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I see Reforms bot farm is now finally targeting Reddit after news like this spread. Farage in full damage control.


They've been here a while.


The damage control really are susceptible to writing emasculated rants in poor English Such blatant foreign interference


Doesn't need bots - there are plenty of people sucked in by him. I wonder if they like Trump too - scary the kind of rhetoric he's coming out the closet with now


That’s the ‘fun’ (not fun at all) part about such social media campaigns. They can often get by with just an initial investment in troll farms/bots just to prime the pump. Once people get hooked and make 5G or anti-vax or whatever culture war bullshit thing part of their identity they will spend their own time for free pushing it online, propagandising, recruiting and organising. It becomes self sustaining process. Pretty soon communities form and entrench/validate/egg on the beliefs still further - and often make it harder for people to leave (even if they want to) because odds are they’ve alienated their normal friend groups with the crazy and their militant online group is now most of what passes for their social life. These groups will keep rolling on spreading hate and agitprop for years and years after the funding stops.


>Pretty soon communities form and entrench/validate/egg on the beliefs still further - and often make it harder for people to leave (even if they want to) because odds are they’ve alienated their normal friend groups with the crazy and their militant online group is now most of what passes for their social life Entrenchment and alienation - it's Hannah Arendt and someone I'm forgetting who talks about this being a tool of totalitarians, and I should probably actually read her


If Trump and Farage don't insult their intelligence, could be they have none.


my uncle, who is an immigrant worker without any qualifications doing low skill work, is going to vote reform. he is the *exact fucking person* they want deported. It boggles the fucking mind how stupid actual people can be but at the end of the day they're actual people still a lot of the time.


I think the way to understand it is how many people seem to vote in elections while retaining a complete apathy about politics. A lot of my family are saying they're going to vote Reform for some variant of "it'll put the cat among the pigeons". There's zero thought or consideration about actual policy or what Reform MPs would do or how they'd try to work for their constituents.


Many people voted for Brexit for the same reasons. You'd think they would learn their lesson.


"But it was them who lied to us". Not us not thinking it through for just one second, obiously. Just ignore all civic responsibility.


Leaving was the right decision if you want nationalisation of utilities, strong social welfare, state investment etc. the EU limits its member’s abilities to do these things.


Big lol. Funniest argument for Brexit ever. Let's vote conservative and Brexit for more investment into government enterprise.


There was a guy running who wanted to do this, but the EU worshippers refused to vote for him and enabled a tory brexit instead


UK isn't a fan of literal socialism whodathunk


Well it was that or Boris.


This was annd is a gross simplification


Still true.


The last ten years really have taken the mask off of any consideration that the electorate is anything other than an uninformed and ignorant angry mob.


"I didn't think leopards would eat MY face!"


Same reason some Jewish folk voted for hitler "He's a war hero, he's only talking about foreign Jews and those communists, he wouldn't turn on us loyal, German Jews." The problem with Farage is he's articulate, charismatic and identifiable. On the surface he's anti-establishment and a good protest vote for people pissed at the tories but don't want to vote labour or lib dem. The deep rooted fascist and racist element is carefully managed and despite a few pr screw ups here and there he's kept the lid on. He did the same with UKIP, as soon as Farage left the real nature of his party came to the surface. The way he is marketing reform as a legitimate, right wing alternative to the tories as an opposition party is getting traction with the horror stories of a tory wipe-out and a lib dem leftist opposition to a labour leftist government. History has shown us this play book with hitler and trump.


The UK subs are all culture wars, identity politics and pushing for the populist vote. Ever since the massive proliferation of certain papers on the UK subs they have become a cesspit of disinformation and hate.


There's actually more "people" supporting Reform than the Tories on reddit. The sorts of views I'm seeing now have been almost completely non-existent on mainstream UK subs until now other than the odd heavily down voted comment.


I am not a bot.


It doesn’t matter. None of the reporting in Farage does. The people who will vote reform see all hate to him as either the establishment trying to bring him down or people indoctrinated by the state trying to bring him down


We can but hope people take heed, and that Reform fizzle out after this election.


It will only grow, massively, because Labour will fail to change anything at all. Thanks, sensible centrists!


