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**Alternate Sources** Here are some potential alternate sources for the same story: * [Michael Mosley: Body found in search for missing TV presenter](https://bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c0kk9gvw8l0o), suggested by terahurts - bbc.co.uk * [Σύμη: Βρέθηκε νεκρός ο παρουσιαστής του BBC Michael Mosley - 10 μέτρα από την παραλία της Αγίας Μαρίνας](https://skai.gr/news/greece/michael-mosley-vrethike-nekros-o-agnooumenos-parousiastis-tou-bbc) - skai.gr


Absolutely gutted, I loved his shows and he was trying to do a lot of good in the world. Can’t even imagine what the family is going through.


Very sad, especially considering he was a man who spent much of his career promoting healthy living to pass away like that.


Yep, but doesn't matter how healthy you are, a heart attack, diabetes related heart problems or sun stroke can do that to you. I get the sentiment that he started walking off to go back to his room, and he become delirious got lost, and his body just packed up. Obviously we don't know yet but thats my hunch. Some diabetes symptoms can cause delirium and confusion. So can the moments prior to a heart attack. Its rare, but can happen. I think his fall or being found down a hill would of been after death, as he passed out. Just seems to fit, but thats my guess, possibly wrong. His efforts shouldn't be discarded because of his death, they still hold credibility, we are all still going to die, with or without his dietary ideas, his will make you feel better whilst doing it though.


>Yep, but doesn't matter how healthy you are, a heart attack, diabetes related heart problems or sun stroke can do that to you. Yeah. How many times have you heard of person suddenly having a world changing event? > I get the sentiment that he started walking off to go back to his room, and he become delirious got lost, and his body just packed up. Something clearly happened. I wonder if it was something as benign as slipping, possibly as a result of dehydration. It's surprising how quick it can happen; some years back I was driving a car with the top down on an Island near the Sahara. Weather was awesome, cool breeze, plenty of suncream etc, lots of water in the car. At some point it must have hit me because I essentially lost the ability to drive which nearly resulted in a trip off the road. Managed to pull over and could barely move! Anyway, he did some great things and will be missed. Hopefully they give him a good send off for all the work he's done


Yeah. How many times have you heard of <..> person having a world changing event? not sure if your agreeing with me or not, but that actually happens all of the time, all of the time, infact you often hear a lot of young athletes dying of heart related issues enough it’s common. People die in gyms all the time for heart attacks, steroids usage and cardio vascular related problems. In younger ages too, because most old people don’t go to gyms. The truth is, how we are all built is widely variant and we all predisposed to a multitude of things. Young people die all the time without realising they just had a weak heart and older people also they just end up in a situation where it needed to be a bit strong and wasn’t. It seems like you were, but then was in slight disagreement I’m not sure, how its written confused me but it is late and sometimes I’m dumb lol I’m no expert, but what I thought about seemed plausible. Wait the more I read it I think you’re agreeing with me, sorry either way it confused me. Maybe I’m just used to people getting defensive on Reddit, I actually think you were agreeing with me a bit haha also god damn you got lucky, but the silver lining past the PTSD of that event is that you know how easy it is to exit this ball we live on, which makes you act sensible and more cautious. It basically makes you aware of risk, that initially never even seemed like it was there. Yeah he was a good guy, it’s very sad. A nation of middle aged women are certainly upset over it, they loved his programmes and books, I think that was his demographic mainly, even though he went for a general approach that could apply to anyone. I liked him though I’m a 32 year old man his shows were good and I’ve eaten some of his meals in his books. He had a very welcoming personality on the screen a calming helpful world view, how he passed is extremely unfortunate. I feel for his wife and kids. It’s not fair, and I hope he wasn’t suffering for too long. Poor guy.


Not healthy at all to go hiking under the scorching sun in the hottest time of the day when everyone and especially elderly people are advised to stay in shadowy and cool places and rest. Take off alone, without phone and not telling people his path.  One would think he would follow common sense and medical advice. 


Totally agree. I would always make time to read through anything that popped up with his name attached. Very sad news indeed. Hope his family can find some comfort in the warm output of comments from all forms of media.


