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https://x.com/sundersays/status/1807142455244153215 If you want to see the video. ....doing God's work. Even funnier when you consider his minions commit criminal damage trying to rip it down and encouraging others to set it on fire when they fail. He's Not the solution,just part of the problem.


That is comedy gold. Love those two guys trying to pull down the banner in front of a baying crowd then shuffling off after a very half hearted attempt. "Sorry Nigel"


The banner clearly wasn't of Russian manufacture.


Those guys must have some incredibly unsatisfied partners based on that effort


It really is - the final punchline of someone quietly saying 'set fire to it' is almost too good to be true haha


LOL, I can just imagine them burning the place down.


May still be made to EU standards which means it wouldn't be flammable


It's funny, because you always think of Reform supporters as being pretty good at pulling things off. Farage himself, Putin, themselves...


>GEWatcher u/ GE2024\_watcher · 3h > >Populist politics summed up by the crowd chanting RIP IT DOWN RIP IT DOWN and Farage on stage mumbling it's not that easy to do, followed by two Reform goons who then come on stage and notably fail to RIP IT DOWN. Great comment on there.So quick to start changing 'rip it down' and clapping it reminded me of the whole 'lock her up' Trump thing too, mindless chanting, sway the crowd, I find it disturbing when it's not at a protest.


They're reform voters. So of limited education and likely in the lower half intelligence wise. Basically herd animals.


Amazing that people can write comments like this and think they're the smart ones.


Reform voter are you? Next going to claim you went to Oxford something and therefore all reform voters are genii?


It's funny but also a bit scary. Those people were whipped up into a mob in seconds. Directed at an inanimate object on this occasion but how hard would it be to direct that anger at a person who crossed dear leader?


Fascists gonna fash.


They’re chanting like you would at a football match. You people have no idea what fascism is and are going to have a very nasty surprise if it ever does rear its head again in Britain.


This sounds a bit threatening!


Why? People who paint farage as a fascist don’t know what it is. Fascism is a violent, revolutionary spirit that controls and consumes the rights of the individual and businesses into the serving the needs of the state. It’s a wicked ideology. They’ll get a nasty surprise because they realise they’ve been campaigning and complaining about the wrong things


>Fascism is a violent, revolutionary spirit that controls and consumes the rights of the individual and businesses into the serving the needs of the state. It’s a wicked ideology. Russia Today.


Do you enjoy making up things?  Of course putin’s Russia is a pretty good example of a country where political violence is used to control people and individuals and businesses serve the state.  By the way, that definition is the most simple of definitions of fascism. You clearly think this is wrong, would you like the point to which bit 


>Fascism is a violent Fascism is indeed a violent ideology which seeks to put a tiny number of powerful, wealthy people in charge and to take freedom and rights from anyone who is not in the executive. The power and economic structure of fascism is, of course, corporatism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporatism#Fascist_corporatism Corporatism is the private version of fascism. As you mentioned, fascism is when the state starts to take on the structure of corporatism. All the wealth and power is at the top and the people at the bottom have no meaningful democratic control. There is no meaningful difference between the public version of that structure (fascism) and the private version (corporatism). It's just authoritarian, top-down rule. It is in stark contrast with bottom-up organisation where everyone gets a fair share of freedom, not just those with wealth and power, and where we organise things so that people end up equal, not unequal. It's also important to remember that fascists don't get to power by talking about genocides and other forms of violence. They rise to power by talking about tradition, conservatism and so on. Someone like Farage would never get close to power if he were openly talking about extreme violence. That's why, when we look for budding fascists, we look for fascists in pinstripe suits.


> It's also important to remember that fascists don't get to power by talking about genocides and other forms of violence. Except the ones that did employ political violence from day one like the Nazis and Italian fascists. Conservatives (with a small c) have always understood that fascism is the enemy, a vulgar, revolutionary movement I’ve heard this claim made confidently before. It’s completely incorrect


There is always violence underneath the surface for even the most preened fascists. But it's important to remember that in the cases of Italy and Germany that the fascists were handed power by those in positions of power, whether that be King Emmanuel III in Italy or President Hindenburg in Germany. But you're absolutely right about it in the case of Spain. Franco launched a violent attack on the anarchists and the communists and the elected government. Ultimately he succeeded because he invited the assistance of the German and Italian fascist armies, in what was really the start of WW2. But regardless of the semi-peaceful transfer of power to fascists in the cases of Italy and Germany and the violent coup in the case of Spain, today fascists need to tread carefully and to mask themselves as conservatives, traditionalists and so on. And of course they always endorse the most extreme forms of corporatist capitalism, most particularly as the structure for the government. Of the conservatives (small c, as you mentioned), it was only a tiny minority who actually called out fascism as it was rising. Remember that Churchill was in a tiny minority in the 30s. I'm no fan of Churchill, but he was right on that point, which was sadly in stark contrast with his fellow conservatives. History tells us that we can't really rely on conservatives to halt the rise of fascism. Some of them may assist in fighting it after it has already caused its harms.