What would you have happen alternatively? Ultra left wing Labour led by Corbyn's ghost transform the UK into a socialist utopia in one election cycle? 2019 (and 2016 in the US) was concrete evidence of what happens when you try to pull the political spectrum straight into the true left after decades of the right slowly but steadily dragging it to the right


I agree, which is why in 2015 the centrist Ed Miliband won in a landslide... wait he got a significantly worse vote share than Corbyn ever did, who actually got a similar share of the vote in 2017 to what Keir is currently predicted to, despite the media provably being biased against him and his own party undermining him? Oops, looks like I accidentally destroyed this narrative! I don't think the 2017 manifesto was particularly outrageous, it was just normal social democracy stuff that most other civilised nations have. The least Labour could do is meet somewhere in the middle instead of being [by far the least ambitious](https://i0.wp.com/insidecroydon.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/GP8oHvaXoAAqPt7.png?resize=593%2C454&ssl=1) and doing barely anything.


Braindead reply lol If you need me to explain how the Tories in the early to mid 2010s pre Brexit are a vastly different entity to what they became post Brexit, then I'm sorry but I can't be arsed wasting that much time to engage with someone with so little understanding


Nice coping and admitting you aren't able to counter my points, bringing up irrelevant details of what the Tories used to be like. I accept your surrender.


Not understanding the active efforts of the political right in the west to drag the spectrum further to the right in the last decade, in spite of the extremely famous examples, is embarassing enough Doubling down on it and acting like not engaging with "but Miliband didn't win in the 2010s?!?!" is a worthwhile talking point makes me embarrassed for you


Even if people wanted sweeping reform, they are unlikely to go to the person with a track record for backing catastrophic national policies. Farage’s track record is a car crash. This gives him a low V^max.


Trump and the Project 2025 loonies playbook, especially with the trial


Call them loonies he became president. You can’t underestimate men like this. Make sure he doesn’t become anywhere near power


I'm not underestimating them, don't worry there! Scary


Good. I’m scared people are having some arrogance that the British would never fall for these right wing tricks but theirs a reason it’s on the raise in Europe and America


It's very apparent in this sub these days. Last election it was largely grumpy James O'Brien eviscerating idiots and posts from liberal news outlets, but now papers like the Mail and Sun are getting popular again


No one should have that belief because it literally happened here in 2016, before the US had it happen to them with Trump even




Yes they are




Multiple members of his party have come out in some fashion in support of the Nazi party. The same party that committed the holocaust. The same party which made Europe see its darkest times. You think the fact that Farage thinks it’s just one big joke and nothing to take seriously that his candidates are seen agreeing with the nazis is the media trying to control the populace? The media ripped into Rishi for moaning about not having sky growing. How are these comparable


You see extra attacks on Farage because he's an extra special kinda cunt. An effective snakebite salesman who is quite good at fooling idiots. Unfortunately, whether he simply really does like spending time with Russian agents and American extremists and actually has his own politics, or whether he is actually just whoring himself out for our geo political rivals is utterly irrelevant- the poisonous effect he has on UK politics is the same. And above all else, a lot of us feel sorry for the fools fooled by the cunt. They're our families, friends. And utterly deluded by a con man. *That's* why he is so hated. Not because he isn't a part of the establishment - because he very much is, regardless of what party colours he wears. Top-end tug of wars for powers between the ultra rich and just mega rich are irrelevant to the masses. The damage this cunt does, however, will take decades to recover from. And, as is always the way, once people forget how much damage the twat has done, they'll fall for a different snake's bullshit.


Yep. Just ticked Reform on my postal ballot. No amount of desperation over 'OMG some guy accepted a friend request from some dodgy guy on facebook' is going to change that, lmao And it's absolutely hilarious seeing the standard lib freakout in this thread over 'bots' and 'russia' and whatever else they use to cope with people disagreeing with them.


Is it that people are trying to cope with you disagreeing with them or is it that they’re astounded that anyone could be so gullible to believe Farage and Reforms populist bullshit and this is the only reasoning they can come up with. Also before you call me one in retort I’m not a “lib”.


You are a lib, though you may not realise it. And yes, they're coping because they can't possibly conceive that others could have different views than them outside of their echo chamber.


You've not looked into this much. I can tell.


Let me know when you're ready to make any posts worth reading, with even a single point.


Only if you do the same.


No I’m a democratic socialist thanks there’s a difference. Or is it that they’ve viewed the evidence and facts surrounding pledges and the rhetoric that Farage spouts and have determined it to be unworkable, untenable and against their morals and ethics. Perhaps it’s your with your denial of reality and facts that has been in an echo chamber which is why you can’t see the forest for the trees.