Absolutely. I’ve been listening to him in the background while my mum listened to him for years, since I was a kid I bet. In the last few months I’ve discovered my own love for his shows (went as far to make a spreadsheet for my mum and I based on ‘Just one thing’) and his very comforting voice. Gutted that I never got to appreciate him fully and we’ll never hear more from him. He seemed like a genuinely wonderful man. What an awful way to lose him, I’m heartbroken for his family.


His show where he examined the contents of normal people’s shopping trolleys was amazing. He just genuinely wants to help people


Sad news, but to be expected after he wasn't found alive in the first 24 hours. Interesting that his body was found in a cave, sounds like he was trying to escape the heat by sheltering in a cave.


Greek news reporting he was found out in the open next to a fence of a piece of land. Not in a cave I'm afraid, seems to be misreported in UK news. They had been searching the cave area but he wasn't found there in the end.


Once heat exhaustion sets in it's easy to become confused and disorientated, though I suspect that even if he had sought shelter it wouldn't have changed the outcome. Horribly sad. A reminder to keep your phone on you, even if you don't think the walk is that dangerous or risky, especially in an unfamiliar area with difficult weather. Things can turn nasty very quick


It seems he had a fall, for one reason or another, and where he was found is very rocky. He may have hit his head or fallen due to a medical issue that also caused his death.


Yeah I just saw that in the Greek article with the pictures, having his phone may have made even less difference then. Very sad, hopefully he didn't suffer lying there


People were having lunch at the beach in front of him the last few days, photos on Google maps and IG. So sad.


Fuck, imagine realising later. Horrid for all involved really


If he had his phone they may have been able to track it and get to him faster.


A reminder not to walk in that kind of heat in that kind of environment without carrying lots of water. Edit typo


I think even if you have water it’s just not recommended. You wouldn’t find locals taking a walk in the midday heat.


The old “mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun”.


Mad dogs & Englishmen ey


I was going to say. It’s very true especially of middle aged Englishmen. My dad would do the same.


Yeah same. My dad told me about walking home in Spain by taking the as the crow flies route from the hillside restaurant rather than the 'longer' pathway. No idea how he didn't hurt himself having seen it in person.


My friends did this in COLUMBIA recently and one of them started getting delirious. I don't think we appreciate proper sun, for obvious reasons.


I'm middle aged, Dr Mosley was 20 years older than me. Nearly 70 and yomping around in 40° heat, shows he had bags of tenacity and drive. Huge loss to the public, he did quite a bit for improving the nations health, even little things that will have improved and impacted many people's lives


Tenacity and drive is one way of putting it…no one should ever be yomping around in 40 degree heat, regardless of age or fitness. Really sad news, he did a lot to help people.


Yes, not middle aged but retirement age.


Exactly so. Same where I live. You want to walk (and this isn’t even over rocks and steep hills) you’d go early morning or evening. Noticed their search dog was only used for one hour at a time. A heartbreaking outcome.


Absolutely. My wife is terrible for this while we are on holiday. On almost every trip she says “I’ve found a walk, it’s only 2 hours” when it’s 35c and doesn’t want to carry any water


heat exhaustion is terrifying. I'm a mountain runner often doing 40km days over multiple mountains. No problem in the cold. I did one Scottish ridge in 30 degree heat, only 25km and despite lots of water, tons of sunscreen and a hat for shade I got minor sunstroke and could barely walk let alone run after 20km. Ended up with agonising cramps over my body once i got back to a cool environment. 


I really don't know who's right, the Sky News article said cave, the Greeks are saying next to a fence and the BBC are saying by a small cliff https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c0kk9gvw8l0o


Theres an image on the greek website. Hes lying down next to a fence


Which is at the base of a small cliff / steep slope.


It's here (**WARNING** - The caption is very blunt and potentially distressing): https://x.com/DavidhBrown/status/1799714972794073588 Outside the north wall of Agia Marina: https://maps.app.goo.gl/u2uX5FZKHFNRGceP7


Thanks for sharing. That's a pretty grim and thoughtless headline from that twitter account. Wow.


It really is. I should add a note to my comment.


Bloody hell - that’s a Times journalist that wrote such a heartless tweet.