Don't tell him Pike, but Football hooliganism has long been a feature of English society.


Football hooliganism as any meaningful force has been dead in English for ages 


meaningful force  ?




In what way?


First paragraph https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Football_hooliganism_in_the_United_Kingdom


It's fascinating to see mob psychology at play


The last 15 seconds or so of that was the real cherry on top. Steve Coogan and Armando Ianucci couldn't have even written that shit. 


They're the hero we need, but perhaps don't deserve. Consider making a donation or a regular contribution here: https://donate.ledbydonkeys.org


These pretend patriots are so utterly useless they couldn’t even competently rip it down.


Lads, it's a button. Find the right button, it goes up again. Don't tear strips off someone else's theatre.  Typical NF/BNP/UKIP/Brexit/Reform thinking.


I mean, if you’re a stupid thug then you’re going to do stupid thug things.


I think we’d all struggle to rip down a projector screen fixed above our heads.


Here’s a clue, find the mounting points. It was lowered, it can be raised.


I don’t think they’re tall enough to reach it from ground level and were clearly just trying to do it quickly.


Should have thrown a milkshake.


Um I think you are crediting these Farage goons with too much intelligence


Plug? Socket?


Is that really criminal damage? I assume it's just a banner someone lowered.


The poster has clearly been stuck to a retractable projection screen, mounted above the stage. ...the Muppets tried to rip the whole thing down. At the very least they've damaged it's mountings, more likely fucked it's workings.


Probably a chance that the mechanism/structure it's secured to gets damaged and is nothing to do with the protest. I have no idea whether that would constitute criminal damage or not.


It's attached to something rigid, as they really pull on it to no avail.


Beautiful, i'm so glad the UK has turned against him since it came out he's a russian bitch boy cos I was worried for a moment that he may actually do well


Depends on how many people get that memo. There's such a political vacuum atm, people like Farage are still dangerous. It's not over 'til the fat lady sings.


> Even funnier when you consider his minions commit criminal damage trying to rip it down and encouraging others to set it on fire when they fail. Britain hating scum like him hate free speech. And demand you platform their views


What a genius reveal. Comes down, “I love Nigel”, ok all good. Ok there’s a picture, ok it’s giving a thumbs up (Is it trump?). Oh. Oh… god. Oh god!


"criminal damage trying to rip it down" Behave. I bet you'd commit "criminal damage" if someone flew a swastika from your house


But this isn't Farage's house so I fail to see your point.


Yes I would ...as it would be MY house and it's a flag of a swastika. ....not some venue I'd hired and a poster of someone I can't stop referencing. Your point was what?


People admiring Hitler are usually in care. Specialist care. Same as you if you'd start a street protest against nanny government if they rejected the application of Jimmy Saville as a Head Teacher at your child school. While you shout fluffing your child from a car window : take him Jimmy, make him a man. Do you see the resemblance?


And a link to a non-fascist platform. [https://www.threads.net/@ledbydonkeys/post/C80LlrEoO9M?xmt=AQGzJOfeEYQdnp\_DuSBLOPB6nITHyXcegv-44PIdVr5VTA](https://www.threads.net/@ledbydonkeys/post/C80LlrEoO9M?xmt=AQGzJOfeEYQdnp_DuSBLOPB6nITHyXcegv-44PIdVr5VTA)


You're supposed to link to one of those Twitter mirror sites, not fucking Threads man...


So you link to threads which is owned by mark Zuckerberg. Massive own goal there


Jesus christ.


Fucking awful website. Autoplaying video, which has no controls.


Just taking the opportunity to point out that this is browser dependent. Firefox for instance allows control of default autoplay behaviour per website (like Chrome used to), and via it's picture-in-picture mode support you can pop out a version of any video that has full controls including seek, volume, fullscreen etc.