> No I’m a democratic socialist thanks there’s a difference. If you're anything like most people who use this label, then you're actually a social democrat. But it doesn't really matter if you're blinded by identity politics and other woke views and unironically believe nonsense like Farage being a fascist and whatnot, standard liberal stuff. It's possible you aren't like this, but I'd bet good money on you adhering to all the standard, safe, reddit views. >Or is it that they’ve viewed the evidence and facts surrounding pledges and the rhetoric that Farage spouts and have determined it to be unworkable, untenable and against their morals and ethics What we're discussing is why they immediately cry 'bot!!' 'russian shill!!' when they see someone disagreeing with them, which is silly behaviour. It's like if reform voters accused you of being a communist agent paid to undermine western values or something. If they disagree with Farage, that's fine, but they don't need to be crazy about it.


I mean you’ve literally just accused me of being a social democrat when I’m not and a lib so you moaning about people crying facist and identity politics is a bit hypocritical. I don’t believe Farage has displayed anything previously that makes me think he’s a facist however with the links to facist supporters and reform candidates who have supported facist viewpoints on social media coming out it does make me think he’s at least tolerant of some facist views. I dislike Farage because he’s a grifter who got himself elected as an MEP for an organisation he detested and then got people to vote to leave that organisation with demonstrable lies and then still gladly will claim his pension from said organisation. He’s been stoking division through lies for years and is a hypocrite.


There are a plethora of views one can hold without resorting to blindly accepting idiotic delusion. Funnily enough, only the latter tends to attract the sort of reaction you are describing.... I wonder how that could be?


Oh no! Imaging being "Liberal" and believing in things like "democracy" and "Freedom"


"some dodgy guy on facebook" is an active fascist organiser who leads an organisation that explicitly calls for a "fascist revolution" that replaces parliament with a dictatorship. The "some guy" that accepted the friend request is over 10% of all reform candidates.


Yes and it's still not a big deal. Many people have thousands of friends on facebook and accept them willy nilly. It's likely he just had some vaguely anti-woke posts they liked and then accepted him as a friend without combing through his entire post history.


That's the level of care you want in your leaders? That they can't even see Nazis when they introduce themselves as such? You're terrible at this.


The bloke has already fucked you once...


I don't recall him doing that.


We know. You've made it perfectly clear you're not paying attention.


*rolls eyes* Nothing of substance said, naturally, as you've got nothing!


Of course you wouldn't. Shit like "350M per week for the NHS" or "Turkey is joining the EU" amongst a myriad of other lies that influenced thousands whilst he and the rest of his cronies quietly backtracked on their statements the mere hours after the referendum flew right over your head. He might or might not be a facist, but a lot of his statements, the people he hangs out with, and the people in the reform party certainly do rhym. Either he is, or he's trying to get a wedge in where he can sponge more cash off billionaire tycoons playing the market to their favour and gullible people, as do many far right-wing organisations. Or both. Wake up and smell the coffee... Ya fell for a grifter, and you're about to fall again; and/or just as bigoted as he...


Nigel Farage had zero control over how Brexit was handled or implemented. He also was mostly shunned by Vote Leave and the likes of Dominic Cummings, so it doesn't make much sense to blame him for all of those claims, let alone how it was implemented. He hasn't said anything wrong or fascistic, it's just hyperbole from immature people who can't handle people disagreeing with them. Also I didn't even 'fall' for anything in the first place as I voted to Remain.


You fell for his shit again. Amazing.


Oh you liked their manifesto? What was the bit that swayed you?


Lots to love. More patriotic than the Conservatives (bank holiday for St. George's and St David's day, pro-British history, anti-woke rubbish), more pro-worker and radical than Labour (pledge to nationalise utilities to 50%, pledges to increase British industry, farming, fishing, etc., scrapping IR35). Cuts to unnecessary things that do not benefit British people and are solely designed to help foreigners (foreign aid, net zero/climate rubbish).


You either never went to school or you’re trolling. I can’t figure out which.