Yeah, unfortunately, it's not just tabloids that have ruthless journalists


Your map link is to the centre of the island because maps defaults to that unless you drop a location pin. Agia Marina is on the north east coast. https://maps.app.goo.gl/QyEKwB3hHJxkxy197 If you use Google earth you can use [this link](https://earth.app.goo.gl/?apn=com.google.earth&isi=293622097&ius=googleearth&link=https%3a%2f%2fearth.google.com%2fweb%2f%4036.6235293,27.8701061,16.50793245a,0d,59.60298599y,230.36507713h,94.69003523t,0r%2fdata%3dIjAKLEFGMVFpcE54ZnBVLVdteFNtWFlreDRsVnhwNzhUbnI5ZUdlaEtOWWhRLU5ZEAU) to open the 360 photo.


Which is weird, because that's the other side of Pedi from where he started his walk, isn't it?


Yes it is. Maybe he thought he could go over the hill and then changed his mind and started walking back down?


What a horrid tweet. Hope the “journalist” is sanctioned for that


The Greeks are saying that their journalist found him by reviewing a film they’d taken of the area, and there is blurred stills from the footage which corroborates that




Rule number one: never believe the daily mail


Ok so I read that they (journalist, worker and mayor) were taking video from a boat, saw something and asked restaurant personnel to check.


"Disturbing" how? Are you suggesting some sort of conspiracy?


Hm, says rocks near a cave against a fence on the article provided, unless it was updated recently.


Can't think of anything but a heart attack, if that is where he was found. Edit: sounds now like he was found by the water near a cave. Either way, it will at least bring some small consolation to the family that he has been found, rather than just indefinitely missing.


The ground looks rocky and slopes down towards the fence from what we can see in pictures, looks very easy to fall and hurt yourself


I read on a Greek website that one of the police officers fell and either sprained or broke his ankle trying to reach the body. Those areas are a no-go, very difficult to walk especially in that heat.


It looks really dangerous, to be honest. It's very gravelly looking, and doesn't appear particularly stable, either.


Ah, that would also make sense. Very sad for the family.


Not particularly steep though, he could have tripped and bashed his head I suppose. But I would guess he felt ill/needed water and was looking for a way into the marina but couldn’t find a way through the fence, and it was too late and collapsed there.


He was also diabetic, so he may have had an episode exacerbated by heat exhaustion in which he felt faint and passed out. It was reported that he'd mentioned feeling unwell to his wife before heading out. A diabetic episode can make you act in strange, irrational ways. Not to disparage Dr Mosley, but I have seen people questioning the rationale behind a very intelligent person heading out in that heat unprepared and whilst feeling unwell.


He was only planning to take an easy 20-minute walk along a popular footpath to catch a bus. It seems he actually reached his destination safely but kept going. We might never know why.


That's unfortunate. Heat exhaustion by itself can leave you severely disorientated. He was already feeling unwell when he embarked on the walk, so I can see why he'd veer off the intended destination. Tragic.




He was a T2 diabetic and reversed it by fasting in 2015. It is the subject of his bestselling book. He wasn't T1. Looks like he took the wrong path and ended up trying to go back round the marina. It was boiling hot and he could have passed out or simply fell hitting his head or similar. It is very stony ground and easy to do. Poor guy. Edit - Greek sources say it was a head injury from a fall.


It's a heat injury, or complications thereof. He went for a walk in hilly barren wasteland in 42° midday heat.


In 2019 it was reported Dr Mosely had a Transient Global Amnesia attack, These attacks are bought on by cold, heat and stress. There are reports online discussing this, and even videos of him discussing it. I fear the same happened again.


There is no need for amnesia. Taking off in 40+ degree heat under the scorching sun, alone and with no phone in a treacherous, unknown area without even sticking to the trail he said he would go on when already feeling unwell is borderline suicide. 


He said he wasn't feeling well before he left


It’s so weird. He’s literally within touching distance of a beach club. Then the way they found him (on a completely opposite bit of the island) is so odd. Apparently someone from the Mayors party saw something unusual miles away and sent the beach club people to go check it. It’s sad but also the most twisty turny story ever. May he rest in peace. It’s awful but for the best he’s been found.


