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So when Corbyn said this he was crucified as a Russian sympathiser by the same people cheering on Farage.


Corbyn said it because he's an idiot, Farage because he's bought and paid for.


Literally every piece of Corbyn foreign policy is just because he's an idiot that has an unrealistic outlook on the world.


But I guess Corbyn was at least honest in his unrealistic idealism. Farage is completely cynical and has been bought for years.


He's def caught up with Trump and the Russians.


Putin represents a model to emulate. They both desire to hold excessive amounts of power. How an utter clown like Trump is anywhere near the White House again I will never know.


>How an utter clown like Trump is anywhere near the White House again I will never know. Because despite the hearings, the government didn't go anywhere near hard enough on the GOP, and anyone who greenlit and endorsed everything building up to that shitshow. The dangerous rhetoric, whipping the crowd into a frenzy, then pointing them at the Capitol building, was inciting insurrection against the established structure the US so proudly props up it's entire identity with. Trump's name should have been mud, everyone associated with him should have been put away for doing what they did. A hardline stance would have fucked Biden's image in the eyes of his critics, and have what's left of the GOP throwing a tantrum for the next three years, *but they would never do it again.* But now the cult of personality is back, and with Biden now worse than Reagan was in his ramblings, and the fervent GOP supporters more fanatic than ever, the Republicans look set up to win.


You were doing so well until the Fox News talking point at the end. Biden is old. It's Trump that rambles.


They're both old, Trump is demented.


Yeah, they're so lacking in "proof" of their claims they have to crop and edit videos to create a narrative.


He's anchored himself to Trump, so he needs to stay on message


Corbyn is what the Russians would call a useful idiot. Farage is what they call an asset.


That sounded like conspiracy-theory rubbish so I looked it up. But [this report](https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/brexit/2018/11/14/the-extent-of-russian-backed-fraud-means-the-referendum-is-invalid/) from the London School of Economics strongly suggests that the largest ever political donation (£8.4m for the Brexit campaign) came from Russia at the same time the Kremlin was meddling in US election. TIL.


Farage was a conduit for Wikileaks too. Nobody has every explained what he was doing at the embassey with a USB drive. Sneakernet is way more secure than any internet transfer


 *A fool, but an honest fool he remains.*


I'd like to think it's because he hates war and conflict and tries to see the best in people. Naive is the word.


I mean his solution to Argentina's naked aggression over the Falklands was appeasement with no consideration for the people living there.


Something leftist pacifists are very, very quick to overlook. Criticising NATO eastward expansion? Ask the citizens of the Eastern European NATO members what they feel about it. Appeasing Argentina? Ask Falklands Islanders whose rule they would prefer. The same is true of Northern Ireland, by the way. It's so easy to suddenly ignore democracy when there's a chance to West Bad.


If you stop seeing things as left and right, and instead start seeing things as good ideas and bad ideas, your life will be so much less confrontational.


But I was specifically referring to one particular political group. Leftist pacifists who tend to view NATO as an extension of American imperialism. There are right wingers who oppose NATO, too - They tend to be blood and soil fascists who are either ideologically aligned with the Kremlin, or are on their payroll. In my specific comment I was calling attention to the former, not the latter.


This. Unfortunately the world isn't like that.


Corbyns foreign policy positions match close those of his political allies in the former Socialist Workers Party and other hard left parties. They had prominent roles in Stop the War that Corbyn lead for a couple of years. He hired some of them to run the back end of Labour when he took over. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew\_Murray\_(trade\_unionist)#Labour\_Party\_roles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Murray_(trade_unionist)#Labour_Party_roles)


>Corbyn >hard left He really isn't.


What-about Farage?


I consider myself very much left wing on the majority of policies, but I cannot take somebody seriously who believes that nuclear disarmament is both feasible, and a good thing. I don’t think it was just political rhetoric ether. It feels like the man actually believed it to be possible, and that it would benefit the world.. I realise this might not be a popular opinion, but arguably, we have avoided world wars 3, 4, 5 and 6 thanks to nuclear weapons. Sure, there’ve been massive wars since 1945, but none on the scale of a global conflict that would see millions dead. In fact, the majority of wars fought since WW2 have either been proxy wars or trade wars. As horrible as they are, nuclear weapons essentially neutralised all the big players. Take the Ukraine war as an example. Without nuclear weapons, it’s very likely that by this point we would have boots on the ground from multiple western nations, with many many more dead to go along with it. For somebody to lead the country, I would hope that they would at least understand this. It shows he either takes us for fools, or he himself is rather foolish


Until an idiot eventually uses them and we all burn.