41 of Reform’s parliamentary candidates are friends with Gary Raikes. Raikes, a former organiser for the British National Party, founded the New British Union in the image of Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists, with activists who call themselves “blackshirts”. Raikes has shared promotional material for the party on his Facebook account, including photos of himself next to NBU insignia and images of Mosley, the face of British fascism. Rikes has shared images of men performing Nazi salutes, and slogans such as “the future is fascism”. The New British Union has called for a “fascist revolution” and sees parliamentary democracy as an “obstruction” to be replaced with a dictatorship. When Farage was questioned on this he said “Look, most of our candidates are not political sophisticates. Alright? “So, yes, we've got one or two problems, but people liking each other on Facebook, I’m sorry but I don’t take that seriously.” Raikes's Facebook profile is topped by a large banner showing former British fascist leader Oswald Mosley with the words "forward with fascism". --- Anonther Reform UK candidate defended calling Hitler ‘brilliant’ --- Reform candidate Ian Gribbin, in 2022 claimed “Britain would be in a far better state today had we taken Hitler up on his offer of neutrality … but oh no Britain’s warped mindset values weird notions of international morality rather than looking after its own people.” The same month he wrote that the UK should “exorcise the cult of Churchill and recognize that in both policy and military strategy, he was abysmal”. He also said "Square inequality by depriving women of healthcare' Men pay 80% of tax – women spend 80% of tax revenue, Women only take from society. Less complaining please from the 'sponging gender'. In 2021, he wrote female soldiers “almost made me wretch” and were a “total liability”. Farage defended him sayin its "Pub Banter" --- Farage was accused in college of singing nazi youth songs including a song about gassing jew. he was also accused of telling Jews in his school that Hitler was right. Farage when questioned on this' said his comments weren't racist.


Farage is not just lying. He doesn't care that he lies and he doesn't care that I believe that he lies. Farage abandoning facts again.


He didn't care because this will actually increase his vote share.


We hardly live in an age of facts.


We should bring back stocks for people like Farage, for the public's pleasure.


Milkshake Dunk Tank. £1.00 a go. Clear the national debt in hours. If Nige *really* cared about Britain, he'd do it.


This is a good idea in general: more humane than a custodial sentence, much less costly, and the level of punishment is proportional to the public will.


> We should bring back stocks for people like Farage, for the public's pleasure Isn't that a violent thought?


Or we could start with you.


Bring it on.


And the gallows for murderers, rapists and child molesters. Edit: I seem to have upset the disgusting creeps that make up the Reddit population.


That's the funny thing, they'd never accept that or even the stocks for actual criminals, but for people like Farage they'd unironically be all for it (in the name of 'defeating fascism', of course)


Lmao I've got -9 seems Reddit is full of some proper wrongens.


pound shop trumps supporters wont care....they like this in fact.


Pound shop trump supporters is spot on!


Poundland Nige.


“Those facist sympathizers were just resting in my party”


Top-tier reference


While we're at it, ask him about his (alleged) links to Russia.


That Raikes guy looks a bit like a Poundland fascist. Hugo Boss definitely didn’t make his get up.


Wish.com's version of a Nazi.


Something tells me he'll find it a boring question.


Guys we all need to relax. We’ve all got that one friend who is a little bit racist and who thinks Hitler had some ‘good ideas’. It’s just unfortunate for these people that their friend is Nigel Farage.


Well he did start the anti smoking movement...


That was James VI/I.


"THE majority of Reform UK’s General Election candidates are “not political sophisticates”, Nigel Farage has insisted" in other words they say the bit you are supposed to keep quiet out loud...


he does not care if the others get elected. he only cares about himself becoming an MP so that he can scoot along the benches, slip into the Tories as leader and wear the dead and rotting husk of that party as a veneer of respectability and legitimacy.


oh god that's a grim forecast. I hope the frogman with a mallet turns up soon...


[Who is Nigel Farage?](https://youtu.be/mfyiSk8Rjc8) At a College cadet camp he used to walk upto Jewish classmates shouting "Hitler was right", "gas them" and sung Hitler youth songs. When confronted by a reporter about the allegations years later, he defends those comments saying "they're not neccessarily racist". In 2014 he advocated for the dismantling of the NHS in favour of an insurance based system. [source](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/nov/12/film-nigel-farage-insurance-based-nhs-private-companies). In 2017 he attended a far right afD rally in Germany, hosted by the granddaughter of Adolf Hitler's finance Minister. [source](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/sep/07/nigel-farage-to-address-far-right-rally-in-germany).  Coutts bank, whom closed his account said he "is at best seen as xenophobic and pandering to racists" and considered a "disingenuous grifter".[source](https://www.politico.eu/article/nigel-farage-disingenuous-grifter-uk-coutts-natwest-bank-europe-brexit/). He has appeared on Russian state RT TV over 17 times and has publically endorsed Vladimir Putin. [source](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/mar/31/nigel-farage-relationship-russian-media-scrutiny). Farage backed the "basic principle" of Enoch Powell's notoriously racist 'River's of Blood Speech'. [source](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/ukip-leader-nigel-farage-provokes-anger-after-agreeing-with-basic-principle-of-enoch-powell-s-rivers-of-blood-speech-9040044.html). The former leader of the KKK, David Duke, backed Farage as UK Prime Minister in 2017. [source](https://www.businessinsider.com/former-ku-clux-clan-chief-david-duke-backs-nigel-farage-for-pm-2017-2). Nigel attended a rally and campaigned for Donald Trump in 2016. [source](https://www.reuters.com/article/world/nigel-farage-addresses-trump-rally-bashes-clinton-idUSKCN10Z059/). May 2024 - Farage reportedly gets a job offer to help boost Trumps re-election campaign. [source](https://www.politico.eu/article/nigel-farage-gets-donald-trump-job-offer-us-election-campaign/).