I also thought that he may have done that or taken unwell or fallen & injured himself & managed to get into a cave. But for the love of God, if only he'd had his mobile with him.


Would he even have had signal out there though?


Even if he didn't have signal where he finally fell, he would have been much easier to trace when his phone was pinging cell towers earlier in his journey.


Yeah, would have had at least emergency coverage.


Almost certainly. Cell reception everywhere I've been in Greece is excellent.


My detailed post was downvoted for some reason but I explained that he was apparently behind a fence at the back of a bar. Apparently he was spotted by a TV camerman who was on a boat filming the rescuers


What a shame, at least it's some closure for them but I had really hoped it wouldn't turn out like this. Rest in peace.


RIP indeed. Tragic outcome. His programmes were great and very educational. I’m particularly surprised since, as a Doctor, he should have known how risky it was to go walking in that kind of temperature. As a Greek, when I first met my English wife and she told me she first walked up the Acropolis steps with her friends at noon in 42C temperature I was blown away.   I feel that there needs to be a lot more education about the effects of strong sun in the UK. Particularly since a very large number of Britons holiday in Southern Europe. In Greece when we have those kind of temperatures it is literally drilled into us that you should avoid going outside unless absolutely necessary. If you have to go outside, always wear a hat, carry plenty of water and never be in direct sunlight for more than an absolute maximum of 20min. And definitely try to avoid the midday sun (noon - 3pm). And these risks are more pronounced for children and the elderly. Greece literally goes on high alert during heatwaves and hundreds of elderly die.


> I’m particularly surprised since as a Doctor should have known how risky it was to go walking in that kind of sun. I work in the NHS and being a doctor is no guarantee of them taking their health seriously. A large number of doctors are overweight or obese, smoke, or drink too much as examples. Knowing a lot and applying that knowledge are different skills.


Yep, my mother is a doctor and she smoked for 30 years. Luckily she quit 15 years ago. But this is the kind of immediate risk you would think he would be careful about. At least take some water and a mobile with you.


Doctors are human. There are probably millions of people who do things they know are bad for them but are unable to stop.


I agree, my father is also a retired GP and he hasn’t taken his health too seriously. However, listening to Mosley’s “just one thing” podcast made him seem much different. Someone who was very interested the little details of how to improve one’s life, especially little things that have a massive positive impact on one’s health. Going on a midday walk for several hours after leaving his wife on the beach seems very uncharacteristic. Perhaps he had an upsetting argument with her beforehand (pure speculation on my part), we’ll never know!


Same here in Aus. The sun is way scarier than any spider.


(this is obviously a very sad time for all concerned). Yeah, but the sun isn't likely to be hiding in your shoe or under the toilet seat is it?


Totally agree. We are so unused to it and it makes people unaware. There are very few things about our climate and surroundings that kill, so we don’t really have personal safety drummed into us in the same way as you describe. Then we go abroad and assume things are the same and it can be deadly.


I 100% agree with this. This might sound a bit harsh but a lot of Brits just don't know how to handle extremely hot climates. People easily underestimate just how dangerous being in high temperatures can be.


Yes, I was praying he'd become confused and been taken in by someone. RIP. I've loved his shows and podcasts.


I'd been expecting this news, especially the last 2 days, but I'm actually so gutted. I'm a big fan of Dr Mosley and he always came across as a lovely, gentle and articulate man. Thoughts with Clare and his children, very sad news... Edit: Removed my edit because BBC have now admitted no formal identification has taken place yet.


The Independent confirmed in the last 5 minutes that the body has been identified as Michael Mosley.


Yeah same here, just feel so sad for him and his family. He seemed like such a great guy & had such a lovely way about him. Really hd been hoping for some kind of miracle :( 


Feel exactly the same. I'll really miss him!


What a tragic ending to such a nice man. I can't imagine what he went through these last few days with the soaring heat. My heart hurts for him and his family.


It's possible he fell or had a heart attack and was killed instantly so he wouldn't have gone through anything the last few days. I hope that's the case and it was quick and painless.


