands of those who showed up for D-Day stayed for the rest of their lives. This cheap skunk is a national disgrace.


have a million upvotes


15 mins is about the attention span I'd expect from this grinning goon, so what did anyone think he was likely to be like when placed on a Ceremonial stage that he is largely clueless about?


Sunak didn’t want to be present in the final photo with Macron and Biden. Shaking hands. Well, big brains decision, to leave earlier. Bigger than an olive.


Yes, your effete callousness and disregard for that sacrifice were wiped away with that statement. You wiped your arse with the horror, pain, and suffering that took place that day. These pricks do this shit because they know it is forgotten after the news cycle for the day has turned. Despicable to say the least. That's the PM of the UK and he's a clown with money.


I gotta remember to check whether these are newsthump links or not.




Newsthump is a satire site, not real news.


Is he talking about the D-Day thing or his legacy as Prime Minister?


Who is managing his diary. They need the sack or a pat on the back


the fact he has been caught out several times on this...he keeps saying they had the itinerary for the event before the election...so surely if you knew that then, why schedule an interview during...and even have someone cancel your plans to go to the event in the first place and change it near last minute.


The man is a total cunt. Regardless of this bullshit.


Didn’t he also say he didn’t want this to be politicised when he used the time away from the ceremony to do PR for the upcoming election?


This took me by surprise. I saw live yesterday the photo op with the USA President, the French President, the German Chancellor and David Cameron!!! I said to my wife “where is the British Prime minister” I now find he had left. This is shocking. He has let the UK down and disrespected everyone. What was he thinking. Is he really British. Does he not understand how important D Day is?


The Tory supporters go on and on about the war, about how we need the blitz spirit, how we need to support 'our boys', etc. He has insulted his own fan base - except this is now the Reclaim fan base. Next move: Farage will find a way to show he supports 'our boys'.


This says it all, doesn't it? Only present for the sake of appearances, and ready to leave at the first sign he doesn't have to be present. We are ready for Labour — if Keir didn't do anything for the next few weeks, he'd still win. Sunak is doing a good job of sinking his own campaign.


God this guy is such a bellend. I don't like most of the PMs but this guy just feels like he doesn't even give a shit, like he's doing it just to say "hey I did it" Dudes already a millionaire, why not just fuck off to some island somewhere and live out his days in peace.


He spent less time at the ceremony than he spends on the can in the morning...


Surely this is parody?! He can’t be this thick, can he?


Yes to both questions.


This guy. It feels like he just wanted to become PM to add to a list of personal vanity projects, or something


This man really is a twat he could not give to fucks get him out


Happy as I am to see Sunak getting hammered over anything, the obsequiousness public figures are expected to show about this sort of thing is absurd


Just the dregs. Set up for life and has done nothing to improve society. Good riddance.


So his defence is that he didn't think he'd get caught? That's a man you want as PM "no no I only do bad things when I think I won't get caught!"


I dont think he cares. Just wants it over with so that he can get a job in a bank lobbying.


Nae chance ye wee bawbag, another Tory flaw to add to the last 14 years of suffering.


Seems like I’m the only one not surprised by this?? At some point guys, you need to understand these people simply do not care about us or the country. They are in it for themselves. We just vote for the colour of the tie.


I genuinely hope that the Tories never recover from their coming defeat. They've ruined the country.


Wanting us to conscript and then missing the memorials, got it 


Truly incredible to watch him fuck these things up time and again


The amount of people who ate the onion in this thread is embarrassing


I know right, imagine actually believing a PM would skip the 80th D-Day anniversary.


It says a lot about the prick that it took me a few lines of the article to realise it was satirical.


Never in the field of politics has so much damage been caused to so many by so few.


Is there actually any chance he could actually lose his seat in this election, or would a Blue Mannequin win in that constituency. Now that would be funny