I really hope labour has an effective strategy to limit the effectiveness of this mind virus. Farage is a treasonous weasel suckling on the tit of international fascism. The poll numbers are very worrying for our future.


Economic prosperity and growth normally silences the far right and quiets down the populists for the most part. It's normally only when times are hard that people turn to con men and snake oil salesmen for simple solutions to complex problems. So... no pressure Labour.


if Labour actually do something to properly reduce immigration then they can make Reform obsolete. Failing to address this issue adequately, and giving reform something to keep bleating about would be the worst mistake they could make.


I'm not taking part in yet another immigration debate. Those debates have occupied, paralysed and damaged our country for too long. The rise of the fascistic alt-right is not a single issue problem. It is far more complex. However, it is my belief that Farage and his co-conspirators represent a genuine threat to most people's quality of life and freedom.


>I'm not taking part in yet another immigration debate you will be again in 2029 if labour dont drastically reduce immigration soon.


The foundations of our economy at this point are essentially immigration. The last time we caused a disruption to it (brexit), we caused work shortages, supply line disruption and inflation skyrocketed past all imaginings. Remember 'no one wants to work!'? Good times... The exact same thing will happen again if the same misguided attempts to placate the bigots to keep them away from Reform happens. The economy will crater, the issues will get worse, and the far right will only gain more voters because of it. Labour needs to focus on growth and investment and making the material conditions of peoples lives better first, and then dealing with the hot topics of the far right far later.


>The foundations of our economy at this point are essentially immigration. controlled and targeted immigration for certain sectors is absolutely imperative, i wholeheartedly agree. importing the population of a city the size of newcastle every single year is unsustainable and unless this is addressed quick smart expect farage to win next time around. this isnt a problem only for the uk, its happening all over europe, wilders is a good example of what can happen and expect a massive shift to le pens party in france for the upcoming elections. >Labour needs to focus on growth and investment and making the material conditions of peoples lives better first again i agree, but it will be tough for them. services in the uk are already at breaking point, whole swathes of the country are becoming run down and the country is skint.


We have stood alone before. We can stand alone again.


isnt that what farage was saying when he was advocating for brexit?


Has a bit more weight when there's a land war in Europe against actual fascists. Who, by the way, Mr Farage loves to metaphorically fellate.


>Mr Farage loves to metaphorically fellate. he certainly does


You really think Reform will stop once Labour limits new people coming into the country? That’s so naive. They’ll simply come up with a new problem, and a new group of people to blame for it.


Farage took 8 years to replace brexit with immigration. Another 8 years whilst he looks for the next controversial issue would be good. It's not even "kicking the can down the road" Eventually Farage will be too old.


No, he was using immigration at the time of Brexit too. And when he retires/dies there will be another grifter come and take his place.


He's been quite about immigration since brexit. And I doubt whoever replaces him will be half as skilled at public speaking.


Rejoining the EU could do the trick


They said the same thing about brexit, but look what giving UKIP the referendum did to the Tories, and what brexit did to the country. Just made everything worse and pushed even more people to the far right and into the hands of the charlatans.


I would love to know from a Reform leaning member of this sub if stuff like this sways their decision to vote in any way.


It likely affirms their support.


Makes them even more keen most likely.