The greek article I've just read said he was found with a serious head injury, so hopefully he was at least immediately unconscious. I feel awful saying "hopefully", I just mean I hope he didn't suffer.


It looks like he was found literally right up against a fence by a well used beach, from the Greek article and pictures. I assume if he'd been conscious at all, he could have yelled and been found, so it seems like a reasonable guess he was unconscious immediately or soon after falling. Awful, but does make it seem less likely he suffered, I hope.


I've actually just seen a video which puts it into context just how close he was to the resort. If someone had been on the sun loungers at the time he fell, they almost certainly would have heard him. Very, very sad.


That's definitely a possibility. If it is revealed that he did suffer some sudden medical episode, here's hoping that it was quick and that he didn't suffer.


According to authorities, the body had been dead for a number of days, so it's likely he's been deceased since the day he went missing. Just awful news.


If he did have a sudden medical episode, here's hoping that it was quick and painless and that he didn't suffer. Such saddening news.


Really horrible news. A very likeable guy who made good content with a positive message and no doubt helped many people with their health. Condolences to his family and friends.


Yeah it's really quite gutting.


https://www.skai.gr/news/greece/michael-mosley-vrethike-nekros-o-agnooumenos-parousiastis-tou-bbc Google will auto translate and gives a quite detailed account


I’m surprised the perimeter of Agia Marina wasn’t searched sooner. That’s the only bit of civilisation in the direction he was known to be heading.


He wasn't known to be heading in that direction until three days after he went missing, though. I think they had searched the area and he wasn't spotted. It's probably just a case of something seeming a lot simpler to us than it actually was on location.


Yep. I was on Google maps yesterday and there's one path and it goes straight there. Seemed obvious to me he would be either near that path or near the marina.


I’ve read he was up against the north wall of that Marina. If he was coming from the south why was he on that side? 🤔


Seems like there was some kind of medical emergency, which can cause confusion. Perhaps he was disoriented, trying to find help etc. We probably won’t ever know.


Maybe he was trying to walk around the fence. There doesn't look to be a way to cut through the perimeter other than the front. He took the wrong path and got lost it seems


He was so influential on my sleep and eating habits. My well-being changed because of him. What a tragedy.


What tips did he give that changed your life?


His sleep series taught me about sleep position therapy, light therapy and bedtime restrictions. Then also his 5:2 plan with focus on mediterranean eating.


In all seriousness at least his last days and meals where Mediterranean. Much better than a sandwich on a UK train 


I just finished my daily bowl of oats, fruits and nuts and remembered it was one of his shows that made me decide to eat oats regularly. I'm sure he's influenced a huge number of people to lead healthier and in the long run, happier lives.


Would love to know what tips he gave on sleep that helped you


Sleep position therapy - a device you were that vibrates when you roll on your side. Mouthguard - made to order or could use dreamhero snoring mouthguard Light therapy - a device you wear that has a bright light to keep you awake to shift internal clock CBT to understand that if you do wake up, it is okay. Worry in different room. Bedroom for sleeping only. Connection to nature - see the trees, hear the wind through the trees and smell the trees. Eucalyptus Bed time restrictions - routine 11pm - 5am (less sleep time to built up tiredness. Slowly increase the time by 30 mins over 2 week period - no social media for 60 mins b4 bed - no reading in bed - no food for 3 hours b4 bed - night time walking 9 pm 20 mins - no naps during the day


The stress of thinking about all that would keep me awake. "Bedroom for sleeping only" is for rich people with big houses.


Not living in a bedsit isn't exactly lifestyles of the rich and famous.


For poor people, a bedroom isn't just a place to sleep, it's the only place you can get away from other people.




I don't think anyone expected to find him alive at this point, but it's still heartbreaking. At least this will, hopefully, put to rest rumours that he chose to abandon his wife and family in some way.


It seems like just tripped and fell among the rocks. The Greek website shows a pic, blurred, of where his body was found and it seems he just tumbled given how his body seems to be laying there. Plus the heat obviously. I do hope it was quick (banging head on a rock) and he didn’t suffer.


