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Since the media and his parents are keen to bury the kid's past history... [Reminder that this is the same guy that was convicted of a violent assault just before he turned 18.](https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/teens-skull-split-in-attack-27462398)


Not sure the media are burying his past. At least 2 papers have rerun the machete story this week.


That's because us people of Tenerife posted it in all of our private groups. They couldn't possibly keep a lid on the machete story, it was already out from the beginning 


It has been reported in the media, but presumably until it's clear if it has any bearing on the disappearance the fact that a lad is missing should be the focus. As for the parents, if it was your kid would you be constantly reminding everyone he was part of a mob with a machete?


No, but it has definitely influenced the public's reaction to his disappearance. Not anger - more shoulder shrugging apathy.


If you were not a complete waste of space, your kid would never be involved in a mob with a machete in the first place. His parents are just as scummy as him.


"Since the media want to bury this" Links to the media explaining his past...


Yes with details not included in this posted story or most of the stories posted in the last week and which you're not finding online without knowing the precise search terms.


Everyone knows already, why do they need to keep repeating the same information over and over? What help is it to anything? A quick Google search of his name brought up seemingly everything about his past, no precise terms needed. The guy who was attacked has asked people to stop, no one cares though it's all about revenge


Jesus Christ. Karma I guess?


I'd argue the karma is the part of this crime where his group tried to [threaten and intimidate a witness to the incident](https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/teenagers-bid-frighten-witnesses-posting-26957384).


Your a bit late to the party..


You can 100% easily find all stories relating to the kid online, nothing is being buried. It's a stupid thing anyway, criminals can still gain national media attention and this was off the back of Mosley going missing, then they report on the kid as they would and then he turned out to be violent. Of course they'll print that. Very legitimate stance for his family and authorities to still be looking for someone


Seems a bit off to use funds to fly loved ones of your mates out as well. That's money for search and rescue teams, you've got plenty of support there already.


He could be missing for ages, are they gonna stay in hotels till then? I remember that case in Australia a few years back. Some bloke went missing while out on a walk. All they found was his glasses. 5 years later hes found, he'd lost his memory apparently. Think his name was Harold Bishop maybe?


This is going to go over so many heads...


It just goes to show that in the end, everybody needs good neighbours.




Didn't Harold commit armed robbery?


TV is for mindless imbeciles 


Didn’t he get washed away by a flash flood. It was awhile ago. I may be mis-remembering.


My memory of it was a big wave at the beach?


Yes, looked it up, swept out to sea and picked up by a trawler. Those were the days.


Was it really only 5 years? Running joke of my childhood - dad saying "Harold's not dead" whenever anybody talked about Neighbours.


He could only walk diagonally in any direction though.


Harold was “lost at sea” and walked in the front door to marge like nothing happened. 🤣


I member


Perhaps this kids also lost his memory. They should check the Tenerife charity shops to see if this kids is working in one just like Harold was doing.


We may never know for several years.


I heard he couldn't figure out if he was home and away.


Aren't the police already doing search and rescues?


Nah they're working on the Maddie case.


I'll be honest I'm sick of hearing about this violent dreg and his cretinous family, but I don't understand why it's getting so much media coverage?


The story still generates clicks and the family are more than happy to feed stories and interviews to the press to constantly churn out the story.


Shouldn't be surprised there's some financial/popularity incentive behind it, I find it's getting more attention from people taking the piss out of it though which, while funny, also feeds into the fact that I'm seeing that clown's shit-eating grin everywhere.


Because the media can't wait to run the story about how and why he was murdered by a rival gang or whatever.


The media like these missing person ones cos they can just continually post updates. Write one story, post it again twice a day.


You have a massive amount of autonomy. You can really easily avoid this story. You can use the mute feature or if it pops up you can easily just ignore it. A very strange move to complain about how often you see something and actively engaging with it. You're choosing to do so.


Thanks for that mate, are you interested in this story by any chance?


Not overly, keep some tabs on it.


The GoFundMe went from being "Get Jay home" to "Get Jay's family and friends to Tenerife"


Soon there will be reports of him at Disneyland, and obviously the family will have to go find him there. After that, Las Vegas


Of course she does, the dealers want what's theirs


He is obviously dead, probably as a result of his own actions might I add. Anyone who donated to this sham needs to do some re-evaluating about what is actually important in life.