My guess: If they want to vote for an (almost) complete unknown like Reform it means they distrust or hate all the established parties. The Tories have been diligent about achieving that outcome for the past 14 years. Negative press about Reform won't touch that belief. Continued bad press about Labour by the Tories will increase the Reform vote. Polling% suggests every time Sunak opens his mouth Reform gains votes and the Tories lose votes. Only thing that might change it is positive press about Labour and all the smaller parties.


IMO they're voting for Farage rather than Reform UK. Minus Farage Reform only got 2 local council seats which is beyond pathetic.


Mostly I think they are voting against all the established parties. Because of TV & internet coverage The HoC has become a "reality TV show" Where every 5 years the viewers get to vote who's kicked out of the house. The MP's are still arguing by 18th century rules of behaviour. Whilst visible to all the voters by 21st century technology. The result looks extremely incompetent.


As someone who is still 50/50 between Reform and Conservatives this definitely hurts. Reform needs to distance themselves from the EDL type of people to have a serious chance. At the end of the day it doesn't matter who is in power fuck all will change.


Have you considered not supporting parties linked to Farage, a man so popular with neo nazis that every organisation he joins has to enact a no open neo nazis rule?


All parties have groups that would be considered extreme or "unpopular". I'm merely voting for who ever my political views side with. I don't agree with all policies but some of them align up.


Yeah but for reform that's the core. That's farage. 


Like farage applied for German citizenship immediately after the Brexit vote. He's a con man.


I don't disagree but all politicians are in it for themselves, not the voters.


Think of it like this, would you rather be kicked in the shin or stabbed in the gut? If you don’t choose, you get stabbed in the gut. They’re both bad, so I suppose it doesn’t matter what you choose, right? Both choices are the same.


This is how the populists squirm their way in. They use small lies to justify big ones, because it’s all lying. Despite the lying, the dodging questions, the scandals, we HAVE to remember that some are better than others. If we don’t guard against this then it’s a race to the bottom.


Care to say which policies of reform line up?


This makes no difference to sway me, if anything it makes me more determined to vote Reform as I see it for what it is, the establishment are shit scared now they are polling second, a real threat so start the smear campaign. You will also find racists in any party, such as Diane Abbot in Labour (She says crap like this [https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/uks-labour-suspends-diane-abbott-saying-jews-experience-prejudice-not-racism-2023-04-23/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/uks-labour-suspends-diane-abbott-saying-jews-experience-prejudice-not-racism-2023-04-23/) ) I also love most of Reforms policies, they are against most shit that happened under Blair that needs serious reform or removal. I've voted in my life for Labour, Lib Dem,, Conservative and UKIP. I will be Reform this time. I vote for the issues at the time, and Reform are the only ones who seem to be doing anything to want to address them. Strangely thats the attitude of most of my friends now too, they have had enough of the two main parties, and Reform's polices are the only ones that align with how they feel.


And there you have it. Voting fascist and making excuses for it.


There a many people who only say they're not fascist because they know nothing about the ideology, they just know "fascist" = bad But if you actually sat them down and explain the ideology they would agree with everything.


You agree with fascism?


I'd wager they were talking in the descriptive sense.


This brought to you by a person who doesn't believe CO2 is causing climate change. Reform certainly have a target demographic don't they...


if "the establishment" were so afraid of reform they wouldn't have helped it get this far. The reality is reform are very friendly to the interests of the ruling class.


You voted UKIP, that says enough.


why make excuses? Just be honest reform is the party of fascism or do you see something wrong with believing in britain?  /s


40+ reform candidates having links to far right figures and open fascists somehow means... the establishment are shit scared? Oh, to understand how your mind works.


>you will find racists in any party None of them who are mates with actual fascists though






From page 24 (emphasis mine): >Propose a Comprehensive Free Speech Bill >Legislate to *stop left-wing bias and politically correct ideology* that threatens personal freedom and democracy. No more de-banking, cancel culture, left wing hate mobs or political bias in public institutions. Stop Sharia law being used in the UK.


‘Legislate to stop politically correct ideology’


Exactly, bingo you got it. Politically correct ideology would be summed up by laws such as hate crime. Designed to silence those who don’t think and talk in the “correct” way. So you need to legislate to get rid of them. God you gotta love democracy and free speech. Keeps authoritarians like you, in check !


I’m an authoritarian? Source? >summed up by laws Except they didn’t just say repeal hate crime laws, they said legislate against the ‘ideology’ itself.


It’s in their *con*tract


Yeah I’m asking for the specific bit ?


You should really read it and be informed?


I have


Then why are you asking 😂


Have to pry out the delusion.