Disarmament only works if *literally everyone* is on board and it's 100% guaranteed verified that everyone has done so. Which in the world from the 60's to today is impossible. You first need to stop further spread, then convince the current actors to do it all together at the same time and allow unlimited and decades long access to verify. Current actors being the USA, UK, France, India, Israel, Pakistan, the *famously rational, open and honest* (/s for the tankies) Russia, China & North Korea **plus** the states that maintain the ability to create warheads when needed (Japan, Germany etc). It's simply not possible with the current combination of regimes. It's even getting worse with India & China slipping (further) into authoritarianism, Israel being the target of a global propaganda campaign against their self-defence, and Russia demonstrating exactly why you *shouldn't* give up nukes if you had them.


Agree with everything you said but Israel is also clearly becoming authoritarian as well. I mean wasnt Netanyahu trying to overturn the judicial system to gain more power? Add that to blatant genocide!


100%, but China, Russia, NKorea, and the US will never ever ever get rid of their nuclear arsenal. It is too valuable to them geopolitically


Or India, Pakistan or Israel.


Middle class student politico.. "The West has done a few bad things, therefore anyone who opposes the West is good"


His “unrealistic outlook on the world” being that, as a nation, we shouldn’t play the role of dutiful sidekick to an aggressive hyperpower and instead pursue an independent foreign policy, specifically one that doesn’t leave a trail of death and destruction in its wake? Yes, that is completely absurd.


> we shouldn’t play the role of dutiful sidekick to an aggressive hyperpower But we should instead sit back while a different one commits genocide?


Anti-colonialist but only when the West does it Is basically his view


Yes, but he is also an idiot.


Same nefarious online voices that likely cheered on well known Russian puppet Trump too, I suspect. I’m expecting a significant uptick in pro-Russian propaganda over the coming months, especially from Farage and his associates.


Are people cheering it? I'm surprised he's double downed on this. I've found the right in this country are generally very pro Ukraine. You still see plenty of Ukraine flags about in conservative areas.


The American political right are constantly fawning over putin, and to be honest American idpol does carry over here sometimes. It's also an issue of people complaining about money going to Ukraine. I've honestly never seen a rightwing media personality openly support Ukraine, not saying they don't exist but I've seen far more of the opposite.


>American Key word. The British right aren't. Except for Farage.


My uncle is a retired officer good old boy; staunch Tory to the core! 'What what, pim pim, tally ho!' He's a fucking caricature. Can't watch any napoleonic war film without thinking of him. I shall not share his opinion on immigrants. However, he believes we should, 'do our bloody damndest to help that Ukrainian lot stick it to the bastard ruskies!' So that's something.


The british right have been Americanizing themselves for a while now. These comments won't lose him any significant support.


Among people like Farage, yes. Among the public I'm not so sure.


Never got the whole, we should do the morally right thing *unless* it costs money


The Telegraph comments section is so painful right now. Commenters on there are extremely supportive of Ukraine and Reform. The ways they're trying to twist this into being ok are ridiculous.


My first instinct to this is Farage is a Russian stooge


He worked for RT for a while and was paid by them. RT is a direct proxy for the Russian State so we can say that he was on Russia's employ.


And is employed by GBNews financed by a fund in the UAE whose investors are 'unknown'.


Jeremy Corby says this because he cares and wants to prevent a war. Nigel Farage says this because he's probably getting kickbacks.


Jeremy is thick but nice. Farage is intelligent but a cunt. Neither should be in politics.


Saying the right things in order to manipulate idiots doesn't make Farage 'intelligent'.


Corbyns stance was "War is awful so just give Russia everything they want and surely they'll never do it again after getting away with such a stunt." That's not anti war, if anything it encourages more violence once people get it into their heads that it works.


Nah it was ‘we shouldn’t have been aligned with Russia just to appease western capitalists in the first place and now Ukraine is fucked either way’


Corbyn is either a useful idiot or a tankie. Farage is a fascist.