This is so sad. Looks like he took the wrong path down to the beach at Agia Marina. He looked to be so close to reaching his destination, whether he fell or had a health emergency he ended up meters away from somewhere he might have been found immediately. Really a series of misfortunate events... a heatwave, no mobile phone, missing a bus (not confirmed), taking the wrong and most dangerous path to his destination (50/50 chance), ending up in a hidden place that drones and helicopters couldn't see him even though they searched the area. Life is made up of potentially grave choices that we might not ever realise we have taken until it's too late.


All very sad though I supposed not unexpected, given the length of time he was missing. It just goes to show how precious and fragile life can be


Met him very briefly around 10 years ago - came across as a really nice bloke. This hits hard.


The guy who found him getting choked up on Sky news :( fuck


I hope he has some support because I imagine it's the sort of thing that could fuck you up a bit. 


went to watch it after reading this comment. :(((((((






I used to live in Greece - it's not entirely uncommon.


It's called disassociation based on nationality or race. The English media regularly posts pictures of dead bodies in war which is equally horrific.




British media does show bodies wrapped in bloodstained sheets on the news all the time. It’s very distressing. Edit: changed from it to British media Edit: also didn’t one of the charity events show a child dying on television. Or am I misremembering that?


A photo of a body bag or a body wrapped in a sheet is not the same as a photo of a body.


Im quite shocked by how vehemently people want to deny this. Why do people do that?


It’s so bizarre and insensitive. I hope if I or a loved one died in a freak accident like this they wouldn’t be plastering photos of the body on the news. It’s really in nobody’s interest and just adds to the armchair speculation.


> It’s really in nobody’s interest It's in everyone's interest, especially tourists who think they are invincible. I think this is the best way to make sure that people actually understand the dangers of the area you are visiting. People can die and you should know you could die. This is more impactful than a few words. Now you actually see what can happen.


Yeah, it may sound harsh but it is absolutely idiotic to go wandering off in a foreign country in such high heat without a mobile phone whilst traversing sharp rocks and difficult terrain. Do not make the same mistake this man made.


I agree, but people should still have the choice whether they want to view it or not. The other person was saying they wouldn’t want to see the body shown without warning on TV and on newspaper covers etc, which is fair. That said, in certain circumstances I agree with you - when i was doing my fork lift licence they showed us videos of people being impaled and crushed etc and it really stuck with me, and i think of that sort of thing every time i have to use the truck.


Same. Didn’t make sense to me. But the one of his body among the rocks does indicate a tumble.


I don't think they are of the same person. The first photo with the legs sticking out looks to be the concrete jetty on the north edge of the Agia Marina waterfront, which would be a strange place for him to be since he was walking from the south. However in the background of the image is the perimeter fence. The photo amongst the rocks, where I believe he was found, looks to be the perimeter fence around Agia Marina - it has the same upright concrete posts. It is difficult to tell which part of the perimeter fence this is though, although the colour of the dirt on the other side of the fence, plus the direction of the shadow on the fence, suggests this may have been the northern perimeter fence.


This isn't Midsomer County, you don't just find different bodies everywhere on a daily basis. Of course it's the same person.


I actually don't think the first picture has anyone in it. They look like legs but on closer inspection, maybe not. I think we're supposed to be looking at the fence in the background. This matches up with the fence in the next image. And actually I've just seen the Daily Mail has circled the location he was found, and it is the northern perimeter fence, in the background of the first photo.


They're not suggesting there are two bodies. A searcher broke a leg on the site, so one of the photos could be him.


Maybe the search team moved him to more open ground as part of the recovery/identification process and the picture with the wall was taken then?


I’m not sure if that is his legs. I read that he was found near his umbrella, so that could be what’s in the first picture


His final lesson might be important. As a relatively fit mature gentlemen, in 20 years I could find myself still trying to adventure beyond my capabilities, like Michael and Julian Sands. Tell people where you are going and/or get a GPS tracker.


Sounds like he was trying to escape the heat but no water with how hot it was is a death sentence, poor guy. EDIT: turns out he wasn't in a cave but near it.


It’s horrible news. I’m glad his family have been able to find him though, if he’d fallen into the sea they may have never really known 100% what happened.




the heat exhaustion is really what makes it much more likely that you will trip/pass out/feel faint etc.