They smelled of pubs and Wormwood Scrubs and too many right-wing meetings … skinheads in suits 🤢


Could it be because... and bear with me here. Theyre facists themselves? Novel concept i know 🙄


Farage is a great example of how a person can gain support by pandering to an audience. He just attaches himself to whatever emotionally charged political topics are around. Farage as an individual really stands for very little. His rhetoric and his ideas are just borrowed from the discourse on the fringe, subject to change according to their whims. His proposed domestic policy changes would be genuinely awful.


Farage's reform is a business -- that's all you need to say about how he is approaching this. He stands for nothing than getting as much as he can out of the country


What is it about a company run by a guy with a history of fascism that’s attracting so many fascists?


"Farage repeatedly insisted that his candidates are not politically savvy and when “they see a comment on Facebook, they like it”. - ARE THOSE THE PEOPLE YOU WANT RUNNING THE COUNTRY? Seriously! Wtf is this response, could he say anything more stupid. They are literally running for a political position...


The trouble is, so long as most people don't find out, or do know but are suckered in by his charisma, it isn't going to be enough to stop him from still being a seriously powerful figure. It would take a Jeremy Thorpe-sized mess to bring him down. Counterpoint, people like Trump have shown that nowadays nothing can really bring you down, so long as you have enough charisma to provide the bread and circuses to distract people from who you actually are, and what you're really doing. I'm in the Midlands, and I've seen more Reform signs up than for any other party.


I imagine the question is simple: "Mr Garage, are you aware that everyone knows about your party's links to fascists?"


Reform dropped these people, just like Labour. Infiltration by sub-groups is not unheard of, ie Militant Tendency. Several attempts by far right groups tried to infiltrate the Tories in years past.


He now disagrees with his party members...? One man show and it's a clown.


Everyone here who supports Reform, sorry but your humanity has been revoked.    People on here simply cannot imagine anyone real would support Farage, so you’ve all be reclassified as bots. Otherwise the cognitive dissonance would make their heads explode. Welcome to “everyone who disagrees with me is a bot” and the spread of Farage derangement syndrome.


Agreed this is not the way forwards, though I disagree with their politics vehemently.


You must remember that candidates were vetted by an agency for Regorm. If they didn't raise the red=flags how were Reform to know? Reform are now suing that agency for failing to spot the obvious. Perhaps the agency were left-wing and though 'we can do a job on Farage here'


The nazi sympathiser is suing them because it looks bad, otherwise he would be more than happy to keep them around.


Biases always show. Why can't you take something obvious as fact?


Mate, Farage thinks you're either a fool, or on their side. They're pretending they're going to sue them to give you plausible deniability, or so you can also pretend these aren't farages buds.


even if that was the case, why are so many fascists trying to join reform and standing as candidates? What's attracting them to the party? Or are they part of the left wing conspriacy too?


They try to join to influence the party, just like they tried with the Tories years ago. Just like several groupings have done with labour over the years, as detailed above. Not forgetting Millitant Tendency of course


>Perhaps the agency were left-wing and though 'we can do a job on Farage here' Is it all one big wibewal conspiwacy?


lol, Regorm. Perfect.


Further more, Labour has suspended a candidate for a pro-Russia post. How is that different? It isn't. And let us not forget the anti-Jewish investigation and its outcome.


I think you are missing the small detail where Labour suspended that candidate while Farage went ahead and defended their actions. That and the shear quantity of people saying racist and extremist views is where they differ


Bad vetting, lije ir says. It will all come out in the wash, though I won't expect blinkered thinkers like here to acknowlegde they were wrong. Surprise me.


You asked how Labour is different to Reform and I pointed out a difference in how these situations are handled along with how often it seems to happen with Reform candidates. You mentioned the anti-jewish investigation and its outcome as if that doesn't prove they are different. The outcome of that investigation lead to the explusion of the former labour leader + other procedual changes. You have three options: - Acknowledge what you said was wrong - Provide some more information that will lead to your point being validated - Refuse to engage with any points raised and continue to say random stuff which can easily be disproven I know which option I expect you to take but am happy to be disproven


How is labour suspending one candidate for a pro Russia post different to Farage not suspending any of the 41 linked to fascist? GEE THIS SPOT THE DIFFERENCE IS WELL HARD


It's really no different form the days of Labour and communists, Trotskyists, Maoists, Stalinists, IRA, Libya and now Islamists. There are always fringes or people who take it just that bit further