>So when Corbyn said this he was crucified as a Russian sympathiser by the same people cheering on Farag Most people in the UK think both are idiots and most will agree its an idiotic take. I suggest if you are strawmannnig, that is inventing a position few hold to attack people.


Farage is leading Reform, which is polling on an equal level to the Tories. If people are still willing to vote for Farage after this, it's because they will agree with anything he says. There is no strawman. Farage could punch a baby and it wouldn't affect Reform in the polls.


Sure but Farage is personally in the gutter. Basically he has his little cult and everyone else despises him.


An equally shit poll level let's face it. A glorious...19%.


Well, we've always known that both the far-right and the far-left dumbasses are the same on this topic. And neither group seems to be bothered by that.


And then there are those of us who can't stand either thinking "yeah that tracks".


Yeah but corbyn wouldn’t deregulate stuff and pad their pockets with £££, farage will.


Russian stooge in pro-Russian stance, more news at 8


This is the whole point of his position in Reform imo. Doesn’t want or expect to win, but shaking his ass for any foreign interest that wants to pay him to disrupt UK politics


The bbc is complicit in this though, constantly wheeling him out, as usual.


Yeah I suspect he will be give another huge 'appearance fee' by Russia Today in July.


This Russian Stoodge has just outed himself. People who are fiercely patriotic, have been conned by this Grifter for long enough.


I wonder if they even care...


Nope. It's a cult with figureheads like Farage and Johnson and Trump. Anything they say or do is unquestionably correct.


A lot of them have woken up but there are still a lot who believe in this guy, thinking he's actually working for them.


People who are fiercely patriotic wouldn't vote to destroy the prospects of the next generation and aren't scared of encountering other cultures. You're thinking of idiot nationalists They won't care about this..


Yep, people confuse nationalist xenophobes with patriots.  Patriots actually care about their country and want to see it prosper. They don’t vote to impose economic sanctions on it on the behest of a Russian stooge. 


And he’ll con them again. The EU was created as a reaction to WW2, that generation still voted for Brexit.


No, that generation didn't vote for Brexit, that generation is 95+. The 55-75 year olds raised on WW2 comics in the post imperial era voted for Brexit.


"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."


It all started with Nazi youth songs back in the day. Surprise surprise, now he’s doing Putler’s bidding. 


I'm convinced he's on Russia's payroll, afterall Brexit was in Putin's interest.


He had a regular slot on Russia Today didn't he?


Yes, he did. Earned quite a bit. So did Alex Salmond.


He has been for years. Brexit was absolutely in line with Russia's foreign policy of funding dissenting voices in Europe and the US, supporting radical parties who could destabilise the EU. Brexit was one of Putin's finest achievements.




Thank you for posting this


Separating the UK from the rest of the EU has been a stated Russian goal for decades. Putin’s mentor, Alexander Dugin wrote about it on “The foundations of Geopolitics”. “ The United Kingdom, merely described as an "extraterritorial floating base of the U.S.", should be cut off from the European Union” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics


Let's also not forget the Intelligence and Security Committee's findings in 2020: https://isc.independent.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/20200721_Russia_Press_Notice.pdf > - Russian influence in the UK is the new normal. Successive Governments have welcomed the oligarchs and their money with open arms, providing them with a means of recycling illicit finance through the London ‘laundromat’, and connections at the highest levels with access to UK companies and political figures. - This has led to a growth industry of ‘enablers’ including lawyers, accountants, and estate agents who are – wittingly or unwittingly – de facto agents of the Russian state. - It clearly demonstrates the inherent tension between the Government’s prosperity agenda and the need to protect national security. While we cannot now shut the stable door, greater powers and transparency are needed urgently. - UK is clearly a target for Russian disinformation. While the mechanics of our paper-based voting system are largely sound, we cannot be complacent about a hostile state taking deliberate action with the aim of influencing our democratic processes. - Yet the defence of those democratic processes has appeared something of a ‘hot potato’, with no one organisation considering itself to be in the lead, or apparently willing to conduct an assessment of such interference. This must change. - Social media companies must take action and remove covert hostile state material: Government must ‘name and shame’ those who fail to act. -We need other countries to step up with the UK and attach a cost to Putin’s actions. Salisbury must not be allowed to become the high water mark in international unity over the Russia threat.