The anger in these people's voices when farage is criticised is on another level. I will never make my whole personality about a party or particular politician. I might defend them against smears a lies... But not to this extent. It's seriously cultush behaviour


It’s reminiscent of Trump fans , he can do no wrong and it’s never his fault .


It's common among right-wing populist politicians.


What is a populist politician? I would have thought all politicians in a democracy are populist no?


Good explanation https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-43301423.amp


It's got big step-on-me-daddy energy.


It’s because he allows them to feel good about being horrible people with bigotry or racism etc.


He gives them purpose. These people feel insignificant. His targets are often unemployed or in low wage jobs. They are trapped in positions where in reality they feel their existence changes nothing. He lets them believe that they are part of an army which will save Britain. This means they are willing to face any hardship because it one battle in a bigger war. It’s a form of escapism.


That honestly sounds a lot like some of the evangelical Christian stuff I’ve heard. They’re not just some random face in the crowd - they’re an important holy warrior in the service of the Lord, and anything bad that happens to them is because Satan and his demons are so scared of them that they personally intervene in their lives. Now that I think about it it makes perfect sense.


"they are cm in positions" what did you mean here?


They edited it now but didn't acknowledge your comment. Must have been a typo.


Which doesn't make any sense because the beauty of the modern world is that we don't have to be anyone. We can just be a cog in the machine, do your hours at work and then disappear when you're off. 


But if your unemployed your not necessarily being a cog - you wake up, watch TV about “ordinary” people changing the world or doing great things or changing their lives. You go on social media and see the same. The you go back to yours. It’s like all the people who go on fancy holidays just keeping up with social media.


It is only the cult supporters who are still with him. A large number of leave voters basically curse him these days.


The Americanisation of our politics. Televised debates getting undue importance projected onto them, cult-like hero worship of personalities rather than policies. It's a shame. One thing I used to admire a out this nation was our general distain for all politicians and our commitment to satire and ridicule for all parties. Sadly that doesn't seem to be the case anymore


Anyone who is like this has a gaping void for a personality and is desperate to fill it. Just really basic average boring people trying to make their lives more worthwhile. Same goes for anyone on the left acting the same way. Same goes for conspiracy theorists and people in cults too. It's all the same thing. Desperate to feel special and important and like they belong to the cool crowd. It's pretty funny to watch as they usually have no idea how cringe it all is.


I believe this banner just tell the truth: [UK's Nigel Farage says the West provoked Putin's invasion of Ukraine - Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/uks-nigel-farage-says-west-provoked-putins-invasion-ukraine-2024-06-22/) (22 June, 2024)


I like farage, I think he's funny, same with Trump. People base their whole lives on politics for some reason. I've lived through about 8 governments and can honestly not point to one that made my day to day life better or different. Just laugh it off and let the politics fan boys raise their blood pressure over something that in reality, won't change their life one bit.


That is hilariously brilliant! Just a shame reform voters won't care.


Oh they care.


As usual. How many Green voters care of their plans to demolish nuclear power plants and remove nuclear warhead (same as Ukraine did 30 years ago)? Same is for Reform.


Did Caroline Lucas cut you off in traffic or something?


No. My problem is that I know world history. And I remember what was happened after Ukraine stopped owning nukes. And I see that Greens promote anti-UK and anti-science policies, so any person wanting to live here more than couple of years will be strictly against them. From another side, newspapers suspiciously ignore all such facts. Let’s assume that you know that newspapers are owned by rich. Why would they ignore Green anti-UK agenda?


Stop talking nonsense. Scientists make up a large % of green voters.


What on earth are you on about? Who was talking about the greens or nukes?


Here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precedent If newspapers afraid about Russian influence through Tory and Reform, then why are they happy with Greens? This is illogical and suspicious, so any educated person should immediately note that


What on earth are you on about? Who was talking about the greens, newspapers or Tories?


Did you get the point about precedent system?


Username checks out


And? Should people rename their accounts to make them more trusted? Usually bots will do this, however ordinal people don’t care.


Can you not see the difference between a relatively weak state, which neighbours Russia with historical cultural and population links, being invaded, and a comparatively fairly wealthy and well defended distant island with no such links (if not the exact opposite, with historic links to the US and EU)?


Do you think without trident we would have been invaded by Russia or something?