At least Captain Tom was a very respectable chap in the first place unlike our machete wielding friend Jay here. It's a shame that his name has been dragged through the mud by his money-grubbing family.


Why is this story being rammed down our throats, and not the other massive amounts of missing people


It's not , but the yoof love talking about an unsolved 'crime ' that involves something they think they know about- drugs. Even though he's obviously just got lost , overheated and dehydrated. Using phrases like " he's lost a bag " etc🫢. I loved the ex DI on the news who just said " armchair detectives who've watched two episodes of' Vera'" It was fascinating but sad watching the fuckwits who talked about Nicola Bulley . All their ' theories' .Like 10 year olds in the playground.


Imagine donating money to find this scumbag. It is probably just a scam anyway to cheat bleeding hearts.


This is like when the submarine went missing and people thought they’d be back safe and well. It’s been over a week.


Submersible not submarine


I can understand why the family would think that is appropriate, but the optics are terrible. I do wonder, however, if it was a young child who was missing, and the parents did this, would people be as negative? Anyway, i have no doubt that photos will soon emerge of the family and support network at a hotel or beach drinking and/or sunbathing.


Um..? 😂 I think a few years ago a young child DID go missing and the parents went on TV and set up a charity to raise money and yes they also got slated… still do…


Ah, didn't know that. While it's sad that someone has gone missing and, let's be honest, is probably dead, the comments in every thread about him are pretty negative (based on his past, you can see that as a good thing or a bad thing), and i was genuinely curious if his past influences how people view the case and its updates.


I’m glad you said assume because that’s all it is, you and I don’t know how their time is being spent. They could be searching or providing food/water. They could very well be sitting by a pool and drinking cocktails having a free holiday or drowning their sorrows. You just don’t know for fact and as to numbers would you be so convinced that a lower amount is plenty if you knew for fact that go fund money wasn’t financing it? It comes across to me that you’re re taking this all very personally, what are you getting from the frustrations of this situation?


I can not believe so many idiots donating money for this scummbag ! 


I understand everyone’s opinion and respect that everyone has the right to this. Personally I just can’t overlook the distress the family are going through. We are all capable of making bad decisions at any age, especially when we are young and influenced by our environment. I’m not saying he’s a good or bad lad but life is life and I hope he is found either way. Two ways to look at it, for the family and friends to have him home alive or to put him to rest, or for those who wish for the media attention and donations to stop.


He's a nasty little scrote. Go further back and when he was 12, him and some mates apparently got beaten up randomly by 3 Asian lads who pulled their car over and laid into them. Apparently this was unprovoked? Chinny reckon, I would love to know what the three of them had been up to that provoked this (some suggestions they had been ASBing or racist abusing). The disdain for the family is over how readily they are exploiting this and how they all lack dignity. Using the funds to bring their mates' mates' mates out. Very much bet there'll be a gaggle of them getting shitfaced at Spoons in Manchester Airport on the way out there at 6am in the morning.


>apparently >some suggestions Ah yes, internet rumours are so correct all the time


I don’t understand why the friends have to fly to Tenerife. The family, I understand want to be there and will need a place to stay and food, but not £30,000 worth. Gofundme shouldn’t release the lot, £5,000 for now to cover family only expenses. If friends want to come over, they should pay their own.


There are two figures being given for how many were already over there before the decision to use the money was made to bring others out - either 14 or 25 have been quoted. Even the lower amount is plenty. What are any of them actually doing to find him (taking mum, dad and bro out of that, that still leaves 11 people who we have not actually seen doing anything. Did any of them show up to the search site today just to show support or morale to the rescue volunteers (assuming none of them were search skilled, they could still have brough food or water along or just been there). Then there's also the down the rapids guy who wanders around filming from a distance, goes off the road for a few minutes, doesn't even have any ropes or gear, and then does live streams at night which have made him approaching £10k in Tiktok gifts in a week alongside over 1k in subs. He's just had a go at the police for being disorganised even though they had already been out for two hours and all he had managed was some video clips and then having to go off and get breakfast.


Ha ha chinny reckon now there's a word I have not heard in a while excellent