Farage has been gifted a lot of money from Arron Banks, who in turn has financially benefited from a lot of Russian investment. The Soviet Union of old were able to successfully channel money to lots of groups in the West without leaving a trail. It’s naive to think they forgot how to do this when the KGB morphed into the FSB.


It’s pretty apparent that Brexit happened for the sole reason that more than half the general electorate are dumb as fuck. That is very evident with the buyer’s remorse highlighted in size 18 Gothic font as various recent polls (after the fact) have shown.


people are not immune to propaganda, and the leave campaign had a shit tone of dark money backing it up it's propaganda


Nothing new here. He's friends with Trump and he's Putin's lapdog.


Am I right in thinking he's also a 2020 presidential election denier?


Probably, he moved to America to be Trump's manservant, after all. He only came back to the UK because it's looking like Trump will lose again in November and Reform were doing better than expected in the polls, so this sycophant leech decided to abandon his orange 'friend' and instead steal back his party from those who built it up. He's a useless grifter through and through.


He was on LBC about a week ago saying the January 6th insurection attempt was just a "a ramshackle gathering of people." He's an absolute traitor and is undeniably a Russian asset https://www.youtube.com/shorts/WZ_a6s0Imys?app=desktop


Can't believe people fall for this fuckers grifting. He absolutely fits the descriptor of threat to national security.


No doubt the usual same accounts will be flooding this with “what’s wrong with that” comments in a minute. We all know who farage is. I hope this election we can finally purge him, corbyn and Galloway. Send the ultimate message to putin that things are different now


Yep, lots of Russian trolls are outing themselves on this thread.


He said he admires how Putin came to power. I bet he does. He appointed himself President of Russia just how Farage appointed himself leader of Reform. This man is a danger to democracy.


> how Putin came to power By staging false flag terror attacks and essentially pointing a gun at yeltsin’s head telling him to resign and give him the presidency or he’d destroy him (he then said the same to the oligarchs)? That’s even more terrifying than admiring him now


That’s Reform Ltd. to you & I


We are basically engaged in a proxy war with russia. Therefore we are effectively at war with russia . This means farage is a traitor. A flight snivelling cowardly traitor . Someone get this little bitch a white feather


Murdoch will support him.


Yes, I wonder why eastern European nations would be so keen to enter into the EU/NATO, afterall, Russia has always acted in such a kind and caring way towards its neighbours.


For those who might not know who is to blame for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine or take Farage’s words as fact, here’s why he’s spouting nothing but Russian propaganda: • ⁠Putin rues the loss of the Soviet Union. More than that, his dream has been to restore Russian imperial greatness and rebuild the Russian Empire. That means Ukraine must be conquered and absorbed into Russia. • ⁠Putin doesn’t believe Ukraine is a nation. He doesn’t believe in the Ukrainian identity. Ukraine to him is a territorial extension of Russia and should not have statehood. • ⁠Putin subscribes to various ethno-nationalist ideological beliefs, chief among them Eurasianism and “Russian World” whereby Russia is a cradle of civilisation that straddles Europe and Asia and therefore is destined to rule the landmass. In fact Eurasianism became officially policy under Putin in 2023. • ⁠Putin doesn’t care about NATO expansion, it’s a handy line to bring out to justify his imperial ambition. If he does care about NATO expansionism, then his disastrous war in Ukraine backfired spectacularly seeing as it resulted in another border state joining the alliance (Finland) and the once-thought-implausible induction of Sweden. The Baltics amongst others joined NATO in 2004, so NATO has been on Russian borders for 20 years: why take 18 years to react? There are several other reasons why Farage’s claims are ridiculous, but what else do you expect from a former Russia Today contributor?


>⁠Putin doesn’t care about NATO expansion He does, because it prevents him from reforming his empire.


I think it’s your last point where the nuance here is, as this is what Farage says on the article, the expansion of the EU and NATO provided an excuse, the justification. But of course the war is still his fault. Otherwise you’re pretty much exactly correct in your analysis.


Yes agreed. It’s intriguing as to why Farage sees it that way, or why he felt compelled to say it aloud. It’s an argument that attracts both the far left and far right. Either way, somebody as high profile as Farage saying it will only embolden others to proclaim it more loudly, therefore serving Moscow greatly.


