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UC have yet to ask for mine. I wish them luck picking apart the carcrash that is my finances.


They might question it but you have an explanation so it's nothing to worry about. 'I send it to mum for grocery shopping' is a perfectly acceptable explanation


But is it allowed to use my UC money on others? Hope they don't say that it's not allowed


But you're not using it on others you're using it on your household grocery bill.


Uc generally don't care what you spend your money on.


You say you live together so groceries would be household expenses. In my case we have sent money consistently to a relative for childcare costs and have had a bank statement check, we just told them it's childcare costs and they never questioned it further. It would be more of an issue to be receiving regular money from a relative.


There is absolutely no issue in transferring it to you mother .. even if she claims benefits herself it’s entirely normal for someone to contribute towards the cost of running the house


They will ask, I just had my review, and got asked what £120 to my mum was, it was labled 'mattress' because guess what it was for? Basically my parents knew I was on the lookout for a new mattress, wanted a foam one specifically, and they were in dunelm Mill and saw a memory foam matress on sale, so they called and asked if I wanted it and I said yes and since they have a car an I don't, they bought and delivered it to me. I told the review guy that and he said OK. He also asked, why there were regular £25 or £175 payments every week to [childminder name] that were labeled [child name] [date], and I'm like "err... that's the childcare, that I submit on UC every week too?" He said he doesn't look at the other bits, just the savings so he had not noticed that those payments corresponded to the childcare that was submitted. Money for groceries and bills is perfectly fine


>guess what it was for? Your used pants fetish?


I don’t think I’ve ever been asked for a bank statement from UC only tenancy agreements and possibly payslips !! But they get info from HMRC anyway


They'll ask about it. I think they just want to check that you're not sending money into a secret savings account.


yes they asked me why i regularly transferred money to my mum and i told them sometimes when she does her shopping she will do mine and then i will give her what she’s spent . they were not bothered at all


She could be shopping for you for all they know, don’t sweat it x


I'm tagging all my transfers as things like blow up dolls etc my taxi driver pulled me to one side and said he was scoundered when his solicitor questioned his finances haha . Now I do it more as I despise the idea of UC snooping into my bi polar spending sprees 😂


You know that by doing this, you’ll potentially ruin your chances of getting credit or a mortgage in the future?


How utterly broken is this country that we even have to ask this kind of question. We should, as residents of a very rich country, be able to rely on our social safety net for financial security when we have no other choice. And to be able to do so without fear of judgement of any sort.


It doesn’t matter what you spend your money on. The only time it would be looked at further was if you had in excess of £6k


It’s fine, when I was living with my parents I transferred money to my dad to pay towards food and bills, it wasn’t questioned.


1. Why would UC ask to see your bank statements in future? 2. It's your money? Why would it matter who you give it to?


They ask to see bank statements when they do a review


They definitely will ask , but seeing is the same surname I assume you guys have it shouldn’t be an issue


When or why would they possibly ask?


To be fair my friend got a call before randomly asking why she send 600£ to a person that clearly had the Same surname as her . They usually call when your assessment period is on . But if that’s the only payment going out or in like that they might not even call you .


You're totally wrong. If her mum was giving her £200 monthly, they'd question that as alternative income and reduce her benefit. Outgoings are literally none of their business and they dgaf. They're just ensuring everyone gets the correct amount of benefit and aren't scamming the system by earning under the table.


Well if I’m totally wrong why would they call my friend if she transferred 600£ to her sister? It wasn’t from Univer credit money but she done a transfer and they question it


They question large amounts transferred, because you might be hiding money from them, by giving it to someone else to put in their account to stop you going over the limit. Purchases of anything that is reasonable are ignored, because you don't hide money by buying things, heck I had multiple transactions of £20 - £70 from waterstones and £70 for a subscription box, and £400 to Haven Holidays, regular payments of over £100 for Amazon (grocery delivery) but the 3 things they asked me about were the transfers, first was regular payments for childcare, second was paying my mum back for a matress my parents bought for me and 3rd was to tesco bank, which was actually one of my 2 credit cards.


Because they wanted to know if she had a savings account as you can't have more than £6500 before they start deducting benefits and over £16000 and they stop it, altogether. Putting huge amount into another account and they assume it's for savings and want to see how much is in that account to stop fraud. It's not because she paid her sister, it's because it looked like savings being hidden from them.


They don't care what you spend it on. What they're looking for is proof of alternate income, that means you don't need UC or are scamming the system. They query incoming payments only. To ensure you get the correct amount of benefit. They have no shots to give what you spend it on, whether you give your mum rent for your room or groceries makes no difference to them.


This won’t be a problem at all. They will see it the same as paying bills- you are contributing to the cost of living in your household which frankly is exactly what UC is for (living costs).


No, you’ll be fine. They would simply ask, and then take your answer. People transfer money all over nowadays.


Pity help if they look at mine. Lol. I had to borrow money off my parents, and I'm slowly paying them back. I get it if they asked for my incomings but if they ask for my outgoings, they can get stuffed. Also, I transfer money between accounts, because I try to drip feed money back to myself, to stop me over spending.




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They’ll probably ask why your on it in the first place if you can afford to send 200 a month to your mother


Well she can probably only afford to do so because she gets benefits, but that amount per month on food and other consumables is very reasonable and expected


I agree but there usually as awkward as they can be


Do they not live together and it's food for the house?




Neither are "suspicious" It's the OPs money.. UC doesn't have terms like "you must keep this money in your bank" lol




40% of UC claimants work, half of which are full time, lots of the rest are disabled or caring for disabled people or young children and only 15% are actually required to look for work


Piss off. People like you annoy me. Not everyone on UC is unemployed.


Not everyone is fuking physically or mentally stable to work. Anyone can seem fine on the outside when really they have deep issues or in constant physical pain all the time. Also some people on UC work part time so not everyone is sitting at home with out a job apart from those of us like my self who have severe health problems. Stop assuming shit and get of my post!


Imagine not knowing that the majority of claimants also work. Imagine having no empathy to those of us who cannot work due to health and disability reasons. Imagine leaving a hateful comment on a sub you’re not a part of and have no interest in, instead of just moving on.


I had to go on UC after having a stroke & bad fall. I’m self employed & have my own business. I couldn’t drive for a year due to seizures but went back to work 8 months after. Never want to deal with UC again, nightmare


UC is a nightmare. Jump through these hoops for the tiniest amount of money. They make it so hard to come off it as well. So glad I’m done with it.


You will also receive benefits when you're older. (Or maybe you do already). Even if you don't claim pension credit or state pension, you would automatically be awarded winter fuel allowance if you're entitled to it. All of these are benefits


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