Yes, that will be much easier. Again, the most important that this pro-Russian agenda is ignored by media. There is short answer for anybody who thinks Greens weren’t bought by Putin: https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/bpK9cv8BDU


So you think Russia, who can’t invade a neighbouring country with a smaller, far less capable military than ours, would be able to invade and occupy the U.K? Russia have just shown us that they have a far less capable military than everyone had previously thought. Even if we ignore NATO and the US especially getting involved, they would not be able to invade the UK, again, they failed to take a far less capable country they share a massive land border with, but they could take an island with a far more capable military on the other side of the continent. So what makes you think they have the capability to attack invade us? How do you see this invasion happening by the way? Land invasion of Europe then a hop across the channel, so finish taking Ukraine, and then go through Poland, Germany and France (and that’s being kind and ignoring countries like Slovakia and Austria, when in reality they would have to take most of Europe first). They could maybe go through Finland, Sweden and Norway. Or are they just coming for us and will invade us by sea and ignore the rest of Europe?


I love how it descends as they start applauding Farage lolll


I think they were applauding the I <3 Nigel part of the banner before Putin showed. Farage seemed a bit put out his stride when they cheered while he was still talking


Perfect timing.


The poster itself isn't especially funny but the fact that the Geniuses at Reform couldn't figure out how to get rid of it is


I was hoping for Farage to try and grab it but alas no.


I was hoping it would start to go up as they were about to pull it down, and then down again as they go away, like a benny hill sketch


Farage doesn’t do much, just crows from the sides. Of course he’d crow at this too.


surprised no one's mentioned the big brainers at the end suggesting to set fire to it (I think Farage said it and then a woman echoed it?).. bloody smoothbrainers


The Reform UK candidate for Salisbury, PPC Julian Malins said Mr Putin needed to be involved in negotiations to end the Russias invasion of Ukraine and called for "diplomacy". Julian Malins KC, had once met with Putin and described Putin as "good Russian president" Malins later clarified his statement as not a good man "in the Christian sense". Malins has trust in Putin. As does Farage, they trust his word, they trust in negotiating with Russia. Farage and Malins - prospective candidates for the Munich peace prize. PS. Malins was called to the bars of Bars of the Cayman Islands and British Virgin Island (UK Tax Havens). Malins was retained by Cambridge Analytica to report on its political activities.


Good grief! And he’s a KC?


Many KCs are fucking idiots on politics. They become a world expert on arguing about a very specific area of law and it makes them think they’re an unimpeachable genius on every topic. See also surgeons and academics, who can be absolute geniuses at one thing and total clowns in all other respects.


I’ve often heard it called Engineer’s Syndrome, but it’s just a combination of insane levels of arrogance and a total lack of self-reflection.


Don’t know how I forgot engineers and software developers - they are absolutely insufferable sometimes too.


I've got to admit that the number of US Admirals and Generals who have turned out to be complete lunatics is sobering. General Michael Flynn, criminal and Trump todie. General Petraeus, had a fling with biographer and spilled classified info when big noting himself. General Colin Powell, well we all saw him make a fool of himself in front of the whole world. As you say, its not just KC's subject to the temptation to be an effusive pain in the arse but their elocutory skills make them especially insufferable.


What's the problem, provided the negotiation involves bestowing nuclear weaponry on the Ukrainains so they categorically need not go through a repeat ocurrance?


Is it possible that Ukraine had kept some fissile materials for themselves? Is that why the Kremlin will never nuke Ukraine?


When and why did he meet Putin?


I don't know when or why Julian Malins KC meet Putin? Tthe Spectator quoted Malins as saying "I have actually met Putin and had a 10-minute chat with him and he seemed very good."


Yeah, I can't seem to find that info. Nobody else seems to have thought to ask. I'm yes there's a reason for it but is nobody else saying 'hang on a sec'?


Comedy gold! They really perfected the speed at which it lowers.


And this dumbfuck is boycotting BBC interviews because he thinks they trawl the country looking for the “far left haters”. Get off Cameo, Nige. It’s an echo chamber telling you you’re popular. 


He won’t even go to Scotland because it’s a ‘far left echo chamber’. It couldn’t possibly be his band of bigots who could be out of touch


That was like watching a scene from Phoenix Nights.


But colour graded as if Wes Anderson directed it.


Idiots chanting ‘rip it down’ - so the venue has to replace the entire projection screen once the Reform event is over? What the fuck am I witnessing here? Jesus Christ there’s no hope for any of us is there…?