It's a dog whistle, done to signal to all the pro-Russian fascists in the west that he's on their side but maintain plausible deniability over what he meant if he's challenged on it. Saying this was "provoked" is not being objective and describing a chain of events, it is expressing an opinion and pretty much taking Russia's side by portraying it as legitimate defence. There is no other way to spin that.


He’s an enemy to the UK. And people have been eating up his propaganda for years. Utter cunt.


I mean, he was pretty much the poster boy for the biggest movement in British politics for decades. They ate it up and asked for seconds too.


From the article: "Farage has long been accused by the Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat parties of being an apologist for the Russian president." Given Frottage's track record, I'd say he may be a bit more than a mere "apologist".


Fuck off Nige, that cheque from Vladimir might not clear after the last round of Sanctions anyway..........


Sanctions reminds me - we should be doing more. The ECB is seizing Russia’s central bank assets and … giving them to Ukraine!


MOSCOW, February 9 2022. /TASS/. Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on Wednesday said Russia doesn’t plan to invade Ukraine and blamed the US for "aggressive plans." The hype around Russia’s hypothetical invasion of Ukraine is similar to what was happening in the US media in the early 2000s, before the US and its allies started the military operation in Iraq, she said. Then, lots of reports were stoking tensions, including on television, the diplomat said. "That looks very much like this false narrative regarding Ukraine now and some ‘aggressive plans,’" she said. "We don’t have these aggressive plans, but I have a feeling that the US has." "We learn from US newspapers that we will attack Ukraine," Zakharova said. "That’s even as we believe we and that country are a people that has a common history." She said it was "absurd" to say Russia nurtured any aggressive plans about Ukraine. 18th February 2022 Putin said: "These military exercises, drills, are purely defensive and are not a threat to any other country. On 24 February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine


Surprised he managed to say that with putins cock in his mouth.


He probably delivered more of a Rusty Trombone and used it as a loudhailer


He’s not even hiding being a Russian plant anymore.


I assume the cunts and idiots that support Farage won't care that he's yet again proven himself to be the worst.


Russia has been trying to commit genocide against Ukrainians for more than a hundred years. It was not provoked by anything other than Ukrainians existing and maintaining their own culture as an independent state. Thinking the invasion was in any way justified is an abhorrent stance to take. If he thinks it's okay for a state to invade their neighbour and ethnically cleanse the population after years of occupying their territory and denying the existence of their language, I hope he never again dares to complain about people throwing milkshakes at him because he provoked it by being a racist piece of shite.


Why are we giving this fucking traitor air time? He's not an elected MP He hasn't got a single MP in Parliament. Fuck this frog faced traitor.


That interview was a disaster for him, would not have won him any votes and may well lose him some of the more sane reform supporters.


I doubt theres any sane ones


Independent country refusing to do as its neighbour demands, So we can look forward to bending the knee to France **IF** he gets any power?


France? No. However, given the direction the US is headed it, and given Russia have rather nailed their colours to the mast, it would be interesting (in an appalling and terrifying way) to see which of his two buddies' fascist autocracies he'd have us kneel to.


I can't believe it the guy who's made frequent trips to Russia, led a campaign that was heavily backed by Russian disinformation efforts and had multiple meetings with Russian ambassadors is saying that Russia isn't to blame for invading Ukraine.


All this years and Farage is still on Putin’s lap like a dog


Indefensible really, hopefully this is in the news for a few days


Farage once again showing his admiration for dictators. Is there not a racist or fascist that Nigel fartarse doesn’t like. He hasn’t said how much he likes pol pot yet.


Farage carrying on in the Mosleyist tradition that so becomes him.


Wasn’t farage funded by a brexiteeer who just so happened to be funnelling the money from Russia. His whole far right group was paid for with Russian money via back channels. And people keep saying why would Russia do that? It’s the same for why Russia has been funding all the far right parties across Europe. To break it up and sow content and division. They don’t give a shit about ideals.


And this is the most patriotic man in the country? He'd sell us all down the river for a few roubles and Putin's balls in his mouth.


He’s using the Trump playbook, pulling the same xenophobic strings and watching the voters dance


He seems to have forgotten which country’s right wing he’s appealing to.  The US right is instinctively isolationist and relaxed about Putin control over Eastern Europe.   The British right 100% isn’t. 