I’m so sad 😞 We loved him here in Australia. I was hoping for a miracle


The man spent his life talking about improving health outcomes and talking about longevity for others. But in the end, life is serendipitous and for all our knowledge we cannot predict the future.


Gutted, however unlikely, you really hope for a miracle. Hope that whatever happened was quick and painful free ☹️


An obviously lovely guy putting an accessible face on science and health. I'm really sad for this outcome. I'm sure we'll all miss him.


[This Greek source](https://www.skai.gr/news/greece/michael-mosley-vrethike-nekros-o-agnooumenos-parousiastis-tou-bbc) says he had a visible head wound. I'm not sure if it's accurate, but that's what they're reporting.


I’ve seen the blurred pictures, his body was laid amongst lots of large chunks of rock. He may have been suffering from heat stroke, lost his footing and hit his head. Incredibly sad, you can only hope he went instantly


You don't even need to have a heat stroke to fall down a cliff. Let this be a reminder to everyone to be very careful. Everytime I'm on a cliff I'm shocked at how many people go right to the edge.


The independant says that he had no significant injuries. But then they said that the mayor said that he looks as if he fell down a slope onto the perimeter fence of the Agia Marina 'resort', and ended up face up with some rocks on him.


Very sad, but I was expecting this as it seemed like the most likely outcome. Where he was found does suggest he got a little lost, as he's approaching the destination from the "wrong" side. Looks like he took a much longer and dangerous route, possibly because he got lost, and then as he got close to the destination had a fall caused either by exhaustion or possibly a heart attack from the stress of the long walk in the hot sun.


Oh no, I've been following this for the last few days hoping that he would be found safe and well. Such sad news. Rest in peace Michael.


So upsetting. He must have had a medical episode/lost mental clarity through heat stroke possibly? Why on earth would he have wondered up a mountain path into caves when he wasn’t feeling well otherwise? With hindsight you wish his wife had gone home with him. :’(


She was waiting for their booked water taxi, he didn't want to wait. I'm married to a 60- something guy, too. you can't make* them do anything. 


Greek news seem to be reporting that he was found in an area near the caves, but not in them, and that he tripped and fell. The pictures they show seem to show a rocky area that slopes down to the beach, easy to see how he could have fallen and hurt himself. Hopefully he was out of it after he fell and wasn't lying there for some time


Seems like he’d just left a beach and either fell over the rocks or had a medical emergency and fell as a result. He wasn’t in a cave.


We don't actually know that he wasn't well when he left his wife, or that his wife knew he wasn't well. One Greek journalist made this claim, without saying where she got the information, and it's been circulated online as fact.


He did make a positive contribution to people's health. He was very science minded and challenged conventional wisdom. I don't normally care when a celebrity dies but I am quite sad about this one.


Incredibly sad news. Inevitable but there was always hope...such a genuine person, so enjoyable to watch and learn from. Made you feel better. Somehow how he was found, the details, are all the more heartbreaking. 


Bloody hell I'm crying here! I regularly go hiking on my own in Greece, but my god the heat here at the moment is unbearable. Poor guy. My heart goes out to his family.


Very sad news, I just hope that he didnt suffer for too long and his death was quick.


Unfortunately, the outcome was inevitable. I can't imagine how his family feeling.


Expected it, but such sad news. I loved his show on R4, one of my favourites. Heard a tribute to him from his colleagues on Broadcasting House on Radio 4 this morning, and it sounds like he was very well respected and a genuinely lovely man. No doubt his work has helped many people. He will never be forgotten.


BBC saying he seems to have fallen then, that's awful :( So sad.


Gutted. His original fasting program changed so so many lives. I would say he has made a significant impact on my life in all he has done and how he presents stuff to the public. A true national treasure


Absolutely gut wrenching. This is so heartbreaking for everyone but especially for his family and friends. What an absolute tragedy and huge loss. Rest in Peace Michael.


Very upsetting. He seemed really decent. RIP Dr Mosley


His body was found by a Greek news camera it would seem. Blurred images of the body have been published. That’s very sad.


Such sad news. I’ve never felt sad about someone’s passing that I didn’t know IRL before. Big loss.