After Boris left, the position of “Jester of Parliament” was vacant.






I call bullshit so I’ve posted it there. Probably have no karma there as I’ve never posted there before but it looks like it’s up. Normally when people rant about bans it’s actually a wildly different story to reality…


Remember, if the Tories or Farage win this election, this country is finished beyond repair. Make your vote count on Thursday.


I had a look at a tactical voting website this morning and it showed that Reform is predicted to come in 2nd in my area which was very depressing.




Just an FYI but because of Reddit being Reddit this ended up as a top level comment rather than a reply to the person you’re quoting above.


Thank you, I'll try again


No worries


Im more concerned about the colours of his pants and jacket, Jeezus what a mess


What's the consensus on Putin here, that Putin is the new Hitler and the UK are the international good guys?


The consensus on Putin is that he's sent 100,000's to their deaths to annex land that isn't theirs, committing countless war crimes along the way. Regardless of why you believe he's done this, there is *ZERO* moral high ground to be stood on from that perspective. Anybody supporting Putin in this is either a paid actor, or a fool that's been conned by them.


What a bloody farce Its embarrassing


That is possibly the best thing I’ve seen all year


I love that we THE GOOD GUYS can't question a war without being told we are siding with the bad guys. 


His milkshake brings all the boys to the yard And he's like, I'm better than y'all Well Fuck off, I'm better than Farage I could teach him, but I'd have to charge


Oh you got him good there!


 I am not trapped in here with you, fellow Englishmen, you are trapped in here with me ;) 




No, why?


Yes but not for the reasons you are thinking of, just because of the sheer cringe factor.


WOW…. Did anyone else notice how Nigel crossed his arms one at a time. Remind you of a well known historical figure?


Frankie Howerd?


Maybe in your world but most educated people would not consider him a well known historical figure






https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44yHYBrIz9I 0:07 Nigel Farage 0:43


Haha it was incredibly well executed. I don't think the whole "Russian bot" discussion is really useful for politics though. Britain has a serious crime and illegal immigration problem, and Reform are the only ones who dare to mention it.


I mean that’s just untrue, I think starmers a cunt but one of Labours policies is about border control. The tories have been banging on about immigration ever since they were voted in and are also the reason it’s at the levels it is currently. Antisocial behaviour is also on the policy. So to say that reform are “the only ones who dare to mention it” is literally lying, so yes I think Russian bot is fitting


It’s very useful especially when it’s true. Russia is actively supporting Reform: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-29/uk-election-pro-russian-facebook-pages-coordinating/104038246


Well it is something that's happening: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/claims-of-russian-interference-in-general-election-gravely-concerning-says-oliver-dowden/ar-BB1p8Dix


One also wonders if anyone has considered that Russia might 'interfere' to support a pro-British party in the knowledge that would be detrimental to them.


Hey, how to show how scary we find a man that we are doing stunts like this. This does show seriously that people are taking him.


I mean.. it’s mocking him…


Yes, but it all shows how seriously that you're taking him or you will not be doing this


Farage should be taken seriously. Doesn’t mean he can’t be mocked for what he is either.


He's a conman. He conned the UK into voting for Brexit based on lies.


The electorate voted for Brexit because they were continually ignored and disenfranchised for over a decade asking for a reduction in migration. He only took advantage of the absolute shambles that our main two parties were causing.


Name one real benefit of Brexit. What did the UK get that it didn’t have before?


What have the benefits got to do with the price of fish? We were talking about why it happened.... We wanted to reduce immigration, we were told that would be possible with Brexit. So we voted for Brexit. Got scammed. Simple as.


Speaking of the price of fish...


Most people I've heard that voted for Brexit voted to have more money for the NHS. And then there were some people that wanted the EU to have less control over our laws. Brexit could never stop 'brown' people coming in, because they weren't even coming from the EU.


Led By Donkeys do stuff like this routinely and target a whole range of politicians, what are you even talking about?


He is in a room full of people who take him far more seriously than most people outside of it do. I take him about as seriously as I take religion. When I run out of things to mock about him, he'll get boring. As long as he keeps supplying, though... You can join in if you like. I like having training dummies to practice on.


He must be doing something right if, people are trying to sabotage his campaign? Imagine if keir starmer had China's communist flag behind him during a speech & week before the General election?