Why is the leader of a party with no MPs being given so much air time.


Fuck off, Nigel. All the way off, you absolute gobshite.


Farage is a conman who has bounced into the election at the last minute to try to avoid scrutiny and just have a load of populist takes on complex topics. Hopefully one side effect of the long long campaign and off Farage being so high in the polls is more people will take more time to unpick the threads of what is behind his facade, just like his Putism here.


Farage and Corbyn singing from the same hymn sheet. I do believe this is horseshoe theory in action


Checkout the Workers Party Manifesto... 🧲


Nobody tell me a vote for them is for the lulz or bants. You know exactly what you're voting for now.     I'm so torn, the vote split and mathematics of so many Tory seats being lost will be great, but at the same time the spiritual populist successor to the BNP/2010s UKIP getting ~15% or more will be actually depressing. This is literally the UKs branch of the alt-right.


I'm exactly the same. I want reform to split Tory votes but don't want them to have any momentum for the future.


The man who screamed about sovereignty doesn’t like when sovereign nations make decisions about their own state. Fucking hack.


Nigel Farage is the weakest little pussy on earth. Imagine thinking you’re a big boy by voting for that frog looking dweeb.


That’s Farage finished then. I thought he was trying to be the new leader of the Conservative Party. MI5 and military will make sure he gets nowhere near power after these comments.


Putin’s puppet Farage the disruptor. He’s hiding in plain sight ! Why do the bbc insist on giving him so much air time


Nigel has been on Russia Today over 17 times. Here's what Putin said about the channel. In 2013, “The channel is funded by the government, so it cannot help but reflect the Russian government’s official position on the events in our country and in the rest of the world one way or another.”


Agrees with Russia's stance on invading Ukraine, has a pop at migrants, and says climate change has been over-hyped all in the same interview. Good lord. What a candidate to lead our country.


Don't forget he's been bigging up Andrew Tate!


We're getting the whole bingo card here! Next he'll be talking about chemtrails 😂


I'm so ridiculously fucking dissapointed that Robinson didn't challenge him on this or even demand he substantiate and elaborate his stance. Outrageous bullshit, verging on 5th columnism, went completely unchallenged.


Luckily for him; his followers aren’t bright enough to realise he’s a Russian asset.


Is Farage actually a Russian agent? I mean that sincerely as I have always suspected but this makes me seriously wonder


Every single one of his Ukraine talking points are exactly the same as the Kremlins. He's taking a position the polar opposite of his usual populist crap. Really can't be much doubt that he's connected with Russia somehow.


Russian agent, marketing mode activated: Farage, probably, “why the west dress so provocatively to begin with? Basically asking for it, no?”


Reform = Brexit Party = UKIP = the same old Putinist pile of traitorous excrement. Same narrative as Moscow tells you all you need to know about Farage.


Okay, so now if it wasn't obvious before, we have conclusive proof that Nigel is a Putin sympathiser and Russian plant. Either that, or he is a moron. ...or both....


Oh shit we might win enough votes that i might have to do something.... Right guys we got to torp this boat so i can get back to American for the trump shit show


Let me remind everyone that leaked official Russian documents called Nigel Farage a “useful idiot”.


Putin has absolutely no say in what another country wants to do, so he farage and all his fucking clown followers can fuck right off.


He is paid to say so A decent person would refuse billions to utter such heinous shit about an attempted genocide


Never let the public forget or be misled into thinking Farage is anything other than a quisling. Brexit has only ever been a net positive for Russia and he is their instrument.


Who would have thought that the guy who has been repeatedly on Russian state television is pro Putin


I would love to know what the UK security know about him.


Send him to Moscow then... we won't miss this budget tangerine


What I really don't understand is he has zero charisma. He's just a finger pointy, negative, dull person defined only by what he dislikes.


Almost like there's huge amounts of resources backing and promoting him online, wonder who that could be.


Nigel showing his true allegiance here. Now where did Arron Banks and his ex-KGB wife get that money to fund Vote Leave and GBNews following 9 visits to the Russian embassy?


> Nigel Farage has said the West "provoked" Russia's invasion of Ukraine by expanding the European Union and Nato military alliance eastwards. The thing these imbeciles never understand, be they on the left or right is that sovereign nations have the right to join any alliances they damned well please.