Poor bloke. I knew he was a risk taker and slightly eccentric but a stroll around a greek island is an unlucky way to go. His book helped me lose a stone and a half in weight and kickstart the rest of it.


His podcasts and shows were fantastic, and had a great impact on my health and life. Such a shame, but he has left a legacy his family should be proud of.


Seemed like he was a nice bloke. Cant have been a pleasant way to go. Feel for his family and friends who have all been looking, hoping, waiting, wishing.


That’s desperately sad news. He seemed like a good, likeable man. Sympathies to his loved ones.


That's fucking heartbreaking man, he was clearly a good person and will be missed by many. RIP.


He didn't seem to fear death. I remember his program on what good and bad habbits do for life expectancy. Was very relaxed on the subject. I don't think he mentioned falling and slamming your head into a rock, which can happen at any time, and is way more likely, thousands of fold over, everytime you go for a walk among rocks. He would have described it exactly like that. People dont think about this stuff when ranting about how terrible drinking or smoking, or fats and sugar is for you. We all have to go somehow.


Such sad news. But after so many days, it wasn't looking good. Awful for his wife, kids, and family.


Fuuuuck, that's really sad. I feel for his family.


I feek really sad to hear this poor Michael RiP . Xx


Awful news. Seems like a freak accident the heat out there is no joke if you are not used to it. We went to Samos a few years back and were thankful of the tree cover on large parts of our walk not sure we could of done it without.


Poor guy, really upsetting to hear but anyone's chances are low after going missing in that heat. I loved his just one more thing podcast series.


So sad, he should have had many good years left in him 😔


This is sad news, but it was unfortunately the likely outcome once he'd gone off on his own. Hopefully his family finds some peace from his body being foundm


God bless, my prayers are with his family and all those who know him well. RIP Michael. I will really miss your shows on TV.


He was an absolute saint of a man. Worthy of special honour for sure.


He had suffered from a 'transient global amnesia' previously, bought on by swimming in cold water, as he explainsin this article. This can also be trigged by heat. This seems a possible option to what has caused this [Article by Michael Mosley on suffering a transient global amnesia](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-7367573/DR-MICHAEL-MOSLEY-reveals-dip-sea-left-wife-fearing-suffered-stroke.html)


It's been discussed at length online over the past few days, but it's actually not very common to have recurrent episodes. It also doesn't usually lead to impaired cognition, just memory loss and the inability to form new memories. So it likely wouldn't have led to his death.


Loved his books and programmes. Such sad news. My heart goes out to his family


So he was feeling unwell at the beach with his wife, walked initially to Pedi, then headed back around the other side of the bay completley in the opposite direction from where he was staying? I guess possibly he felt better by the time he reached Pedi, but seems really odd.


>So he was feeling unwell at the beach with his wife We don't know that. One Greek reporter said it, without citing a source, and it's been circulated as fact ever since.


Ah right. Well then it's odd that he went off on a walking tangent on a scorching hot day without telling anyone where he was headed. Just my opinion.


He looked fit and well in the CCTV footage, and he looked confident and not lost, as if he knew where he was going. He ended up by the fence that was the perimeter of the Agia Marina bar, and I wonder if he was going to surprise his wife by getting on the boat taxi when it arrived? I assume the boat taxi would stop there on the way from St Nikolas beach to Symi Town. I think its an easy walk to the Agia Marina bar from Pedi, albeit a bit rocky, but I also think that for a first timer in the area it would be very easy to lose the track as well and get lost. That kind of makes sense. I think he left the track by accident, and made his way in the general direction of Agia Marina, became tired, exhausted, and then desperate, and then when he came across the fence, found that he couldn't get onto the premises. And by then it was too late. It shows all of us how quickly exhaustion and heatstroke can take hold.


Really strange that the body was not spotted by helicopters and drones. They definitely have flown over that particular resort.


Very sad to hear it ended this way. I loved his shows and he seemed like a lovely guy. Rest easy Michael


apparently his fall was recorded on cctv. why wasnt all cctv footage reviewed on Thursday particularly as it quickly known he was heading to that little area? its a 2km track. was it that difficult to run a drone all along that strip of land and review all the footage?