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Absolutely the last thing a uni student should be worried about imo. When I was at uni I was basically permanently in overdraft. Just enjoy your time there mate and try not to rack up TOO much debt.


You’re right. Just can’t help but be anxious about the future sometimes😅


Agreed. From a financial perspective you want to get the degree as quickly as possible. You want to learn and experience as much as possible along the way.






22, $10.01


23F and 2-3k.


rn i have 30k saved. that’s gonna be gone pretty soon tho lol


19yo, $30k in savings. (But I am yet to pay my course fees...)


How are you 19yo at UoA, and already been to SAE?


No lol i'm at SAE, not UoA. I just follow the sub and this post seemed pretty open to all auckland students.


Oh cool. Can I message you something?


3k. Plus 2k in an investment fund. I get what you mean, it’s hard to not feel like you’re really behind. If I have any major costs it would wipe me out. just have an automatic payment every week and add more when I can afford it. It’s little but it all adds up. Start investing your money while you’re young. Look at r/personalfinanceNZ for some tips there.


Everyone saying 20k or more is insane how are you managing to have that much money? A full time job plus student loans without spending a penny? My girlfriend and I are renting and all our money goes to that


I'll bet money that most of them are helped in some way by parents. I have mates that are probably in similar positions and they get jobs/internships that pay well through parents. Others just get given boatloads weekly, live at home for free, etc. These figures you're seeing here are definitely not representative of everyone because you have to figure that the people commenting are inclined to comment. For example, people with no savings probably don't wanna say so especially given that apparently everyone has 5k+. And people who actually do have a shitload are more inclined to reply for bragging rights. If I had to guess, most extremely successful kiwi students not living at home are not saving much, probably in OD. Students living at home, from better backgrounds, and (I'm just guessing here) international students probably have a little cushion.


Good to know this. Will be living with my partner soon and my greatest concern is that i can see that we will be living paycheck to paycheck and might be broke af if there’s some emergency.


It's the rent.


Look, 99% of us are shit broke ngl. Especially those of us living entirely financially independently and have rent to pay + study full time. Don't look at these bs numbers people have saved, it's all relative to different positions we are at in life. There's no amount that you should or shouldn't have saved by specific ages. Just don't get into too much dumb debt :)


18f around 10k, but ive been working part time jobs since 16, and im basically full time over the summer holidays. if ur looking to save up cash i would recommend smashing out a couple 30 hours per week in the hols (if ur able to)


With this job market and rent prices? Gl


22M , $6k in savings


20 and 30k in savings but I’m not at uni and have been working full time since leaving school


Therapy is too expensive to have as well as savings


19m 18k


18, 2k savings (will be gone on a holiday soon), 7k invested


Where and how to invest?


i use sharesies cause its very user friendly


22, about 4.5k in total in savings and 8k in my Kiwisaver. Used to have about 20k but I spent it lol. Massive amount of student loan debt but no other debt.




Studied abroad for 6 months. So went to flights, rent, day-to-day expenses, and trips while I was over there. I didn't want to work while I was there, I wanted to enjoy myself without worrying about money so I saved for a long time to be able to do it.


20 and saved $24,000 in my gap year. Now I’m second year and down to $15,000


22M, MSc student, $100k in one of my savings account. Debt free. Life is good.