It's as if he's become so utterly convinced that there's a conspiracy to silence what 'the people' are actually thinking, that he genuinely believes that saying the exact opposite of whatever's mainstream will get him votes.


Said it before. I’ll say it again. This man does not get elected.


I was curious what stupid as fuck thing he was going to say next.


What a prick. Another stooge sucking on ruzzias blood money.


NHS blood testing has just been attacked by Russian hackers and this man supports Russia. Don’t be fooled into thinking he wants anything for this country besides wrecking it.


More like Putin thought he's not gonna live forever so he might as well get his imperialism on. He probably also thought the West wouldn't be as supportive of Ukraine due to them being one of the most corrupt countries in Europe.


Not ever been a believe of give a man enough rope and he will hang himself, but dear god this was a car crash. Robinson wearing the black hood though.


I keep seeing Farage say he dislikes Putin, but praises his skills as a political operator. By those skills, I presume he doesn’t mean the brutal killing of political opponents.


I understand Farrage wants to return the UK to its former glories, but appeasement wasn't one of our proudest moments.


Just how treacherous can this leach be without getting arrested?


Didn't the odious toad publicly voice holding Putin in high regard a while back.


Exactly what Russia would say, fuck them. Hope they get destroyed in the election. Slava Ukraine


That man is such a piece of shit it isn’t even true “Nigel Fromage, the street racist”


The comments on BBC Facebook are crazy. So many of "well he's right" I wonder how many people think Putin would be fine to attack the UK if the UK made a decision to do something that he doesnt like?


Fuck this racist clown. Surprised he didn’t say it was because of immigration.


What do you expect from the leader of the Russian UK political party.


Russia invades Ukraine. Wests fault. Fuck off Nigel, what an idiot!


I had a look online... I found so many comments suggesting this interview went well for Nigel and that Nick was the problem. Two possibilities exist. 1) Its a coordinated bot farm fire fighting 2) People are genuinely that stupid I suppose it could be both. At this point, fuck anybody that supports Nigel and his "party".


The more I hear from Farage the more disappointed I get.


I wish that helicopter had provoked his fucking head from his body….scummy cunt.


Not satisfied with the cancer that was Brexit, he’s back for more immigrant baiting, culture wars and vitriol. All Farage ever does is exploit people’s fears and ignorance for profit and power. He is todays Oswald Moseley, an apologist for a totalitarian thug who has released nerve agents and polonium on British soil. Who has openly killed Britains on British soil and smirks while denying it. Farage wraps himself in the Union Jack and declares himself the patriots patriot but he is a alcohol sodden fool who should go back to delivering diatribes to his drunken mates in some smoke ridden middle England golf club bar.


Unfortunately he is going to be slightly relevant until the next election. The Conservatives have really messed up to have so many leaning towards Reform. If he’s on the floor at PMQs every Wednesday, it will be an absolute disaster.


Reform sure are having a day huh? This is about the 4th headline I've counted that someone's said something stupid in. The sad bit is this is all stuff their voter base agrees with, or at least can excuse.


If the west did provoke Russia, then it worked pretty well because Russia is getting destroyed.


>the expansion of the EU and Nato gave him a "reason" to tell the Russian people "they're coming for us again" What is that supposed to mean?


Putin apologist, funded by Putin, backed by an army of Putin bots. Quelle surprise. 


Also a fossil fuel apologist / climate denier, and a fan of Trump.   Putin’s oily fingerprints are all over this Pinocchio’s strings.


And those pesky Jews provoked the Nazi's didn't they /s in case anyone can't tell


does anyone know if nigel farage has links to russia? hes speaking like a russian asset recently and during brexit.


If more proof were needed that he's a Russian asset... The UK used to handle foreign agents appropriately.


Ah, the Corbyn tactics, let's see how this plays out for him.


This should lose him votes with the brain rots surely?


It's like he's trying to make sure no one ever supports him.


Is he not 'The West'? Why is he here if not? He is free to fuck off to his Eastern paymasters.


How odd that a guy who campaigned so much for so called sovereignty and freedom and to protect our borders opposes Eastern European countries acting to protect *their* sovereignty, freedom and borders by requesting NATO membership. What an absolutely despicable piece of shit.